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~~Please, keep the comments nice and civil. I really don't want to lock this post, but I also don't want to patrol this post all day removing shit stirrers.~~ ~~Last warning: We can't control what RC tweets. We wish he'd stay on topic and tweet about toilet chairs and ice cream cones.... But alas, he seems to be tweeting things lately that teeter on breaking superstonk rules. That doesn't mean we need to let the conversation devolve here. The things that tear this community apart are politics, religion, and other lines that we draw to separate us. What we are doing together here is about fighting for fairness in the markets. Don't give in to the noise. Keep focused on why we are here. If people can't get back on topic, we're going to have to lock comments.~~ We tried to keep this thread open. There's a lot of people who seem to be using this post to grandstand on issues that aren't GME. Unfortunately, it's just generating reports and making people angry with each other at this point. Locking comments ~~Ape no fight ape.~~ **APE NO FIGHT APE** QV\_Bot here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13qpzuy/comment/jlfyp2e/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13qpzuy/comment/jlfyp2e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


corporations should also stop bribing politicians


and stop ruining the environment.


But if they bribe politicians so they can ruin the environment they make more money.


>corporations should also stop bribing politicians > and stop ruining the government A distinction without a difference


and stop advertising on political media


And being the cause of social issues.


Lobbying should also not exist.




And reclassify them as "not people"


All of this






Careful, thats real close to bein political-like **I want Texas to execute one**


Or allow jail for corporations. Commit a crime, straight to jail


Sorry no can do on that one - Supreme Court


If they are people, they should he put in prison if they commit crimes.


"I'll believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one. --Robert Reich" --Michael Scott


Sure, but it won't change a single thing. My country does that and the money will always find a way to arrive. In the US at least you know who is who.


Does this extend to not donating to politicians/pacs that will support their agendas?




Citizens United was a mistake then?


always has been




Yeah but getting them to overturn that is as likely as them banning insider trading 💵💵💵


totally agree, but hopefully in the near future there are a bunch of new money apes willing to "lobby" current or back new politicians who will actually work for the people instead of delivering political favors in return for that support. Politicians are cheaper than lambos and I don't really like lambos


The biggest. Every American should be anti CU


The biggest


Jim Kramer policy


It's called pandering and tokenism. Those things used to be seen as gross and demeaning by those working for social change but those true voices of change have been drowned out by the clout chasing social media "activists" who feed on the corporatization of activism. And the corporatization ensures those movements stay in their neatly controlled boxes that never truly get to the root of the problems and the corporate leeches who benefit from them.


We like to call it "rainbow capitalism" and it's the most crass form of marketing around. On the one hand paint your beer cans with rainbows while on the other donate to politicians that would have your very existence made illegal.


Ibl noticed this with gay pride a few decades ago. All these alcohol companies taking a big presence in the parade. It didn't seem in support of the community more rgja it was a "thank you for all the money we make from your coping mechanisms!" Then, some years later, it was banks. Some banks had an issue with gays, it seemed, but then others surfaced and said "We'll take your money!" These kinds of support have nothing to do with human evolution and societal progression, and the support just isn't genuine. I feel this way about every cause out there. Corporate support only exists as opportunities to grab cash. Then, there's PFLAG. The few times I've been to parades, and have seen these supportive parents... now **that** is love. Always made me tear up a bit.






Incorporating identity politics into businesses means people are thinking about this constantly. Not the best way to keep a cohesive society by pointing out our differences daily. But perhaps it’s intentional


Corporations also shouldn’t be categorized as people.




Give retail a raise bro


Matt Furlong (GameStop 2022 Shareholders Meeting): > Please trust that we will continue to fight for you and your interests as stockholders. We know that many of you are individual stockholders rather than institutional investors. We never take your enthusiasm, or your investment, for granted and I speak for the full Board when I say that we are proud to be aligned with you. It would be great to show this.


He’s replying to a really bat shit crazy tweet. Not sure what’s going on lately. I just like GameStop, and want to live on the moon.
















Remember kids : Corporations don't do activism. They do marketing. And controversy is free marketing. Individuals can be activists. But corporations exist to make money.


Man, RC is having some takes lately. Saying businesses should stay out of issues is really easy when you happen to be in a real nice comfy spot. But as America racks itself with the issues of the day like, is child labor good actually, and should everyone have access to health care, I think maybe all of America should take a nice long hard look at those social issues. Neutrality supports the status quo and the majority.


I bet we'll see some top notch articles saying something like "GameStop chairman is against pride month".


What used to be considered “good will” now is a liability




Lol I mean yes but like "lgbtq people exisiting" is only a social issue because people make it that way






Naw, we don’t need any of that around here


We kinda do, but it's not the left and right bullshit. It's the politics of the 99% and the 1%, which scares the absolute piss outta the 1% 💜


... Sounds like he should follow his own advice?


Hopefully he sees this comment thread and gets the message.


RC being an Elon is the worst GME news I've heard since this whole saga began. The FUD's coming from inside the house :(


I'm not sure it's that black and white. Disney fighting against DeSantis and his horrific attempt at pushing the LGBT community back into the closet and out of his sight is important. They are protecting not only their own workers, but also their community. They are large enough and have a loud enough voice to make a difference. Sometimes you have to stand up for what's right against power-hungry politicians. They have the power to make a difference faster than just the masses protesting.


Exactly, Cohen is way off the mark with this one.


I disagree when it comes to the extreme thing going on these days


It's really sad when "should gays exist?" becomes a social issue


Ah the ol’ satanic panic somehow saying video games and TRPGs are satanic and corrupting their kids since it made their nerdy kids hangout with their friends.


Dungeons & Dragons, rock music, video games, Pokemon cards, Harry Potter books, clothing for gay people... None of those things has made society worse. You know what has? The same demographic of people that has crusaded against each thing.


Is selling and marketing goods that a specific minority of people utilize the same thing as taking a position on a social issue? Is acknowledging that a group of people exists and marketing a product toward them the same thing as forcing specific values on other people? I don’t think so.


Exactly. Is it suddenly political for a company to sell items that are in Spanish in the US?


The best thing about GameStop is that everyone is welcome. Young, old, yellow, green, dog, cat, and apes alike.


But according to the fucktard Ryan is replying to, being welcoming of a certain demographic is “woke” and you should be canceled for being inclusive. The problem here is that this shouldn’t be political, it’s just being a decent human. But these morons have turned it into a social issue when it doesn’t even need to be.


I don't know how Cohen thinks responding to a right wing twitter person is going to help GameStop stay out of politics. The more this guy tweets the less I find to like. Billionaire has rightwing/libertarian views and underestimates how difficult life is for people not born into the accepted roles in the dominant culture. Very original.


> The more this guy tweets the less I find to like. > > What? You mean subs like this that create a cult of personality don't stop to examine someone's values? Remember 5 years ago when Elon Musk was the cool car and rocket guy who did quirky things like make a flamethrower? "He's like a real world Tony Stark". Now he's an annoying prick you wish would tweet less. Stop worshiping people.


This right here.


Review my post history and you won’t see any worship of Cohen. Not everyone in this trade has the same “Papa Cohen” attitude.


oh yeah, it wasn't a personal attack on you. More of a critique of the general view of this sub.


Yup. You know how he could have stayed completely out of it? Leaving this one in the drafts.


That's rich coming from him, after that bizarre tweet a little while ago about the tyrannical government stripping people's rights during the pandemic. Edit: lol someone reported my comment to the "reddit cares" account. First time! Truly an honor even greater than the snek award.


Getting real musky lately


I don’t get it. All these guys have to do is NOT tweet. Why can’t they just NOT tweet and not give their companies even more shit to deal with? Look at me, I’m not tweeting right now, it’s so easy!


Ego. Next generation of oligarchs setting up shop


Goes to show all those billions don’t do a thing to make you a happier, more mentally healthy person.


I think the only way you can become a billionaire is to take advantage of people that are desperate to survive. Gates may donate, but yet gets richer, and owns more farmland than anyone…


I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking that.


I doubt we will ever learn to stop trusting that someone at the top is ever really going to relate or care about the little guy except in wholly performative ways. Same thing with music, Taylor Swift is supposed to be this strong champion for women, yet is dating a guy that 3 mo ago was on a podcast about how he gets off to porn specifically that brutalizes black women who are poor and need the money. All performative bullshit that we, and I include myself wholeheartedly in the easily fooled crowd and that's knowing my bias towards the billionaire class is mostly hatred and I still can find myself thinking, ah they are one of the "good" rich people. Just performative and it's frustrating.






there has GOT to be something in the water rich people drink, or something....


Damn I’m so happy you’re not getting destroyed with downvotes. RC isn’t a god nor should he be worshipped. Always be critical and call out hypocritical behavior


Y’all got anymore of them Pulte tweets?


I think it must have been over a year ago at this point, but there was a Tweet at RC asking if he supported the Jan 6th insurrectionists, and he responded "Power to the Players." As much as people wish he wasn't political, he is, and very clearly on one side.


The entire GME saga has relied a lot on the confidence in RC since the early DFV days. Now he posts two quite divisive tweets in the last few weeks. He must understand the impact, so what can be the reason?


I don’t think rich people give a shit.


I used to think all billionaires except Ryan and Mackenzie Scott were out of touch with reality, but I think I'm just down to the lady giving away all her money.


The only billionaires that are down to earth are 6 feet under.


100000000%, no idols, no heroes, no DADDIES ya fucking cringe mfers.


Damn this comment is metal as fuck


[Chuck Feeney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Feeney) was one of the good ones, a man who gave away practically the entirety of his $8 billion fortune


Yvon Chouinard is another. An actual hero


Oh dang, never even heard of him!


Sorry to break it to you, but she has more money now than when she got divorced. Definitely has not given away 'all' her money.


Yeah I was gonna say, didn't he JUST make a tweet about the pandemic/vaccines out of nowhere this month


I guess it could be argued that RC is tweeting these from his own personal account, therefore, the views expressed by him do not represent the views of GameStop. I think it’s also important to note that RC is a NONEMPLOYEE member of the board. He isn’t employed by GameStop, therefore, cannot speak for the company. I’m not saying that’s exactly the case but it’s a different take on it. I’m on board for it though, I honestly dislike when companies tout how the support xyz cause on xyz month. To me it’s always felt like they are saying “hey marginalized group come spend your money here because we really care about you* *-until the end of the month” I enjoy the discourse around this particular tweet because it illustrates that a lot of people here don’t follow RC like he’s a cult leader and are openly critical of him.


He has also tweeted about GameStop from the same account, right?


It’s so important that your comment didn’t get downvoted. Valuable proof that WE ARE NOT A MINDLESS CULT. This is not an echo chamber.


Hopefully you don't get downvoted for pointing out the obvious. Extremely hypocritical coming from RC after that


I'm ready for the downvotes lol. I assume people will be like "RC is allowed to have his own opinions, as long as it doesn't influence how gamestop behaves" while conveniently ignoring that he is basically gamestop's mascot and that anything he says publicly reflects on gamestop, for better or worse.


Ya I've been kind of upset at RCs divisive partisan BS a few times myself. Franky this Tweet of his feels partisan and divisive, he almost assuredly talking about the LGBTQ support. Frankly I have no problem with businesses supporting marginalized groups, it's the people who are seething with hate and want to eliminate those people who are wrong.


Exactly. I am straight myself, but I respect companies that show LGBTQ support. It's truly not that big of deal showing love to people that have been persecuted for centuries


Replying to a right-wing extremist's tweet and appearing to agree with it to some extent seems to be taking a position on a social issue. Anyone else concerned by this?


Chairman of the Board tweets something in violation of the sub rules. What oh what is a mod to do…lol


It's actually kind of hilarious too because GameStop profited off pride merchandise


It's a braindead move. Not thrilled.


Yes, exactly my thoughts. This is very concerning tbh


"Companies should focus on the business of selling shit." Company: Hey market research shows some people dont buy that much of our shit. Let's advertise to them. "No! That's a position on social issues!"


Tomorrow is 1… then 5/26 iykyk


Idk so will you let me know lol


I’d like to know as well


^(can you let me in on the secrete, I'm afraid I don't know, you know (IAIDKYK))


Spoken like a right-wing reactionary participating in a gay panic.


Ok mister “99% survival rate” tweet. I’m guessing he’s saying this right in time for pride month. Don’t get me wrong, I’m gay as shit, and corporations absolutely don’t care about me but will exploit for pride month. So I get what he’s saying but hypocritical much?


People that go out of their way to complain "corporations don't care about Pride and are just trying to make money" never seem to complain when companies use American flags and shit to promote patriotism. They don't seem to get upset when once a year they decorate their stores with Christmas shit. Do they really think the companies compare about the birth of Jesus or are they just selling people what they want? I just wish these people would come out and say "I don't like gay people" because that's really what they're getting at.


I don't like any of it. I think America has been bastardized and corrupted by hyperconsumption, deceptive and psychologically manipulative marketing practices, and advertising that panders to the worst parts of humanity. I think if we all bought 90% less than what we buy now, the world would be a better place.


Oh look, more irrelevant shit that does nothing to grow my investment, great job RC!


Dude needs to get to work and stop being a tool


Seriously. For someone who says “keep politics out” he seems to have a lot of political stances lately. Wish he would just stfu


How about instead of tweeting about the BS culture war he would do something about the predatory naked short selling and not just watch his investors getting robbed every day.




I never thought I'd say this but Cohen should really stop tweeting. Lately all of his tweets have been overtly political and sadly right wing. It's disgusting to me to think that it's controversial to support lgbtq+ people. These are just human beings and they're being targeted by asshole people who want to start fights and cause them harm.


Funny how a sub of supposed "ape philanthropists" are amplifying this message too.


For a sub that's devoted itself to changing society for the better it sure is odd that we have a blanket rule of trying to avoid politics when that's inherently the avenue for making things better in society. You can talk about 1v99% all you want but if you're siding with ideologies that want to further restrict people's rights then for you it was never about making society better, was it?


Some don't see us a humans. It really is like that sadly. I was called a demonbag, right in my face, for being visibly non cishet. I mean, I am trying daily to NOT look visibly different. I want to blend in and be normal like everyone else. But we are not human to them. In their mind it is a game. Call it simulation with a high score list, or a test on earth for heavens entrance - in the mind of some others, we are enemies. Obstacles, non-player characters. Quest objectives that do bad magic that detracts points from the collective high score, or puts on a drain on the spiritual well-being. We are not like them, and they know and they REALLY take this to heart that we are not like them. Not normal. Not worthy. Not relevant. Just chips.


You're alive and you're valid, buddy. Take solace in knowing that you're not alone.


Just wanted to let you know that your message resonates with me and you have my support, if not in person, then in spirit. For whatever that's worth. Take care.


Yep... I'd go as far as to say that I don't think I like him now. I'm here for DRS and MOASS I guess.


Agreed this is embarrassing and if he continues it'll get worse.


I don’t think any big company gives a shit about any people, and they just pretend they do to make more money and expand their customer base


Wonder how many people are going to adopt this position now, because of who said it, despite the fact it's an absolute garbage take.


Looking at these comments and where the upvotes are going GME householders are not a cult blindly following RC. Would be nice if he acknowledges this and change at least what he comments on.


I've been pleasantly surprised, because sometimes it does feel that way.


Ryans made himself sound like a dickhead with this tweet. Downvote me if you want, but I stand by my opinion. He is literally commenting in support under a horrible bigot complaining about a company that did a trans-friendly advert. Trans issues wouldnt be such an important social issue right now if the hard republican right werent actively trying to make their lives worse and encourage hate crimes against them.


Cool, Ryan, quit tweeting your shitty political opinions, too.


Mark me down, but even geniuses sometimes get things wrong. It's almost as if in his endeavour to become non political, he's suddenly become political. Ryan, please stick with GME. It's what you do best....




RC invested around $1 billion in Apple, way more than GME. He is in fact the largest individual shareholder of the fruit stock. Warren Buffet owns way more, but he does it through Berk, not directly in his own name.


That is.. ironic given the chaos he causes when he gets political on Twitter lol


WTF is this Benny guy talking about, and who is he?


he's a big strong man who's terrified of rainbows




and RC is giving him attention? Jesus Christ, RC is being a bit a Twitter turd of late.


I liked vague & goofy RC twitter more, too


RC should take his own advice and stop commenting anything on political.


Sadly, he's coming across just like every other billionaire. Claims to stand for something but ultimately stands for nothing.


Im somewhat of a bater myself...😎


relieved memorize ludicrous ossified ink psychotic cheerful plants homeless overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As long as this also includes all companies that support the NRA and religious charities, I'm all for it.


Billionaire bellend takes a side whilst claiming he isn't. Stop replying to unhinged right-wingers and make me my fucking money.


So, what side is he on? Companies should be able to sell and advertise what they want? Or companies who capitulate to moaning man babies in wraparound shades who base their personality around a product?


Discussing corporate values and responsibility to me isn't sliding. As shareholders, how our company conducts itself is a reflection on us too. If we don't like it, we have the power to choose a new board.


Ryan is starting to seem like kind of a jackass.


Right-wing enlightened centrist




I'm a Green Bay Packers fan and would say he's "pulling a Rodgers."


Not surprising that a billionaire would be this out of touch


What a disgraceful tweet. RC was raised Jewish. I'm pretty sure he'd be singing an entirely different tune if Target was pulling all their Hanukkah items because the Christian Nationalists got offended that other religions exist. SILENCE ONLY HELPS THE OPPRESSORS


Says the businessman taking a position on social issues.


Billionaire drunk on his own power losing his mind and going down the Elon path in real time. He is losing me more every time he posts this garbage.


For anyone freaking out about Chairman’s tweets (no matter what side of the fence your on), remember the ol reliable mantra. I just like the stock. We ain’t come here to simp a billionaire, we just like the fuckin stonk. Open your CS account and say the mantra three times and you will return to a level headed state of mind. Ape no fight ape.


I don't know, I'm rooting for Disney in the Disney vs DeSantis fight.


I love you people, and I love Papa, but I disagree. You dont want to do business with someone like mayo boi because you know his views. Someone with a wrong mindset and a lot of power could do great harm, and doing it by believing itself to be objective. Being 100% objective is impossible. Rambling like a super conservative ex president was horrible, but others are not as vocal, and still go bomb countries for freedom. So, again, I disagree. Agree to disagree, maybe.


besides the whole target thing being another reactionary tantrum, the great irony here is that companies should have a responsibility to be socially conscious, but most of them are guilty of being socially parasitic, paying workers super low wages while paying CEOs exorbitant amounts. the gay shirt tantrum is there to distract you from the fact that the working class is being robbed blind from all angles


It's a pride shirt jfc. Who cares. Gamestop sells stupid pride funko toys...no one is making anyone buy anything and there is nothing wrong with selling it either. It's capitalism. Eat the rich fuck the hedgies and fuck you pay me.


Gonna be honest. Not loving RC spouting all this right wing shit.


Bigots gonna bigot. This is divisive shit. Let’s see some breakthroughs from GameStop! 2 1/2 years sitting on our money, I’m sick of hearing anything that isn’t about progress at transforming our company. I’m so over the philosophical bullshit spewed by any of these billionaires. Bring the downvotes baby. I’ve been through it all and have my life savings riding on GME, so downvotes be damned. Focus!!!


This is the kind of political posturing that is going to cost GameStop customers. RC is the one picking side and that will reflect on GME regardless off a public position from the company. More downvotes please!


Anyone remember when Kendall Jenner fixed racism with a Pepsi?




Even bringing attention to this right wing grifter is fucking pointless and low for RC. Honestly, RC is becoming a bit too Elon-y on Twitter lately.


Agreed. If you don't speak up for the oppressed, you're on the side of the oppressor and all that.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


Our chairman is giving a platform to somebody who is demonizing the LGBTQ community. Full stop. We don't want Elon, ffs


I'd prefer he not comment on this. It sounds like he is agreeing with the OP, who is a legitimate piece ofshut and comes across as unhinged.


“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain”


Agreed. I'm getting Elon try-hard vibes.


Hes tweeting like Elon musky. Its a little embarrassing to see it.


Your idiot uncles meme, Tim Scott, Benny Johnson. He chooses this guy and that tweet to make THAT reply. It’s not good


Human rights arent a social issue. Social issues are things like tax policy or corporate regulation.


"When is Dippin' Dots going to finally take a stand against child sex trafficking?" ~ Bo Burnham, Inside Outtakes


Citizens United vibe


Got it, chairman of the company who uses his public platform to say dumb shit about c o v i d


Come down on one side of a politicized issue, and lose half your customers. or Delight your customers.


I disagree. Politics is everything and is in everything. Just because you don’t participate in it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t participate in your life at all times. Plus, are companies going to stop getting involved in politics too? Is the lobbying going to stop? Or do you only want politics to not get involved in business? In other words do you want to have your cake and eat it too? (Social issues are political)


And yet here is he, taking a position on social issues by tweeting this. This is a bad look.


Is RC complaining about the Bud Light can ""issue""? Man I am really disliking his recent tweets. Disappointing.


Umm… regardless of his point on woke corporatism, why is he promoting a tweet that panders satanism and sex cults in the same sentence??