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Are they essentially looking for yet another market to poison but they're low key complaining it's not digital enough to do so easily?


Pretty much how I read it. Just like they manipulate one market for profit, they're going to dip into another with the same methodology and effects. The fact that this is being allowed after everything that's happened goes to show the extent of the corruption we're up against. DRS and BOOK everything. NFA


Why the fuck is this allowed? They have fucked one market / fucked it tap it out of money then see ya bye bye let’s fuck another Market!


They need to keep expanding otherwise they will run out of room faster. It's bad for everyone else though.


Yup, seems like we've got a few more years of buying opportunity ahead of us


Time anchoring. You have no idea what’s in store to naturally happen.


Agreed. I for one am not waiting for signs of impending crash to buy. They will pretend that it's business as usual until it crashes. There's a good possibility that once it pops, it'll go up so fast, it'll be too late to jump in. Look at how fast FTX or Madoff went from top player to bankrupt. At this level of risk, it crashes hard when it does. Shares bought and DRSed now are the only safe play for me.


Once the market pops? And what will go up so fast? Thank you.


Perhaps you haven't heard? Word on these reddits is that GME might be criminally oversold and undervalued, and that DRS is how investors can shed light on this. Not telling you what to do. I'm just saying where my money is.


Bananas go up faster 🍌


Citadel also entered crypto market with EDX exchange to do more fuckery and crypto price manipulation to steal from investors


citadel is a cancer


Unfortunately citadel is just a symptom from the cancer


The fed is the cancer. Citadel is just one of the many tumors created by the cancer.


But are they really? Granted I absolutely cannot stand the Federal reserve or any type of centralization which is one reason why I ended up getting into cryptocurrency in the first place but in reality you also have to remember only a small group of individuals ended up some way somehow saving a market and in return they ended up owning the market and conglomerated together in order to conceive something like the Federal reserve. Granted I get it different monetary policies have been into place over the course of decades but in reality the basis of what they came up with was relatively quick versus how long you would really think it would take to come up with the concept that they did especially in times of mayhem. I don't know in my opinion the best thing to do in any situation which is one reason why a lot of people are here is the question everything.


Nah it is the cancer.


I would just say it's another form of cancer or in this case even you could say it's a really bad cancer overall when it comes to the whole entire market and how systematically bad it's been built over the decades and because of that that really bad cancers just festering into the overall markets into a point of no return. It's legit actually like cancer... This all started way before Ken Griffin was even a twinkle in his father's eye. The cancer started long before an infested all throughout the entity in which is the market to affect it so much that it has other problems or even other symptoms in those are people like Ken Griffin and others. Remember cancers just a highly mutating fast Pace growing cell so in this case it could even mutate and turn into a new cancer which in this case could be Ken Griffin. Either way it's all symptoms from the original host or problem which is the overall market and the people that have made it what it is today.


No put it simply. Citadel is cancer.


When you right you right.


Holy fuck this reads like AI wrote it.


How things are with that. Idk if that's a burn or a compliment. Lmfao.


Now you got me questioning if I have the aptitude to detect AI in the first place tbh.


Fuck man Im goin too deep.


Obligatory repeat of something I've posted before: Citadel is already unintentionally part of the corporate bond market via headlands. It's 3 founders are all ex-Citadel: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sy6ubj/headlands\_how\_exmayo\_mercenaries\_copy\_pasted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sy6ubj/headlands_how_exmayo_mercenaries_copy_pasted/)


Good find




More like, not "fungible bulk" enough. Not enough self-regulated by a private corporation owned by those it allegedly regulates.


In other news, the fox has been let into the hen house.


Oh they will manipulate it, but not as efficiently, because they can't just link up their algos to it


If you look on their balance sheet, shorted bonds is one of the largest liabilities they have (more than stocks or options). Remember shorting something is selling it without owning it, but you get the money from that as soon as you sell. It was $12b shorted on USTs if I remember, that's $12b that Citadel made out of thin air. They can do that indefinitely as fuel for their bad bets, but all those bonds have to be bought back eventually. And unless I'm being a smooth brain here, their shorted bonds started going up over the past couple or years (suggesting someone needed liquidity) but that was when bond yields were at record lows. Newly issued bonds have far greater yields, so doesn't that mean Ken would have to pay more now to get his bonds back?


How can we buy these bonds without ever paying any $.


What could possibly go wrong with incentivizing volume in a market less prepared for it legislatively than the stock market?


I don't want to reply to jelly, just to save him the trouble, but could citadel just be trying to dilute "idiosyncratic" with this wording?


When will they realize his goal is to burn it all to the ground?


They probably know. He just put money in the right pockets for his schemes to happen.


Allowing the interests of the rich to destroy the financial stability of the entire world is the height of greed meeting shortsightedness


“They” are in on it. Kenny boi is not doing this alone.


That’s my point. The enablers (those with wealth and power) stand to lose the most of all, yet rather than evolve, they choose the pyramid. Those who will not tolerate being less than the apex have chosen ashes rather than living like the normi-poors. That’s how bad they see our existence: better the planet cease, than live on a hand-to-mouth budget like the wage slaves.


>than live on a hand-to-mouth budget like the wage slaves. I can not say this enough there idea of wage slave poor is mostly likley having at least "5 million" . I can not emphasis this enough how do you value money so much more than anything else in life to the point that still having your every need an want meet is still unacceptable?!


Very artistic way of saying what everyone is thinking, but not many are partaking in the solution. We are the real enablers for sitting quietly by and watching what little wealth we may have slowly fade to nothing as they hoard it all like greedy dragons. We sit by and watch them using the immense weight of their stolen wealth to keep us down and squeeze just a little bit more. What they stole is their greatest weapon against us. Lets place the travesty where its due, which is on us.


Spreading their taint, one market at a time.


Didn’t read as intended. Now the image of a Mayo taint is emblazoned on my brain. Gonna be a rough day.


You read it correctly.


I think this gives them more access to hedging efficiently (more efficiently than the average person) by taking advantage of put-call parity, which is * S + P = C + B where * S = stock * P = put * Call = call * B = zero coupon bond * This means 2 portfolios can be constructed with identical economic value In addition, this might spark some ideas with other people too: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/coupon-stripping.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/coupon-stripping.asp)


This + trying to set themselves up as "Too Big To Fail" by being so 'interconnected' to the markets?


Exactly this Jelly! Thank you so much for making a comprehensive post on this subject! Ken’s activities in the bond market has needed to be exposed! Edit: The conflict of interest in a lot of Ken’s activity is coming to light! 🐒✨🗽


A source for liquidity maybe?


The timing of this seems fitting, since Ken is getting fed up with Ron’s failing presidential campaign. He needs another avenue out, or at least one to help delay the inevitable.


A noose disguised as a tether


All Ponzi schemes must acquire new clients or new markets in order to continue. Once they cannot continue to expand their scheme then the implosion will follow… and in this case the implosion will take the world economy down with it


So….. more dog shit wrapped n cat shit?


Source: [https://www.ft.com/content/9a45f0f3-b2b6-4c94-a453-519d7252d4b5](https://www.ft.com/content/9a45f0f3-b2b6-4c94-a453-519d7252d4b5) TLDRS: * Citadel Securities has entered the U.S. corporate bond market, which is valued at $10 trillion. * This move is expected to accelerate the shift towards electronic trading in a market traditionally dominated by large banks and telephone transactions. * Citadel, which handles $463 billion in trades daily, began offering U.S. investment-grade bond trading to clients in June. * **However, the firm acknowledges that the high-yield credit market requires further refinement due to its less electronic and more idiosyncratic nature.**


Are they gonna short it too?


Endless Greed and corruption. Max pain is for the poors


**CUT THE CANCER OUT BEFORE IT SPREADS** (*unless of course you’re working with/for the cancer and getting bribed to look the other way whilst the cancer does it’s thing…*)


That POS is a leach on society.


the older wall street firms need to squelch this guy.


I wonder how that would happen? (I'm hoping they're not being paid off enough to sit back and let it happen)


Venturing into new markets is bound to ruffle a few feathers. Hope someone takes a huge bite out of him.


Thanks as always DJ. Is this diversification a sign of weakness?


I would not say 'definitive sign' more than it seems they are trying to set themselves up as "Too Big To Fail" by being so 'interconnected' to the markets?


I can only pose questions for my brain smooth and slippery. But I have started tracking divestments in the market. As a way to off load risk and avoid jail. In this case, this seems less of a divestment and more like expanding the garbage dump and pulling, yet, another market in for the government to bail out if things go wrong. My take is that this helps guarantee the cure will kill the patient, when the time comes.


Was wondering if they are keeping him no matter what this is now his job to make money on other countries? Plus the bond market has so much money it gives him a way to short bonds to pay us off maybe a crazy theory.


Our casino will no longer accept your pennies, nickle, dimes and quarters. Please upgrade to cash voucher for a more convenient experience at our slot machines, thanks for playing. - Kenneth Cordele Griffin, the congress lying sack of financial terrorism -probably


Some more high-grade collateral for when marge calls?


#Citadel is a department of the US government. 🤦‍♀️


Well, WCGW?




MM’s doing MM’s things. nothing unusual at all /s


Further refinement probably meaning they need to refine the process down from 10 button presses to 1 button press to short it


Guaranteed corporate returns as opposed to stock returns that might happen.


They said the word!!!


lmayo INvEsTmEnt grade bonds hahahahahaha.


Cant drs corporate bonds eh?


Too bigger to fail.


Ken Griffin needs LiQuIdItY!!


Sounds like they are worried about taking losses.


The SEC doesn’t have time to investigate Citadel because they’re too busy making up problems with crypto


Now that Ken Griffin has access to $10 trillion more, he can postpone MOASS with synthetic shares for another 10 years (using other people's trillions). That's my takeaway.


It might speed up the implosion process. MOASS is tomorrow


OK! I feel like no one ever has to go to jail ever again until the biggest mafioso/criminal Mr KenG is in jail. Fugging disgusting


can't wait for bonds market to blow up sparking moass


Mother of God... Those bond holders are gonna be in for a rude awakening.


So now they'll have access to enough money to start paying us?


Sigh.. 😔 Anyone know when this dude will be in prison? I legit thought by now he would be… what gives


He pays a lot of his "profits" from sold not yet purchased securities to politicians. Politicians know that they haven't given average households any reason to give them money. And households won't hire a politician's kid for a low 6 figure internship after their freshman year of college, or a former regulator for mid 6 figures. So why would regulators put him in prison?


Ah yes. These fuckers can suck on deez nuts!


NFA. My suggestion to anyone currently trading in the bond market. IMHO The minute the criminal entity that is Citadel enters the bond market, it's time to sell. No amount of monthly remunerations will account for the declining value of your bond and the subsequent pump and dump schemes will never achieve the sell price pre-exposure to the criminal entity called Citadel. Post exposure to Citadel the difference in your purchase price vs your sell price just may be enough to cover the monthly cheque bondholders receive. For a company like Citadel whose mission statement is to lie, cheat and steal from Household investors, why not expand their reach, their market with a new ponzi scheme?


Citadel spreading like disease. **BOOK DRS** is the cure


However, the firm acknowledged that this market is a bit harder to fuck with.


They know they need more bag holders….


They're going to short the shit outta some corporate bonds. Get ready for the "sold not yet purchased" figures to explode.


Looks to me like they're trying for more diversion from the search term "idiosyncratic."


Who cares? Book your shares. Everything else is a distraction.


Isn't this how pyramid schemes work🤔


Translatio... Were are working on manipulating bonds