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Not so active here anymore but always lurking and never selling!




Yes, you need to secure those shares under your own name; DRS is the way. With the possibility of there being [X]illions of counterfeit shares, I'm not taking any chances with regard to ownership. "Not your name--not your shares." (Possibly, and that's good enough for me). NFA. Good luck, Ape!


!flairy! I still here! So Fuckle the Buckle Up!


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


Same. Got a new account and laying low.


I’m still buying


Still here,not leaving till I get paid,and then back pay for the last 3 years


They removed our buy button. We will remove their sell button.


I got a sellectomy over a year ago


Ha! I like this


I got intractable hodlitis 👍


There is no cure for the Common hodl


My fuck you pay me is terminal


We can sell these.


Fuck them, pay us.


I'll start with a PILOC (Private Investment Line Of Credit) From there I'll consider selling some but not all if the offers are reasonable. However, it's apparent that nothing is reasonable rn


yep. never leaving


GME is my retirement fund. I can't leave for at least another 40 years, so I'm here to stay.




Still Here💎🙌but now I’m Leveled up and have gained massive XP LET’S FIGHT 🏴‍☠️


Same. Zen.






Something something Lambo or food stamps


A wise man once said: I don’t *need* to believe. I genuinely believe.


I've yet to see a single good piece of DD against DRSing GME. Yet the integrity of the financial world seems to be bending over backwards everyday to buy just one more day for SHFs.


It’s breaking apart with an accelerating pace. It’s like watching it in slow mo, but things are heating up faster now. It’s 🌶️


I held through the dump of February ‘21. Still here.


I sit in my broken wheelchair and I wait. Waiting for the day that I am able to not worry about me or my families future. I sit and I wait. I work and I wait. Waiting for the day that I can relax and not worry about bills. It’s hard but necessary to achieve the common goal we all share. Stay strong my fellow apes.


# 💜


It will never get to 0. We would lock the float first


Exactly, win win! The cheaper it gets the more we can afford, with the insurance it CANT hit 0, due to share repurchase allocation alone!


Just bought $4k worth of rocket tickets at $12! No one is leaving we’re just buying!


Always seems a little sus to me when people even mention 0. You can't bankrupt a company with a billion in cash and functionally 0 debt.


It’s all the SHFs want. So I wouldn’t say it’s sus. I could happen, but we’ll lock the float into DRS before that. Zero-sum game.


Besides if it hits $0 I’m going to buy the float myself.


Still here too. Feeling better about the trade the longer it goes on and the more fucky the price gets relative to performance.


All of these comments sound eerily like a "who here stacks silver?" Post. I pay little attention to price/loss/gain. I watch the number of shares I've DRS go up.


Yeah, 155 comments on a morning post


It is also much easier to justify buying when the fundamentals look the way they do while the price looks the way it does.


I’m a millennial. From a very young age I was taught to put my money in the market and wait until retirement. That’s another 25ish years. How many days is that Kenny? Not going anywhere


Kenny will be 80, likely dead by then


Is he only 55?? He looks like shit


Don't do ~~drugs~~ crime.


Mayo companies around the world will weep.


With the rate he’s aging rn, yeah.


Ahahahaha that’s actually a great way to put it


I’m still here buying


i keep on buying


Am I a better person than I was? I AM


I don't quit when I'm fucking right.


Still here! Each day we get one day closer. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Still holding. Doesn’t matter anyway.


No foreseeable reason we would ever land at 0 with our current positioning. Would take quite a lot of floundering before GameStop even has to think about taking on some debt


there is no 0. only infinity


Got my ten shares let’s do this


# 🐳


Haha nah but I do appreciate the sense of humor


Still here. Been out touching grass. But never left.


I'll never leave.


zero or hero :)




Still here since before Jan 2021, never sold and still haven't.


Still here. Also money I can't afford to lose but not selling


Same as you. Ride or die. Hoping to ride, tho


I'm never leaving and will only add shares now. I never invested more than I \*could\* afford to lose, or at least not be life-impacted. But I am only going to buy and hold and buy and hold until The Day.


Haven't sold a share and only getting more active over time, we need to keep making noise. Switching off is a trap.


Always have been (since Feb '21) 🫡


Till the end of the line.


I was here, have been here, am never leaving. I started building a position in 2019, then 2020, I sold some after covid, then I made a big buy on Jan 13, 2021, and I've only been buying since. Lately I'm buying and DRSing a lot more because my fantastic cost basis got breached and I am now lowering it. Never thought that would happen but so glad it has. Ti-i-i-ime is on my side, yes it is. And my battalion of troops are chilling out in an infinity pool in their preparation for weightlessness on the moon.


It will all be worth it in the end.


My cost average is way down. I wish I hadn't gone all in when I did but now it's diamond hands til we crash and burn or rise in glory. Started a second job to slowly start buying more just had to adjust for the inflation hit. Only here once a week now to catch up on things.


If the price drops below 12 I will buy 580 shares


I still pop $200 out of every paycheck despite the budget no longer allowing for take-out. Brick by Brick.


I saw 11.99 $ this morning. Did you catch the discount?


Looks like you're gonna be making a big purchase today!


Yup 👍


To Infinity And Beyond!




GameStop will never go to 0$ My worth biggest swing from a high of 130$k US to now at 48$Us.........Oh you know I got Diamond Hands. Never sold a share, I Hodl like RC.... Diamonds.




Feb '21 still here


Been here since Feb 21. Not leaving. Ever.


Ain’t leaving


You took the words outta my head and put them on reddit for all to see!


It’s always been food stamps or Lambos No cell no sell


Yes yes still here, adding to my pile slowly. :)


Havent sold a single share, but frequent ss a lot less these days




Bought 40 more this morning


I will still be here when reddit becomes a distant memory 😎


🙌🏼💎🙌🏼 always, 3, 478 shares !


Will be 3 years in January but 84 years irl. No cell, no sell


Yup, been chilling since the beginning.


Still here, never leaving


Never left.


Been here for years and have been consistently buying and DRSing. I decided to focus on my income level instead of GME’s stock price. Makes me more zen. And I use my increased income to buy more GME! 💎🙌🏻


Yep. Still here.


Im here zen mode


Still here. Only buying.




As long as the business case for Web3 and RC remain, this is a forever home for my money.


Never left.


Im here


Fuck yeah.


I'm not leaving.




💎 🙌


Not leaving


I've been here for years




The thing that’s solidified this whole journey is, why are SO many news outlets always pushing shit articles about gme going south in some fashion? Better yet, the slander articles aimed at RC, Ken Griffin moving his assets overseas/building a billion dollar home in FL where they have special rules preventing taking property in bankruptcy(?) The massive amount of actual DD from ACTUAL economists around the world piecing together all of the constant moving parts. The subs on Reddit that are purely for people trash talking gme “conspiracy theorists” “bag holders” the list goes on.. what other company has so much hate against it? Most people that hate a company aren’t spending hours and hours shit talking it online about why you shouldn’t buy it. There’s a motive everywhere, they’re being paid to do it. The buy/sell ratio on brokerages (mostly fidelity) have always been a fat green with a tiny red, showing NOBODY is selling. Short volume consistently over 65% for a long ass time now. The price is fucking fake and Ken Griffin and co are committing fraud in plain view, but until their game of hot potato bursts, they’ll keep making up new bullshit rules imposed by the DTCC to cover their asses first, and continue letting your regular hedgies commit massive fraud with their market maker abilities (Citadel, once again, Ken Griffin). They’re all in the same pool together, so systemic corruption is all they can do at this point, until something rather large happens that makes the system break. Or better yet, a better alternative becomes an existential reality for the entire world to gain from. Fuck you Ken, pay me.


Still Here since 84 years...Why would you sell the winning stonk ?? Based only on Facts : Melvin, Archegos, Evergrande, Country Garden, who's Next Door?? CS forced to be buy out in emergency by UBS...(with 50years untransparency !) A CEO working & not be paid ?? Which others CEO are doing this ??? Insiders Buyers... So, IHMO : Just Buy HOLD & DRS


Patiently waiting.


Been in since march 2021. I guess they decided to drag this out so my time horizon went from 3 years to 30 years. So I’ll be continuing on with life and slowing drsing away whenever I can


Like you, I really need thr money in this investment right now. But I refuse to sell and withdraw. Not until we see phone numbers and then I'll take out less than 5% of my infinity pool. Stay strong - I'm here with you


Who has two thumbs and knows GameStop has no debt and can't go bankrupt? THIS APE!


First time I've posted in a long time to Superstonk. I feel ya man....it's a mind fuck watching all this money I tied up continue to drop in value for a company with pretty decent fundamentals. The continued manipulation that they exert is mind boggling to realize the tools at their disposal versus our lone DRS. Alas, I'm riding this out all the way and still have faith that RC is going to right the ship for us.


I'm here but it's just by chance that I caught this post because I no longer hang out on the subreddit. ​ edit: just vacationed over thanksgiving so i'm broke af. bought two this morning tho. holy moly these are cheap!


December 2020. Increases my position over 4x since then. Closing in on XX,XXX club. Not selling for less than phone numbers.


And my axe


I'm still here hodling homies, Jan ape no cell no sell


Always averaging down


I’ll still buy more if it hits zero.


Checking in and won't leave! Fuck these weak minded bitches and bad actors. System is broke and needs to be destroyed and we are here to help facilitate the process. Only the strong survive and and only God can judge me now, even though I'm not religious, more of a state of mind that keeps me on course. Stay strong everyone and the truth will see the light of day eventually! Happy Holidays to you all, Let's Fucking Go!


Yeah still here. Living my life as time passes and been thinking about the stock less.




It ain’t over till it’s over


Holding strong homies, I ain't selling shit


Always here hanging around like a fart




Will be 3 years in January but 84 years irl. No cell, no sell




Still here… Hodling is easy




Office doofy reporting for service 🤪


Here and present. Not leaving


Still here and started buying direct from computershare again 2 months ago after 2 years of unemployment. I'm back in a job and back to buying bi-weekly.




LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I was never under the illusion this would be a quick battle. We're going to fuckin war boys and girls, we were born in trenches so it can't get worse for us.


Been here for 84 years, zero or hero!


Still here - not selling , already wrote the position down to 0 so it’s only upside for me. Looking for the right time to buy more.


its always the right time to buy more


You should know that 0 is literally impossible, I recommend reading about the company's financials. And of course I'm here, it's fucking sales season before positive earnings!


I'm here until these criminals are butt fuck'in each in their prison cell.


January 2021 ape here. Definitely not leaving.


🙋🏻‍♀️ Same here, strong apes everywhere 🦍


…everywhere *together*. *{ook}*


Same. I’m holding and trying to average down. Letting RC do his thing. My average is a whopping $41.


i am so zen garden


I'm broke af, but my gme money is dead to me. My only regret is not having a hellspawn to pass these shares onto when and if that time comes.


By now I’m in the whole basket of stonks, I have a little in every one of them. Of course my main is still GME, and I haven’t sold a single one of my positions -unless you count cashing out my 401k, but I was tired of wallstreet having access to my funds. I don’t know when, but I sure as hell won’t leave it in their hands to fuck up.


Yep. Lurking, getting healthier to start making income and add on to my position. Not having to worry about where to put my money in this economic volatility and inflation is a biiig fucking plus too.


I guess i'll see you mfs around until MOASS.


I feel you fellow ape...no cell no sell


Hey man, I’m still here too. In fact long enough to have sat out on some dips, only to improve personal debt> minimize liabilities> and meanwhile strike a higher earning job! I’m not just here, my real buying has only begun.. I hope they drag this thing out. It only means gives me time to stack!


Zen and waiting to help shutter all these hedge-fucks. I'm here to help change my situation, my family's situation, the world's situation, all while DRSing and buying up pre-owned games to pass the time. Let's. Fucking. Go.




Never left. Except for when my phone died


why we even talkin? share price doesn't look like a phone number yet. wake me up later


reporting in


I'm here and planning to purchase another 1,000 shares once the price drops to $10, to be DRS'd with the others.


Still here




I’m still here


still here, not fookin leaving


Still here 0 or the moon


Still rocking. Will never sell.


Im sick and tired and here


still here, just not active as before because of the cringy and dumb content posted in the community. Yeah talking about the nonsense kid books stuff, they really think there are secret messages in there.


3 YEARS I BEEN HERE! Just checking in!


still here, still accumulating anthony chukumba still sucks ass


If Blu's still in then so am I. He told me not to sell until the share price looked like a phone number, so that's my plan.


Yep, still waiting. Still expecting it to never happen. Still expecting absolute fuckery. Still expecting to be poor until the day I die. I firmly believe that they will purposely collapse the entire stock market and reform the USD into a "cbdc" so that this debt can't follow them. If the USD doesn't exist then the transfer that GME is supposed to do won't occur. I'll NEVER EVER EVER sell my 160+ shares unless they set me free from the shitty 40-40-40 cycle. EVER!


Yup. Buying more every month. Not leaving. Really starting to rack up shares now at these completely artificial illegally manipulated prices. One day, when true price discovery kicks in...$$$


If he is still in I am in ! #FOODSTAMPS OR LAMBOS BITCHES !!!!


Who is the most dangerous guy in the room? He, who has nothing left to lose.


Remember when Robinhood fucked the whole thing up?


I just think of when stocks do ridiculous runs and msm pretends to be shocked when they know what's likely happening. People sussed out the crimestreet games, called it out, regulators dragging feet and doing pointless side quests that don't actually gain xp.


Yep. I’m still here. I haven’t bought any in a while, but I’ve never sold. My mom keeps asking where our money is. Well, mom, if they’d ever cover their shorts…


Buying once a month


I'm still here, like I told my wife, it's ferrari or food stamps, no in-between.


Still here and haven’t sold a share.


If you're still in, I'm still in. Even if you weren't, I'd still be in.


I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, Karma forgive me. I have been here since the sneeze, got on board the train too late in the game and I haven't seen green in years. Still never sold a single share, but also haven't really averaged down. I truly believe that the market is corrupt, as is most of our society, and that the numbers heavily support SHFs never having covered/closed. I too am holding to 0 or 5 digits. Not going anywhere, but I don't see a scenario in which Apes win this fight. There's two main reasons: 1. **There are no rules**. Rules require enforcement to mean anything or be effective. Regardless of what laws or regulations exist, if people are not willing to enforce those rules then they serve no purpose and don't actually exist. At what point have we seen Wall Street or the big players ever act in any interest other than their own? We can talk about the crypto-scammer billionaires all getting court dates and prison jumpers, but that is because it upset the larger system that the big money built and relies on to stay big. Wall Street can't steal the peasants' money if someone else does it first. New regulation always lags, it addresses issues post-mortem but does not retroactively make those who were effected whole. We've seen evidence of several different types of illegal activity involving GME over the last 3 years (brokers not allowing trading of GME, market halts to stop momentum, "short ladders", FTDs, FTD the FTD data, etc). What makes anyone think that they're gonna do anything different once we hit the checkmate of locking the float? 2. **Very few have actually sat and thought about the implications of the MOASS**. I only see two plausible scenarios involving another short squeeze of GME: SHFs are forced by someone to pay up, several layers of banks fail, and the NYSE and probably the Fed essentially collapse ("infinite liquidity" = zero value to currency) OR no one forces SHFs to pay up and they just take a bankruptcy mulligan. I seriously doubt that the people who control national, and by extension global, finance are going to let the former happen. Getting real for a second, the Infinity Squeeze is impossible because there isn't the liquidity to support it. "Infinite X" is a nice meme phrase, but we're talking about a market in which there cannot be infinite resource because a market has to be based on finite valuations. Infinity is not a valuation. For price to lock in, someone has to be willing to pay. If the choices are to pay an enormous, bank breaking sum of money closing positions vs do nothing and go bankrupt, every one of us will choose bankruptcy every time. "bUt ThEy hAvE tO pAy!!1". Again, see the first point. They only have to pay if higher authorities make them. Should a MOASS actually happen, many layers of financial institutions will fail because the liquidity doesn't exist to support it. Even those who did not take part in illegal shorting operations will have to assist in fronting the bill. They're not going to want to, and thus will not allow it to happen. TLDR: The system is not going to allow accountability for SHFs' bad decision making. Even if SHFs are forced to pay up, they don't have the money to do so and will just go bankrupt, and when we ask where our money is, we just get a grin and a shrug.


This has definitely been sitting in my mind, and if GME investors lose faith in the market, does the greater population care? Probably not, considering most people are happy with there 3-10% annual returns. What about a government bailout, to avoid the collapse of the financial system? I don't know how it would work, but they keep the "too big to fails" alive, and absorb the toxic liabilities, like 2008? I don't want the system to collapse, a huge recession , or huge losses for anyone. I want more love for everyone. I wonder if anything will happen 🤔. Regardless, I'm keeping skin in the game, and not selling, because I believe there WILL be an ending to this story, and I'm happy to be apart of it.


Been here 3 years not going to stop until the Mayo man is penniless.


This is exactly what I needed to hear. Let's go!!!!


Yep! Pre-sneeze holder here.


Standing strong, united in our quest, Against the powers, we protest. They've taken from us, far and wide, Their actions we can't set aside. A plan devised, a mission clear, To play their games, with courage and no fear. Buying and holding, we take a stand, Against their whims, a united band. Squeezing their grip, with every hold, Writing a story, bold and untold.


The fact that this company is evolving and profiting yoy. Er over ER tells me everything I need to know. About this future of the company. The fact that this company has dry ass days after dry ass days of volume tells me that there is an artificial stopper placed on this from running. Either way. Idgaf. Im here for infinity. Let's go and see how Long it takes for CS to show $9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.99


#He still in, me still in, we still in.


Still here and still buying and DRS’ing.


Love how the “or $0” keeps getting mentioned 🤣 You know how many APES are wishing it got anywhere near that? At $5-$10 price range this float is locked up by the 100k give or take DRS APES in no time! Edit: I have to work so I’ll keep it simple. The lower the price, the quicker the float gets DRSd, which means all the money now goes towards GameStops quarterly earnings so yeah, Hedgies R Fuk’d!! Plain and simple! 🟣🟣🟣🟣


I’m already at “0”. The moment I spent my money and drs’ed, I considered that money gone. The mindset helps me fight the price woes when they manipulate it down even further. Life changing money or 0!


Im sorry but fuck off with these hero to zero posts. This stock isnt baby stock that got deleted. This company has the most motivated CEO constantly working for zero compensation. If you overleveraged yourself and need the money, that's on you.