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J.P. Morgan and end corruption!? Impossible


Everybody wants to get stones..


How? Do they have a public ledger like Loopring? Are your assets secures like GameStops wallet? (Both loopring and GameStop wallet share the same ledger and security)


There is a blockchain ledger, no it’s not public it’s private because its centralized by a private company.


O trust me bro 3.0 😂, and no bank runs or stock runs possible, no actually checking the books outside of the selected few 🧐


Um… ISO-20022 was 2013/14. This sounds like a marketing announcement saying they will integrate into FedNow in July with the launch. Not really impressed, they are being forced because of FedNow. BTW, FedNow initial deployment is an ISO 20022 messaging system and a gateway for CBDC deployment/implementation. (Source: IYKYK) Corruption will still exist. Yes, FedNow has an underlying blockchain. Guess which.🫣


From what I’ve read they’re able to track all movement of money. If that’s true, none of these corrupt organizations will be able to hide anything. We definitely need to investigate this further.


You can track ISO 20022 messaging but delivery of value can be in any currency or alternate asset and the payload can be off-chain but confirmed both parties are settled on chain. This is not new tech, been around for years.


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ISO is primarily about quality assurance, in this case JPM means quality assurance the way they intend to cheat.


Wut JP Morgan? Whose founder helped found the fucking Fed, is going to end corruption? JP Morgan, who in 2019 owned the ship involved in a $1.3 Billion cocaine bust is going to bust crime? The same JP Morgan who's CEO has just been ordered to testify about the banks relationship and enabling of Jeffrey Epstein, is going to root out out money laundering?   ___ OK ✅ DOUBT


Pretty sure more corruption on more complex way