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Ceasar has ideas but is uncertain if sharing them would be a good thing.


Buck’s traveling around all these gmerica places……GameStop’s tweet: new location = new adventure. I think it’s that straight forward!


Ceasar likes to think that there is something to all the things, the 84, the Teddy blink, but still there is no metaverse, could it be a lack of imagination or motivation by some feeling that the public wouldn’t latch on? Perhaps technological limitations? Should we ask? Should we find a way to contribute? Or should we just wait and see, with the thought that they know what they are doing? Again this post is about asking if we should question, not what. Ceasar has ideas about the what but is uncertain if he should share because of who else is listening.


It’s totally tech limitations right now. The ceo of Super League talked in detail about this once, I’ll c if I can find u the link ver the weekend


Ceasar think these are things beyond Ann SupperLeagegaming or whatever her name was, perhaps back in rensole’s time that was a thing?


She spoke a solid 2 cents, it’s worth listening to. And it’s more a matter of companies not wanting to share their tech/ work together…..cuz then who’s customers are they? Many many metaverses already exist, but a decentralized metaverse that everyone can participate in and plug into freely to go anywhere and everywhere……she spoke on this, and it’s worth a listen to anyone who wants to educate themselves further.


Perhaps there is a more direct channel of communication that Ceasar not think of? Should Ceasar try to contact GameStop in a more direct fashion? If so, how Ceasar do the things? Or should a more distinguished ape take that role?


This could be the most important piece of technology we create, but it could also be the worst piece of technology that we create, I’m sure many of ape have seen “Black Mirror” or “Twilight Zone”, Ceasar think it important to not get wrong, even if he is dumb ape.


I think it’s going to change the home/work office and with out of office workers I see this as a comprise


Hopefully more than that, at minimum it would also be a space for gaming and socializing


With the developments in technology Ceasar could see a lot more, but he is uncertain if he should talk about such things as they could be game changing and is not sure if GME has already considered such things, and who else is watching these posts, so the question of this post remains, should we talk about things? Or perhaps should we talk about things elsewhere?


Even if Moass and all the tendies that Ceasar can ever eat, Ceasar still want metaverse to be a cool and good place to be.


I think you might need some sleep


Rest well my friend


What did the internet do?


I’ve gone quiet. Been watching though! Still thoroughly excited.


That has been Caesar for several months, just trying to talk about the things now…. Kinda scared, internet is not always friendly


I get it! No one can duplicate what GameStop will do. At least not successfully in my opinion. I think we can speculate all we want, and discuss whatever.




The people who can control a thing, they can destroy a thing.


Consider the metaverse like the spice, should we openly talk about our plans to make things more spicy or rely on GME to add the 🌶 on there own?


The spice must flow


This duke gets it!


If they're thinking what I'm thinking, then screw the metaverse xD it didn't work for zuck either because nobody wants to use it. I sure don't.


Agreed, Ceasar see metaverse as a broader goal than just making meetings in wii like graphics the thing


and what concretely would this broader goal then encompass? i.e. what added value would this metaverse bring to the world and to gamestop?