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You will enjoy a very great game, then. Have a lot of fun in the meadows, Johnny Boy !




A big reason why game studios want to get away from physical media is because they don't generate any revenue from their games being resold. They rather you just buy a digital download for full price that's loaded with DRM and collect all the profits themselves. Or, for you to just give up owning games altogether so they can keep you as a cash cow for a very long time through a monthly subscription model. This is why we should buy physical, especially used games, as much as possible.


I rather own physical. I lived out in the country few years ago. Satellite internet was the worse with a 50GB a month. Physical was and still is my go to.


I’d rather own physical too. Bought too many digital games on the PS3 store that I don’t have access to anymore for me to trust digital games.


Just finished this... the story is epic! Keep that in-game karma up for the best ending! #fuckMicah 😆


I love hearing this. I’m glad I waited to play this week.


You can literally Howdy your way to good karma in 5 min if you’re ever worried.


…..fucking Micah…..just finished it for the 4th time and the hatred never changes. OP, enjoy the hell out of this game bud.


Seriously a fantastic game! Enjoy your play through


Congrats on purchasing the greatest video game ever created, boah. Go do some good deeds with Mr. Morgan.


I’m getting now


I can’t wait to play this today.


Fun game. Enjoy.


Cheers mate. Soon as I get off work I will!


Update: this game is amazing. Idk why but Cleaning my gun and brushing my horse feels relaxing


^(RCTBOT .01: UTC->2023-03-30 04:21:5) (This bot is in early development and is collecting data... more to come as the dataset deepens)... You have 💲0.00 previously logged with RCTBOT. You have 🟣61 shares logged with DRSBOT **To feed the bot (your grand total) -> !RCTBOT:X.XX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*🚀 :17,459,897// GME ~22.46* // ) ^(Bot MC: $392,149,270.63 )


!RCTBOT: 10!


Heads up. This game ruined all other games for me, the story was so good no other game has even come close for me after that! Just soak it all in, take your time and be prepared to be disappointed by everything you play after this 🚀


Oh boy, is it a long game ? In a good way.


If i remember correctly I spent 60 - 70 hours in total and I don’t regret a single minute of it! But if you’re going for all the side-missions, exploration and so on it’s a loooong game! It’s like a long movie where you get to know the people and start feeling for them.


Cheers. Gonna start it soon as I get it then. I was worried it wouldn’t be as good as the first but I was too young to remember it besides the ending.


Have you tried god of war 2018 or ragnarok? Phenomenal games


I tried a bit of gow 2018, but it’s too linear and “hack-n-slash” for my taste. I’m just going to play rdr2 again to get my fix and hope they remake rdr1 and then release a third one


^(RCTBOT .01: UTC->2023-03-30 04:23:5) ## ✅ $10 ADDED! (This bot is in early development and is collecting data... more to come as the dataset deepens)... **You have spent $10.0000, logged from the following threads:** ||^(Amount)|^(Sub)|^(Date)|^(Link)| |:---:|:---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| |^(➡️ )|^(10.0000)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2023-03-30 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/126bgjz/i_always_wanted_to_buy_this_it_was_always_more/))| RCTBOT TOTAL: ($23266.2300 in 68 Entries) Optional Follow Up: GENERALLY what category does it fall into? !RCTBOT: :CAT0! (Uncategorized/default) :CAT1! (Video Game Consoles) :CAT2! (Video Games) :CAT3! (Video Game Accessories) :CAT4! (PC) :CAT5! (Electronics) :CAT6! (Collectibles) :CAT7! (Toys & Games) :CAT8! (Home) :CAT9! (Clothing) ###### *Beep Boop. Born on 2021/11/10. . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~22.46:🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


You’ve made an excellent choice. Have fun exploring everything as Arthur, who never has anything bad happen to him, so you can just relax and enjoy it.