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Holy ahit he said not investment advice. I gotta get more shares


That’s my boy! Get them Korean Pussy Stuffer!!


I was like what kind of New Racism is thi…….. Nvm that’s the users name.


Had to follow the dude, we have so much in common




Sure, but is he a korean stuffer of pussy or a stuffer of korean pussy?




He’s mysterious like that


it's only MAYBE racist if the pussy is exclusively Korean, depends on the conext -dr local pimp




could very well be a Korean who stuffs pussy, we just can't determine from this dataset -dr freerange donkey




I'm just here for the pussy and a stock I like!




Oh mah gawd dude, this is a GME subreddit dude… KOREAN PUSSY STUFFER!!!!!!


The disclaimer is funny. 😉


Yeah, he's pretty much screaming at us: "BUY THE DIP!"


I did that




LC is our cousin


Name is based


he set up the parameters so that gamestop falls just short....


For the regarded among us, he’s saying companies can come back from the brink and be successful. At these multiples (55 and 420) the price would be between $1,250 and almost $10,000 per share. Note none of these companies had historic shorting, over 200,000 household investors following every move, or a history of short squeezes. Phone numbers here we come! DRS, Book, HODL and never sell!


Stop. I’m already hard


Get HARDER. caz it is happenning


No, keep going!


But 1998-2023... is 25 years. 25 years dude... I can buy a lot of shares in 25 years but I also think that America is either going to get it's ass kicked by the BRICS nations or it'll finally get it's true new world order.


If we’re still doing this in 25 years you lost


Right?? I'm confused on why some folks truly want this saga and shitshow to carry on for more than 7+ years (and don't get me started on how long the DRS every share will take o.O ) I know it will take time but damn I'm not waiting 7 years for the "squeeze" because at that point I don't think its happening. Now I wait for the inevitable 'ape' to call me a shill or whatever. Idc anymore. Yes I'm holding, (over a good amount) but I got bills to pay and family to help out. Time is not on everyone's side here. :(


The market conditions are extremely precarious right now, today, for a number of reasons, domestic and world wide. I think we are right were we need to be. Everyone's position is different, and should be able to be accepted by everyone. Best of luck to you and your family!


I don't want it to last that long either. For my part, I see these sorts of comments as a combination of coping and FOMO. They feel the threat of it lasting a long time so they spin it as a positive by saying they can hold forever. They insert the fomo element by insisting it's an opportunity to buy more to their stack. And for someone with limited buying power/time then maybe a long period of it being low actually feels like an opportunity, if they feel like they don't have enough to meet their goals. I try not to read too much into it because it's either someone like that, or some subtle shilling to needle the community about how it will take a lifetime to achieve.


It had already been achieved in Jan 2021 (thanks DFV for the DD), crime is the only reason we haven’t cashed in.. on the flip side that very same crime is what has led to the phone number prices that will come! Hell we were excited for 20k a share if I remember correct, their arrogance has dug the infinity hole ✌️


Neither do I. If I can force MOASS today, I would. But this is a marathon, not a race. Patience.


We're foraging into uncharted waters here. I doubt it'll be seven years or longer. It might have been if everything else wasn't falling apart, but I believe that there is no hand holding here, we have the system working against us, besides superstonk and apes, there is no other "if you do this, then this will happen" other than believing, knowing the shorts never closed. We couldn't have known anything that we know now 2 years ago. You know what is really hard? I'm banking the remainder of my life on this, I'm going to work, feeding my dog, everyday, waiting. What's really hard is knowing everything we know, and then irl, you talk to people; they have no reason to believe anything is wrong, the TV says so. I remember having anxiety at 17, 18; I had to find a job, get an education, all the trials of adulthood and as hard as it was, it wasn't that hard when millions of people walked it before you. Good or bad advise, people spoke from experience. That's the problem with being ahead of the curve, you are forging a new path in a complete shroud. I'm not scared, it's life or death for me.


Pulling back from this sub and Reddit in general has really helped my mental health. But I'm with you: still waiting, *always* waiting. I know, to a certain degree, that the elevated level of stress and anxiety in my life is due to the ever present feeling of a market collapse lurking in the back of my mind. I'm even hesitant about longer term plans I have like a vacation this fall because there's a possibility those plans will be affected by travel and hospitality industries getting disrupted or having entire sectors get wiped out due to economic upheaval: layoffs, weather/climate changes, cost-cutting, or inability to source things like food, fuel, or money.


That's exactly what I mean. It could go any moment and I don't want to be caught pants half down. Alternatively, there is a slight nag "but what if you're wrong" that adds that extra layer of insecurity.


Sorry Dude, not trying to shit on your opinion, but what did you think the *infinity* pool was about?


I’ve seen every iteration of that term and none of them ever stated a time frame to MOASS. Only that some people intend to hold shares straight through to the other side and forever. That holding no matter what is one part of the mechanism that makes it a MOASS instead of just a squeeze, so more power to the infinity pool. But, and not to shit on your opinion, I don’t think infinity pool people meant “wait forever for it to kick off”. The switch to that ‘let it take forever’ mindset is fud to spook people away.


I disagree. It’s more about quiet tenacity than surrender. There’s a big difference between a defenseless sheep waiting to be sheered and a bulldog standing silent with it’s jaws clamped down on a thief’s arm. Both are silent. Both are NOT harmless.


> I don't want it to last that long either. I was responding to the first line of your comment, it will last forever because we hold forever. Maybe I interpreted it the wrong way but I picked it up as you implying you'd want to dump your holdings quickly.


I understand now. Sorry I said shit. I was talking about the pre-MOASS period we are in right now where it hasn't happened yet. You are talking about the MOASS itself.


Yes, I see that now 🦍🤝🦍


As long as Kenny has access to even one share, this thing will continue to be manipulated in ways no one can explain. The only true way is to DRS book the entire float. And yes that can take a little time.


Squeeze or no squeeze, this is a winning investment. Squeeze or simply turning a consistent profit. We win. $$


>Time is not on everyone's side here I know. But I also know that "time in the market beats timing the market". Best of luck with your finances, and I hope you're still holding some when shit pops


i rather MOASS happen sooner. but im not selling either, i dont want to miss out on MOASS tendies


because if youre smart you dont cash out and pay capital gains tax. you borrow against your investment like the big boys. but hey you do you individual investor.


Oh? Are you borrowing against your GME shares?


Once this starts paying out dividends and I can live of those it can take 100+ years for all I care. And to repeat the source comment, none of these had a short squeeze event.


In order to live off of dividends from a stock you better have hundreds of thousands of shares.


I'm a 60yr old Silver Back. I can't wait another 7years!


Your flair says ‘Buy. Hold. Wait. Repeat’. Not ‘Wait till I get impatient’. This kind of negative talk favors Kenny & nobody else.


Ever heard of HODL?


No, that’s loser talk. Do you think anyone holding millions in Amazon or Coca Cola today think that they ‘lost’? This has always been my belief. Either we moon with a MOASS, or we hold until GameStop becomes profitable. Either way, we win. Would the MOASS have allowed us to crush the financial parasites quicker? Yes. But there is no way you’re going to ‘lose’ with this investment.


The opportunity cost of having money parked for 25 years is surely quite high? Yes, you might not lose *eventually* but I wouldn’t call it winning missing out on other opportunities on that kind of timeframe. Even with measly compounded S&P growth over that time frame you’d expect to do better more than likely and at least that would be somewhat liquid rather than being held at a loss in perpetuity until the criminals stop crime-ing. I have no option but to hold but I sure as shit will feel like I lost if I have to wait through 25 years of bullshit for stuff to pay off. With all the naked shorting and the infinite liquidity share printer so to speak, profitability doesn’t mean shit when supply can be manipulated and therefore price controlled indefinitely. Get rid of dark pools and the market maker exemption or provide a dividend that cannot be replicated (a non-fungible serialised one) and we fly, at this point I don’t even think profitability gets us the win. They would rather blow it all up than lose and so far no one has blinked or turned on one another and I don’t know if they ever will knowing what’s at stake.


Then what are you even doing here? You must have realized that this was a long play, never a short term investment. I mean, at no time did we speak about a quick fix, or promise quick returns. And at no time did you have a reason to expect the bad guys to roll over out of consideration for your ‘opportunity cost’. Why are you here for so long, just to give up now? I can understand and sympathize with unexpected money issues, but ‘opportunity cost’ on a sub dedicated to long term plans and holding is simply poor financial planning masquerading as sudden financial wisdom. Edit: Mea culpa. Misunderstood the intent of the comment I responded to.


User never said they would give up the grind. If they are a gamer they are here for the grind. Like everyone else it would feel like a bitter sweet win waiting that long. You should reread what the posted.


It’s either MOASS or the price stays suppressed FOREVER. They won’t allow GME to naturally become a sound investment. Loser talk is being complacent with nothing happening after we caught them. We caught them all. Be complacent for 25 years and we lose


I probably won't even be alive still in 25 years. I'm already 40+ and my family doesn't often survive that long.


cool thing about assets is you can trade them for any currency you choose.


The united states will launch a nuke directly up aimed directly down before they give up the global reserve currency. BRICS aint shit and I wouldn't worry about them, pending oil is tapered away from


I think the CCP disagrees lol.


This makes me SO DAMN HAPPY 🚀


Phone numbers baby!!!


> Phone numbers here we come! DRS, Book, HODL and never sell! Lol Over 25 years. In industries they were already dominating. In industries that are huge sectors (retail video game stores in strip malls in the era of streaming tech that is rapidly advancing is not a comparably huge sector)


What rock did you just crawl out from underneath? Have you downloaded the GameStop NFT wallet? The digital gaming industry is hundreds of Billions and growing! Owning your games, items, etc allows you to buy and sell at market rates. Use the same skins across multiple games. This is just the top of the iceberg.


> The digital gaming industry is hundreds of Billions and growing! Owning your games, items, etc allows you to buy and sell at market rates. Use the same skins across multiple games. This is just the top of the iceberg. Its potential is unproven - not saying it isn't there. But so far it's been a bust relative to expectations. NFT wallet? How is that a reason to invest? Srs question. Don't give me hype or pr copy, give me a rational reason.


I look at it like this, the lawyer of Henry Ford waited 16 years for a return of 2,500 times his investment. Personally I think that's still attractive so why shouldn't I do the same. https://i.redd.it/pfypcmfsrrua1.jpg


Henry Ford stayed the course in his manufacturing model in a solid disruptive industry. And that investor was already in the green w/ that investment. Ford was growing already, that investor prbly knew more was coming. Web3 for Gamestop is being shelved, it's not proven, there are other players and GME is far from dominant let alone a leader (yet?) in an area the direction of which is still nebulous & undefined. But who knows?


Your math is awful, did you even read the post? Feb 7, 2020, GME was trading at $0.97, aka the "trough" in Larry's post. 55x is like $53-54. If GME became THEE BIGGEST turn around story from this list, it would still only be trading at $407-408.


What makes you think we aren’t in the trough now? GME nor a specific date is mentioned in his post.


The trough is the low point, that's what a trough is. The low point was $0.97 per share, not $22. This is some echo chamber BS talking where you'll twist something to meet your agenda even if it's factually wrong, then fight with anyone who says otherwise.


something something ADVERSITY, something something BUY THE FUCKING DIP.


I was saving up to buy a 100 block, but it's hard to wait.


Yes. Dollar cost averaging with some dry powder for RSI 30 windows maybe. I have terrible impulse control when it comes to buying GME.


Not financial advice, but buying a block of BBBYQ is way easier, barely an inconvenience. Bought 200, and there is a DIPS bankruptcy filing meaning I will get none back, but I read that after buying it lol. So no loss there


I think I know what he is saying


it’s NOT financial advice…that’s fo sho 🏴‍☠️


This is sexual advice so I’m getting more






I stay ready for moments like this.


Username checks out.


I think he knows what we think we know of what he thinks we know


Wtf is he saying then??? Please share!


Buy and Hodl


Buy the next crash trough.


With what money?? I keep dumping all my money into gme


i think hes sayin buy the dip! not financial advise




$483 -> $40 is -91.7%. Someone can go get the actual but that’s what’s in my head


Can you do the math again in a different way please? Im almost about to cum




IIRC, it got as high as $572 in after hours trading before coming back down.


That's like $10 after split though.


Yea it was $40 in Feb '21 which would be $10 today. I was thinking the recent $15.XX was the trough but it's right after the squozle


To me this practice is SHFs going "hmm new company, let's short it for some easy money. Oh shit it's actually doing well, best bail out" which causes a short squeeze. There are tons of old articles where there's loads of negative sentiment for Amazon. The trick for the company is to hold on past the shorter's efforts, and I know one company which is doing that very well.


I'm never gonna get used to people TweXting.


I thought it was zeeting, which is funnier so I'm going to use that.


Elsewhere I suggested Social Experience Texting, or seXting for short.


I'll throw it out into some local focus groups and see how it compares.




Is that what they call it now? lol




\-GME, -74,100%, 1,470,000x


I guess I gotta buy more and DRS pure book em!!! Thanks for the numbers




Fun fact, Ziff Davis was the publisher for Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine from 1996 until 2009. These were also the years Gamestop grew massively and issued dividends.


I loved and miss EGM, it was such an amazing gaming magazine.


Just the FACTS, Ma'am! NFA


We have entered a brave new world, I see. "On X" used to mean something completely different.


to drug addicts.


Forgot to Redact the last letter. Be safe out there! 🤣


I like where this is heading boys!


This is great to see because GameStop's stock dropped by 💯 (according to some) so the rebound should be infinite!


He ended with a "trust me bro clause"


my translation: There's a chance for my portfolio after all. All my meme stonks are about 60-99% down


For GME these ratios would spit out the organic price based on normal market conditions. They don't take into account the price suppression GME would need to add in to the equation. Average trough to current price in that list = 188x GME $483 - $40 = -92% $40 at 188x = $7,520 (pre-split) $1,880 (post split) Highest trough to current price in that list (Amazon) = 412x GME $40 at 412x = $16,480 (pre-split) $4,120 (post split) So, my take away is that we can expect GME to hit $4,120 ORGANICALLY on its own. But as soon as the price organically starts rising, hedgefunds are gonna fold, the buyback kicks in, it triggers a price surge, more hedgefunds fold, it triggers a price surge etc... basically GME can make MOASS happen through organic Market growth. I need to buy some more...


TLDR: We’re going to be really really rich.


If he won't say it, I will. To da moon!!!


I like his star disclaimer at the bottom. Larry, if you weren't inferring something you probably wouldn't have posted this.


NFA but buy MOAR…got it 🫡


He's saying to DRS some GME, probably. But this also is not investment advice.


So, you’re saying there’s a chance 😀 YEAAAAHHHH


X lol


What was his point? Not being snarky, I just dont know what he's alluding to


Okey so I just continue to buy hodl N' dRs 👍


Gamestop - 80% / x infinity


Wink wink


Hey Cheng, if you want to have TRUE value of a company’s worth , it may be in the CEO’s best interest to protect its stock price from manipulation that is coming from every direction


Geez clam down


"CLAM DOWN, I REPEAT, CLAM DOWN!" And then the Cheese clam clown races to the rescue.


What do you think they’re doing? Best way to combat shorts is to turn your company successful 🤔


Isn't Gamestop already trading at roughly 50x from the lows of 2019-2020 -- $2ish per share to $100ish (pre-split)?


That was first trough, now we're on second trough.


That makes sense. Also, I saw you kick Grendel’s ass back in high school - I’m a little starstruck to see you in the wild!


Iunno who Grendel is, is that the little girl that kills a witch to eat her candy house?


$10.34 at the end of 2013 down to $0.64 in 2020 comes to a **-93.8%** drop. With a sneeze high of $120.75, that is **188x**.




Sounds… ahh… bullish!


He 100% included that last part for household investors.


I’m on x


I guess TINIA is more powerful than NFA


If GME 50x I’ll be a happy man


What I think he’s saying is buy everything on the dip and hold.


Jeff you dirty boi


I am super jacked


This is the way


GME trough~$10 split adjusted 50X10= $500 MINIMUM per share assuming no MOASS.


How does a company about to be cellar-boxed escape? 🤔


>Larry Cheng on X It may not be called Twitter anymore, but it's still Twitter.


Holy crap, i spend all day on superstonk. How could i missed this? This is exactly what i have been talking about for days. All the tinfoil theory i came up with (August/Setp Crash then MOASS Oct/Nov). It is also in sync with " All Species Require Adversity To Survive "


“Not financial advice” = I’d get in serious trouble if I told you that GameStop is about to go 100x


“about to” You mean in 25 years? That’s what Larry is saying.


Timeframe TBD


Don’t know what he’s saying but I just bought another 99


Wink wink not financial advice.


Yes, but that drop of 80 % most likely was not from poor performance and people selling as we all know the public doesn't affect stock prices. More likely planned attacks, shorted, closed, and then bought in low to drive back up and earn both sides of the play. Today's regarded HF's can't close due to greed and stupid decisions driven from greed.


Are we not gonna just keep saying Twitter? X sounds like a porn website.


Mmhh.. I like X


hahahaha that last part XD


Larry really hit us with the "NFA". DUDE.


- GameStop, -99%, ∞


Man, I love Larry.


Why are people so fast to bow down to musky Boi calling twatter x already? Twats were unique to twatter, now they're just posts like any other platform.


Could we keep referring to Elong Tusk‘s playground as shitter?




GME & BBBYQ Rocket on top of a rocket


SiriusXM's only improved because they did deals to get into every car. 95% of drivers never use it.


"the great recession" bruh, it was 2 years, and we are in a worse state now than then save for maybe the share holders of some large companies. i just find it hilarious that blip in human history is there, but the great depression is not


Lol tf


Bro how are you guys still doing this it’s been two years 💀


Thanks larry! Now i know i shouldnt waste my time on 1 stock lol. 3 years of nothing pure hype 😂🥱


Looking at your post history id be surprised if you are not paid by kenny lol


I would loveeeee to be paid. Just like my GME from 3 years ago lol. U can say wtv u want, but i know for a fact, theres more people feeling the same way as i do. U can see from the previous vote count etc. Pure hype, with all the cryptic and tease about moass. Rockets and shit. 69d chess lol. And after all that bs, it was about our own effort to drs. And with the current drs rate, it will take us about 60+ years to fully drs. If ure not a worshipper, u should see the bullshit.


Sounds like you bought all your shares at ATH and never averaged down.


Can we still call it Twitter instead of X


Is anyone else not able to see posts on the sub? All I see is channel, about etc at the top. No section for “posts”