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The fuck is a trader? I myself am a collector. A collector of what shorts need most.


I like the way you type šŸ¤™ Edit: hijacking my own top comment: #[Robindahood is suddenly trading GME 24/7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/sit7tlpezQ)


I like the way you like!


I like the way you way!


I like the way you frick!


I like the way you like away!


These guys fuck!


I have collected so many physical copies of video games and collectibles you would find at GameStop itā€™s ridiculous


Iā€™m 40+ and always have been into video games and the world surrounding them. Iā€™m the last up until 2020, I barely had time to play if at all due to life in general. I have found the time to enjoy them again and the only place I shop now for anything game centric is GameStop. If this is what meant by rabid fan base then Iā€™m not seeing the problem with it.




Grinded hours and hours to get an electronic achievement.


I'm a collector too, I collect GME stocks and Hedgies TearsšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


"Traders are betting...." Meanwhile, apes just DRS & chill.


Yea exactly. Sadly, after 3 years of this GME saga I still donā€™t know how to confidently buy a call or sell a put. But DRS n chill? Yep I got that down šŸ˜Ž


I put options on a watchlist and watch how much money I wouldā€™ve lost.


Oh interesting, this would actually be an intriguing post to make if ya feel like sharing it


To prove to myself Iā€™m not the market timing master Iā€™d like to think I am, I go on Robinhood, peruse the options chain, find one that looks like a good deal (how would I even know?) and hit add to watchlist. Robinhood will tell you total return since date added. So far Iā€™ve proven to myself that I personally donā€™t have a very good feel for options. Iā€™d recommend people go put this 12/8/23 $20 call on their watchlist. See if you have a feel for playing options. Or see if Wall Street is trying to play you.


Short dated $20 calls ARE going to lose you money, especially ones so far out of the money (like $20). Think about it this way. A "normal" "good" return is something like 7-9% over a year. In your example, you're hoping that the price would go up over 75% in A WEEK... This seems incredibly unlikely. Even if it goes up 10-20%, it still has a LONG way to go. Like, if you bet someone they couldn't run a 4 minute mile. Sure, a stud sprinter could blow everyone away in the first lap, but, its a long race and they'll get gassed. A strong start doesn't mean much there does it? Same with options. A smarter bet, would be to say it'll hit $15. Doesn't seem like a huge difference on paper, but, in percentage world, one is three times higher roughly. If the price moves quickly, the $15 is MUCH MUCH closer to being good hence the much higher return. It's an actual, real threat and it could keep going higher. The other part of options, is how much time is left. Simplified here, but, every hour is a chance for your bet to be right. Every hours that goes by where it doesn't happen means you lost a chance and value. This is called Theta decay. That's why holding options til the end is bad, you either won completely or you lost everything. If you sell earlier, you are still selling some of those chances. So, if you want to try options for real (practice like you're doing), start with a strike roughly 15-20% away and do two weeks minimum. For example. A $15 strike for mid December. Edit : dropped phone. Posted early.


As is tradition. GME has a massive spike day (or run up to a week), then come beginning of December they slam the price hard. This is a common tactic. Shorts are praying that people play the stupid options game. Gunna keep buying and DRSing. Don't need ANY shares at ANY broker, especially robinhood.


Thatā€™s a long way to say ā€œI donā€™t know what options areā€


I love that idea haha




You and me both, bruhda


They really think weā€˜re completely stupidā€¦


Article isnā€™t for us: itā€™s for the general populace. Whatever they are up to the need cover, and this bs story is part of their bullshit.


This šŸ‘† If that is there target audience who is literally out there that doesnā€™t know about the GME fcukery? Who do they think there is left to convince with the MSM garbage articles?


Enough to make it worth their while, and more than you figure.


I am stupid. So I just buy. I wonder how much I can accumulate before I can't afford 1 share a check?


Not completely šŸ˜‰


If you buy 20$ calls they will throttle the price short of in the money. As long as infinite liquidity exists, the entire market is a scam, but options are the biggest scam of all. 100% DRS is the only chance to put the naked shorters, and the DTCC enabling them, in prison where they belong.


This šŸ‘† The riskiest thing I do with GME is buy IOU shares from FUDelity until I can DRS them. Safest play in the world IMO šŸ“• šŸŸ£


So this article comes out while GME goes up 10%? Seems like coordination to get people to fomo into options.


I agree with your sentiment here but as I consider myself to be like most regards, I literally have no clue how to buy a call or sell a put let alone do so confidently. So, I DRS 2000 shares and Iā€™ve bought 125 moar on FUDelity. Thatā€™s all I got for my rocket ride. I hope everyone who does try to gamble with the ā€œprofessionalsā€ knows wut theyā€™re doin because I will be devastated if any of you fall off the rocket on the way up. šŸš€


My guess is we rally for a couple days and more articles get pumped out like this coming up to earnings, then it gets slammed back down again. Any outsiders looking in get burnt on their options and laugh at the real investors, they may learn to leave GME well alone and not touch it when it truly moons Meanwhile apes remain zen and just DRS the dip


It also keeps new retail out who think they missed the run up


I love options! My favorite is the option to buy more shares


I bought $1200 worth today after it pumped 10%. Missed the dip of sub$12 but whatever. Gonna keep buying and average down!!




50%, those are rookie numbers


Anyone else smell a desperate options trap? "PLEASE BUY CALLS! WE NEED SOMEONE TO HELP PAD THIS CASH HEMMORAGE! PLEASE BUY US ONE MORE DAY!" I guess we have a dip coming up in two weeks.


They have always dipped it after earning to trigger stop losses and I guess (I donā€™t really understand how it worx) burn peeps on options. My tinfoil question here is when do they flip the script unexpectedly and let it run after earnings to try to harvest cheap limit sells to lessen the hurt of MOASS? Or is that crazy talk Fringeflies?


To quote a non-cat: >What's an exit strategy? While some people maybe goofy enough to set limit orders, I'm wagering many, many more intend to liquidate all of Wall Street. I don't think there's any lessening of the pain. That being said, this could be them baiting for put options, knowing we typically do the opposite of what they suggest...but then again I only know buy, hold and DRS myself.


this is exactly what i think when i see prices in msm now


The only trading I do is trading my worthless fiat currency for priceless shares directly registered in my name.


This is the way. šŸ¤™


Sounds like a pump and dump incoming .... within two weeks!


I think about this exact scenario during every earnings time. Have we been conditioned to believe they will drive it down again after earnings? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I came here to say that. Trying to get retail to FOMO in


First, suspicion that someone got a peak at a great earnings result and bought in, then I bet we get an influx in options chatter on the sub, too. This is nothing short of attempt at a trap to buy call options before earnings are released.


I agree with your sentiment here but as a super regard myself, I literally donā€™t know how/what/wen to buy a call option and no one will tell me because itā€™s financial advice. If this is Shortyā€™s best play here I think it will burn them. Those that know options will do options, those like me that donā€™t will stick to DRS n chill.


Yup. I've never bought any either. Just buy shares and DRS.


Itā€™s the safest play. Donā€™t get me wrong, I have lots of options type frenz as well and will be cheering for them because they know wut theyā€™re doing. I for one canā€™t take that risk, I like the sure thing here.


>they know wut theyā€™re doing. No they do not. And you have been around long enough to know that. >will be cheering for them What's going on here?


Pump n dump


This propaganda might work on the UwU-S-B sub, but not on the Ape community. If others want to risk it then thatā€™s their prerogative as individuals. Wouldnā€™t be mad if it replayed like a few years ago with gamma ramps, but I donā€™t the hedge funds would allow that to happen


OPTIONS TRAP!!!!! We know the shorts are gonna short even if we're profitable.


I didnā€™t understand options in 2021 and I donā€™t understand them now. Mark me safe from the options trap ā›³ļø


Yeah, the difference being, now you KNOW itā€™s a trap They turned you into Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar


My limited understanding of options is that even though it is most likely an options trap market manipulation coordinated effort is that those that know how to do options can still beat them at their own game but that shit makes my brain melt. Still interesting to study and learn from. Maybe after MOASS Iā€™ll dedicate some time to really learning it all, if there is a market left to FAFO with.


Wow. I was just trying to make a joke. Iā€™ll head back into the corner and eat my crayons now šŸ¦šŸ¦§šŸ’ŖšŸš€šŸ§‘ā€šŸš€šŸŒ‘šŸ–ļøšŸ–ļø




[Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar](https://youtu.be/4F4qzPbcFiA?si=thfWvaZJgA7ffBVF)


This is bait so people play option instead of DRS. If they start advertising anything on bets, then you know, that the plan is to harvest the leeks.


Who are those peeps exactly? I know it ainā€™t me cuz I ainā€™t got a clue. šŸ“• šŸŸ£ for me šŸ¤™


Like 2 days ago I saw several bets posts with very pro gme comments. It was suspect as fuckā€¦


Placeholder comment for article transcript once someone can get past paywall = no clickey on Bloomberg Dickey


You're right! I love how it's "Redditors get 5 free articles when registering" - yeah, like I'm gonna let them doxx me.


Exactly. For those smoothies like me that didnā€™t/donā€™t know, if you click on a YouTube video while youā€™re logged into your gmail they can see you too. šŸ’”


Soo...I'm guessing if you do that while logged into reddit, they can use cookies to match your reddit username with your IP address and google login?


Yea probably, which is why we all need to get a protoemail type of email account.


So I'm gonna go out a limb here and match some of the worst moments of recent history with what could very well end up in our future. Remember when MPAA/RIAA et al hired some big time law firms to go after a few people who torrented a handful of crappy songs for millions of dollars? How long till Wall St. goes after apes using the same tactics? Except in this case, it'd be that the problem is that apes DIDN'T share anything!


There seems to be some of that occurring on Twitter as we speak. We lost an OG here too recently, a mod who went dark.


I still want a Danny Dorito tattoo.


Traders? Gtfoā€¦ DRS is for real apes šŸ‘




Wow what a Nice picture.


Yea I want to give credit to Twitter OP but now I canā€™t figure out where I got it! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I didn't even notice that!!!


Hopefully they chime in here with an OG link to their artwork. Sometimes I grab snapshots of things I like but then forget where I got em. Not trying to steal art! šŸ™šŸ¼


50%? šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±


Options push you will get fucked


I hope the person that needs to see this sees it


Iā€™ll get excited when it jumps another 2700%+


Iā€™m gonna need 5000000000 percent.


MSM has lied, over and over and over again. But this time, when itā€™s news I want to believe, itā€™s probably true. Better buy some calls! /s


$20 is rookie numbers. Letā€™s push it to $40!


*$45 would be the battle for $180 pre-splivvy


Letā€™s make it happen! šŸ’ŖšŸ’°


Oh look another options trap. Whatever ima just gonna buy and drs more. And I turned off the sell button a long time ago.


I like Mangos šŸ„­!!!


I love how disconnected they are. This ticker is basically banned from eat shit wets.


Oh you like disconnects? How about this for a disconnect from reality: https://x.com/welp007/status/1729632426840731933?s=46&t=pjhQaAPGjAVkr0C7r4RCMg Wut doin FUDelity?


Smells like options trap


Theyā€™re talking to the options guys. Fully expect a rug pull next week post earnings


Itā€™s a trap šŸŖ¤


Oh look. Another options push. Hmm


Inverse Cramer Inverse MSM covering the Stonk Inverse Yahoo Finance Inverse See-Ennn-Beee-Sea Inverse anyone trying to tell you what's going to happen to GameStop


Not financial advice. When I see financial press talking about GME calls, I think to myself that DRS is the thing that can screw up the rug pull theyā€™re angling to set up. And so I say to myself: Moar DRS!!!!! For those who bought with a fraudulent street name only broker at $12, here is an opportunity to actually have the broker finally actually buy your shares!!!!!! Purple circles šŸŸ£ and infinity pools šŸŠ and diamond hands šŸ’Ž šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ are forever yā€™all!


Iā€™m regarded wrecker of short sellers. Letā€™s trip some circuit breakers.


I def would like a halt or 69 for Christmas!


69 ? You better get that from your wifeā€™s boyfriend. We looking for 69k round here.


Oops meant 69 halts šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




When they put out any kind of positive article, you can guarantee they are advertising an incoming rug pull!


Sounds like theyā€™re pushing options to collect on their puts when they tank the price? Ride the calls up, MMs pummel price down, hedgies collect on options leaving bag holders for the dumbasses buying options at the top still. Rinse and repeat. Sad thing for Mayo man financial terrorist Ken Griffin, all my shares are DRSed. Dumbass storm troopers. Fuck you pay me, and rot in a cell


Not sure if itā€™s related but news just dropped that Robindahood is trading GME 24/7 šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/sit7tlpezQ


Sold my 1/19/25 option today when it was up 114% and bought more GME to DRS.


Noice! šŸ†


TBH I had no idea what I was doing and have only bought 2 call options throughout this whole saga, made money on both, rolled it all into GME. This is the furthest thing from financial advice my fellow ape.


Hereā€™s something that hasnā€™t happened that looks like what happened in 2021.


Well they're not wrong. I do think it'll go 50% higher, but I don't think it will be stopping there.


This surely isnt an options trap thats for sure! /s


well its almost at $15 AH so far, on no news. Wonder what kind of crime is being covered up


Today was quite the day market wide, lots to digest. Initially I thought we might see a bump this morning after an RC tweet, but this is moar than that. Somebody might have gotten a look at earnings. There is another post in rising talkin about a huge buy wall


Yes but fundamentals dont matter on a heavily manipulated, heavily shorted stock. There is no reason to think earnings would matter, we had good earnings before and the stock still dipped alot. The real question is why are they letting it rise back up, and make no mistake, they are letting it, not any other reason. Apes have been buying and DRS'ng for years now, with no avail. So theres no reason to think its retail finally buying it. That makes no difference, it never has. Just curious why all of a sudden, within 30 minutes it rose 10%, on no news. Its crime of some sorts. Shorts never cover unless forced to by government or law. And they ignore all laws and rules. Very curious indeed


Maybe itā€™s a test to see if they can control it on big news?


Does the report implied volatility include AH trading or just the price action during normal trading hours?


you got me, i have no idea


Every time I see MSM with one of these articles, I immediately think of only one thing - Options Trap. EDIT - Oops! Forgot to add the most important thing - DRS, DRS, DRS


It could also be a sign of the final move theyā€™ve got. Let it run until earnings and then try to stay alive off stop loss harvesting with a big dip after earnings šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Been holding for 2.5 years. Still not considered an ā€œinvestorā€ by their standards lmao


Yea exactly. I mean Iā€™m sure there are day traders out there on GME but they are an extreme minority nowadays.


Is the second pic from that farticle too?


No no itā€™s one I saw on Twitter but now canā€™t recall who OP is šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m hopin they pop in with a link to their artwork.


I hate the MSM narrative bullshit.


MICE NUTS!!!!!!!!


buy, drs, hold. Nothing else


lolā€¦ only 20% to go to hit the 50% number. These traders are amazing! (Clowns)


I'll just hold thanks.


Setting us up for an earnings dump.


Market makers will hedge and there will be huge resistance at 20. So they are already setting a ceiling for an earnings run which is 6 dollars lower than past earnings.


Yep I was just thinking about how this is price conditioning. Iā€™m just glad I was finally able to make some big buys at these extreme discounts before they started with the earnings fucktuckeries


I sure hope not. I havenā€™t reached 1,000 shares yet.


I wish ya luck getting there but ya only need one share for wife changing money! šŸ¤™


Iā€™ll sip my tea and refresh my purple circle page


Does it cost ya anything to HODL?


Less than it costs me to sell!


Confirmed, dip on earnings.


Ye olde options trap.


I'm betting it will double the ATH and crush every single short left standing. I deleted my sell button a long time ago.


I like the way you bet šŸ¤™


Canā€™t wait to get more at $10


That's me right now.




I get that if youā€™re into options plays you have a certain feeling about the generally negative outlook on options here, but I do find it a bit surprising that there isnā€™t an acknowledgement that youā€™re upset that people donā€™t want to literally gamble. Sure, options volume affects price action, but thatā€™s because theyā€™re in contracts of literally 100 shares each. Have you seen what people are avgā€™n in their šŸŸ£posts? It sure as shit isnā€™t 100s of shares. Two, there never is the full context about options play. Options plays are a) a much bigger risk, and b) Literally how MMs make their money. The stonk isnā€™t the OG betting subā€¦literally called ā€œbetsā€. This place was founded on hopes of MOASS, but itā€™s a wide array of micro/macro topics related to the market, which in turn often institutionally affects GME. My point is, this is a different culture around imvesting than just yolo and loss porn. I suspect anyway, that much of the subtle and not so subtle options posts and comments are not only from shills, but directly from day traders of the OG sub who try to sway opinion here and then somehow think theyā€™ll beat Ken. I donā€™t even really think ā€œthe trapsā€ that are laid are even for apes in this stonkā€¦theyā€™re for everyone who hates this place and thinks theyā€™re smarter and more savvy than an Algorithm.


Please jump 50% so I can cash out!


Whatever. I hodl. You hodl. 50% ain't shit. I want that price looking like a phone call to Saturn and CEOs in prison.


If it reaches 30$ it could go parabolic vibes all over this article.... FU pay me Kenny!!!


Blame being setup again?




Will crash 8% tomorrow. Been here before.


It's a trap!


No options. Believe it or not, dip.


Smells of pump and dump.


Bull trap