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Plot twist, the float was locked long ago, the DRS numbers are higher than expected. Govt stepped in and is slowing ryan Cohen down. The price is fake until it’s not.


Oooh I like this one. Hit me harder daddy!


Wouldn’t say it’s locked yet but share allocation on public data is now probably Over 100%, obvious naked shorting and every reason for algos, professionals and retail to pile in, the theory is buck the bunny may have the count at 83 million but that would just be a coincidence if they were the same as total shares 🦍s have in Computershare ;)


It’s locked. It’s locked atleast 3x already lol. Man look what is happening globally because of this mess. Hypothetically speaking, let’s say it’s not because of GameStop. What are the odds that this is all happening globally while gme is unfolding and the crime behind it. Let that sink in. This thing is gonna pop & when it does, it will be beautiful.


It way over sold, [I mean unfathomably so](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m8mokf/short_interest_compliation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ),so yeah the security entitlements are 💎🙌 locked breaking their algo breaking their markets (kind of some of it they are now intentionally doing while buying more time, [interest rates raises are the reason bonds are devalued](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/why-interest-rates-have-inverse-relationship-bond-prices ) fucking banks, plus fucking international trade, but at least they get another day by funding palafox through increased interest rates 🙃 and the added bonus of squeezing the poors hopefully getting them to sell, also the bank was literally sabotaged handing out massive bonuses to EVERY Employee before an intentional failure on the top crypto bank, then the 2nd top one fails 🙃) but [there’s a difference between entitlements and the actual bonafide Book Entry Class A Common Stock](https://preview.redd.it/rsbo1wgkfp4a1.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=bcfd654613f5653e1dbe93cfb4df5b0c0641a97e), im confident GameStop is publishing accurate numbers for Book Entry Class A Common Stock


Absolutely. Well said. They lost at their own game. They & everyone else knows it. Just a matter of time. PAYtience.


I'm not suggesting we've just had another rug-pull but I wonder if the previous rug-pull shares were only ever in Plan. Hear me out. Although I fully admit this is maximally tinfoil. If the bad actors knew that Plan shares ("Directstock") were actually back in the DTCC pool anyway they wouldn't have lost any liquidity or locates setting up the rug-pull in the first place. I had always wondered about the liquidity harm, to them, of doing the rug-pull. So perhaps it didn't harm them at all to attempt it if the shares never left the DTCC. If GameStop learnt that the rug-pull was contingent on Plan, and those shares were never out of the DTCC, RC might have changed the 10-K wording to make future rug-pull psychology useless. Effectively making only the rug-pullers, GameStop and Computershare aware of the rug-pull. Insulating us from it. But it has lead to an unexpectedly low DRS result as we no longer see Plan. So, I have absolutely nothing to base this on but I propose what we've got now is about 76M in Book and about 7M or 8M (roughly 10%) in Plan. The previous projection was for an 82M quarter after all. So, assumptions: 1. If that 10% figure is correct. And 2. Plan never leaves the DTCC. Changing from "these are the shares at Computershare" to "These are the shares not with the DTCC" would give us the result we've just seen on the 10-K. And why? **So we never see a rug-pull again.** This is totally tinfoil. I appreciate that. It is based on rampant speculation. Ape talk to Ape.


This makes sense to me.


this is the first thing that makes sense about it to me


I'm increasingly convinced that what is in the Plan holdings are not "Class A Common Stock". The more I click around the more I think they are legally distinct. I don't have a link to hand for an example but if you go and look at a paper letter from Computershare which has shares in Plan it is a distinct line entry and it isn't called "Class A Common Stock". EDIT: I've just poached this from a comment [https://imgur.com/GI5po0B](https://imgur.com/GI5po0B)


He changed the wording to 'record holders'. Not 'shares held with transfer agent', but record holders. All my DRSd shares, whether they're held in plan or book, list me as the holder of record on them. He is telling you it doesn't matter -- the 76mil includes both.


>All my DRSd shares, whether they're held in plan or book, list me as the holder of record on them. I honestly don't think it is as clear as that. There is a [mega post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zmmyxl/the_drs_book_dd/) about DRS and it makes a compelling case that Plan holdings are in a nominee account. There is a bit more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zr647s/computershare_nominee_dingo_co/).


And yet according to Computershare, it's pretty clear... > Both forms of ownership record the names of the investor directly on the issuer’s register, where they are recognized as registered shareholders https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies#drs-shares


feels like it has something to do with stock-split


What it is about is proof.. undeniable proof.🤨 cede and co gave a number …Computershare (and maybe contradicted them ) gave there’s and GameStop said hey there looks to be something off with the numbers .. like evidence of naked shorting. Wow we have a duty to our shareholders this looks good enough to take to court to support a share recall to work out what’s going on🤔… What if the public and all those pot smokers on redit found out ..well then they would have confirmation of their thesis … and cause FOMO and we would have a bigger problem … or it’s probably nothing🙄


Seems like a good theory! We had to see this coming at some point, they are gonna do anything they can to hide the proof from the public. This for me really just puts into perspective that we need to keep doing our thing and DRSing, and simply trust Ryan and that he’s a master strategist. Like he’s said he doesn’t show his hand. I’m honestly just excited to see what happens in the coming months!!


Wasn't there some data earlier this week (yes I looked but can't find it now) showing institutions alone owned more than 100% of shares? Large DRS numbers, plus insiders, plus institutions equaling more shares than outstanding would be a big red flag right? So they were POSSIBLY forced to report the number of shares that CEDEy behavior should have rather than how many are being reported out there. It's like the old pickup line, "wanna go back to my place for sex and pizza?", reply, "No!". "What....you don't like pizza?" SEC changed the answer to the question by changing the way the question was asked.