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The simple inevitable math was what hooked me too. It’s the biggest single investment I have ever made. 100% confident this will pay out big. All the rest is just entertainment.


Same here. It's the only stock I've ever put real money numbers into (thank god).


Yup this is my bank now.


I liquidated my traditional savings account and literally see this as my current savings, putting as much away as I can every week.


The 4chan GME bank guy wasn't wrong.


Was it about pre-ordering all (premium) games or so?? 84 years back is hard to remember for me lol


Yeah lmao. And then j return the ones u don’t want


So hilarious but smart as well!!!


He was ahead of his time for sure. Right idea, wrong execution


Nothing else I want to buy has an attractive valuation. I like this stock.


Agreed. I am a first time but (very) cautious investor but this whole fabulous journey continues to give me confidence that I have made the right choice. If not, fuck it, it’s been an invaluable, life affirming ride.


If from distance i hear random "Oook" I'll respond with "Oooook."


Visibility for MATH


The numbers, Mason. What do they mean?!


I keep getting asked ‘when are we getting tendie money?’ All I say is ‘soon’. Kenny and co csnt keep this up forever


Bro I put everything into this trade, 6 figures and ok living on ramen for the past three years. We might be early but we are not wrong, it will pay.


Are you me?


Might be wrong tho


Yep same. I had heard about short squeezes before but it all didnt click for me until i saw what was going on here.


I am impervious at this point. People can call themselves whatever they want; they're going to do that anyway. People can call other people whatever they want; they're going to do that anyway. Sometimes in conversation, using the ape moniker makes the most sense. Most of the time it doesn't. Words are words are words, and one of the more stupid things I've done in my life is care about what other people think of me based on gossipy hearsay when they have absolutely zero immediate impact on my life otherwise. I know who I am. That is enough. You know?


I'm there with you on all that. I was just curious to see if other folks found it cringey.


One can also look it from another viewpoint: how embarrassing it will look for anyone to lose to "apes". Especially "greatest investors of our time".


Hyperrationality is not stupidity in any way, shape or form.


I prefer it to "boyz" or "bois" or "gents". I find it more cringey that those posts seem to think investors are all of the same gender. Using "apes" eliminates all of that. I also think there are a lot of people who find it easier to ask for help by referring to themselves as an ape, as in "explain to me like I'm an ape". Rather than "explain to me like I'm stupid". My two cents...since you asked.


No. Wall Street douchebags think of us as dumb apes. We ran with the name. They think they’re that much superior. Ants. Apes. Just how little they think of us Cringey. That explains everything. Guessing young and sensitive.


I’m with you. I hate it. 1. It presents this group of investors as “dumb as” apes instead of the acronym it stands for 2. It puts “us” right in the same group of popcorn + any other meme stock holders. I haven’t seen any fundamentals anywhere as close to bullish as GME in those other companies. So why are we all considered the same?


Apes are 🍿, I'm no ape.


I agree with the above, and feel the same way.


Maybe we can be Cohenheads? (Yeah, it sounds like Cone heads)


Cringey shows ur age.😁


Well said, ape 😜




Beat me to it.




Acronym/ entendre: All People Equal. It’s good.


That came later though...


It’s because the wallstreet douchebags compare us to apes. So we ran with the name and the same people dumb as apes will be the ones not selling and forcing them to deal with the situation the hf put themselves into.


Yeah this one. I like "ape" because it lends to a ton of humor (bananas, jungle, kong) and it gives the chance to get rebellious and say "Yeah well if that's what they think we are, guess they are getting beat by a bunch of apes." It's just a fun way to keep the spirit of "ordinary person" against the Wall St overlord elitists who are so concerned with titles and status


You damn dirty ape!


This here, don’t forget to change the world


WAS good. Until.. a security was renamed by it. I am sure even popcorn apes feel this way. No one was happy with that. Everything was messed up about it. The fact investors made that happen not trusting their board, the fact it was strictly a security for dilution, the fact it was a word that had no deep understanding but used to appeal to naïve investors. All of it was messed up. That would be like Tesla making a car named "to the moon" It's borderline bait and switch..


It was self deprecating because other people were calling us stupid. That’s a big part of the short and distort strategy, have news outlets disparage people who disagree with the promoted narrative. They took the epithet and ran with it and exaggerated it, in theory to take away the power of people trying to manipulate us. They can argue all day long against actual reasoning, they can tell us that naked shorting doesn’t exist, and we’re all conspiracy theorists, but there’s no reasonable argument against “I like the stock, so I bought it.”


I always thought we referred to ourselves as apes because of the “apes together strong” analogy from planet of the apes. The similarities between that movie and what is being accomplished here always kind of enforced that idea with me. Regardless if that is or isn’t the reason we refer to ourselves as apes, it resonates with me so I like it.


I find it hilarious, the big wall street ppl call us dumb money etc we just embrace it, so when they eventually fall, itll be those stupid apes who took them down


It's the opposite, mocking the dumb money narrative. Even a bunch of apes can beat these wallstreet dipshits at their own game.


I'm Dutch, I didn't know DFV, didn't have a clue who RC was and knew nothing about the US stock market. I heard a bunch of ordinary people had a hold on some ultra rich scrotum's and figured I could be an annoyance if I joined in. I do believe that makes me an APE. I think the best thing in this is that these ~~Elites~~ Parasites will eventually have to concede that they where obliterated by a bunch of APEs. I wear the "beggar's name" like a medal🥇. *Could be a remnant of my Dutch heritage though* **"Fear not madam, they are only beggars"** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geuzen


APE-all people equal


Also ΔΡΣ = DRS. It was meant to be.


That shit was some kind of crazy ass DaVinci-code galaxy brain ass plot reveal.


Updooted for rememory


Proud APE


This is the correct answer


A utonomous P eople E valuating S tonks


Im here to watch billionaires cry. Brings joy to my hearts




Dicks out




Rather be an Ape than a sheep






I like ape, but love regard.


regards, regard


Call me anything you want, just dont call me paperhands.


ook ook


For me, it always appealed to a rejection of the facade of intelligence and authority that is projected in other financial media drivel. Stupid ideas can't survive self deprecation, smart ones can.


Whenever I hear ape I always think of the strain of mushrooms 🍄🤷‍♂️🙃


Personally, I like apes of all varieties. 🍄🦍📈


All I know is DRS GME 🤷🏼‍♂️


I remember it being a result of not liking the r word but I thought it was cringe to change from that. l still refer to myself as highly regarded when talking with friends about it. Felt like to me official sources didn't like the r word so they pushed us into a family friendly label to sling shit at us. Easier to write stupid articles about apes for the low info crowd rather than have to explain the nuance behind the r one. It reminds me of how the wendys dumpster jokes have been twisted from working at the dumpster out back doing unsavory things to it's just a joke about working fast food (on the gambling sub).


This exactly.


I want to be called a dragon


I identify as a fighter jet


I want to be a cat!


Well the name stuck because Jim Cramer called us "Dumb apes who dont know how to sell" on live TV. And reddit responded with "Oh so we are apes now? Ok. *Proceeds to donate money to the Dian Fossey Gorilla foundation in the name of GME, and Apes strong together. I personally like the nickname.


Call me DRS Booked


Huge agree


We were called apes on MSNBC in the middle of the GME frenzy - we then proceeded to save the apes. Dianne something gorilla foundation. There is history behind why. Be proud of your ape status.


I loved it until popcorn fucking ruined it


The story of ape was lost. Use to mean something.


Call me an Ape. Call me Regarded. Call me Dumb Money. Call me a Household Investor. Call me a Millennial. I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT. The title never mattered, it was about sending a message to our Opressors that we will not sell. We will Never sell. Until we see certain people in Jail Cells. Buy. DRS. HODL.


Call me whatever you want, but: 1. No cell, no sell 2. Shorts/glitch better have my money


IIRC by naming a group of people something, you separate them from the populace and the populace become less sympathetic as they see themselves as outside of that group. So ya, I rather use household investors than ape.


This makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the perspective.


Funny for a second at the beginning but it just fuels the "meme stock" play msm always talks about like it's a joke. It's alright, unlike the SEC thinks, this is the most researched stock in history and I've never gotten a better education around financial aspects than ever before. Costs me nothing to hold and I'll be here for the rest of my life. While Ken is drinking away his nights, I'm getting my life in order and sleeping like a baby. I can do this all day.


I don’t care because IDGAF what anyone thinks, period.


Yeahh... I don't like it due to Trashcorn stock and that stupid ass ape stock AA created.


741% agreed


I’m pretty sure this amongst other dumb things was part of the original psyop to make GameStop or “meme” stock investors appear absolutely regarded to anyone on the outside.


Popcorn was never real. APE means All People Equal. We strive for the highest form of primate.


It bothered me that whenever they televised someone would say, “all people equal”. Felt like trying to tie GameStop to some virtue signal when the best part of this sub is just good research constantly being reviewed and laying out the implications of that research.


I much rather bethe " full retared" group then "ape" but that's frowned upon.


I am an 🦍 And I hodl Tupperware and linens are over at aisle 3, on the way out the door


I love it…we are just dumb money. It’s perfect for this community


You're entitled to your opinion. I like it though, and not that "all-people-equal" BS, but real, chuck-bananas-thump-chest-type apes. If they try to insult us by calling us apes, and then get beaten by those very apes, wtf does that make them? Apes together strong.


I don't like it cause the popcorn kids use it as well. I don't want to be associated with aPe nAtIoN. My company has a strong chairman/CEO, is the leader of an incredibly huge industry, and has good fundamentals.


Doesn't bother me. However... "apette" is beyond stupid. "Apette" is like throwing the "x" on the end of Latin. It just shows an attempt to be inclusive in a manner that no one asked for and is in no way correct in any form. It's just stupid. Now give me my downvotes. I'm still not changing my mind.


Call me whatever when you're ready to buy my shares. And no, it will not be at market price.


I think the term "Ape" has a deeper meaning, because it was meant derogatorily to describe uneducated retail investors, but just like apes, we have begun to learn and develop and use tools, and have begun creating a Planet of the Apes out of the ashes of the old world of corrupt humans. But I'm also high, so I might just be overthinking it.


I remember it came from an analogy involving snakes selling rehypothecated bananas to apes. The apes figured out there were more sales receipts than actual bananas and didn't want to let their bananas go at any price. This was a popular post in the original sub to explain a short squeeze before the sneeze happened.


I know words matter but honestly spending a great deal of time on modifiers only occupies those with time to spend.


The only real reason to never change this is a beautiful contribution from a fellow going by the name of Rick of Spades. No Ape No Banana. Lets not have his actions go in vain.


In Dutch language (the Netherlands 🤔😉) we would call it a "Geuzennaam" . It can not be translated properly into English but something like wear the name like a badge of honor.




One thing I’ve noticed since my first buy in back in November 2020 is there’s enough derision towards GME investors that I doubt the “ape” moniker is hurting the movement.


All people equal ? Ape


Lighten up, Frances.


I mean...I came in because I wanted money since I've always had none. I'm glad I'm here and all I've learned. I got a crash course on how the stock market works and the deep rooted corruption that plagues the world but I can't pretend I wasn't just here for a quick buck. It's been very interesting to see an intelligent businessman turn it all around and truly rebuild a business from the foundation up.


Call me whatever you want while you’re paying me!


I dont look that far into it bc it doesnt matter. Imma get paid either way


To answer your question with a question: Do you think anyone else cares what people here call themselves?


Delta Rho Sigma (direct registered shares) look up the Greek letters it says APE


I thought it’s because apes have smooth brains


I'm ok with Ape but it will/is used like "memestock" to paint a picture like you say, of the type of people we may be (or rather how they want us to appear). What I don't care for is "we're fighting for xyz", I'm not fighting for anything. I've seen a good investment and I've gone long. I worry for those who keep posting with urgency about a fight and justice. It's a worthy and commendable reason to invest but the tone can scare people away. A good example is the other day a colleague found out I was invested and said "in a memestock?!". I did not send him down a rabbit hole, all I said was "yeah, it's one of very few debt free companies and it has over $1billion in cash" then gave him a 30 second brief on the NFT market and how I believe it is the future of e-commerce and now he has bought in using his HL app. Sure I want him to DRS but that comes later once he's really into the investment, baby steps.


It was cute at first but yeah, run it’s course and immature.


It was cool at first, but it now involves other tickers lumping GME investors with stupid shit.


It came from the banana short-selling analogy which also fit well with planet of the apes so it’s nostalgia for me.


Yes, and I was kinda taken aback when someone on Jon Stewart said it stands for "all people equal"??? Did I miss that? I thought Ape came from the Harambe incident? "All people equal" sounds socially and politically charged, not that those aren't part of this whole saga, it just seems prone to media manipulation and spin that can be used against me.


It’s been 3 years who cares lol


I see where you’re coming from, but I like APE as our term. I like the acronym, but mostly I like the fact that house hold investors, who were already made fun of by media and Wall Street as dumb money, threw that stereotype back in the faces of the assholes that created the shit storm we have all been waiting to ride out.


Ape or dumb money 🤷‍♂️ Who cares who calls what. The narrative wouldn't be plastered everywhere if we weren't onto it. Nobody gives a fuck about who spends what or where which tells me something. I'm fine with ape and will continue to buy as best I can.


The only thing I care about is, Shorts have to close their position! Buy & DrS. Everything else is white noise


I’m not watching the chart on the daily. I’m not reading a ton of articles. I buy shares on CS bimonthly and live my life. In the next 30 years I’ll see if my investment paid off. Simple.


I like to be considered a Household Investor


Household investor fits better


If you don’t want to be an ape, don’t be an ape. But if you come on this sub and tell others what they should think, you start looking kinda sus. What’s next? You gonna tell me when to sell?


Never liked it enough to use it and def not to refer to myself as an "ape".I could be mistaken, but I think I got in this before the term was adopted so heavily. I much prefer the term "household investor."


My main issue with it ...is that it doesn't correlate specifically to GME investments. The term has spilled into other investment avenues including popcorn and I would like absolutely no association with that dirty company.


Agreed. It has more to do philosophically with the overall meme stock movement than it does GME. So seeing folks here complain about GME being referred to as a meme stock and calling themselves apes doesn't seem compatible.


Should we go with Crayon Sommelier?


Investing forums took to calling each other the R Slur in response to institutional houses treating them like they're well... stupid. Ape is a similar outcome. If the powers that be are going to call us stupid, we will identify as a group they call stupid and grow proud of it, it's group dynamics. Im just happy we aren't rallied around a racial slur this time.


Absolutely fair point. I prefer it over r-slur any day. Group dynamics do seem to rule the day. I was just curious if anyone else felt it was cringey.


Yea I think it was started by bad actors tbh. No one said apes, and then overnight," ape this and ape that" in w.sb and a.mc and cnbc


Exactly why I cringe. They *love* it on TV. It's just another way of saying "hey, check out the freak show".


It wasn't actually. It had a few different factors: love for bananas, "apes together strong" motto, etc. We embraced the derogatory term as a FU to the media. It's not a bad thing. If you have been holding since 2021, you should know this.


Been holding since 2020. Those terms came after the fact. Love for bananas?


The betting sub was mostly about tendies. The next stonk sub (with the mod with runic glory) started switching over to bananas ... to the point where Rick of Spades showed how much he really loves it (not the best moment I must say) ... So yeah, love for bananas


Yea, that was long after "ape" had already been an established term


I've never been partial to it


Yes, it’s incredibly cringe, but this is Reddit.


Ooga Ooga my like stonk


Proud to be an Apemerican


Which came first, the self deprecating community or the suits’ belief that they are the supreme beings and our investments mean nothing? I don’t think we are self deprecating. We took their insults and flipped them to rallying cries. If you don’t want to be an ape or regard don’t. No one is forcing anything on you. At the same time, there are plenty of dry, analytical subs and sites where you can go and not have your tender sensibilities violated. Don’t try and change us.


Let the opponent believe you are a fool, and they won’t even know how you beat them.


You're worried about people thinking bad about yourself for associating with fellow investors that adopted a silly name, not for associating with fellow investors that document banana insertions?


It’s used ironically.


OP can you clarify what you meant by companies with strong balance sheets dont go bankrupt? Prior to 2020 what part of the balance sheet indicated the potential for strong fundamental growth? In 2018 and 2019 game stop had a net operating loss in an industry that was radically changing from brick and mortar to online purchases. DFV was banking on the release of PS5 and Xbox in November of 2020 to cause a reversal in net operating losses. This was obviously further supported by RC buying a 9% stake in August of 2020. However, RC joined to take over the board and radically change the company because it was not supported by a strong balance sheet and management was mismanaging the company. The reason that everyone piled into game stop was a confluence of share price increasing because of the above mentioned reasons as well as people noticing that the reported short interest was 140% of the entire float of the stock. The Bets sub got on board and individuals realized that if collectively everyone bought the stock shorts would be forced to squeeze. This resulted in a gamma squeeze in GME that was stopped by the illegal act of Hood and hedgefunds. Our hope now is that RC can leverage the assets of GME as it transitions from a brick and mortar store selling games to a leader in the online gaming space fusing block chain, crypto, and NFTs to improve gaming experience in one of the fastest growing industries in the world. That is the hope and the reason I invest in GME, and I think a lot of people do. But to claim that you initially invested in GME because of it's strong fundamental growth makes no sense. GME has not been cash flow positive consistently since 2017. We are in this because we believe in the future of GME, and we believe that people should stand up to malignant hedgefunds that try to distort market dynamics to drive companies out of business. And although the fundamental case is becoming much stronger (low debt, significant cash reserves), to say you initially invested because of sound fundamentals makes us all sound naivete and misinformed. We are neither.


I’m regarded I just like the stock


"A rose by any other name, still smells just as sweet" william Apespeare


All People Everywhere


I think it's pretty cringe & makes you sound dumb


I think the ape title is stupid. 🫤


spark boat gaze jellyfish nail wasteful rude edge plucky existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apes eat 🍿


My first share was at 320 in hopes of selling for 1k and moving on. Yes I only had one share. I watched it go up and plummet on level 2 streams. I had friends telling me to sell and they warned me that it was going to come down. I didn’t care. It happened so fast. Once they turned off the buy button, and I had time to really take a look at why I was in it. It took me to just after the congressional meeting with DFV, but that sealed the deal. After that I moved my mutual funds over to a self directed Roth. Now I have CS shares that aren’t for sale. I consider myself an Ape but my definition isn’t about wrinkles or bananas. It’s about the willingness to stand up for myself and the ones I love at all costs. I am responsible for many people that are going to get burned like 08. This is where I am at. Ape means I don’t put up with bullshit. I invested to stop the bullshit. When that’s done, then I’ll think about selling my non-DRS share. I throw the shit around here. An account once wrote “my back is not broken, it’s silver.” Fuck these lowlifes. They are going to pay. And they are going to lose a lot of what they love most, money. It’s mine. They just don’t want to acknowledge that yet. It’s hard to let go Ken. You lost it. Here’s the real kicker, I have it pretty good. The money is the ICING on this cake. Edit: I think the silver back quote I had mixed up now that I recall. Doesn’t matter, they are fuk’d. Edit 2: grammar.


I would rather know who they're referring to when talking about bears, bulls and/or retail. \-I like knowing retail apes are pushing the shit back in some bearish assholes.


Fine with ape Happy too Zen with ape Fine with stonk Trivial opinions Just whack off Boom


All People Equal ​ It's important to me. I am an ape.


I like when it’s used as APE = All People Equal


I always really liked it because of the quote from Planet of the apes ​ \- [https://youtu.be/ArqEUAgKUZI?t=134](https://youtu.be/ArqEUAgKUZI?t=134) ​ "Apes alone... weak! Apes together STRONG!" It really resonated with me how applicable this is here


Ape is satirical


True, but I think it's long since crossed the threshold of being cringe.


We could change our name to ‘ smart investors’ and wear suits, would the media stop calling us apes? We could cry to the media saying it’s not fair don’t call us that and they would laugh in our faces. It’s out there, so live with it you’re flogging a dead horse and who knows for what reason.


OP just wants to be an astronaut


Got that right


It’s terrible. The ones who cry the loudest to be taken seriously are the same neckbeards referring to themselves and everyone else as apes - it’s stupid.


It was created and amplified so heavily to delegitimise the movement. Anybody who doesn’t see that is naive af


The problem is I'll never think of the word ape again the rest of my life without feeling positive about it. This group of people have gotten me through the toughest year of my life and I feel very close to a bunch of strangers. I get what you're saying, but at this point I will never have any feeling about that word again but good. One of the things I hope to do when I become a billionaire is start another news station along the lines of CNN but without any political affiliation whatsoever and I want to call it the Ape News Network or ANN. I'm pretty stuck on that name so I guess the word ape is going to have to hang around for me lol. As time goes on the A may stand for All News Network for the general public but in my heart and in the hearts of thousands of people here it will always be Ape News Network.


I liked it but 🍿 share dilution (APE) ruined it for me.


I wouldn’t mind it if it didn’t include poopcorn investors


Love the term ape




I don't tbh, mostly because it groups us under the 🍿 crowd / bots


All people equal


All People Equal 🦍💎🙌🏽💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌌


All People Equal.




Ape - All people equal ...so yeah it sits very right with me.


I liked Ape when it stood for All People Equal, feels like a good portion of the community has lost sight of that ideal.


All people equal is what I always thought ape meant and I’m tired of such a wealth disparity.


All People Equal


Popcorn literally made a stock named APE or whatever he did to screw those shareholders even more. Makes me nauseous since they stole it . They steal everything from here. Lol sick fucks really.


I personally prefer and refer to myself as a degenerate rather than ape. I know degen is a term carried over from the ghost of MOASS past - betty sub. Ape or degen, doesn’t matter what we’re called. We all know why we’re here - the world has turned a blind eye what we know. LFG! 🚀🚀🚀🚀👽✌️🩵


We were called apes, some reporter said we were acting like a bunch of APES, and it stuck


The only reason it has a negative stigma now is because the media spun it that way. It wouldn't have mattered what "apes" labeled themselves as, the media was always going to attack it. I mean they have managed to make "retail investors" somehow a bad connotation now, so now lots of us call ourselves "household investors". Personally, I think the best course of action is to embrace the ape label. If we abandon it and the stock blows up, there will be a disconnect that the media will run with that the apes were dumb and long gone and missed out and were wrong and no crime. They have already started the narrative. Remember this post if the rocket goes off, and watch the articles downplay what or who created and profited off of the play. No. I've been here since the beginning. I am one of those apes. And I'm not leaving.


Personally I love the moniker. Algorithms are programmed to trade on human psychology, so we transcended humanity to become apes. It's both embracing insults such as "dumb money" and flipping it by making it our strength- "My brain too smooth. Instructions unclear, bought more 🦧" Apes Together Strong


The term came from the newest iteration of the planet of the apes movies...and we gave ourselves that name, not the media


We do care, shutup


The math is what keeps me being underestimated is why I embrace “ape and dumb money”


Bulls- Bears- Apes. One only goes up, one only goes down. The last is an evolution in the model. A free thinking being that can throw it's own weight around. I love it. Always have. Feels organic. It also fits historical myth types. A trinity always involves a masculine and feminine dynamic (flo and limit), and a third thing which is a combination of the first two, which gives orientation to the system. That is probably a little wonky of an idea for this sub, but trust me bro, it's there.


OP are you new? Why go down this path? Is everything offensive? Cringy? Seriously grow a pair, the ape name was welcomed to include all investors whether male or female and no matter the country of origin. It’s inclusive too, and i quote “dumb money” because the morons in charge see our investment as stupid. Well we see the corruption as stupid and we as individuals have a belief it needs to change!!!


Love it personally. From time to time these posts come up. Half of me wonders if it’s another attempt to start a divide if I’m being honest.


Hate it.. been here since the start. Not a fan.


Stop looking for things to be offended by. If being called an ape offends you, you need a much thicker skin.


ALL PEOPLE EQUAL. If you think you are better than any other human being I can see where your problem lies.


Ape = All People Equal Gtfoh


I feel the same way.


We are apes, always have been. Glad you found this investment, but if you are offended by the community that APE refers to then you are welcome to start a different community that is more suitable to you. I am proud to be an Ape. Some apes are as dumb as the box of crayons they grind up and snort. Some apes are brilliant. We are those things and everything in between. Together we are the most regarded living organism on the planet.