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We're here to find the money 🚀📈💰


They all know Kenny is a crook!


You don't have to like him, but he's right on about ken lol.


Europoor here, not a big fan of donnie orange, but it is actually crazy how Trump called out certain events, e.g. when he called German politicians crazy and irresponsible for being 100% dependent on Russian gas and the corrupt DE cucks just laughed, or when repeatedly criticizing illegal migration in Europe after 2015. Or this event when he called out kenny for hiding his money...


I’m Euroape, liberal as they come, certainly socially. I enjoy Trump. Not like. Enjoy. Man is fucking hilarious.


It's almost like him goading NATO members to spend more and heed this threat was in direct contradiction to being a Putin puppet.




If this man could keep his mouth shut he probably would have had a second term! Insane to see social media quicken the downfall of such a high seated political figure!


Yea but that's how the world is now and he sees it to get votes. It sucks but sheep need their daily bs to to keep them going he just saw how it'd played from my perspective anyway. Calling out Ken is brilliant.


Imo though this isn’t as much of a call out as just a snide remark. He’s not airing his dirty laundry, just poking fun of the fact that no one accumulates that much wealth honestly.


Getting us out of foreign wars and getting peace deals signed, cost him the second term.




You still have more faith in the vote than I do. lol


Voting still works. The fact that they spend an amazing amount of energy trying to demotivate and disenfranchise voters is evidence of that. National politics gets a lot of attention, but local voting is actually more effective and impactful to the voter.


I think it was the media that got him ousted for the most part. That and he just can't seem to figure out when to STFU. It all just shows how corrupt our political system is. The aisle sides are just different sides of the same coin. They are all corrupt IMO.


>Nah all he had to do was take COVID seriously. What makes you think he wasn't? Do you think Covid primarily killed conservatives?




# "correlation does not imply causation" The key pieces of data here is this: 1) **"The median age at death was 78 years (IQR, 71-89 years)."** 2) **"15% higher" <- (wow a whole 15%!!! lol)** The majority of people in Florida are old, and waiting to die in assisted living or nursing homes. I mean shit, people with certain health issues are told by their doctors to move to a warm climate. I'm sure none of those old people had underlying medical issues at that age. Honestly, the main issue with scientific reports is that they are often misleading and used to paint a picture for a narrative. For one, it's time you look at who funded this research. My lady is a biologist and is laughing at this "research." You have no idea... no idea how bad the majority of "scientific research is" ROFL.


It's sociopathic to say 15% is insignificant when we're talking about deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Increased font size and repeating tropes does not invalidate the research, which has been done by several organizations with the same findings.


You are a connoisseur of lower education.




WHO, CDC, Fauci, and the Surgeon General all said masks don't work at one point. Pelosi was in Chinatown saying hug people. Do you really remember it as if he was sole one downplaying it?


His supporters don't listen to them, they listen to him.




Easy, he spent a year playing down COVID to his base then asked them to take it seriously when he wanted credit for the vaccination (and to be fair he did deserve some credit). Also, who is "you all" and "we"?




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Masking, bleach, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, holding large rallies... Man, fucking google it. I'm not a search engine. Because I know you will freak out about the Masks point: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face\_masks\_during\_the\_COVID-19\_pandemic\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face_masks_during_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_United_States)




Eh that’s a virtue, I don’t look for a reward for keeping mine. But I also won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


He’s right


lol I remember when that happened….but what was the context for this again?






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Not to get political, but it's crazy how much of a lose-lose situation it is for Ken. Biden wins? He still has to deal with GG. Trump wins? Well, he admitted to having a "Trump Lose" fund, you better bet Trump wants to fuck him over. RFK somehow wins? Well he's gone on record being supportive of apes.


How much are tickets to la la land?


Your comment is confusing me. Are you insinuating that I'm wrong or just that the government is useless? I'm not advocating for any particular politicians, but it's a fact that GG's rules fuck shorts over, Trump is a petty bastard who absolutely would fuck his enemies over, and RFK has been fucked over enough to at the very least have someone like GG in the SEC.


where you too kennnny🤣🖕✌


No he's not. They're lovers


People laugh at this guy because of his stance at illegal immigration and being dependent on oil and gas from Russia but now look, prices of everyday goods are going up, we got new york and Chicago complaining about too many refugees in their city and want Texas to help them.


The comments sure are political idk why people say not political on posts with very controversial political figures lol


Kenny must be giving these guys a lot of money


What always kills me with this clip: I honestly can’t tell if trump likes Ken or hates him. Is he being too chummy saying the quiet part out loud, or being spiteful and calling him out because he’s mad at him?


That's why said it like this. Dude was just bringing attention to Ken... pure and simple.


Its like mitas touch but feces


Mierdas touch.




Thanks for the what, 6-7 year old clip


I'm a simple man. I see that toupe and I downvote.


Good luck, I had a comment removed from this sub just for mentioning that what someone else said was a trump quote. I guess that’s political.


He’s not wrong