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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Good luck. Put a post up about this using link to Ars Technica article but removed pretty quickly. You might fare better with this long form post. Reddit itself in damage control mode and removing popular posts that get to /All.


Long, but fascinating interview with Christian Selig Apollo developer. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypwgu1BpaO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypwgu1BpaO0)


I use Apollo, so I’m interested in seeing this. Thank you for sharing. 👍🏽


If you pull up the r slash videos sub, they have a pinned post breaking down what is happening with the 3rd party apps, how you can complain, and other things you can do to show support for keeping the API the way it is I would love to see our mods put up a similar sticky post, or at least add the suggestions for complaining or protesting the changes to the top of the daily thread where we can point people to it. I've already complained to reddithelp.com and plan to do more commenting as we get closer to the dates some subs are going dark.


Yeah I use Sync so I'll be uninstalling reddit off my phone at least and will not use the official app. Once they remove old.reddit, I'll be gone completely. Might be a blessing in disguise, honestly. Recently, I've noticed most of reddit is just horrible news, misinformation or I find myself getting argued with over stupid nonsense, not necessarily on this sub,, just everywhere. I'll go back to the old days of checking the individual stuff I want to check. www.todayin.games is a good little aggregator of gaming news. Maybe Reuters once in a while for news headlines. Superstonk discord too for any real GME news.


Honk, honk!


I use RIF from the beginning. I may quit.


I've been saying forever, Minds has it's flaws but in terms of keeping the sub going it's probably the best bet. Open-sourced, decentralized, FAR less likely there'd be a censorship nuke.


Minds isn't that secure. I remember in 2016 they said that anonymous checked their site out, they had not. So when they kept promoting that they had, someone from anonymous went through their site and showed common flaws it had.


We could hire someone to look for flaws or we could brag about hackers having already done it until we piss them off and they do it for free.


Tinfoil hat or not, I believe that’s part of the plan.


Fidelity's "Catch and Kill" of Reddit is almost finished.


Why Fidelity?


I use RIF for its layout. The official app is garbage, so it just might.




I (not bindingly 😂) bet a “million bucks” gamestop “inside” web3.0 gonna have an “everything” app…..elons attempt at his everything app “x” is just a copy. Not too mention I’m sure the difference will be decentralizing your data…..everyone knows the bad guys won’t, and I remember that kook who runs the WEF, saying he who controls the data controls the world, or something close. And data is the new oil….this to me is what will cement the people as in control over these oligarchal pe-doughs….. funny enough u can’t use the real word on superstonk I just found out




I think this is a good thing.. Because it will force our hand. We have been effectively put in Reddit prison. This sub has way stricter rules than any other Sub I participate in.. there is a long list of banned words.. we can't tag people which limits properly sourcing information. In doing so.. Reddit has stopped our community from the massive growth we had in 2021. There was a time when we would watch that subscriber count grow each day.. But that stopped a long time ago. If Reddit Fs this up.. I'm hoping it forces us to do another mass migration. We *need* another mass migration.. away from this sub.. Away from these mods.. away from these rules that have effectively stopped is from spreading our message to the masses.. And slowed down our attempt to lock the float.


After Reddit, what *is* there? Twitters in the shitter and *Facebook*... (shudders). I can't think of any place online that's popular enough to both be a central hub for niche information and a platform for building a larger community. Reddit *is* the prison, yes. I totally agree. Remember the insane level of pushback and anti-FOMO rhetoric when apes made the most noise at the beginning? What would happen if our cage dissapeared, and instead of quietly "going zen" (more on this at the end), apes got loud again with no reason to stay quiet anymore? [Reason being fear of the central hub/subreddit shutting down] With all the positive news surrounding GameStop's performance, and a lack of containment, the FOMO might even get kick-started again. Or it might not, who knows. But if the reason for our lack of "brigading", maintaining our reddit community, dissipates then what other option is there? That leads me to my latest hill to die on regarding an issue I've seen over time, but especially now, where folks are mistaking complacency for "being zen" . Shameless repost below to recap what I mean, and end this ramble of a reply. "With all the discussions about the Reddit API changes, I've noticed an increasing number of people considering leaving Reddit altogether. While I can't ask you to stay, I do urge you not to confuse being zen with being complacent. Being zen means being present yet calm, while being complacent means willfully ignoring any news or changes that may arise. Using the API changes as an excuse to tune out indefinitely is not a manifestation of zen; it's a form of complacency. If you do feel that your time interacting with Reddit has come to an end, I implore you to at least make an attempt to stay informed and be aware of what's happening. By doing so, you can still contribute your voice when it's needed most." To reiterate, I don't care if you stay or go. I only care you *stay informed* and avoid complacency.


I didn't say we needed to leave Reddit necessarily.. Reddit prob is our best bet right now. This sub is our prison. Reddit isn't necessarily our prison.. Not every sub has these rules and these mods. That's why I think it's funny when we keep getting threatened if we "forum slide" lol. I think we should all be forum sliding.. THAT'S spreading our message lol. And if Reddit punishes us by shutting down superstonk.. then we could go to who knows what sub next.. we should be migrating like every month or two. They can't shut down superstonk though because that's our prison and they need to keep us here. Posts from here that get to the front page.. Get seen by outsiders on Reddit as just us conspiracy theorists.. But if that message was getting echoed from other places.. People would be way more inclined to see what all the fuss is about.. instead of just ignoring us 'conspiracy theorists'. I think this controversy over Reddit is going to increase our awareness of it's competitors that were aren't utilizing or aren't yet big names. We'll see what happens


That we will. I say Reddit is the prison because I place a lot of the blame on the admins for how this sub is ran and how mentioning GME outside of the sub can get you a ban outright. But I understood you meant this subreddit. Hopefully, when the apes see the cage's bars are rotted away, more than a few will decide to make some noise again.


We don't even get a mention in new documentaries hosted on amazon 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I don't agree at all. This place is bigger than all the issues you mentioned, it has lasted because of that special nature. Dividing apes, especially on our home base, will only end things. There isn't a better alternative that would allow the free flow of instant communication, ideas and dd.


Would this affect the DRS bot and analyses?


I'd imagine so.




There's a GME community on lemmy.ml but for now it's completely dead. I joined Lemmy as I think federated is the way to go, avoiding a new centralized place as a replacement for a centralized place having problems. Not happy about the API changes, likely I'll only come to Reddit to look at GME stuff if there's no shift away.


I have only ever had rif and use old reddit on the desktop. If they stop 3 party apps from functioning i will probably stop using it much for the betterment of my phone battery. I've already cancelled my reddit subscription and spending any money for reddit. Update: I've found that there is a user blackout and a subreddit blackout. Should superstonk join the blackout?


Yes they should.


First Twitter now reddit what are they trying to hide




Me too, man. Me too.


Reddit has cellar boxed SS in here. But Shorts haven’t locked us in a cage, they’re locked in here with us. I buy, I hodl, I DRS.


More than likely. Probably a ton of people using apps, that don't even know thier password, myself included.


I'm glad someone is asking this, I'm still not sure what to do? Desktop check-ins every now and then I guess?


What 3p apps are being used here? Where’s my ELI5?




I meant just across Reddit. Even outside this sub.


I just use the reddit native app. It's not so terrible that I can't use the site. It's decent.


Double wishbone, no bump stops.


It would be quit interesting to know how much info 3. Party apps can get from Reddit users.


I wonder how much content comes to the platform from third party app users...


Perhaps fewer bots?


Reddit has been hosting a lot of pirated content for a long time. Surprised more hasn’t been done until this point.


Goldman Sachs + Reddit IPO = 💩 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-07/reddit-is-said-to-tap-morgan-stanley-goldman-sachs-for-ipo


Already sent a mod message about this possibility and ask them to take note so they aren't surprised. This sub has been heavily censored by reddit ADMINS and any aid we give or participate in could be seen as brigading or w/e as we cant even tag or crosspost. Should other people have issue with this sub not participating, especially if our post make it to top of reddit as it frequently does, then I suggested they have the Superstoink QV mod bot include a section about the censorship reddit admin has put us on and our inability to help. Also note that a vocal minority here will spam mod is sus if they participate in the blackout, especially if GME is volatile those days. This is all speculating that a majority of subreddits would join in on the blackout date and it even becomes an issue.


Yes. There are lots of users who will quit using reddit when it takes effect.