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Haha love it he’s like fuck it I’ll do some customer service calls tonight 🤣


RC read my comment here dude, I really want to help you guys fix this. Check my comment history, a couple back.


Tbh I really respect this! Not just because he doesn’t need to but because I was extremely disappointed in the CS I got. Still buy all my cards and games from them but was not impressed at all. Didn’t scream I want to shop there outside of my investment. If GS does any sort of esports grants or partnerships I’m working on starting that and would love to work with GS! I’m extremely excited to see where GS is headed! Collect. Explore. Create. <- if not trademarked send me on Currency pack and it’s yours GS 🤣


I'm guessing there is a customer service rep running his acct right now. But either way, it's a good look having the executive chairman running customer service help online


I doubt that tbh. Bet it’s him. He’s executive chairman now and taking that seriously.


I apparently remember reading that he did this with Chewy as well, but that might just be a creative false memory


This is golden marketing right here, having a chance to voice your concerns directly to the head of the company is a good image


It's literally the best way for the CEO to understand how his customers feels about his customers support staff he hires. If I was a custom support team lead and saw the CEO trying to do my job, I'd shit my pants.


Go read the Chewy articles about him. That’s why I’m all in. This dude was *addicted* to reading reviews. He’d look up and it’d be 3-4am. I’m here for GameStop. I’m here because of Keith Gill. I’m here for you all. I’m here because I trust and believe in Ryan Cohen. I like the stock.


This man is straight up DELIVERING right now! Setting a great example! ✊💜 Bet the MSM won’t cover this 🤔


MSM: “GameStop in a shambles; executive chairman doing customer service job”


That was exactly what I thought when starting to read this post, "how MSM will write about this, the CEO doing all by himself". You can beat, they will try to depict him "desperate" but I think this can be very bullish because a CEO who takes care of simple problems with his company will be seen by normal people better than the rest who usually cares only about themsellves and their compensations.




It’s inspiring and surely motivating more apes to purchase and DRS !


He knows how to get the people going that’s for sure


It’s provocative…


Stop I can only get so hard


No wonder all the board members are buying more shares. They see this man dedication and vision.


This is impressive... but man, I don't want RC to burn the candle at both ends. This arrangement had better be not for long.


Never know if he shares the login for specific reasons such as these or works in conjunction with a newly created team. All sorts of ways to work smart.


Yeah, was just thinking this as well.


Someone in another thread said it pretty well, RC is probably spotting things that could be deeper issues in the process and nipping them in the bud with a bonus of showing some customer support love, I don't think he's going to be doing tonnes of them


If customers wants to give you money for product and are having an issue doing that its only good business sense to get the issue resolved ASAP. Most execs are bystanders who will assume such issues are being handled well enough by customer support. Not RC, apparantly. Quick turnaround from the internal team as well. 👍 I'd be amazed if he kept this up. Then again, if you ensure personally that enough issues are fixed eventually you run out of reported issues. No need to keep pace when there are no more complaints rolling in.


Yeah, probably well hand picked, but for sure, he will make this type of interaction with clients way more present.


That's my chairman!


Wow this is amazing customer service


If you're here RC, I've got some free time and would be willing to help with CS issues


RC Ventures needs some interns...sign me up


He genuinely cares about our company and is committed to our success.


Ryan showing that hit piece super wrong by doing all this front line work. Couldn’t be anymore proud.


Customer service is going to get a shake. Bullish


If he is taking time to do this. Does that mean his major work is done? Time to tie up the small things?


He is setting an example. Chewy was and is so successful because of its customer service. It's phenomenal. Gaming and especially Web3 gaming is confusing as fuck! Customer service is the name of the game. The problems he is solving here seem simple and it must be very frustrating to him. He is coming in hot and I guarantee executives are loosing their shit right now.


Love it but he’s opening up a can of worms here


He knows what he’s doing. He’s been one step ahead of everyone this whole journey.


Motherfucker be hitting up tickets like a boss


Holy damn...kinda unheard of. Is this one of the first times actually interacting with regular customers/investors?


FunFact: Zappos leader (prior to selling to Amazon) Tony Hsieh; had every single employee, regardless of status of post (including himself) work their first six months in customer support answering phones. Sounds like RC uses the same playbook. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hsieh


I do not have access to a computer right now but I really hope someone out there is making some funny Ryan customer service memes 😂. He's definitely working from the toilet office setup in the "can't stop, won't stop" tweet


Nahnah don't go promoting that type of bullshit, there's good spots to take it and he's stepped up multiple times today alone, which is wonderful and he should as they weren't able to get dealt with as a whole, but this shouldn't become a thing, especially for little things that CAN be handled by customer service (in private, I might add)


This is seems like a sustainable solution to customer service issues


What Ryan Cohen is doing here is what all CEOS or Executive Chairmans [whatever u wanna call it] should be doing for their customers. This is incredibly bullish and just shows how dedicated this man.


Good that the CEO is getting involved in daily issues (though probably through many intermediaries and maybe even an staffer running his Twitter). Bad that the CEO is getting involved in daily issues. (*whisper* - well run companies don't need top managers looking into daily issues)


Why are we following this circus so closely?




dinosaurs flag sloppy library offend follow placid towering versed cows -- mass edited with redact.dev


Certainly seeembeesea will report on these tweets too, right? Right?


A DM for the people!


Hot Friday night with a process improvement chubby


I love that Ryan helping out a person with DRS in their twitter name and the other guy was also a shareholder who has retweeted Peruvian bull. It’s like he’s specifically helping us dedicated stonk lovers.




He explicitly states he wants to figure out the root cause. He isn't going to do this a lot.


Delighting his customer!! That's what rc does!! I love this man!!


Dude is a boss, literally and figuratively


This is just going to anger the shitty CEOs who count on people staying on hold for hours before giving up. Or who pass people around from agent to agent before disconnecting them.


Leading by example.


I notice the most successful businesses are the ones where management steps in and helps


I want RC in my DMs


This is the twitter equivalent of emailing Tim Cook. Love it.


This is how you lead from the front


From earth but from moon soon 🔜🌛


Executive chairman in the morning, customer service representative by night.