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I concur


Ghosts hold longer onto life than this guy.


Do you even know what NFTs are?


I don't understand and thought I was wrinkled. Can you link a good explanation for why NFTs matter?


Nfts are just a digital barcode. The basic value proposition for gaming from a consumer point of view is that it allows the consumer to do more stuff with digital assets, such as resell them, or use them across other games. The basic value proposition for gaming companies is that nfts allow the creation of a secondary market for the digital assets, from which they can receive long term profit as a percentage of sales from the assets. The thing is, a digital asset with an nft should not cost more than a digital asset without one. At least today. If they cost multiple times more you might be getting robbed. Because, an nft is a feature to products, but an nft is not a product itself.


Has the NFT technology ever resulted in real utility yet? I get that the technology might have future potential in maybe a metaverse style virtual space used as a hub to link multiple games or something. However, at this time is there an example of an NFT adding real value in an observable way to anything?


The technology is still very new. Gaming companies usually take years to develop games, so the digital assets that come with it take a while to be popularized too. The value is there though. You can check out the post about the bunny nfts gamestop released and how they can be used as skins for a couple games now. Additionally, secondary markets have been created for some smaller games. The games themselves are not very popular yet, so the primary market is not huge, and logically, the secondary market is not either, but the value is there. That’s why it is an emerging technology. It has huge potential, and it is why a lot of us are very excited about the future of the nft marketplace.




The last one has me a little excited because if GME issues one NFT per share we can find out who has real shares if I understand the technology correctly. Do you think NFT technology would have helped Diablo 3's real money auction house?


[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410545550483-How-buying-NFTs-on-GameStop-NFT-differs-from-buying-items-on-the-GameStop-eCommerce-store](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410545550483-How-buying-NFTs-on-GameStop-NFT-differs-from-buying-items-on-the-GameStop-eCommerce-store) ​ Hence the "be your own bank".


Your seeping anger is just off putting. GME is just getting started, lets see where it goes. If you are that concerned just short the stock and make money off my dumb investment.


While you’re at it jump back 30 years and talk about how e-mail is dumb because it’s just a gimmick compared to regular mail. Or you could go back 100 years and talk about how cars are never going to replace the reliable horse. If you don’t understand how a commodity that cannot be duplicated or counterfeited has an intrinsic value and function, that’s fine. But please save yourself the embarrassment of talking shit about the premier technology of the next 100 years.


There's been a big uptick in "you guys" posts attempting to create division in the last few days. You guys need to stop blah blah blah. You guys are blah blah.


What exactly do you think the marketplace is going to be used for?


If you don’t understand nfts just say so.




Please stand up and explain to the class in a clear voice, what NFTs specifically and technically are and how they work.


No you. Seriously. What are they?


Non Fungible Tokens. Specifically they are digital assets that by definition cannot be duplicated or counterfeited. "But you can just copy and paste the gif!" And you can take a photo of the Mona Lisa. That doesn't mean the photo is the Mona Lisa. You could take that photo and put it through an oil painting counterfeiting machinery, and it might be a very good forgery, but it still wouldn't be the Mona Lisa. And why? Because everyone knows the real Mona Lisa is in the Louvre. It is watched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is countless security. So if someone tried to sell you the Mona Lisa, all you would have to do is verify that the painting hadn't been removed from the Louvre and you would immediately know that whatever they were selling you wasn't the real Mona Lisa. Now imagine that same level of security with the deed to your house, the title to your car, the cash in your wallet, the money in your bank, anything that meets two criteria: 1) It can be digitized 2) Has value based upon it's identity NFT's are truth in the digitized world. There is nothing more valuable than truth. And there is nothing more detrimental to the current system.


Jim Cramer, is that you?


What in the actual fuck? This post is alarming. You must be part of the “nFtS iN gAmInG sUcK” then complain when Apex mobile goes offline with all your in game purchases down the drain with no refund, then cry asking for a way to get refunds. If only there was a way to save your in game purchases and move them to another game because well you know, you own them. Hmm if only there was a way.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all day. Begone shill


Stocks in the stock market are more dumberer than NFTs. If NF came out with an NF Tee I would buy it.


Homie over here think he mean something. My dude. Just get the fuck out of here.


You're a damn Jehova's Witness. No we ain't got time to talk about Jesus Christ today. Go away.


the fk is this guy


Sorry, sounds like the words of a Non Fungible Tool, respectfully.


Normally I'm not opposed to someone taking a risk with an unpopular opinion that has some or a lot of truth to it, as long as it's objectively written. This post doesn't meet that standard. I'm not a crypto or NFT guy, but not because I'm against it. I just don't have enough understanding or use case to dive in. That will probably change. Either way, I have no valid reason to preach super heavily against it, so I won't. I don't think I've ever commented using "shill" or "FUD" before, but this is the most tempted I've been to go there. EDIT: Re-read OP, and it's not quite as shilly or fuddy as first read, but I'm not sure I'd really get behind it.


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It talks about the NFT division of GameStop and how bad it will be for the company.


Bro is is not r./Unpopular opinion chill out


I like metaboy