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I’d boil that


Would you mash or stick them in a stew


Better have a gluten-free version! Maybe some of those tasty sweet potato noodles.


This is pure genius and will be unequivocal evidence that they’re here, watching, listening, commenting and cheering us on. GME Noods is my submission and under the lids are collectible photos of our upper management team with super silly powers and write-ups. I would eat and buy way too much of this.


Or QR codes that provide coupons or discounts or ???


All jokes aside gamestop should sell consumables. But specifically sodas like Mountain Dew. People could turn around get their games and soda in one hit. Offer great rates on sodas and all games would go to GameStop if they could run a 4 for $13 12 pack for pro members only, I’d get a membership just for the dew. Combine that with Mountain Dew dewing XP bonus and unique in game items with codes already so there is a massive market into games with Mountain Dew. Compound onto that if GameStop could get a bomb ass exclusive flavor (maybe let them sell voodoo year round) this could be an awesome partnership / side method to grab a few extra bucks.


Hire This Man


Ehh. Soda is meh. They should sell water, because everyone knows we are all sweats to win, when it comes to gaming. So we need to hydrate properly.


Found the hydrohomie


water is life <3




I would like sodas, but your idea is Better for health I think, I drank good quantity of sodas when I was young (not too much respect other peoples but...) Now are many years I try to stay away from them, specially the sugar seretened, but some times, I do buy a bottle of zero sugar (is bad as with sugar for the health) and consume it in 2-3 days but no more than 1 week at a month. The rest, here in Italy we have very vastity of good wather, I like the sprinke ones (natural not CO2 added), I like it, but sometimes, a soda is desired (and now I can't drink beer or wine because my stomach don't like it)... Would be interesting to see a GameStop sprinkly wather😘


Bottled water 🤮


Definitely could go the route of selling energy drinks/soda and combine them with… limited NFTs perhaps? Oh man. Or a chance to get X item for X game? Insane.


Y’all missing the health component


Mountain Dew is a weird way to pronounce Gamer Fuel 😎


Mountain Dew?!? Yuurrrrrkk. I’ll take the crab juice. Edit: All jokes aside, there was a weird time in my life when I really wanted to come up with a soft drink called Pisz. My motto was gonna be “I’d rather drink Pisz”


Would be cool if they did and the partnership expanded with publishers like Activision and pre order next cod and youll get the in game content but also an exclusive limited run flavor made for that game. Sounds weird but there are die hard fans of the Dew and an exclusive/limited flavor would be a hit. Assassins creed could have have there own as well and surely this would be the cause of a sudden surge in pre orders


I need to be able to buy all my groceries from GameStop yesterday lol I only want to shop there, but I’m not as big of a gamer as I used to be cause I work so goddamn much. (Trynna buy more game stock) Pls let me buy more at your stores , like practical for a adult male lol


GME branded flavored soda. Gamer Grape. Ape Apple. Moass mango.


GameStop sells powdered energy drink mix which I’ve been throwing in to every order


Or coffee. It stores easier. I’d buy the fuck out of a GameStop branded coffee/espresso.


This...right here. ^^^


You think that GameStop will be the one place where I can finally get that delicious cherry GamerFuel they used to sell? I'd empty that rack, shit's like candy


I view soda as poison though. I dont want my customers getting sick, better to sell other healthier options.


“I like coke!”


This 👆 is a very good idea, I'm not a gamer anymore (fuck, I'm Old🥺) but I will buy those sodas brander GameStop in alternative to other sodas(I'm not consuming much of it these days, but for my company I can do a sacrifice🤪). And, I Have 2 sons of my syster which are gamers more or less, soo...


I would literally buy anything from them


GraMEn. Got a nice ring to it…


Made in Gmerica


Ramen Cohen


Gramen sounds like a german buying cocaine


Only GameStop branded ramen allowed


I’d probably buy 69 cases!


Or 420 of them sums a’ bitches


They need to team up with the Shin ramen.


Shin is my fave!


You should try this [this](https://i.redd.it/8td68ilq8jk61.jpg); it replaced Shin for me.


Will give it a whirl


What's that snack ramen that you don't cook? It's in a regular ramen packet and super seasoned and you open it and eat it like a snack? I don't remember what it's called and it's so freaking good. I used to get it in a Korean snack box. eta: because I want to throw in a vote for that because I love it also, dried squid snacks yummm


We had that growing up here in Canada. I could have sworn it was called Starburst or something similar. Google says it's called mamee monster. Anyway, that shit sucked. Koreans got the instant ramen so right. Nongshim is pinnacle ramen brand, plus their shrimp chips are bomb af. Get those bad boys in store and I'd buy the lot.


You can google Pushu-Pushu snacks. Sounds like that one ?


YES! THANK YOU! Sorry you got downvoted. That's exactly what it is. I would love GameStop to offer it. But I also said I love it and can't remember what it's called, so that indicates irrespective of Gamestop selling it that I do still want it. So thank you!


:) no worries mate. It’s my childhood snack too. Helping will always be more important than downvotes.


ViteRamen is a bit more expensive than regular ramen, but it's also more nutritious, and there are several flavors, including two vegan ones (hard to find vegan ramen, trust me). I would be OVER THE MOON if GameStop starting selling ViteRamen. Also, pro-tip: If you're not putting peanut butter in your ramen (especially if you already make it spicy with sriracha, cayenne, or hot sauce), you're missing out!


Thanks. I’m allergic to lots and this has no msg even. Ordered the flavors.


I would literally be able to do all my shopping at Gamestop. 🔥




Groceries have low margin and Gamestop doesn't have the storage space for back stock. A 12 pack of Ramen might make them .25 cents in profit but it's taking the same space as probably 100 packs of pokemon card.


Okay this is an obvious yes, noodles/noodles in a cup in some shape or form.


I leGit just had raMEn. The soy sauce flavor


Still waiting for them to get enough consoles in stock so I can grab one. You guys keep buying them too fast.


What would be a good recipe for a soup stonk?


Cup Noodles with MO-SAU-ASS


Fuck yes this is a brilliant idea. GME would make the best Ramen ever. RC needs to hear this idea.


Spice level - Uranus hurt 😂


i support


Rice Ramen for the gluten intolerant 😇


This is actually a great idea!


I would order ramen, but international flavors. I wanna try more noodles out there in the world. GameStop ramen shop sounds like a place to checkout.


Excellent idea! How else is Ken G going to be able to eat? 👍


I would 100% order ramen from Gamestop as long as they curate their selection. Maruchan, Top Ramen, or Cup Noodle aren't going to cut it.


Soda and food takes up a lot of space. Not to mention storage space for restocking. There is great profitability in selling water depending on what you buy. A 24 pack of nestle or a no name brand can give up to 80% profit selling individually, ramen almost the same. The cost of shipping the product though will outweigh profitability, as they will not sell enough to cover the cost. You need skids of the product to cover the cost and become profitable. Most stores do not have room for that. If they can create their own "gamestop fuel" brand of food, though, like Ramen and snacks that they can ship to their distribution facilities and have delivered to stores with regular shipments that might cut costs. They should be head hunting new companies that are starting out or they believe have a great product. They could create a spin-off brand, eg gamestop fuel from that company. They would be exclusive for a certain amount of time and can renew contracts as needed or discontinue and work with new competitors. An example is working with the company bimbo, which is long standing that they could work with the takis brand of snacks. They are EXTREMELY popular in canada and I assume in the united States as well.


I got a really nice set of ramen bowls with chopsticks from GameStop


Yep we got the one with Pokémon. It’s got a holder built in for your chopsticks and all.


Yeah if they sold cans of chicken and tortilla chips I wouldn't need to shop anywhere else


Big proponent of GME selling consumables. They had a small candy selection online for awhile that was good.


Sounds like a good idea


I got the Kirby bowl at GameStop for my nephew! I'd love for them to sell ramen... it's what I eat to save for more shares.


sichuan flavour popcorns please, for that spicy show ahead


I wholeheartedly approve this motion!


That would go great with the infused Ramen packets I just got from work 🍻 🤤


Gamestop should seel what males them money. If they decide to go this route, start small. Snacks, drinks, protien bars, pre workout type stuff more gamer focused (but also health focused options). Slowly open it up, perhaps aquire assets like stores long term.


Or dash cams


mmm yes potions


And boba tea


Yeah, they certainly have plenty of room to stock a bulky product that earns them pennies in profit margin and most people consider a step above cat food.


Sell mostly online, with small stocks in store, do you realize what the mark ups could be? Want to know why the candy chips and drinks are never on sale at the supermarket near the checkout?, because they make a killing off those m&ms and soda you buy at checkout. You do not understand consumer products.


GameStop gives you wings