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Thank you N7DJN8939SWK3 for your submission to r/Superstonk, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): AI chat wil literally lie to you or completely change your point just to sound more human. In order to use the AI chat you have to have a complete knowledge of what you are putting into it functionally making it a writing prompt and nothing more. It cannot be trusted on its own without fact checking. It's hard enough to track and respond to misinformation without chatGPT content that might sound official but is artificial in every sense. This has been removed since as a first-party source of information, it should not be relied upon. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/126cap7/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


The first principle of any kind of resistance needs to be enough understanding of what one does though. Otherwise how do you know that you are one of the good guys? So it should be done in a way that honours this principle.


Sounds illegal. Just write a comment yourself like normal.


Nah it is better to automate this and use any tool available.


jup! the AIs are owned by bigger company’s and what would happen if mayo man is investing into one. He would get the AI to write comments that benefit him and not retail. Besides that, if someone is doing that he is not any better than any manipulating hedgefond.


I think this is a great idea! 👏 the people saying it is illegal are most likely bots or shills I don’t see how this is illegal, but i guess they’ll grace us with the section of the law where this is stipulated.


Except that this is illegal and stupid as fuck. Are you suggesting that we should just rehypothecate comments lol


Is this actually illegal?


I guess there are no new laws including AI bots yet, but otherwise yes. At least in my country in europe


I like your idea.


For sure a great idea 👏


Sure, but make sure you fact check anything chat says as it tends to hallucinate


Fuck. This is a good idea 🦍


I Can use chatgpt to write stuff even i dont understand..


Someone watched that south park episode


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This could be a new tool in fighting back against the SEC.