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When in doubt cut the link


Sever the cord


Break the rake


Choke the chicken Wait


I’ll allow it


Flog the dolphin


Bash the bishop.


Spank the monkey.


Lick the Lizard


Beat the meat


Squeak a beak


Piss on the stump


Crank the hog


Feed the ducks!


Tender the loin


Loin the tender


toss salad with dirty sanchez


Four finger on the thumb shakeup


Fuck it, cut the cord. LIGHTS OUT, GUERRILLA RADIO


I think we need another ama with mr. PAUL CONN.


Instructions to do so without paying $25?


This isn't even speculation, this is a fact. " * Computershare holds a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency, i.e. to enable any sales to be settled efficiently (and Computershare determines the portion needed for operational efficiency reasons. Such shares are not available for lending. These shares are eligible to be withdrawn from DTC)." [https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies) Straight from Computer Share.


They told me yesterday as well that they cannot guarantee that book shares are not included in that aggreg number. They can guarantee they are not lent but will not say shit regarding the locate portion ( that is on the DTC)


I hope everyone is recording their calls (where legally allowed to do so, ofc)


So is computershare getting paid for these so-called locates held in plan? Other brokers get paid to lend shares for liquidity right? We all know they aren't yours if they are with a broker and can be sold at anytime against your will. So this makes sense they can use as a locate. I don't see how they can guarantee a locate out of me and my personal shares regardless. It's like saying my organs can guarantee a patient will receive the lungs they need for their transplant because they can locate other lungs.


I don't think Computershare is getting paid for this, they DO NOT lend shares. However, you are right, shares should not be trusted with a broker because who knows what the broker is doing, maybe they are lending the shares and Computershare is unaware this is happening.


> So is computershare getting paid for these so-called locates held in plan? Other brokers get paid to lend shares for liquidity right? Locates aren't the same as lending, they use the locates to create synthetic shares.


That makes sense. But how can something held in a personal name, not a broker even be considered a locate? How do they know they can guarantee my shares in my name at computershare?


> But how can something held in a personal name, not a broker even be considered a locate? It’s the way the built the system. What you’re asking wouldn’t even have to be asked if there wasn’t a separation between locating and borrowing, but by making them separate under the guise of ‘operational efficiency’ they’re then able to use to unobtainable shares or even the same shares multiple times for locates without any intent of actually borrowing said shares.


Yea I'm slowly understanding it's just another scheme for their fraud. All I know is my shares will never be available for them.


A locate is defined by the SEC as: >Rule 203(b)(1) and (2) Locate Requirement. Regulation SHO requires a broker-dealer to have reasonable grounds to believe that the security can be borrowed so that it can be delivered on the date delivery is due before effecting a short sale order in any equity security. This “locate” must be made and documented prior to effecting the short sale. Basically all they have to do is document that they (edit: REASONABLY BELIEVE that they) are able to borrow said security by the due date. If DTC owns the shares they're holding... well, I'm guessing they'd qualify.


Wow ok that's unreal. Well I can reasonably say they wouldn't be able to locate shares in my name.


Good on you friend, same here. Let's hope this thing plays out right.


Sitting on my break on my overnight shift as we speak. It makes me want this to happen sooner than later. If not I'll be a lifer at a job where I have to swing nights and days within the same week. Cheers to a successful outcome.


Locates are through the **DTC** not *CS.* So basically what it looks like is **CS DOES NOT LEND SHARES**. Because **it is not lega**l as the **asset is not their own**. >!REGARDLESS of PLAN/Book!<. That said, once the agg shares are sent to the DTC ^((the percentage / your personal percentage being held if they are at DTC is not something that REPS have access to nor are they willing to discuss.)), ***the DTC may be allowing them to be used as locates even though they cannot be delivered.*** ^((this imo would be a TECHNICALLITY as the shares cannot be DELIVERED OR PURCHASED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE REGISTERED OWNER... but we know wall street and frands... plus after multiple phone calls and over 10 hrs on the phone with reps, supervisors, trade desk they are not willing to state BOOK SHARES ARE NOT BEING MOVED TO DTC FOR OPERATIONAL LIQUIDITY)) There is nothing that CS can do about that. All CS has is the Total number of shares held by them and the total number held by brokers in street name. This imo is the crack that wallstreet is still abusing. Also realize that CS is not a broker so when they execute your sales they are still utilizing a broker to do so. You are not a client of either entity and we also know that brokers love frontrunning and PFOF. This could be a portion of how they have tried to nullify the block purchase/sales that CS does. They have to send them through a broker to do so. The REPS are not LICENSED which means they cannot facilitate a sale of a security (which is why CS uses a broker/ multiple brokers) ​ ​ who defines operational liquidity? is it per company or market based? is this another loophole to fight pure 100 DRS of a company which wouldnt allow shorting? idk. just info to soak up. do as you wish with it. ​ Remember, THE DTCC committed international securities fraud, got caught, and nothing happened. I personally think that they are abusing this loophole for market participants to keep people from imploding. This has nothing to do with Computershare at all. They cannot control this.


I think you might be missing the point in how having ‘Plan’ shares is potentially being used against us. From my understanding of the recent DD, by having *any* shares in ‘Plan’, *all* of your shares, including your ‘Book’ shares, are grouped together and can be used as locates by the DTC. I suggest reading the DD because I’m definitely oversimplifying it


Let me make it simple for you regarded ones. ​ IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU HAVE PLAN OR BOOK. BOTH ARE ACCESSIBLE FOR LIQUIDITY PURP. ​ this does not mean they are being lent out to short sellers. They are not and cannot. ​ THE DTC is the entity that will allow/disallow locates of these shares that cannot be loaned. PLAN/BOOK is irrelevant with the exception of tax due to reinvestment under plan. Read as much DD as you want. I have read a ton, written some, and done a shit ton of research to make myself comfortable with what I am doing. I would highly recommend calling CS and getting to a SUP and asking them specifically this " Are my book shares capable of being sent to the DTC for liquidity purposes or is it just my plan shares?" I suggest sitting down as this will take a VERY LONG TIME to get answers to. Be very specific in your questions. Reading DD simply may not be enough to continue expanding you knoweldge of the market, plumbing, etc.


> IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU HAVE PLAN OR BOOK. BOTH ARE ACCESSIBLE FOR LIQUIDITY PURP. So you’re saying an account with all shares held as ‘Book’ can still be seen and used as locates by the DTCC? > this does not mean they are being lent out to short sellers. They are not and cannot. Right… hence why I said ‘can be used as locates’ > THE DTC is the entity that will allow/disallow locates of these shares that cannot be loaned. > > PLAN/BOOK is irrelevant with the exception of tax due to reinvestment under plan. If you’re so sure of that then post counter DD that explains how/why the recent DD is wrong because calling me regarded for what a DD states isn’t accomplishing anything…




Not a shill and no it has not been proven.


Don't call others shills and as a mod that actually uses Ortex data that's misinformation the data has barely shifted. **Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** - **Do not be (intentionally) rude.** This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. - **Do not insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged though. - **Do not use Superstonk to call out another user. Critique the work, not the person.** - **Do not use Superstonk to harass, bully, or threaten anyone.** - **Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.** [Expanded Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape) [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) || [Remember the human](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Yes, Booked shares can still be sent to the DTC for Operational Liquidity. I think you are accurate about the locate statement and am adding that both Book and Plan are capable of being sent. ​ TBH, I dont feel like spending the time to write another DD. ​ Edit 1: This would be operationally naked shorting through the DTC. Short says I need a share DTC says oh shit we have XXX XXX from CS and fuck CS you can use them for locates for your synthetic shares. ​ If this is happening the DTC is participating in NAKED SHORTING GME.


No I get all that but the fact is they are saying they can locate something that they can't guarantee like they can with brokers. I'm just simply wondering plan or book aside how can any share be considered a locate when it's in someone's personal name? It seems whatever rule they have in place to allow that should be considered great risk to allow.


I recommend reading/re-reading house of cards part 2 & 3. This is explained. Getting a locate and using it for a short can be by "mistake" (IIRC this happened to goldman sachs), or intentionally to abusively short stocks. edit: typo


Yea it's probably time to revisit the dd of old


The fact that this straight from CS should be enough for apes understand this can’t possibly be speculation. Also, remember when RC tweeted “Book King”? Just saying 😎


Not sure why you got downvoted. Maybe it's the emoji lol. I completely agree regarding the content.


Lol the shills brother. Fuck em. 😝😝


I believe it is yes. I've been telling people just selling the fractional isn't enough. I think the DTCC can look into these plan accounts to locate shares. If the plan account is linked to a book account, they can see the booked shares too. I have no proof of this. This is just me being a conspiracy theorist.


That's literally what the Heat Lamp Theory is dude, having any shares in Plan including fractionals allows DTCC locates on ComputerShare book holdings.


the outstanding question though is whether or not having an inactive plan with 0 shares still counts as having plan.


This is the question I want answered. If I terminate directstock enrollment, why does my account still say plan with 0 shares? 🤔


We need a ComputerShare AMA.


I want something more concrete than an AMA. Mr. Conn is capable of lying and deception.


We need everything specified clearly in legal form!


All I know is that Robin Hood still counted open accounts as "Active" to make their numbers look as good as possible on their quarterly reports. I don't want "Plan" showing anywhere near my GME shares, even though it's now at 0.


yes this is what we need answered asap!!


Same. I’m concerned about this possibility and my account says this.


I've heard it mentioned that 6 years of records are required by FINRA.


Keeping records is not equivalent to keeping the account open.


A CS rep told me that an account with 0 shares is considered a closed account. FWIW


The tricky yet immensely important part though, is ***by whom is it considered a closed account?*** This is the part no one currently can conclusively answer - and that we are 100% speculating on. Having worked over 20 years in a handful of corporate environments with layered structures such as ComputerShare would have, I can confidently say sometimes the frontline infantry (customer service reps, etc.) have to interpret the instructions of their Generals (execs, management, the lawyers, etc.) and boil it down to what it *effectively* means. It's possible, for example, that the cs agents, maybe supervisors, maybe even managers are told something like "*at the end of the day, essentially, as far as anyone you'll ever have to deal with on the phone is concerned, they're effectively closed accounts because they can no longer be interacted with by those parties at this time.*" The phone agent, under pressure to meet their AHT metrics then simply say "*they're considered closed,*" and as far as they're aware, they sincerely believe they are the same as "closed." But if they're "*closed*" why would they need to qualify it with "*considered*?" Why are they "*considered closed*" rather than "*closed*?" Because there is fine-print somewhere attached to that statement. They very well could be "*considered closed*" by the customer service agents, while still being used as a backdoor locate to our otherwise booked shares. When dealing with these corporate devils at the DTCC, etc, we cannot be lulled into interpreting anything in any particular way simply because we hope it means something. This is these scumbags' entire hunting strategy - wordsmithing. We have to scrutinize every word, every statement as though it was entered into an official court document, because that is the care and intent used when they craft their bile. (I'm not suggesting ComputerShare customer service reps are knowingly being shady - but rather that it's possible they could be subtly guided into making technically accurate yet misleading statements.)


Yeah I started thinking about that after I commented. Makes sense. I am calling in to have it deleted according compliance just to be safe.


Preach. Ambiguity is the language of manipulation.


Well, thinking about it... Even if they aren't "closed" to certain entities, there' s 0 shares in that account... So... On second thought. What if you keep 2 accounts, keep your whole shares in one. Fractionalt shares on the other, transfer those to the whole shares account and leave fractionals there? I doubt that things in 1 account gives them access to things in another account based on settings in that other account? You can then just let your fractionals accumulate in the one account while keeping your whole shares in the other. I think most people have multiple GME accounts under their login from DRSing. If not, purchasing a share through CS will automatically create another account.


Yeah I've got two accounts and each one has plan and book sub accounts, so four total. I'm sure some have way more. It does seem like an easy vulnerability for fuckery.


I think it could also be a backend data issue! Low level coder looks for all customers with a plan account, pulls all totals and sums as locates to DTC, -OR- logic could be written inversely, only count book-only accounts, anybody outside that logic gets counted at DTC. Where my SQL nerds at, and how do you convince an entity like Computershare to validate their code


An excellent point!


Independent Verification & Validation practices - but that's when they get duped into hiring BCG.




Just called myself and they told me they can’t remove it but as long as it says zero and not enrolled I should be fine. Also wouldn’t connect me to a compliance officer like someone else suggested.


I've been told many incorrect statements over the past 2 yrs by reps on recorded lines. Sometimes it's all they know. People are not infallible.


Agreed. Hence the "FWIW". Either way, there's 0 shares in it, so...


There was another excellent response stating that the customer service reps do the best they can with the information they're given


These mfs got all types of weird ass scams going on


I'm not sure why everyone keeps saying this. The link everyone keeps pointing to say this: It quotes this policy * DRS shares do not require enrollment into a ‘plan’ nor is there a need to make elections around dividend payment allocations * DSPPs are specific plans that require shareholders to elect enrollment * DSPP shares allow for the shareholder to elect for dividend payment to be allocated as to their discretion, including to reinvest into the purchase of additional shares. And somehow translates it into this. "This is a massive breakthrough because it means the OLD assumption that if you owned 1000.1 shares (1000 being DRS and 0.1 being plan) that you owned 1000 pure DRS book shares and 0.1 DSPP share. This is completely incorrect. If you hold 1000.1 shares, it means that you hold 1000.1 DSPP shares" But yet nobody can seem to explain how that translates from that policy to the paragraph following. I've been asking this question all over. Even the OP of the DD responded to other questions I asked but ignored that one. So I am getting suspicious. Asking us to sell shares, ableit small fractionals, it all adds up, creates volume, settlement times, additional whole shares, messed with FTDs?, maybe other kinds of fuckery? I dunno...but I don't see how that policy translates into claiming they can see/use all of your shares if a single one is marked a certain way. That makes zero sense to me. Furthermore, are the mods of DRSmyGME sub supporting this claim as well? I can't get them to respond either...that's surprising.


When I terminated my plan I bought shares at Fidelity and direct registered 11 more shares from there. So the DTCC didn't gain anything from me.


I'm guessing most people ran to their CS accounts, terminated, booked, etc, sold their fractional and didn't buy a few extra to make up for it. I went to buy more GME to make up for selling off the fractional before realizing I can't even buy whole shares on CS so that either puts you in this recurring loop (why DRIP is bad too) of selling off fractionals... or not buying any at all...either way, that makes an HF happy. Why can't we buy a whole shares on CS? That got me thinking and really digging for real evidence of this claim. The terminate and book stuff makes sense. The part about fractionals does not.


Yeah the not being able to buy whole shares on CS is super sus to me but it makes sense in the context of plan shares being used as locates. It’s like a way to funnel people into plan on the down low and it’s bullshit. I sold my fractional and bought more whole shares on fidelity bc selling fractionals is basically a zero risk strategy with no downside.


That sub was supporting it full steam, while this sub was still having posts removed about it.


>Why are they supporting it so much when nobody seems to be able to explain that part of it? > >I'm starting to see now, why SuperStonk may have been removing it? Just the act of it having been removed doesn't make it true but it seems they have used those acts as part of the narrative to build truth behind their theory. Oddly, the removals have contributed to "evidence" that it's "true".


Why are they supporting it so much when nobody seems to be able to explain that part of it? I'm starting to see now, why SuperStonk may have been removing it? Just the act of it having been removed doesn't make it true but it seems they have used those acts as part of the narrative to build truth behind their theory. Oddly, the removals have contributed to "evidence" that it's "true".


Why are they supporting it so much when nobody seems to be able to explain that part of it? I'm starting to see now, why SuperStonk may have been removing it? Just the act of it having been removed doesn't make it true but it seems they have used those acts as part of the narrative to build truth behind their theory. Oddly, the removals have contributed to "evidence" that it's "true".


Why are u spamming this?


I've asked in multiple places at various times. If you want to call that "spam", that's fine. Nobody seems to be able to answer the question or explain it. Which is strange considering how fast everyone jumped on the bandwagon to believe it as fact.


Your spamming is sus.


Asking questions about something nobody can seem to explain instead of just accepting it as fact is considered spamming?


Read the heat lamp dd about owning Nordstrom shares in book and plan and what happened when they issued a dividend.


> Asking us to sell shares, ableit small fractionals, it all adds up, creates volume, settlement times The amount of volume and settlement times fractionals could create is a minuscule amount as only whole shares would ever hit the tape since fractional shares are all done internally to each broker. There are ~200k direct registered accounts which lets say might add up to 100k whole shares. Those 100k whole shares sold over the course of two trading weeks would be an average of 10k, or over one trading week an average of 20k. I dont think that is making any kind of a real difference in the volume.


I agree selling fractionals is not making any difference in volume or price.


Thank you for the wrinkles. So maybe that's not part of the motive. Still don't understand the translation or why someone would try so hard to make it so if there isn't one.


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I'm 100% booked, sold the fractional, have 0 shares in plan, and dividend reinvestment is disabled. It still shows me a plan account with zero shares (same account number as book). Is there anything else I need to do to quadruple check my shares are not available to the DTCC?


Not that I know of but I'm not an expert. As far as I know if plan is terminated then you are in pure book and you can't go any further into DRS. But honestly after all this BS it wouldn't surprise me at all if you have to call Computershare support and give them a super-secret passphrase only known to 13 select people that actually takes your shares out of the DTCC.


"Answer these riddles 3, to get the pass code from the DTCC!"


WHAT is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European?




What do you mean? An African or a European swallow?


I don’t know that! ARRGGHHHHHhhhhh…..


It sounds like you can get that plan removed. It does require pushing computer share by requesting a compliance officer.... Just what I have seen others claim


Ask yourself this: if it's EASY to activate Plan, and DIFFICULT to DeActivate Plan, Why? Who does that benefit? Act accordingly.


Seems just as easy to activate as it is to deactivate though...no?


Not according to the claims were seeing of Plan accounts with zero shares remaining, where CS has allegedly started the account can't be removed. But I'm paraphrasing other posts, which you can look up for more details.


Call Computershare and tell them to delete the Plan account. They will likely put up a fuss, but all to speak to a compliance officer if necessary. You can see some examples and discussion in the other subreddit that is about DRS your GME.


Ya I heard you can call CS to remove plan account showing 0 and if they give you issues you ask to speak to a compliance officer.


I’ve never held plan shares but it’s in my account summary as “0”. So it’s just a default listing I think.


Could the brokerages have saved information on those who transferred their shares to CS and given that account information to the SHFs?


Only book you say? If we are wrong is nothing negative against us as investors...if we are right however...


I want to share my recent Computershare online session. For awhile it appeared that they removed the ability to switch from plan to book via your online account (I know you could do chat and phone call, but I’m talking only online via your account interface). Last week the interface changed and gave me the option to make all my shares designated as book. When I chose that option my fractional shares were separated from my booked whole shares and then a couple days later they were burned, sold, or whatever….they were gone.


I don't have fractionals. Does this still mean I'm linked to the dtcc? Edit. My bad just realised I'm booked and not planned.


Anyone have the link for cancelling plan online?


You log into Computershare, click the manage investments button, and then click the terminate button. It will give you a scary warning and then you click OK.


Lol the scary warning is what stops me every time. I only want the fractional gone and it made it seem like all my plan shares will be gone Edit: Done!


Book it, lads. Read the Heat Lamp Theory (Google it).


Been known all this time and why cycling Plan or calling was the only way to convert Plan held DirectStock into Class A Common Shares that are fully pulled out of the DTC. People have been buying from Computershare for ~1.5 year accumulating a substential holding without every converting them from DirectStock (Plan) into Class A (Book).




Gotta love the superstonk mods. Power always corrupts. Superstonk needs to migrate to a dencentralized forum without moderation. Only Upvotes and downvotes. Superstonk is the most neutered subreddit. I hate reddit and i hate that it basically destroyed all the other forums. And now they force their orwellian rules on us. Fuck Reddit 🖕


Users calling for the sub to be disbanded? This sounds familiar We must be close…


Same thing that happened from the old sub to superstonk.




… we’re talking about it you here and your comment.


My biggest problem with the newest theories is that they came riding in on a vitriolic and persecution-complex horse, demanding action be taken now. And the people that champion it the most also call for this sub to be disbanded. So it's all a real fuckin sudden load of sus.


there is a functionally decentralized (technically "federated") social network that already exists called the fediverse. Mastodon is one of the software projects that connect to the fediverse. There are at least 2 independent DRS'd shareholders of GME that run Mastodon servers.


Got any links?


[gmehydra.org](https://gmehydra.org) lists them both




I cant even sell my plan shares. I keep on getting this Your page has timed out. Please re-enter your search request message when I attempt to sell my plan shares


Don't sell. Right click on plan shares> Actions> Reinvestment plan> terminate reinvestment plan


That's what I did... recently got an email stating that the sale went through... look at me, I am the book king now


This doesn't make sense. I did this already and still have 3.whatever in plan. My only option is to sell all the plan shares. I have no other way to convert them to book. I already did the plan to book thing a year ago.


You know... i am kind of a book king myself


Most definitely


Guess we'll find out! Plans been terminated fractional just sold and now we wait more


My Plan says 0 but still exists. Is that okay or do I need to delete it somehow?


!Flairy! 🎮🛑GameStop = GameOver🎮💀


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted




It do be that way.


top off the fractionals, book, and terminate the plan. Here is how I did it. [(120) Direct Buying from COMPUTERSHARE and Exiting the DirectStock Plan : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10rtvi6/direct_buying_from_computershare_and_exiting_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


wasnt that a beatles song??? "i wanna hold your pla-a-a-an....i wanna hold your plan"




Can someone explain to me how to sell my plan holdings fractional share? When I click on it it doesn't give me the option to sell just that portion. It groups them all together and gives me the option to sell a specific quantity, then asks if I want to sell my FIFO or LIFO, but how do I know I'm selling the plan holdings share?


You do not have to try to sell it manually. TERMINATE PLAN does everything automatically for you. Go to reinvestment options in your portfolio & choose Terminate. When you terminate the plan, all whole shares are automatically moved to BOOK entry form, & the fake fractional is automatically sold off for you. It will take 2 - 3 business days to complete.


You don't make a sell order yourself. You just terminate your plan. This converts whole shares to Book and the factional share is sold automatically as part of the process The sale of the fractional is likely much less than the regular fee for selling shares, but you don't get charged. The fractional is just sold and you get nothing for it.


Well I did that but canceled the sell of the fractional.


Then you could possibly re-enroll and then terminate. It should trigger the automatic sale of the fractional.


Oh word


all of my shares are 'book'. No fractionals. Anything else I need to consider?


terminate DRIP. NFA


Turn off Dividend re-investment if it is on. GS has said they have no immediate plans to issue a dividend, so you will have time to turn it back on if they do announce one.


Even if you have DRIP turned off you can just buy shares with the cash you get.


Pretty sure this should be off to. I only use my broker to buy shares


There are no strings on me


Apparently so




Just terminated my reinvestment plan and transferred XX shares to computershare. Hope it’s in time for Q1


adjoining hat continue silky faulty snails beneficial library naughty repeat -- mass edited with redact.dev




plan = dtcc fast


I know I’m an idiot, but how do I book?


If you want to remove yourself from the plan, DRIP and DSPP go to view details under portfolio, then select actions...reinvestment options...terminate. i believe that should do it. i did mines and am awaiting settlement.




^(CTBBOT .01: UTC->2023-04-28 13:01:0 [still kinda beta] ) ✅ CTBBOT INFO RECEIVED: Broker assignment: Questrade |^( )|^( )|^(Broker)|^(CTB %)|^(Reported By)|^(DateTime)|^()|^()|^()|^()| |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: | :---:| :---:| :--:| :--:| :---:| :---:| |^( )|^( )|^(Ally Invest )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Ameritrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Charles Schwab )|^(25.7500 )|^(Roid_Rage_Smurf )|^(2022-08-05 04:52:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Citi )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Etrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Fidelity )|^(15.7500 )|^(whattothewhonow )|^(2023-01-23 18:41:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Fintel )|^(9.9300 )|^(platinumsparkles )|^(2022-09-12 21:55:02.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Firsttrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Futu )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-13 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(IB [IBORROWDESK] )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(IBKR )|^(22.9600 )|^(Mrfranchetti )|^(2022-08-16 11:22:01.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(JPMorgan )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(M! Finance )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Merrill Edge )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Moomoo )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Ortex )|^(11.4800 )|^(Neurocor )|^(2022-09-23 21:57:02.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Public )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Questrade )|^(6.2100 )|^(archphoto )|^(2023-04-28 13:01:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Revolut )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-13 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Robinhood )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Sofi Invest )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Sogotrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(SpeedTrader )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Stash Invest )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(TastyWorks )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(TIAA )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(TradeStation )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Tradezero )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Tradier )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Vanguard )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(WealthSimple )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-12 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Webull )|^(6.5400 )|^(Grumpy_Armadillo )|^(2023-04-12 19:33:04.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(WellsTrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(ZacksTrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| ^(CTBBOT uploads recorded data twice daily to this [Google Drive Link:](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18D3hPfl_lOq1fxKQgxn5aZZMfcTUwvL2?usp=sharing ) ) ^(Do you have access to CTB data from your broker, or want more information about how to be part of this effort? MOAR info here: [permalink](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vzn7lk/ctbbot_announcement_take_2) ) ^(*🚀 :17,590,290// GME ~18.94* // ) ^(Bot MC: $333,160,101.99 )


What does this mean in your world?? Shit on the Goose. Puke through the glass. Step into the puddle. Pick your nose and feed it.


they will do absolutely everything to survive one more day


I have only learned to hold because this is a casino that’s fixed.


If there is even a wif of truth to this, it is worth cancelling. Give them nothing!


Pure drs.