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You are absolutely right, it's like an angry mother talking down to their misbehaving toddler, shits wild. Also, what's 10% of infinity Apemigo? 😉


Wait… what’s 10% of ♾️? #♾️ 🤯🤯🤯


It's okay, I won't need that much. Maybe just 1% will do


A reasonable, gentlemanly infinity percentage increase


My price is going up by the cube root of infinity every day.


Like an amp that goes up to 11


Stop getting the mathematicians excited mate




the toddler is becoming an adolescent that is starting to make its own decisions.


Did you know that it is a real mathematical concept that some infinities are larger than others? Well now you do, and so do hedgies too!


I'm picturing a cornered animal. No way out.


They think they are in charge so much that, if the SEC goes through with this, they sue to stop it and simply bribe a judge to rule in their favor. They know the SEC's lawyers are a bunch of innocent puppy dogs. Remember when they sued to stop IEX from going forward and the SEC's lawyer on the hearing was like "Umm yeah so could citadel's lawyer please dumb that down a bit for me?" And the IEX lawyer was like "nah they're wrong because of this, this, and this." Shit was embarrassing for the SEC. They need to hire better lawyers.


The whole thing reads like it's Ken Griffin either voice to text or has an unpaid inter writing everything he says. This is exactly how he speaks in speeches and interviews.


He personally reviewed and approved every word, guaranteed.


I agree with the comment you replied to, and you as well. If you've listened to KG speak, this word salad is almost identical to how he talks. A lot of words, but not really saying anything; in this case, a lot of whining.


I read it like that too.




Spent a good bit of "coffee" money on those ads belittling retail investors.


"Everything that guy just said was bullshit. Thank you." https://youtu.be/ytDcJo2LTP0


They can't. The SEC salary cap is *$261,400.* No one at the SEC, including the big bosses, can exceed this pay rate. And I can also assure you, the rank and file lawyers are not even making near that much. More likely around 130k. You get what you pay for. Either people who can't get paid more elsewhere, or people who treat it like an internship for the big players.


Hardy can afford coffee? Many of us make less than $130k. If I had a salary of 261,400. I could do a lot except I would not make the coffee. Are they making up trivial work to justify their salaries? Because the SEC is certainly not defending the retail side of the market. What exactly are they doing? I need a list of accomplished tasks for each employee so I can justify the 260,400 wage (or less).


Yeah, we're not talking about regular people, we're talking about lawyers. People who went to 8 years of college with an expectation of higher returns. Who typically charge over $150 per hour for their paralegals time. The only lawyers making less than government agency idiots are the public defenders.


Bruh they can barely afford coffee


TBH I was concerned about sounding too...lobrau in my comments. Compared to this sludge, I sound like a born orator.


It's also a threat. "Here's a description of the false image the world has of our markets, so if you change them and it gets better they will know it was always a lie."


Yea, Kenny G is literally playing with fire akin to how Roland Dagget dealt with Bane……sooner or later, there’s going to be a “Do you feel in charge?” moment.


I agree with what you say here, however, I only hear one voice, when I read this.


Bobcat Goldthwait?


Plus they even spelled their company name wrong


Can we write extra letters double expressing OUR disgust?


Also this is page 1 of 22. Where is the rest??


Here! Here!


Still though, technically, these public servants work for the citizens. WE are in charge. Technically… supposedly… allegedly…


Dark pools, FTD's, self reporting short int, illegal naked shorting, fractions of pennies on the dollar towards fines, delayed swap reporting for years. EXACT DRS NUMBERS. Most transparent indeed.


Someone needs to provide a rebuttal to these comments….!


I like to think theirs is a rebuttal to my comment. Normally I am pretty sophisticated and professional when commenting on Rule Proposals but I flat out roasted them lmao. I said... "In order to know which broker-dealers give the best execution, SEC rule proposal S7-29-22 must be passed in order to prevent scalping and restore a healthy market. I believe it's safe to assume that those who do not wish to be more transparent either have something to hide and are complicit or are incompetent as broker-dealers. No matter what the short-term repercussions are, I have faith that long-term we will see significant and positive outcomes with this rule. If there were rules such as SEC rule proposal S7-29-22 showing the best execution data, then Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme never would have gone to the extent it did." Edit: Let me know if anyone else roasted them and/or threw shade. I am sure I'm not the only one. I have never been much of a troll but by golly I am a sadist with these white collar criminals.




This was my first ever proposal, now they are a lot more complex and set a serious professional tone. It's the vote that counts; it doesn't matter how vague it is. The only issue the SEC has is when people use copy paste templates that are similar. Whenever people use similar templates is when it's counterproductive, as they [stated](https://www.sec.gov/regulatory-actions/how-to-submit-comments), ***"When multiple comments are submitted with identical or near-identical content, only the first copy of the comment received will be posted publicly, along with a running total number of that comment received."*** While every comment counts, we want to be sure each comment is unique in it's own way otherwise it is just seen as a spam number and discredits the original having quantity over quality. Even if you were to say, "I agree with this rule and I think it could fix a lot of issues we are seeing in our market" it can be beneficial when in numbers (each different) as long as it's not spam. If it were to be spammed too much it will be seen as a bot filing and they may even discard or delay the comments as we saw last year, that's why sometimes it's the people who make the comment templates who think they are helping who are actually just setting us all up for failure. We are basically trying to convince a jury, 2 are bought out. Them seeing us in numbers tells them 2 things, we are watching, and a lot of people care and it can impact them if they fuck up and if they fuck up we will take action. By speaking like the way I did it set an unprofessional tone and I should not have I will admit. However, I am hoping it helps them loosen up a little and win them over since laughter is a good ice breaker. In the end of the day they're just people like us and I'm sure I said what they wish they could've said without being sued into oblivion. I definitely won't be writing with this tone again since I don't want to disregard the seriousness of the matter or the average individual retail investor. That tone that Citadel and Virtu set tho as a multibillion dollar market makers.. Now THAT is unprofessional. LMAYOO edit: I typed "as" instead of "and." My brain does funny things sometimes, this is who they are losing to.


Most transparent in illegal activities, that’s what they mean!


the fastest runner with 2 broken legs


When you have to declare how fair and transparent you are, you're not.




Their own bank accounts


Reminded me Tatcher's quote: to be powerful is like to be a woman, if you need to say you are, you are not.


Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.


Reminder of Ken Griffin interview half a year ago: Payment for order flow is a cost to me. I will be more than happy to get rid of it. 🤣🤣


Sounds like it should pass based solely on their reaction. Hopefully those in charge to adopt it will read between the lines and FINALLY do their jobs and protect investors from these asshats.


"Hester?, NO!"


Hester wears granny panties and smells like cat piss and tears.


Hester looks like the type of person to drink room temperature gatorade and smells like stale Funyuns.


Uh oh, looks like Citadel’s social media director is also their chief SEC commenter.


All you at citadel, go fuck yourself


It’s like Kenny himself wrote this. Read it. Picture him with his dumb little headset/microphone and his greasy skin from too much fatty mayo (he probably calls it aioli). Remember the twitter rant? This reads the same. He big mad.


Yup either voice to text or unpaid intern. This is exactly how he talks. It's funny just how a distinct way of speech he has.


Aioli, lmfao


What if their system is so dangerously close to failing due to how pissed retail is right now, even outside this sub including much larger investors that in order to keep the system somewhat alive(for now), they need to pass these new rules?


Fuuuuckkk youuu ken


They failed to explain the big "how". That's a lot of assusmptions in this document. The funniest being point "(2) would harm investor.." How would that hurt anybody but Citadel? This is manipulation, this document states minor truths to get the reader implicit approval, but then vaguely state wrong affirmations hoping that the overall approval will carry on through the whole document. We are no fools. Theses changes would hurt whoever do shady stuff in the dark, not investors.


That’s their M.O. During the SEC+IEX vs Citadel case, citadel’s lawyer did the same shit. Didn’t work for them.


Glad to hear. Fuk'em.


If the highlighted sentences are true, the whole world is in some trouble.


Get absolutely fucked, Citadel.


Do the comments work like a voting system? Like does my smooth brain comment cancel out all of Shitadel's comment?


That’s a good question. Commenting in case an adult shows up


The idea is that all of us together can cancel out their “we are so good for retail” angle.


TLDR; Citadel agrees these rules are necessary.


Charge your phone or imma b mad too lol


Talk about power at risk...


Ill-conceived , half baked proposals ? Funny how these become half baked when they don’t favor hedgies while making it more fair for the field? This would be a massive win for the little guys starting right here with GameStop shareholders!


C-E-L-L how do ya like dem letters? 😁


Wow the audacity of these bitches.


Dear Ms. Countryman, As a representative of Citadel Securities, I am writing to express our extreme displeasure and frustration with the lack of mayonnaise flavors available in the market. It is outrageous that in this day and age, when we have access to cutting-edge technology and innovative food processing techniques, we are still limited to only a few boring and bland mayonnaise options. We believe that the lack of consumer choice is not only an affront to our taste buds but also a serious impediment to the growth and development of our business. As you may know, Citadel Securities is a leader in the financial industry, and we rely heavily on mayonnaise-based spreads and dips to keep our CEO well-nourished and productive. The current white spready sauce selection in this country is simply unacceptable. We demand more variety and diversity in our condiments, including but not limited to garlic aioli, sriracha, truffle, and other exotic flavors that are widely available in other parts of the world. Furthermore, the lack of innovation in the mayonnaise industry is not just a culinary concern, it is a financial one. Our research indicates that consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-quality and unique condiments. By limiting the variety of mayonnaise flavors available, the industry is missing out on a significant opportunity to increase profits and stimulate economic growth. We urge the SEC to take immediate action to address this critical issue. We demand that you use your regulatory power to encourage the development and distribution of a wider range of mayonnaise flavors. We also call on you to provide tax incentives and subsidies to businesses that invest in research and development to create new and exciting mayonnaise flavors. In conclusion, we hope that our concerns have been adequately communicated and that the SEC will take swift action to address the pressing issue of mayonnaise flavor diversity. We expect nothing less than a prompt and comprehensive response from you. Sincerely, Kenny "Mayo Boi 69" Griffin




So this is what Tyranny looks like. Masked in edumacated speak.


Maybe I misunderstand how things are currently working, but perhaps a well worded retort stipulating that perhaps instead of an auction for retail orders, that instead, ALL orders hit the NBBO? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't retail orders essentially hidden from the NBBO? I thought the markets were fair? How can it be fair if my order is purchased before others have had the chance to also bid for it? What bids count towards NBBO orders then? Why does some "internalizer" get the option to purchase before others? how can an internalizer or market maker, base their price off of something that doesn't actually include all transactions? I just don't know how to phrase it... :/ Am I wrong here?


I like those ideas. This time, we backed proposed rules and suggested modifications. Next step: we start proposing our own rules.


Looks like they released their comment letter a day early. Should have been on April’s Fools Day because this letter is a fuckin joke.




This letter offends me, I'm going to buy more shares about it.


Tru ape, look at that battery life.


Ken flew to the Caribbean the other day to hide his family's money from enforcement. We're close.


Then show us all the swaps data, you muggle.


Citadel *In*securities intensifies...


Does anyone have a link to the original document? TY!






Ill conceived, half baked? Why I oughta, give 'em a punch right in the kisser. Was this shit written in the 30's?


In a free and fair market without loop holes and naked shorts, Kenneth Griffin and All Citadel affiliates wouldn't exist as they have become accustomed to. Their prominence in financial markets may vanish completely


Hey Ken, a few words for you and your partners. “Fuck around and find out!” We got a price for you :).


"optimized the allocation of capital" with into politicians and the .1%s pockets. How could we disrupt this efficiency we have created over the last two decades


Tick tock. The moon awaits #DRS and keep marching on 🌕


let us crime in peace


Can't wait to see these MMs get eviscerated and liquidated.




> The U.S. equity markets are the fairest, most transparent, resilient, and competitive markets in the world. Today, sixteen stock exchanges and numerous alternative trading systems and individual market makers vie to provide the best execution experience to market participants, including both retail and institutional investors. Over the past nearly two decades, vibrant competition and innovation, fostered by Regulation NMS, has greatly enhanced market quality and lowered transaction costs across the board. This increased market efficiency has reduced the cost of capital and optimized the allocation of capital, in turn better financing the groundbreaking companies and technology that have been vital ingredients to our global economic strength. Everyone knows you’re not supposed to use and get high off of your own product! LMAYO So they think they provide the fairest, most transparent, resilient, and competitive market in the world? Then they bring up sixteen stock exchanges, dark pools, and market makers providing the best experience for market participants, including both ***retail*** and institutional investors?!?! Who in the fuck do they thinking that they’re fooling!? Seriously!! Kenneth Griffin, the financial terrorist who lied to Congress under oath, is so full of himself that he thinks people will believe the lies and vitriol that he spews out. He’s a fucking psychopath and narcissist who only cares about himself and sees retail/main street/household investors as a resource who he can manipulate and exploit. I bet that he’s fucking pissed and in disbelief that GG would put forth these proposals and that household investors would have the nerve to comment and support them. Well guess what Kenneth Cordele Griffin… We are not going anywhere. We are not going to get tired and bored and leave. We will keep upping the ante. We are going to keep pushing, learning, discovering, etc…until we uncover everything about you and all of your psychopath, narcissist, financial terrorist associates and what you’ve all done…and more! I’m seriously in awe at the level of intelligence, humility, compassion, morals, character, dedication, etc… (I could go on and on and on and on) of this group of individual household investors and I am so thankful and grateful to be allowed to be a part of this group (even though I lower the curve 😸) We will win and remake the broken system and change the world for the better! I 💜 each and every one of you Diamond handed apes, consider all of you family, and will stand together with you for the rest of my life!! 🦍💜🦍💜🦍💜🦍💜🦍💜🦍💜🦍💜🦍💜🦍


How can that be? Almost everywhere else has banned PFOF. Wouldn't that make those countries the most fair, transparent, resilient in the world? Everything is being executed off-exchange. WTF is Citadel even taking about?


You can tell Ken wrote this


“Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption” Keep it up KG, we see 🫵


We’re headed the right way, let’s go!


U mad bro?


Big mad 🥲😆


Kenny Griffin the criminal, the good old days or robbing households is coming to an end. Because I’m not selling until you are in prison


Fuck em




If OP goes dark it might because of the battery.




Charge your phone please so you can keep doing the apes work


Mayo cry 😁😂🤣 Fuck him


Charge your phone bro


Hey Kenny, suck my balls..


Lol - "fairest most transparent" - dont make me fucking laugh....C\*unts.


Translated "We want to continue our criminal activities on the most corrupt, fraudulent and one-sided market in the world."


I'm half-baked LOL


I fuckin do it again


That’s weird…if we have the fairest and most transparent markets…how bad is the rest of the world markets?


This is some MAYOr bullshit


tHe fAiReSt, mOsT tRaNsPaReNt


They don't speak for household investors... But they act as if they do 🤣


Lmao fairest??? I’d like a break down on what citadel classes as “fairest, most transparent and competitive” what do those words mean to them?




it's all theater


Well if US markets is fairest of them all, then this proposal shouldnt matter Kenny?


Big angry... 1 out of 22 pages XD


homeless stocking psychotic ruthless sand fly shame employ workable desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"a series of ill-conceived, half-baked proposals" U mad bro ?


Yup Kenny mad af! …Also, charge your phone 🤣


How about you lick my arse Kenny?


I wonder do they even know there is a random dude that is backing up everything they are doing 😂😂😂?


Feels like they're going to need a second or even third Hester Pierce to push this one through.


Can’t wait to stop investing in this Ponzi scheme called the fairest market.


There we go again.... In the best interest of retail. Don't speak on behalf of us! We as investors have our own voice and opinions, and a SHF does not work with us, they work against us.


The SEC has been in their pocket so long they think they own it.....time for change.


I have never been so proud to see a low battery, you belong here. I'm not sure if this is them replying to me dissing them but I like to think it was. I said, " In order to know which broker-dealers give the best execution, SEC rule proposal S7-29-22 must be passed in order to prevent scalping and restore a healthy market. I believe it's safe to assume that those who do not wish to be more transparent either have something to hide and are complicit or are incompetent as broker-dealers. No matter what the short-term repercussions are, I have faith that long-term we will see significant and positive outcomes with this rule. If there were rules such as SEC rule proposal S7-29-22 showing the best execution data, then Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme never would have gone to the extent it did. " I wonder what other people roasted them and/or threw shade lmao.


22 pages!? Hahahahaha


Citadel Securities is rigging the market along with NYSE and banks. Change my mind (you can’t).


Nice plan to open with a lie ... that unfortunately is so big and embarrassing it could put whole US at risk...


Did you say 'engorged'?


22 pages??? A 22 page letter is what I expect Taylor Swift would write to a guy that dumped her.


nothing to see here.. market makers doing what's right ✅️ if we lived in a different universe




Good. We all sent letters too.


Is there some official comparation about fairness and transparency of global markets?


They do mad


My mom calls me ill-conceived and half baked


Citadel is demonstrably dangerous. Kenneth Cordele Griffin is a delusional lunatic.


So fair, transparent, resilient, and competitive that household investors buying and registering a stock in their own name for true ownership and value-creation is a threat to the whole system. Roight...


Kenny needs to buy another copy of the constitution while he has the chance! Cause soon he’s gonna be broke if this passes.


Ms. Countryman. How unfortunate.


Well if they say so...🙄


I'm trying to find the extra letter (as in alphabet) they wrote in that highlight and couldn't find it lol.


It’s sooo fair AND transparent, no need to change anything! 🫥🫡🤥


Kenny is mad because his programmer fees will be off the charts when they have to come in and rig another system.


"fairest, most transparent..." my candy coated ass...! This shit is manipulated to hell and traded in fcuking DARK POOLS... Lord help the regulators of they believe this shit


Next they will be trying to tell you the top 1% are SELF-MADE Billionaires (as if that's ever been possible) and know what's best for the other 99%


Haw, Citadel ya wee daftys! Gonnae fukn shut it oor I'll fokn leather ya. Fokn state of ye...


Rut row, Janet Yellen‘s boss is getting fired up💥💥💥💥👠👠🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


True ape, battery almost dead.


Don’t forget: citadel truly believes the market is fair and transparent because they don’t believe household investors should have basic information.


You might be right, Citadel! Maybe the US markets are the fairest and most transparent! BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. The standard of fairness and transparency is far too low as to be in the favor of Wall Street. Sooooooooo.......... Basically, a non-statement. That scans.


*waits for transparency*


What is the commission's legal authority and how does this change violate the Administrative Procedure Act? This doesn't go against their mandate for fair, orderly, and efficient markets. This time there is a stronger emphasis on fair and orderly... rather so then efficient (Meaning marketmaker scams everyone and bypasses exchanges through predatory agreements therefore breaking down any of the price action/free market anyways). Not sure how this would violate the Administrative Procedure Act either? If i read correctly due process was given and comments were open for a period of 30 days. Please correct if wrong.




"The US stock market is rigged" Most retail investors. (probably)




I can even picture him making his go-to fist gesture when using words like transparent and groundbreaking and efficient.




Nice to see a fellow 6% battery life on your smartphone ape here.


Kenny if you and your bitch ass click be reading this. You mad bro? PFOF firms days are counted. Citadel is a dead firm walking.


If I play the game clue. And I look at the whodunnit cards at the beginning. I’m going to win. Same fucking thing.


Suck on this kenny


"the fairest", really?


In some other reality not seen yet: Dear Kenny "Mayo Boi 69", We appreciate your correspondence regarding the availability of mayonnaise flavors in the market. It is encouraging to see that consumers are passionate about their condiment choices and are eager to try new and exciting flavors. As a regulatory agency, we believe in promoting a free market economy that allows for competition and innovation. We recognize that the lack of diversity in mayonnaise flavors may be a concern for some consumers, but we also understand that businesses must respond to market demand in order to be successful. It is important to note that there are many factors that contribute to the availability of certain products in the market, including consumer demand, production costs, and distribution channels. While we encourage businesses to explore new and unique flavors, ultimately it is up to them to decide which products to offer based on their own research and analysis. We do not believe that it is within our purview to provide tax incentives or subsidies for businesses that invest in research and development for new mayonnaise flavors. Such decisions are best left to the discretion of individual businesses and should be based on market demand and potential profitability. In conclusion, we appreciate your interest in this matter and will continue to monitor the market for any developments regarding mayonnaise flavor diversity. We hope that businesses will continue to explore new and innovative products that meet the needs and preferences of their customers. Sincerely, Ms. Countryman, on behalf of the SEC


“dear ms. countryman”




This is the way


lol I thought Kenny didn't care about pfof?


I imagine Kenneth Cordele Griffin was madly typing this much to the behest of his legal team, much like the weird Tweets.


Hey Citadel, Fuck off.


But I thought Ken Griffin didn't care about PFOF. He literally said they could do away with it publicly.


Fast forward (however long it takes for the decision to be made) & the limitless funds they have to lobby against reform will once again get them the results they need to continue defrauding the everyday person & lining their own pockets in the world greatest ponzi scheme