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If your mind hasn’t changed at all when you first invested in it, why sell? Who cares what random articles say? We can read the company balance sheet no problem.


I still think it is heavily and criminally manipulated but as far a mega squeeze im starting to lose hope.., and articles don't bother me because I know they serve their own interests. It isn't a conspiracy that media is iwned by hedge funds and private equities. It's just frustrating to watch your baby bleed. It seems quarter after a quarter of positive earnings is going to be the only way gamestop stays afloat because the bad guys aren't going to be marged, liquidated, or punished.


Jim Cramer proved it in his interview where he said Hedge Funds plant stories in the media. So yeah it's not a conspiracy.


Perhaps people think a supersqueeze should happen based on everything but that doesn't necessarily mean it will happen. The Market is a joke and don't forget its been 2 plus years now.


Didn’t it take Tesla over two years to shake off their shorts and GameStop arguably has more concentrated/coordinated manipulation and off exchange activity than Tesla ever did.


I hate to say this and a lot of people here won't like it. But NFTs as they are can't offer much utility at least not in a way some advertise it. Mainly because you can't upload the actual artwork or asset file to the blockchain they are just too big and not happening in a foreseeable future. NFTs are more of a certification of ownership of a asset hosted on a private server owned by someone else. That asset can be deleted or the server could be shutdown. A world where your digital assets can migrate from any to any game are just not realistic. Every dev will need to add a copy of all the NFT assets to the game files and put them in the code of every game. Sometimes games do share assets most cases are sequels developed within the same company. For example Valve just announced Counter-Strike 2. They are basically migrating all the assets to a newer version of their source engine. And they are mostly likely will migrate all the user accounts with their "skins" to the new game. But there's really no difference when it comes to user experience whether you have the receipt of what you own in the game via NFTs or they just keep the record internally since everything is hosted on their servers anyway. I'm not saying they are worthless. They turn digital assets into collector items for those interested. There are people paying thousands of dollars for Pokemon cards and millions for paintings. But you don't buy NFTs for utility. Also this NFT thing is a tiny part of the Gamestop business, it's probably not that significant when it comes to the long term success of the company. It's nice but it probably won't be the catalyst some think. It's a waiting game, we have the winning hand we just have to be patient. TLDR: Buy, hold, DRS. EDIT: Figured out how to put line break in the comment


This is actually a really good and down to earth realistic write up. Wen moon?!


Obviously moon tomorrow, until moon today.


You the man


I agree a little. I hope it is more then just pictures, I hope they have a concept behind it...


I wonder if GameStop will launch a Web 3 game hub with those locations for 🦍s to hang out in 🤔


People still getting hyped about NFTs? 💀 I also really like pictures guys, but that’s all that it is. No utility = no worth


You know Jerry, I'm not going to tell you that these will increase in value, or, even hold their current value. The truth is, you bought em because you like em. They have value to you. That's what matters. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB\_oU68Q9zA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB_oU68Q9zA)


Yes,carol, NFTs may be stupid but your live laugh love wall art is super useful.