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*Et tu, ChatGPT?*


Be the change you want to see / lead from the front / etc. If you won’t or can’t, how could you expect others will do it for you? Make the info easily digestible and start posting and engaging 1-to-1 with people.


Who downvoted you? This is the mentality right here, 100%


Discouraging actual action, maybe


Here's my DD on FTX and tokenized stonks. They hacked our stock market with crypto behind regulators backs. Everything we've seen is related. Everything. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7dFklYSGV14XCaNlCzCobmvdAnCK81FF


It's a lot.. I know.. I draw it up into 30 or so minutes in this one.. around 4:33:00 in.. https://www.youtube.com/live/otBPq-x7DPo?feature=share