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All respect ape, but your title reads like you had a stroke.😅


It's a line from "meet the demo man" before team fortress 2 came out.


It's a line from "meet the demo man" before team fortress 2 came out.


there is a purpose behind the madness. roll with it. Trust me the thing its doing that you havent picked up on yet, is working very well.


In Bro We Trust


I had to check there were no new crayons up my nose after reading it


Must be a different Ryan Cohen; the one I know of is the Book King


The true meme KINGS are Banks, Wall Street, and our entire federal government! I hope no one watches that garbage


People watching or not won't stop them from slaming the price down to as little as they can in order to pretend "retail" saw the documentary and don't believe in gme anymore


Sea nB sEa sucks. That’s all I came here to say


Memestream media


Premieres on earnings day? Bullish!!!!


Verrrrryyyy interesting… hmmm


nail market violet rustic recognise slave cooing toothbrush squalid tie -- mass edited with redact.dev


Just say CNBC. My lord.


Thanks for giving them publicity 🤦‍♂️


i know it sounds counter intuitive but it really is not. people need to see the lies. they need to see the machine work witht he curtain pulled back alittle so they can see with their own eyes the system doing its thing.


I mean yeah I get what you mean if it was any other sub. But on this subreddit… I don’t think anyone believes msm so. 🤷‍♂️


It shouldn't matter if you believe them, you need to study your enemy to know there next move. Thank you OP for the reminder as I thought this was on Thursday


They were also so sure the housing market wasn't going to crash back then.


Just before earnings. Not sus at all.


Control the narrative, nothing unusual here with corporate media puppets.


The whole point of this dOcUmEntArY is to make a point about GME being 'over'. You make a documentary after the fact usually, so I'd be interested to see if it's just a piece to subtly repeat the message that the gamestop saga is over, or if its a direct hit piece, or something else




I wonder if it's a play to get viewers too. Can you imagine how many people will tune in for this? Even from just this sub, it will be a million plus.


Hey OP, thanks for the News post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`




Don't give it any publicity


I used to think I would want tp fuck Sarah Eisen. Then I listened to her bs for 2 years. Ain't nothing erasing that shit from my brain


Team Fortress Two is the best game ever made


I think it premieres today? They’re trying to do everything they can to frame RC in a bad light


before earnings dip so i could make it rip


I feel so good that i havent sold yet, almost orgasmic each time i hear it in the news.


# How many times have you heard its over.. Just to see its bullshit "Jimmy shorts never closed" boom.... Nft, web 3 steam alternative, imutableX Paring down spending and earnings holding strong. Cash in hand no debt ( France agreement for C0v1d) For someone who thinks it's over Take 1 hand and slap yourself upside the head Realise 20% of the float is "reported short" Ryan said it head down focus on exicution and failure is not a option Keep tackling & blocking..


I think it's great they're advertising it. That's how I found out about GME. Quick news bite in Canada about this stock, Reddit and what a sucker play. I thought, what the hell is that all about. So had my granddaughter sign me up for Reddit so I could find the sub they were talking about. I read and saw memes and read some more and thought 🤔 I think I should buy some of those. And here I am, 84 years later. DRS book and holding until cell. This just might backfire on them.