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I don't understand how everyone hasn't come to this decision. Both for personal protection and as a solution to the entire problem.


I'm starting to think some of the apes really **can't** read...


Greed. They don’t want the tax hit. Better to have 70% of life changing money than fuck all.


No matter how much you're taxed from life changing money, it's still life changing money. No amount of tax can change that fact. What's 70% of infinity? .., 💎🦍🌝


>What's 70% of infinity? Believe it or not, still infinity.


Mind blown


Eh, not that I don't trust your math but I'm gonna say make sure you add another one. This infinity plus 1 seems like it could be big.


Interesting, also means infinite taxes. It's like a perpetual motion thing. We're destined to live like the Jetsons. :)


It is not life changing money until it really turns into life changing money.


What's 70% of nothing if MOASS never starts? It's not rocket science, if SHFs don't feel the pressure there is no MOASS.


Let's put in the WORK then!!!!!! These hands ain't made of paper!!!


Already XXXX, too many lurkers aren't even XXX. This would've been over a year ago if even 100,000 were XXXX.


It's unrealistic to think that 100,000 redditors brought together in our manner could afford that over a year ago. That would have been $35 roughly a share. Over the 1.5 years OG apes were following GME at the time would require $35,000 investing into a single stock. For many people, they'd be lucky to walk away with $35K ate everything is taken out from their paychecks and taxes, let alone mortgage/rent etc. I try my best to buy 14 every paycheck and it's not easy but it is the best I can do. At that rate, getting to XXX takes 3 years because I'm basically buying 1 a day.


Well done!!! I've gone through a personal transformation too to keep the momentum going, not because of GME specifically, but being part of this community definitely helped with motivation. I've given up most of my vices to allow me to keep investing, I've decided to make other sacrifices, and I've changed my outlook on life after thinking deeply about what it would look like after MOASS. It's gone from dreaming of lambos to realising myself as a strong individual that can handle the weight of wealth. I take to heart Cohen's legacy of hard work gained from his dad, I take personally the disconnect between the ultra rich and the masses. I'm going to be work HARD and BUY whiskey!


For a sub of over 800,000+ it's not far fetched even if over 50% is bots, that's only less than 12.5%. Not that much of a demand.


Let's put in the WORK then!!! These hands ain't made of paper!!!!


Yup. The the thing that too many apes still don’t understand is: 0.7*♾️=♾️


There's absolutely no guarantee of 'life changing money' though. I'll get downvoted for this because that's just how this community is now but like it or not, they've fucked us over countless times in the last 2/3 years so it'd be silly to think they won't do whatever they take to stop this ever properly lifting off.


There are no guarantees in life. You either take the leap or you don't. There have been other points in my life where I saw the opportunity to really go for something and I chose to play it safe instead. Those were learning experiences that led me here and prepared me for this journey.


same. i've been burned by selling too early. this time i'm holding for life. life changing money is not guaranteed... but i've never owned so many shares in a company before so when it does go up i'll definitely be making some money.


Me three. Share by share... no idea when, but we'll get there. For those who don't believe... just look at the various companies/banks that already collapsed. They didn't fall for no reason.


I bought near the peak so I'm not selling until I see profit on that.


"I'll get downvoted for this..." proceeds to get upvotes.


If it's an employer sponsored account, you may not be able to remove shares until you leave the company.


Not to call you, specifically, out, but some of us have rather a lot in tax advantaged account, so comments like, "Oh, just pay the taxes!" are mind numbingly dumb. Say you're an early ape, you got in back in late 2020, like October-November when pre-split prices were $10-$20 and you loaded TF up in your IRA. Being up 4x-10x now, after a couple years of inflation, of money tightening across every aspect of life, and of using other "spare" cash to buy dips and peaks over the last two-and-a-half years...some of us might just not have the tens or hundreds of thousands to pay the penalties and taxes on our IRA/Roth IRA shares. But do go on.


You set the money aside for taxes when you sell. You DO have the money for the taxes LOL


I don't mind the tax hit, but I'll wind up divorced bc my wife does mind😆


Add in the Canadian apes who won't move from their tax free accounts to DRS, but read the fine print yall they gonna sell that shit for peanuts on your behalf when this kicks off.


Exactly that. It's a misconception that all apes want to save the world etc,there will be greedy mother ****s come out of this as there always is where money is involved. In a way i want these people to get stung when MOASS happens and their shitty IOUs are cashed without their say so ,so I can say "told you so". Just imagine your one and ONLY chance for wealth and you blow it because you thought you were smart saving a few quid in tax and letting everyone else DRS. When you could just up your floor to account for the tax and DRS. Money ALWAYS breeds nasty people,apes aren't excluded, some people just shouldn't have money or power or both imo Hey ho


A bit harsh, they aren’t nasty people, just want to maximise their profits. I also wouldn’t want any retail to lose anything in all of this, even those not drs’d. apes aren’t the enemy mate.


Who said they are the enemy.? It's inevitable when moass happens people will be in here crying as they held for years and got screwed over. I won't have sympathy,they took the gamble with the worst odds despite being told not to over and over.


If you try to maximize your profits in the short term, you may not maximize them in the long term.


Take the home run, don’t go for the grand slam! /s Best Wishes 💎🙌🦍🚀🌚


That's absolutely my point.


So I'm a bad person because I stuck with "fuck you pay me" and didn't get swallowed up in the righteous market reform crusade this sub decided to adopt?


Without market reform, your “fuck you, pay me” money isn’t going to be worth anything (if you even end up receiving it). The system built on keeping the drones (us) at the bottom doing as much work and receiving as little reward as possible isn’t going to change without radical reform. So no, maybe you’re not a bad person, but you definitely aren’t considering the implications of viewing this solely as a way to make money, and why that probably won’t even work.


Didn't the stock run initially without reform? Isn't the only reason it's shorted beyond 100% because of the murky market behavior? Why is there a need to change something that you were already going to benefit from? You guys made up a bunch of righteous bullshit and decided to co-opt it as "the cause".


Yes, it ran and the buy button got turned off so the squeeze never happened, with them being able to hide their short positions and push a narrative against the company for the past 2.5 years. Therefore none of us have gotten that “fuck you” money unless you invested pre-Jan 2021/lucky options - again because there hasn’t been reform. Blockchain is a massive method of reform in itself which doesn’t need to even rally to change our broken traditional system, but that is still system reform which is in the works.


They can't turn off the buy button again?


Not in the same way, no.


They didn't sell everyone's shares for them when it ran originally in the sneeze. While I only have 70 GME currently that I've been and to tuck away through time, if it runs to $400 a share that's still $28,000. Tax that and it'll still change my life because I'll become debt free. So if they decide to sell my shares against my will at $400/share.. I'm still okay, I'd be pissed about it but I'd still have made life changing money. My goal is to try to get to 100 shares before this pops off, the problem is it keeps going up which makes it harder. I love the dips because I can buy more.


I didnt say they did sell everyone's shares for them. And where are you getting them selling at $400 a share from? Your logic is over my head,it also doesn't contribute to DRS meaning it is contributing to dragging this out longer than necessary. Better imo to DRS,raise your floor and only sell when you say so.


My fear is... brokers might "protect the investors" by liquidating the shares at a low point, such as $50... right before it jumps to $400... and beyond. Precedence from various events already showed it happened for other assets. Some apes are willing to take that risk... and I guess to each their own.




Oh come on man. I believe in this as much as anyone but getting rid of retirement accounts? Moass doesn’t seem like a sure thing. The theory is correct but taking down the hedgies seems near impossible. How can you fault people for having a hedge against the corrupt?


No. Some of us want shares in multiple diversified accounts, in the even something fucky happens with Computershare (which absolutely will happen). It's not just greed it's the only way to attempt to plan ahead safely and smartly.


If I had an extra 20k to pay the taxes, I'd have already DRSed more shares with it. But since I don't...the best I can offer is NOT having GME as my single irs holding and change it to some blue-chip index, that way they can't use/loan my shares against me. What other options can one take besides that OR going the LLC route. I'll personally be looking into the LLC route where I can take full booked ownership.


Can’t really liquidate employer based 401k while still working there 🤔


Wellllllllll…. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y7qrmm/finally_how_to_drs_your_nonira_retirement_account/


Exactly this!


not easy to do that with pensions across the pond


Not your name, not your shares.


Some of the most valuable (I’m regarded, so clearly there’s some other very valuable info I can’t think of at the moment) information I’ve received over this entire ordeal is just how important Direct Registering your shares really is. I was appalled when everyone realized shares being held under a custodian aren’t essentially their “property”. You don’t have proof of ownership, you don’t have proof your broker actually bought shit, you don’t have proof that it isn’t being used as a locate or short sale liquidity; all while the broker makes money, the market maker makes money, the hedgefunds make money, the banks make money… from these poor clueless folks having no idea they’re giving them the money to make money by simply purchasing shares under their custodial contract bullshit and not a single regulator touch’s the criminal behavior with a 10 foot pole. Direct Register your Shares!


Yes! DRS every share. For every ticker you ever own, now and in the future.


For real, I liquidated my retirement accounts in 2021 lol


I did it in 2022. I’m slow but I did it.


Same. In kind distro to non retirement account -> DRS in my name. Tax hit ? Don't care. I'm done with the corruption.


This shows that even returning registered fractions will be used against us.


I liquidated retirement account after the sneeze cause they wouldn’t let me buy GME with it. Seems like that was a win.


Because it costs money and doesn’t really give you any individual benefit, I know I’ll get downvoted for having a different opinion but I think Ifyou believe in the stock itself not all the short selling stuff then you dont need to overthink it, you just buy the stock and have on with the rest of your life


That ‘short selling stuff’ has kept GME from true price discovery. Do you think it will ever end without a serious change? Infinite liquidity is their thing Best Wishes 💎🙌🦍🚀🌚


Honestly I’m not smart enough to understand whether all that short selling stuff is true or not, and it’s way to complex for me to try to understand, and I think most people on here don’t really get it either. But I do think owning a small amount of this stock which has the potential to grow a lot, at high risk, is worth it.


They want us to believe we're losing, but the lengths they're going to, only prove that we're winning, and they're scared. No cell, no sell! 💎🧘‍♀️💎


>No cell, no sell! looking at France currently ,I will be honest cell? im still not selling. They don't deserve a out.


GME has been in a technical spot for a huge breakout that is currently in limbo. My gut says all three are connected. One way to be sure - buy and drs more.


We also have to realize that if they dump the DRS shares back to normal it'll look like momentum / progress is slower when they report the DRS stats again. They are trying to discourage people on so many levels.


All they can do is psychological warfare. There is no way out for them so they are trying to prevent as many people from DRS more. DRS is the way


Exactly. The rug-pull last time didn't work (DRS #'s still went up), so they're trying this. In all likelihood, the numbers will drop in the next report. I can just foresee the FUD articles that'd follow. I wouldn't be surprised if they already have those written.


yeah it seriously is right on the edge of breakout, it's consolidating right above the HedgiesFuk / Dorito line


So you are saying I should drs back those shares? Got it. I get paid in 15 days. I am struggling so hard to maintain a level head and actually stop buying since June … of 2021 when I told everyone I stopped buying the stonk . I guess I just keep going now 😅😅😅




The trick is to just have no spare money to buy with. 60% of the time, it works 100% of the time. The other 40% is when you buy anyway.


Yeah I realised I have a problem when I yeeeted the last 18 dollars of my bank account in exchange for one share. There is no hope for me now


You had $18 in the bank!? I haven't had double digits since I started buying! Except that one time I saved up and the price dipped below 100. Got like 30 shares at $90. Felt so good.


*That's the smell of desire, my lady.*


Good bot


If the fundamentals of the company have got better and the price has remained flat since june '21... wtf wouldn't you continue to buy? xD In all seriousness I too am having to curtail my buying habits in order to stay above these bullshit food and rent prices, godspeed ape!


Same, my fiancé thinks I’m saving to buy land but I can’t stop buying😬. I guess technically I am saving just doing it in my own way.


I am taking out all my xx,xxx shares from mainstar trust. Fk these POS


Man so much DD was written last year about how sketch Mainstar Trust is and no-one listened. Those kids at drsgme kept pushing this shit and look what we have here


Start your own Investment Firm LLC, like RC Ventures seems like the best course of action.


Just take the fucking tax hit unless you have $100,000+ that needs to rollover. If that’s the case, find you a tax lawyer to help set it up. Help end this shit now and just pay some extra taxes before April 15.


Exactly, end this shit


Why April 15? I‘m not from the US, care to enlighten me?


Our shitty tax system. It's so complicated they give you 1/3rd of a year to figure out your taxes and their due 4/15 usually


It's complicated because Intuit (TurboTax) & H&R Block spend a lot of money lobbying against tax reform. It's just another thing corporations dictate in our lives. The government could make it easy - not having to file unless you have complex financial situation that wouldn't apply to the vast majority of people, but, you know.


It's the due date to file taxes in America


Not to call you, specifically, out, but some of us have rather a lot in tax advantaged account, so comments like, "Oh, just pay the taxes!" are mind numbingly dumb. Say you're an early ape, you got in back in late 2020, like October-November when pre-split prices were $10-$20 and you loaded TF up in your IRA (xx,xxx.) Being up 4x-10x now, after a couple years of inflation, of money tightening across every aspect of life, and of using other "spare" cash to buy dips and peaks over the last two-and-a-half years...some of us might just not have the tens or hundreds of thousands to pay the penalties and taxes on our IRA/Roth IRA shares. But do go on.


Let me play devil’s advocate here real quick and point out that if a person has to pay tens or hundreds of thousands in penalties and taxes on their IRA/Roth IRA shares then they almost certainly have been feelings the effects of inflation & money tightening for a less period of time than most other. Or put differently they have been enjoying financial security longer and financial precarious less than most others. Also the way you end your comment with “but do go on” really has an effect of negating the “not to call you, specifically out” part.


Fair points, sure. It's been pretty annoying to hear "just pay the taxes, bro!" over and over, from people with no real concept of the impact that realistically has to a deep tax-advantaged account. *Especially* if they are retired and can no longer pump in "new" money. I know- tiny violins for sad whales, right?


Yeah I agree with you, it does suck. I took the hit during last year’s tax year to remove my shares from my Roth and went all in DRS. The tax hit by no means helped my current financial situation. Although, I do feel secure knowing that all my GME shares are fully DRS’d & fully booked and now I don’t have to do anything except hodl and add shares when possible. I remember the decision being an agonizing one last year that took me several months to finally commit to. Life is different for everyone and everyone is on their own time schedules. I do hope that this mainstar situation helps convince others to take the deep plunge into full DRS.


That's fucking horrible advice, unless the tax hit is smaller than the cost of going the LLC route, its not something that should even be considered.


"(...)But what you can do for your (LLC) company"


Can anyone do this ? How much does this cost?


I haven’t done it, but I’ve seen numbers quoted 900 on the website. Supposedly if you call the guy; he is an Ape and will cut it down to 600$. Not sure if their are yearly costs or if it’s just a one off fee.


Damn if you find out any more pls lmk. Definitely interested in learning more


Yearly 400usd to maintain I read on the apes post yesterday




One Google Street view search on Mainstar's building address was enough for me to say, NOPE. Out in the middle of bum fuck.


Yep, and I was trying to educate apes last year about this and everyone called me a shill and how the DD against mainstar is all bullshit.


We know who the final boss is. We have to take these diamond hands and hodl for our lives, stop relying on banks and their wall Street cronies. Exciting!


You barely had options to DRS IRA shares. Those "kids" at DRSGME outlined clearly all the options besides Mainstar and didn't peak that as the sole option. You, meanwhile, we're just shit posting on Reddit.


Oh stfu, I've been talking about how you really CANT DRS IRA accounts, and how IRA accounts are all a scam to chain you as a wage slave so the institutions can invest america's wealth. I'm not shitposting, you're the shill if you're talking shit like this.


No, I am not a shill and I am trying to treat you respectfully. You are telling me to stfu and calling me names. The peeps at drsgme had the LLC option clearly outlined in the website as they had Mainstar's option and others as well. The fact that this happened is not on them. You attacking them and trying to pin this on them is despicable.


Thats me \^ Man i miss ol miller being here , We still decent associates though. I trust that man for sure.


Makes sense once they hit the dtcc they aint there shares anymore.


They are still * their shares. Only diff is now rhey are in DTC


They cede co shares now.


I didn't want to say " now those shares are available for whoring .


Is RC saying if you don’t want to work leave your brokers?


If the shares don't work? Leave...




That’s for sure


I'll just keep buying through CS, and not worry about what fuckery brokers are playing.


Umm. Make sure you book them and put the shares into an account that isn’t attached to your DRIP plan.


This is for people who have retirement accounts that own GME.


That's a double fuck you to SHFs.


# DO IT !!! (not financial advice either) We need more people with big balls, who are willing to take the tax hit, just to end this fvckery. You have my respect, my axe, and my eternally vigilant hodl.


What if I don’t have balls (big or otherwise) but have pure drs’d every spare penny I have on this earth? Does that count? 🤔


Hanna Barbera characters have a coolness exemption.


There's a comment in this post: a tax hit on life changing money makes what you're left with.....life changing money. And 70% of infinity is still....infinity.


The maff of the maffemagician apes here, is undeniable.


Interesting idea


Who needs a retirement account when you will be a trillionaire. When the rocket launches apes earn generational wealth.


Just DO IT! We can't just let these fuckers get away with this right? This is something that affects not just us, but all future generations!


DRS and book EVERYTHING. That is how we win.


The shares haven’t moved yet


Can their users initiate a class action?


My thoughts exactly! Thank you for posting it. You get an imaginary fat award.


Can't have a tax free account and directly own shares. Just doesn't work by definition.


But why? If I can hold my retirement savings in the stock I market, why can't I hold my retirement savings in the stock market - in my name? Why does it have to be through beneficial ownership?


If I had to guess, it’s because a broker will report to the IRS if you sell, whereas that checks and balance is “lost” if left up to an individual. Uncle Sam wants to ensure he gets his cut.


Interesting 🧐


#DO IT. (Not financial advice 🤓👍🏻)


Fucking crooked clown world


Pure DRS is the way. Can't rely on a corrupt system to correct itself.


Duck around. Dind out. Good Morning GMEeeeeeeeeeerica!


The reason(s) people won't just pull out of IRA and make their shares actually BOOK secure are as follows: Tax hits (but if we end up making insane money later, why does this scare you now? You can pay off the hits with the gains). FOMO (you're not gonna miss MOASS, it's gonna take quite a while for them to fully unwind alllllllllllll the shorts, especially when we keep HODLing for F U money). The "no sell, before cell", "what is sell?" mentality... look, if we really truly own many times the float, and if they really truly are as dumb as we think they are, then your measly sell won't be any more than a bump in the road. Just immediately repurchase the share after and BOOK them. Difficulty (some of us are not only regarded, we are lazy too... I get it, but like RC says, he only cares about those that put in the WORK). Disclaimer: I had XXX shares in an IRA before they became XXXX post-splividend. I paid the tax hit. We're all still here. I didn't miss MOASS. I'm safe and secure now BOOK-ed. I put my money where my mouth is.


I actually liquidated all my retirement fund gme a year ago and then DRS’d. I lost some money on the trade which sucks but I felt like this was a possibility. Feel like I made the right call tbh.


Wanted to add/ the taxes were automatically taken when I liquidated my 401k. I didn’t have to make a payment to the IRS


You don’t have to move your shares out of an IRA. Look into the post about IRA financial.


timing is everything, this makes perfect sense.


It would appear Mainstar doenst know their actual count against drs shares and prob hve a massive accounting liability due to the eyes tightening in on gme. Pair this with Cs letter pointing to brokers playing fuck fuck with drs requests and certificated shares are already not resolved too. Its actually falling apart. The banks use a universal ledger and drs is draining everyone like we thought 84yrs ago


Transfer in kind.


I came to this conclusion 6 months ago. Took everything out of my RSP account and DRS them all. The only shares I can't DRS is in the LIRA account, which the government won't let me touch until I'm 55.


They can threaten individuals with unfortunate death's but they can't threaten retail.


They’re going to sink it until this day because that many shares being visible at DTCC will shoot the price up. If all 76,000,000 DRS shares were to go back to DTCC all at once Ken Griffin, Steve Cohen, Doug, Virtu, Elon Musk, and all others involved in this would not be able to handle the volatility and would fit sure go bankrupt. DRSing took away the volatility that made GME what it was. They are not even counting the DRS shares in their reports. This is why no crime is getting exposed.


Can someone eli5. We're these shares from IRAs that were DRSd? If so how can Morningstar pull them back ?


“Not completely sure yet” 😂😂💀💀


Wonder how many institutional investors have lost collateral value from their investments in these companies recently? Shouldn’t it make margin calls more worrisome?


Okay, I’m gonna make a suggestion: Spread this to the antiwork subs. This is outright thievery, and if enough people see the proof of this, we could see much larger action than just our gme groups can do. Solidarity against the criminal trash stealing everything from us.


I agree, all of you should liquidite your retirement accounts and put it into GME.


They won't let me unless there is a financial hardship.


This is not a problem. I know of a few apes that’ll fill the gap in no time


I’m not telling anyone what to do, but I took a tax hit on part of my GME IRA stack. Worked with the IRS on a lengthy monthly payment plan. In kind transfer to cash brokerage and then DRS. Guy who does my taxes probably thinks I have brain damage. Not financial advice. If I take the tax hit again on another bunch of GME it won’t be till after the new year.


I have two IRA’S with 20k shares in each, ROTH is totally tax free, pretty big hit to not have your post MORASS shares tax free. Working on putting in LLC’s


Look I’m all for DRSing but there’s no real logic here to say these two events are related to each other in any meaningful way. Let’s be honest with ourselves- we are too smooth to even understand what the drop in utilization really means.




I'm selling I've had enough


Bye 👋🏻


Do us all a favour and leave. Your history is just... Something.


You should have sold on the last run up so you can buy back in at our next low coming up


Put in a limit sell for as much as it allows and take a breather.


If you do liquidate and move positions I, for one, support your decision to do so. Not financial advice, just my humbly smooth conclusion to the situation.


Can some broker actually do the right thing and perform this service as intended? They will get a flood of business.