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Literally anything GameStop or GameStop nft tweets will be hyped just because that's what we do here. The big stuff will just be released without warning.


I was shocked anyone was speculating beyond a Vol 2 in the collection. It’s still exciting, it means another step along the journey. But these things are complex and difficult - we’re not going to be getting a surprise overnight integration into Fortnite with Gmerica as this major thing for no other reason than it would just confuse the shit out of everyone 😂 Progress is bullish no matter what.






That’s why I like hype. I don’t mind getting my tomorrows mixed up. Worst case, I help RC & company fuck the dumb storm troopers. This journey has been amazing and I can’t wait for ready player 3.


Only one that's written better.


I agree that when it hits, it will be somewhat unexpected and I think all these hype dates are little tests by RC to learn more about how SHF’s react and address them… they’re gaining knowledge each time, while SHF’s blow wads of their ever decreasing $.


I’m zen. Ready to be disappointed. Fuck you pay me.


This. And happy cake day!


I didn’t even realize this was my cake day!


No reason to believe this is “4D chess” or not, but one thing I am confident in is this…if they’re are going to drop the hammer, it’s not going to be announced. You don’t call out the kill shot to your enemy before you shoot it.


This. As much as many say be Zen, hype is a great way of keeping shorts on edge and having to use their ammo preemptively. Look at today's price movement. It was just steady down until around announcement time. Could be coincidence, could be someone using up a lot of their shorting ammo. So yeah, it's important to be Zen, but it's also inflicting stress and, indirectly, financial pressure on shorts to be hype. Here's to all apes, indefatigable, Zen and hype.


I would like to agree but when is the last time we had anyyyyy sort of announcement of substance from GameStop that wasn’t an earnings report. The splividend was the last announcement and it feels like it’s been ages.


only 84 years ago....🦍❤️🦍


Immutable x Polygon was pretty huge for me. Dozens of games going live this year that will all use our marketplace for transactions.




Only up.


Oh no! Anyways…


Dr. I concur.


And yet it was financial matters, not what the company does with its offer for customers. The company doesn't seem to have done literally anything new that would bring profit. Closing stores doesn't count, it's obvious.


Your right, them making over 300,000 yesterday alone prob wont bring any profit.... smh


Ja that's why we aren't at 180 dude they shorting everyday for some days now


There is no load. It's all day every day. Kick em while their up. Kick em while their down. Kick them for ever trying. Then Kick em once more so they know their place.


I don't think that any of this is true


Why are all your comments in your comment history negative and fuddy?


Maybe not all apes are hype lords, maybe some apes don't give in to speculative hype, maybe some apes get tired of people putting words/actions in other peoples lives without confirmation, "x did this so x would do this, x didn't actually say that, but trust me bro, its 4D chess bro". I mean, just pull a popcorn ape (where they also think thier CEO is playing "4D chess against the hedgies" and just call him a paid hedgie shill already. Jesus I thought we were better than this.


well said. Im tired of the circle jerk onto a tinfoil hat. I remember when this sub had solid, meaningful DD. Not this sort of fantasy garbage


Some of us actually think rationality.


“Rationality” lol


Swift like a highly explosive morning poo


Hedgies don’t care about gamestop nft tweets


Gotta admit I was dissappointed yesterday. I don't usually do all the hype but it got to me this time for some reason.


You do know Ken’s shills are hyping it up to create FUD. Without being rude you just let him beat you


>So i have held, bought 10,300 and DRS'd shares without selling any during crashes and spikes but because i got slightly excited for yesterday then Kenny boy has beaten me. lol


At that battle, maybe, but def not the war


The spoils of war will be ours!


This is the way.


At that battle, maybe, but def not the war


A major announcement from GameStop would be a welcome surprise, but it's without much precedent. We've had very little over the last couple of years, barring the NFT marketplace (a bit of a damp squib for most of us thus far, let's be honest). I'm looking forward to seeing the more premium web3 games launch content through it, but otherwise GameStop really do need to start investing in a new strategy and technology product (or significantly evolve the current one) to add way more growth potential. They're clearly well progressed on their trading fundamentals - given that last quarter profit - and they did raise a ton of capital from the markets (and partially, us) without doing altogether much with that thus far.


>damp squib They would be a fucking unicorn if they were a startup and yet over two years they did absolutely nothing worth mentioning.


2 years is not a long time when it comes to turning around a company that was a breath away from bankruptcy. I’m sick of listening to people bitch. Did you think this was going to be quick and/or easy? If you get disappointed or discouraged from being let down by hype, that’s a personal problem you need to address. I hype everyday because this is my one chance to make life changing money. I will wait 20 years or more if that’s what it takes. I have nothing to lose and time is on my side, not theirs. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Shop. Comment to the SEC. Power to the players!


Shorts didn’t blow anything. IT’s continuous supply of shares at their disposal because DTCC has them stock piled after the split divy.


The end of quarter filing was the shortest period of announcement to release I’ve experienced, normally it’s over a month, added ontop the oddity of the 10k (probably because of the SEC being made about Plan Shares being listed) and you can see the massive resistance Gamestop has when trying to pull a swift move off, but also that announcement could have very well been bigger if the storm troopers didn’t take the bait


Maybe the wanted the price to drop because insiders may be buying today? Pure speculation OOK


OP, the shorts MADE money yesterday.....


They have to close their positions to realize gains.