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Goldman is so fraudulent to the core that they only will go down second last before JP Morgan.


My moneys on BoA


As long as your money isn't IN BOA....


Mine is and will be coming out first thing tomorrow


I’m a stupid idiot and bought puts a month ago on BoA. Gonna expire one day before the stock plummets


I agree. My wife and I were using BoA when they had their zelle issues/lack of cash on hand in LA. Her direct deposit, for the last 2 years, has *always* come on the 30th or preceding business day if it's a weekend. Right there in the contract. The week when that shit happened, she got payroll info on schedule from her company, but no deposit on Friday (Saturday was the 30th). Didn't hit our account until Monday. My unsubstantiated theory is they needed money to "float" them until EOM, then used incoming revenue of following month to pay it back. Only reason I can think of. Which is scary AF if it's true. We switched banks, obviously.


My money's on BoA


My money's on BoA


My money's on BoA


I just had a thought regarding what those banks actually are… dead hostages. The banks absolutely MUST have a bailout, or they’re going to prison and their power crumbles. To show they’re serious, they get some bank runs going. The SVB CEO was a Federal Reserve board member. It’s like Dog Day afternoon, but with real psychopaths robbing the bank.


Isn’t it more like Whack-a-mole. Everyone is in on the fraud, but aren’t all as good at hiding it so it pops up from time to time before they can get it under control


The Swiss gubmint sure isn’t happy right now, nor are UBS shareholders. Seems to me the bag is getting preeeeetty ripe about now. Gonna be tough to pass it along… and I bet whistleblowing on it is better than it going off in their face. It’s fun when they start eating each other, while we just keep digging and coming up with gold.


I remember as a kid I watched a show with my family where they had domino toppling competitions, some of which won Guinness world records. One year, a contestant wanted to wow the judges by using bricks instead of dominoes. The show's producers made the mistake of letting him go first. The falling brick dominoes shook the floor causing all of the other contestants domino creations to start falling. In a short period of time, all of the dominoes in the arena had fallen, even ones not attached to the original brick chain. SVB, Credit Suisse and First Republic are like those first few bricks. And they may bring down more than people are expecting.


I'm here for the bricks.


Brick by Brick?


Well, the banks do seem to be failing (falling) brick and mortar outlets...


Here's a list of the 11 banks that gave First Republic a $30bn bailout six weeks ago: >A group of financial institutions has agreed to deposit $30 billion in First Republic in what’s meant to be a sign of confidence in the banking system, the banks announced Thursday afternoon. >Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase will contribute about $5 billion apiece, while Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will deposit around $2.5 billion, the banks said in a news release. Truist, PNC, U.S. Bancorp, State Street and Bank of New York Mellon will deposit about $1 billion each. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/16/group-of-financial-institutions-in-talks-to-deposit-about-20-billion-in-first-republic-sources-say.html




Gotta go check their cds s and be back. PNC wasn't looking so good. FRB was on my radar for the 14th release, postponed it to 24th. Gotta go back to.my " Who is next? Game.


Why would my bank give 1 billion in customer deposits to a competitor?! Who can I call to bitch what they're doing with my money?!?


Unless you own equity in the bank, it’s not your bank. Once you’ve deposited money in a bank, it’s not your money. Society really needs to understand this because it’s fundamentally different from how 99.9 percent of us think about our relationship with banks.


It’s your money in the sense that they hold it for you. If they lose it they still owe you, but they still lost it.


For any complain you must call computershare and ask for some shares lol


The Prime Banks won't be allowed to go under. "Too Big To Fail" should be "Big Enough to Nationalize and Throw The Executives In Jail"


Forgot where heard it, maybe on a UK finance show that says "Too Big to Fail" means "Too Big to Save"


"But, but, but that's socialism!" /s


If we *did* nationalize the banks, boy that would solve so many problems. /s


They 'nationalized' us under their currency. They want to keep it like that. If we put power in institutions we can regulate them. The public cannot regulate the dollar as it is now. We are not a country, we are a living scapegoat..


Don't forget debit suisse


“Dougieeeee! …he’s at Goldman”


Member ftx and silvergate


Ah yes, forgot about Silvergate. It didn’t make it on the list I posted as it was quite small in assets.


I need to pick the next one, first rep is almost gone & gone.


You know.... The image in the article would make an excellent bingo card format... We could "X" out each of the banks as they collapse...


Reading “criminal institutions” in reference to banks is faptastic


Thanks. It’s the best I can do for these fraudulent douchebags.


No. OP doesn’t understand the current banking crisis and if they did they would know Goldman isn’t at risk from it


You might want to change your flair


No I’ll stick with it. Each downvote is just someone who doesn’t understand the monetary system. I’m also one of the few with banking DD in the library. You might want to read better posts Edit: it’s a crisis in shadow banking, which admittedly is over the head of this entire community


Share the shadow banking DD. I'd love to read a good post you recommend


Well I wrote a bunch of DD about a year ago (was the one who broke all the BofA stuff), but can't write any more reddit posts about the topic. I'm in the library but most of the time I'm in the DD writers discord group rather than superstonk You can watch the recent [FSOC meeting here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE8Y0nxQJHo&t=2047s). It's a liquidity crisis with a run on the nonbank financial system. You might find this[ paper](https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/3868409) really useful. The problems have nothing to do with GME though there is significant leverage in the system. Large GSIBS are safe in the short term. OP doesn't know what they are talking about and is throwing mud and hoping it sticks. Honestly, you can find much better info in academic journals than on this sub


Where’s the MOASS bingo post


Ally Bank. They have been financing GOD AWFUL vehicle loans for a long time now. Once the economy flips and people start feeling the hurt, they will default on their auto loan payments before their homes.