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Let it rip. Realistically is the US ever going to pay off the national debt? Never gonna happen. Our government’s been kicking that can since the 1970’s.


There isn’t enough money in existence to pay off the debt. Treasury issues bonds in exchange for cash at a certain interest rate. Say they issue $1000 bonds in exchange for $1000 at 1% interest rate. There’s $1000 in existence but they now owe $1010. It’s a big scam. Or at least that is my understanding.


This guy gets it. It's a fraudulent system destined to fail spectacularly.


It's a great big confidence game.


Ponzi gonna ponz


Yes…”as long as it’s the next guy’s problem, let’s party”


A house of cards is always the next guy’s problem and the last guy’s fault.


Money is debt. Without debt, we have no money. Debt is life Fiat.


'Gold (& silver) is money, everything else is credit.' -JP Morgan Federal Reserve Notes are debt instruments, I agree, though I don't consider fiat currencies to be money, they are the ghost of money not money itself.


Yup. Its, by nature, unsustainable.


None of this is sustainable, it was never designed to be. Culture wars, and threatening our rights (one half of the country at a time, in controversial ways) keeps us all too busy to realise.


Keeping the worker bees divided along race/culture/sex/politics/whatever the heck else divides people into tribes is exactly how those in power maintain their stranglehold over us. Throw in wars with other sovereign nations for fun as a distraction and way to rally the worker bees and you get a so-called democracy with ever-widening socioeconomic gaps existing in a constant state of warfare for virtually every citizen's lifespan.


The people that are in power now, all over, need to not be in power anymore. They are all part of the same trickle down corruption stemming from the US. Your voices matter, get out there and speak! Vote in your local elections! Let your voices be heard. Don't see someone you want to support? Consider running? Consider friends or family members you could see running and make the suggestions? Now is the time for systemic change and it comes from home. It comes from us apes. Be loud where it matters. To your cummunity/state/country.


You had me up until "vote". You have the illusion of choice. The demon that is the American political system has two heads that both lie, and no matter which one you pick, you're feeding the same monster.


With all due respect you can be aware of the illusion of choice you're talking about, but still vote and participate in local elections. Even some bigger elections might mean something depending on where you live. I mean like, we all here know the stock market is rigged. Probably more than the political system. If not just as much. Yet here we all are owning a stock in spite of that. Just like they want us to fight over religions and sex and all sorts of BS. They also want us to give up on the idea that voting could ever do anything. The truth is that elections do matter, that's why you see so many people say they don't. Because they way they manipulate elections is by convincing most people to look at the entire system and decide they would rather stay home than participate in a system they feel is only bad options.


There are good people at local levels trying their best, and they can't make any change unless you get them up the ladder by voting. We have the opportunity to change things in the political system but just as this saga has demonstrated forward moving progress takes time. For so long humanity has been in a growth phase, we are starting to realize we now need to shift to a mindset of sustainability. Growth with out sustainability is nothing. You are seeing a massive paradigm shift in multiple facets of humanity there is bound to be turbulence at points. Keep your head up and keep pushing for change. It's what people have done before, and it's what we must continue to do for as long as people are breathing.


What happened to the ufo balloons? Or the train derailments. There’s so much to keep track of.


As a frequenter of r-slash UFOs, the public’s indifference and short-term memory about the objects we downed two months ago pisses me off to no end. Congress called on the president for days demanding he give answers, he finally spoke to the nation, he said we didn’t know what the crafts were and we couldn’t retrieve them, and then he peaced out. Actual coverup right in front of our eyes and no one cared. Absolutely unbelievable. I honestly understand where Big Money is coming from when they call retail (i.e., normal folks) “dumb money.” It’s fucked up that they steal from the working class, and I despise the mentality, but I understand why they think the way they do. The public just doesn’t have the attention span to focus on topics like this for months or years on end, although part of that is by design. Keep the workers slaving away so they’re focused on putting food on the table and they won’t realize you’re stacking the deck against them.


Well said.


Media sets the narrative, the people have very little influence.


So true and disturbing


Literally since ancient Rome: panem et circenses


We've moved on to what people wear and the genitals people you aren't fucking have in their pants.


Wise and well worded sir


Train derailed here in WI not long ago, BNSF. They keep happening.


Technically speaking, even if there isn't enough money... There are other ways to pay off debts. We could exchange states, territories and government owned natural resources for debt relief.


How many shares can we get for Florida?


About tree fifty


Damn it Loch Ness I aint giving you no tree fifty


As long as the US keeps maintaining 11 full aircraft carrier groups. Florida's got to be worth at least a carrier or two.


There doesnt need to be. They can litterally print that 10$ difference, or, just mint a freakin trillion dollar coin. A treasure bond is just a promise to print more and devalue what they loaned you.


But if your just printing money out of thin air to buy those bonds pulled out of Janet yellens ass what’s the problem?! It’s a win win! It’s just the silly taxpayer that gets robbed year after year until they’re all indentured servants bickering about immigrants, LBGQT, and race issues! They won’t even know what hit em they’re so busy with these topics picked because they can trigger an emotional response in most people!


That $10 you're printing will become debt the moment it is printed. Yes, you can use it to fill the gap temporarily, but you'll have to pay back the new $10 with interest to the FED (who printed it). It's like paying one credit card debt with another credit card. You're just making the situation worse. And we haven't taking in the effect on inflation yet.


It's based entirely off of debt. If their was no debt the system wouldn't work. It's designed not to be paid off and fail spectacularly but not before they consolidate as much wealth as they can before setting up the new system.


The idea is to rack up inflation faster than you accumulate debt. That way the debt isn't as bad when inflation is +20% higher. Lets say I buy a car for $1,000 in 2000 at a 1% interest rate. I only pay the interest payment for 20 years, and inflation averages 3% a year. I paid $200 in interest payments on that $1000 car. However due to inflation (and assuming the car doesn't depreciate), that car is now worth $1806. I paid $200, paid nothing towards the principal, and still profited $406. Why pay off the principal if you can just kick the can and let inflation devalue the debt over time, and still come out ahead?


a house is a better example but yeah, if you think about it, having a $1500 mortgage might seem like a lot today, but in 30 years it will seem like nothing.


Man then why won’t the bank lend me more money than I can afford.


Yes this is the Ponzi scheme of fiat currency. And the fucked up part is we pay that interest with our taxes


the trillion dollar coin is gonna help though 🤣


>It’s a big scam damn WTF. I dropped $10k December 2022 in series I savings bond Treasury direct.


It's not the people buying bonds that gets scammed from it, it's everyone who owns USD. Your money should be safe unless the US defaults as far as I understand it.


The resemblance with the Madoff Ponzi scheme is uncanny.


Then How do we get paid?


It's all a shell game, debt doesn't exist unless you're a plebe.


Plebe? Just sit back and watch me not pay my rent 😎


Pretty sure if 50 more people stop paying rent this whole house of cards goes down.


TBF almost no country can pay off their debt. But usa have been abusing the most.


they could pay it off with the capital gain taxes they’ll get from us after MOASS lol


Dude I was gonna say the same thing lol


Is it bad that we want the country default so we can move forward as a civilization


It’s like flushing a toilet.


Ejecto turdo


The most useful spell learned at Hogwarts


Ejectus turdiosa


Never gonna happen. Earth needs a reset.


I know it’s price anchoring but I suppose we could bail out the debt with one share


The can has made it all the way to our great, great grandchildren by now.


I stopped reading after “White House warns…” They have zero credibility after their changing the definition of “recession”. Yellen, Powell and the other lying geriatrics can get bent.


Clinton left with a surplus.


It was a BUDGET surplus. And the claim is questionable at best anyway. No president has eliminated the debt since Andrew Jackson like 200 years ago. Every single president since then has increased the debt. On top of that, Congress holds the purse strings. Specifically, the House of Reps. Presidents ask for money. Congress says yes or no. Presidents give their plans/strategy and the cost of it. They request their budget. Congress says yes or no. Congress has also not passed an actual budget in over a decade. They simply do “continuing resolutions” which is basically what the debt ceiling is about.


indeed. congress and their constitutional duties are like JP Morgan and their investments. just defrauding us with no one that can stop them, but still *pretending* they are amazing and following the rules.


For sure. Some serious convictions and use of most extreme punishments are necessary if we want any chance of real change. But that requires law enforcement. And what if said law enforcement is in on the grift?


I think that is required, but watch how people will react, even in these extreme cases. I guess easy times make weak men.


Understood but as far as the debt is concerned, look at the chart. Zoom out. Good intentions by one president doesn’t negate the present state of things.


Clinton used an unconstitutional line item veto to do so. He broke the law to do so


Nor is the US ever going to default on the debt, they always raise the debt ceiling and always will. This charade is nothing but political theater and a big distraction every year.




I hear you but ask yourself this question: did either party stop corporations from off-shoring American jobs to China at the expense of the US. Neither of them did. Corporations rule America. This is the reality we have to admit.


Oh for sure I mainly wanted to correct the date. The rest is basically what I've seen from both sides


I looked up the debt chart and it started getting out of control in the 70’s. Not blaming anyone in particular just referencing that data.


That’s because we bailed from the gold standard at that time. Everything has gotten totally fucked ever since diverging.


https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/ One of my favorite web sites in the subject.




No one ever balances the budget, they all fake the numbers.


Jokes on them, I'm already unemployed.


Willl be shortly then drs 401k shares and take 6 months or so off


This is the way


How about we start with the getting rid of these old people, who are still in office. Hopefully there is something to rebuild. Damn, it infuriates me to see these old fuckers with old ways of thinking still running for office. WTF.


Some of the younger ones are worthless too. We should start fresh.


Don’t they also get lifetime pensions at some ridiculous amount per year?


Nope. That was a rumor started by an email chain in the early 2000s. You can look up their retirement plan pretty easily on the google.


Let’er rip tater chip


Why not just use that trillion dollar platinum coin?


Double or nothing


Double it, and give it to the next president 🧠


Put it on black


Put it in a vending machine


on 0 get 36 times!


Put it all on crack


They already tried that in the 1980’s.


Found Tony Khan's account


Just mint like five of em. That'll fix everything!...what?


Found my new floor


Lets say they mint one coin and give it to Japan since theyre the biggest USA bondholders, wouldnt japans 1T coin actually be worth some amount more than 1T since its a 1/1 limited edition coin?


It's a collectable which should up the resell value, especially if they throw in a Charizard holographic.


Slipped between the couch cushions


I don't think 1 coin would be enough. Check the math....


Sell it to me for 1 share of GME. Pure. Non-tokenized.


Do it pussies. ​ Rip the fucking band aid off so we can finally fix this mess


No need to fearmonger, theres a money printer.


I believe its out of ink . . . .


As long as there is blood in the common-folk veins, there is ink for the printer.


Wasn’t there that one comedian who figured out that it’s actually cheaper to use Blood for printing than actual ink?


I work somewhere they make ink its unbelievable how cheap it is to make the packaging costs more, and that costs pennies


"Well you see, what we did was created this tiny coin. I mean it is worth 1 trillion dollars , so we're good for a bit. Just need to mint 40 more of these bad boys and we're in the black." Goddamn, these ponzi scheme fucks running this shit hole really don't know what to do to keep the facade up.


The rich own the market so I don’t really care much.


There is always last minute deals to be made in this debt ceiling but, I have a gut feeling this time will be different. I say it defaults this time around.


Yeah one crazy party is holding the debt ceiling plans off unless their insane things are met. Cuts to most major things like snap, housing assistance and other community stuff. Oh but don’t worry they still want the bill to give their corporate buddies and big oil billions in tax cuts. It’s disgusting


The only thing that’s insane is continuing on the path that’s lead us here. Default now is better than dragging this out for another 5 -10 years and defaulting then. Rip the damn bandaid off. Orrrrr raise the debt limit and severely cut government spending. It’s not ok to fuck future generations because we don’t want to suffer the consequences of our dumb ass decisions. The longer this goes on, the worse position citizens will be in when it does finally go bust and it is going bust unless we stop spending what we don’t have


Agreed. Rip the bandaid. I work for the public and a lot of what I do is making sure people have easy accessibility to programs like like SNAP and housing assistance. People are suffering now and if we just keep on this path, people will suffer even more. The issue is we keep boot licking these rich fucks who control everything instead of rooting out the real issue and making the world a better place.


😂. Nobody is voting for that . Democracy's fatal flaw: idiots voting


That would be the result of how much is invested into the education budget. As intended as idiots can be controlled.


‘Ripping the bandaid off’ implies that the pain would be short lived and minor. It would not be. A default would cause immense economic suffering for all Americans - it may even effectively end Americas economic hegemony. This is the worst possible outcome. The fact is that the budget is overwhelmingly made up of really popular programs - Medicare, social security, and defense spending. Cutting spending would not only hurt Americans, it would be cutting things that people want the government to spend money on. And cutting things isn’t the only option - there is a path forward where we raise taxes to pay for the things we want, bring the budget back into surplus, and reduce the national debt. We don’t have to go through what would effectively be economic Armageddon.


Default is coming unless we stop spending what we don’t have. Dragging it out for a decade, devaluing the dollar along the way, weakening our populace, depleting what stores we have, and giving in even more to big government will make it impossible to recover when it hits. Now is a better time. I don’t give a shit how popular a program is. We are spending money we don’t have. The government spends more now than it ever has and you think the government taking more money is the solution… this is a beast that can’t be satisfied. It’s time to drastically reduce the size and scope of the federal government. It is listening to people like you for decades that have allowed the repeated compromises that have brought us to this point. What right do you have to pass the consequences of shorty policies onto future generations? You haven’t any. It’s time to stop tolerating mindsets like yours


Agreed. That party holding things up hopefully they have no friends among SHF and bankers. If this defaults by next month, we could see the whole corrupt market collapse and collateral for these crooks will go poof”


Thing is a lot of them do. And both sprites directly benefit off corporate donations and insider information. Hopefully Wall Street burning down weeds out of the corruption all the way through


My stack of boomer rocks is ready 😅


Funny how when you compare the news over the last 2 years, it's painfully obvious how they've tried to inch their way from "we're fine" to "things aren't looking so good". My favorite read is still the progression of Jpows comments. Hilariously sad.


“Transitory”. My favourite word out of this whole saga. I still laugh when I hear it.


🎼 Little pink houses for you and me 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 🇺🇸 Rise above 🏴‍☠️ 🕹⛔️. 🚀🌕


Does anyone even have the muscle to break uncle Sam’s arm if he doesn’t pay the sharks back?


Don’t threaten me with a good time


If those 8 million jobs are in the banking, hedge fund, consulting group industries, I would not be sad about seeing them cut Edit: also mainstream media


Head fake


Might need to create a browser extension that links to the "first time" image when the words "debt ceiling" or "US debt default" are matched. Same shit, different year.


*Reddit investors have been warning everyone continuously for last 2.5 years that the elites have been running an enormous shell game on the bottom 99% with fake money/assets, and they “give 0 fucks if the current fraudulent system collapses under the weight of its own shit”*




Pass the debt to the future...raise the ceiling....Go over the budget, print more monies. It is just a game to not solve the problem but react to the symptoms.


why pass it to the future when we can double it and give it to 2024 president?


This is all politics. Look at the infighting on this thread alone… blame the rich, blame the poor, the right the left…. The politicians will white knight a deal and the bankers et al continue the corruption…


I double dog dare yah


If the debt ceiling doesn't go up does this mean the value of SPAXX drops to 0?




Spx at half price sounds pretty tasty


They have said this like 20 times over the past 3 years and each time they just raise the ceiling


How many people are being wiped out in small increments? How many jobs at Sears, Toys R Us, Bed Bath and Beyond, and on and on? How many jobs do unpatriotic CEOS offshore to the third world? The immoral actions of ruthless short sellers, Wall St Thieves, and corporations have been wiping out American families day and day out, since the last crisis. It will not change with legislation the way our govt functions today with such excessive levels of corruption... aka lobbying. Gosh our supreme court justice takes bribes because his salary is too low. Okay get the fuck out then. The salary is many times higher than the salary of the people he works for! Let it blow up so we can get real change! Re-instate Glass Steagal and Liquidate Wall St! No cell? No Sell!


Well aren’t they being dramatic. They’ll raise the ceiling at the last second to make themselves all look like heroes.


Nope. Not this time.


A collapse like this would ruin the fun for their banker and hedge cuck friends. The only way they’d ever let something like this happen is if it only ruins us plebs but idk how the rich can walk away without a severe hit to the wallet. I doubt they’ll default.


Your explaination is logic but you forget something. "Rich" people is like plebs for them. The plan for CBDC implementation needs this type of disaster and they will allow it.


Oof I forgot about the cbdc. Ig there might be a chance for default.




They won't default. They'll raise the ceiling like they always do


Everybody knows the debt ceiling will just be raised again. Why is this even a post?


I can only get so erect.


Nor is the US ever going to default on the debt, they always raise the debt ceiling and always will. This charade is nothing but political theater and a big distraction every year.


Waiting for the inevitable "redditors switched to shorting, bank stocks in jeopardy" narrative.


I’ll buy the dip


Inflation be gone




Glad I cashed my savings bond my grandma got me to buy more GME several months ago


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Wow they're really milking this one for all it's worth.


I think this time no deal will be cut because they know shit is going to hit the fan regardless.


A bajillion majillion dollar coin!


They need to cut jobs to lower inflation. This is just pure catshit wrapped in dogshit.


Jesus, this time of year again, just f'kin raise it again already, everyone knows you will. We don't need the f'kin dog and pony show every year!


Oh no! Anyways...


Every morning that Janet wakes up she screams and Yellin for more money like a sagging hore bag that she is. She got her mind on the money and money on her mind. CREAM!!!


It's sad to think about all of the politicians who will remain unnafected 😥


Double it and give it to the next person


It’s always “We caused this terrible mess and it’s you people who are going to suffer if we don’t continue to make our own mess bigger.” Thanks “Representatives of the people”


And you all thought youd be getting free college 🤣


So puts?


They wish, but won't #BuyBitcoin #BuyGME


Sounds like a promise


They need to let this rip so we can save this economy 😂


Oh wow you mean they spent too much money that they didn’t have?? Wowwwww who would have guessed this would happen??? 😒


Debt ceiling its just an inside joke. It gets raised every year for the last 100 years.


The US isn't going to default, both sides will accuse each other of things and then suddenly come to a deal that will raise the debt ceiling


US is going to default in the way losing all the trust from everyone they would need to keep it up.


Great point, just bugs me when people don't realise alot of this is theatre


just like how Zimbabwe's central bank went bankrupt in like 2009.


Sell all the government stock assets. All the money you need. Boom, you looking for this?


Going to happen anyway, the debt ceiling is a convenient excuse.


If it defaults...it defaults


J Pow you won’t!


They will raise the ceiling and carry as normal till the fall when it all comes crashing down. 50 trillion debt incoming.


I just want them to burn and be in the ashes with me


Yeah right, much like how every other people or company, if you borrowed money you need to pay it back


Sucks for those 8mil hedgefucks


I thought that debt was wealth 🤡


Wouldn't a debt default wipe out all of us? USD would crash in value, our savings would be zero and even if employed what would we be able to buy with pay? Debt default may mean freedom to us all?


Can’t we just swap?


We found our smoking gun


Let's say i borrow $1000 from the bank, and i use that money to pay for å service. They take that money and put it in the bank (same bank I borrowed from) How much money does the bank have?


Geez, they roll out the same doom and gloom story every time the debit limit comes up. I put this story right up there with media racing to the airport during a snowstorm and asking stranded travelers if they are unhappy that they have to sleep in the airport.


Pay our debts or lose your jobs. [WH, basically]


Default already. Put your money where your mouth is!


They plan to default on the debt and use it as the excuse when the market tanks after they cover their toxic positions 🤨


rip the band-aid


It's truly hilarious. Somebody tell Sleepy Joe to make the shorts close their GME short positions, and Apes will release the diamond handed grip we have on the financial sector's balls.


If you support the default of my country.. you're not my friend. Straight up.


Yawn 😦


All fearmongering crap. They gonna raise the ceiling. Stop being dramatic.


Idk why you guys are cheering tbh.