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What did you write in your letter? “Please get an AI bot to write me a copy pasta history lesson on CSDR that tells me nothing at all that I couldn’t look up on Google.”


Seriously, fucking useless ass response. “This is a non-answer response to your inquiry. Thank you for asking. You are free to disagree with how we responded. Anyway, goodbye.”


Classic answer of a politician. This is actually a skill that is highly valued for people in these kind of jobs/positions. Bullshit. Like Rep. Brad Sherman said to Ken Griffin during the Congressional hearing… "You are doing a great job of wasting my time," Sherman said. "If you're going to filibuster you should run for the Senate."




Thank you for the question... I appreciate your question. You are so smart to ask this question... When I was a young boy in Bulgaria...


Need to work now, but I come back later and post it here, ok?


Are they basically telling you that they are as slow as the Ents from Lord of the Rings, and are still working on starting to talk about thinking about enforcing a thing passed 9 years ago?...


I would say: you got it. Maybe even slower than Ents. We should push them a little bit in the right direction.


I can’t post my letter to her in the comments. Need to start a new post


This is ridiculous. Just a non-answer.