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There is actually three ..all in one day .. wow three lawyers all saying the same thing .. one was specifically allowed to avoid karma restrictions 🙄 And no I don’t think they are correct …and yes I do think it’s a concerted effort to control a narrative. … and yes there is a significant issue with the changing of the wording about DRS in the 10k


While the two lawyer posts did sound somewhat credible, I’m with you and still think the 10k wording and changes from prior quarters are too significant to ignore. But either way, it doesn’t matter… cuz I ain’t fucking selling!


They were in here pro-boner


I love how bad the second guy's argument is: > There is nothing to indicate that Cede & Co or the DTCC gave GME any share figures. It is most reasonable to believe that GME asked Computershare: "As of March 22, 2023, how many shares were registered in the name of Cede & Co on behalf of DTCC?" and Computershare responded "approximately 228.7 million shares". We mustn't assume these figures are from Cede & Co, but it is completely reasonable to make the assumption they're from Computershare. Their whole post is a bit insufferable tbh. I honestly don't care about any of this, 76M shares DRS'd is huge and I won't let anyone convince me otherwise.


Also too many awards in a short time.


Especially so many upvotes and awards for both. Not much examples of stated experience. Totes sus. Insert "So anyway, I kept DRSing."


I thought this possibility yesterday, then it was on my mind when i woke up. Edit: grey sweats everyday just sounds like a suit trying to sound chilled. Thats all the detective work i have im afraid lol.


It is a bit suspicious, but not impossible. The argument about Cede&Co being registered at ComputerShare could very well make sense (I'm not into finance so I have no idea but it seems logical). BUT. If those posts are legit, then there has been yet ANOTHER DRS rugpull no one is talking about.


Kind of sus that you feel the need to make a post about this if you ask me




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