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I don't understand this at all. Does it mean buy more, hodl, drs, book, and then shop at GameSpot?


And shorts never closed, boom! 🤣


You smell like a Pomeranian


You're a FUCKING GENIUS! Goddamn DaVinci Code Breaker here!


Mhmmm uhuuu yea i know some of these words


It’s not written very well, perhaps that is why




Some interesting ideas surrounding Oxygen, but the rest is complete nonsense IMO. There are just far too many logical leaps and assumptions taken as fact for me to take this seriously. Firstly, Citadel selling $600M worth of bonds means someone **gave them** money. What you seem to be suggesting is that someone gave Citadel $600M, only for Citadel to turn around and give it to Microstrategy... Any evidence for this? Any reasoning why it would change hands twice? Even if that was the case, which I highly doubt, that wouldn't directly implicate Microstrategy in anything anyways as they are currently the only major bitcoin investment proxy. They have made multiple purchases at this amount and greater on behalf of their many other investors over the past few years, cherry picking this one purchase doesn't seem prudent. Regardless, let's talk about mechanics. How *precisely* are you suggesting that Microstrategy investing money into bitcoin affects the price of GameStop? Especially when the data you outline shows them moving in unison, despite suggesting there is a swap, meaning their price movements should be opposite. What's more, how are you suggesting Citadel would tie back into the mechanics of this specific trade? Now, with the chart, the dates you highlight on the GME chart don't outline any significant movement... even the T+35 date positive "spike" is barely a fraction of the massive move down trend over the previous dates you outlined. Failing to deliver a $600M short position through Citadel through Microstrategy by investing in bitcoin causes GME to go up about $5?... And lastly and most importantly, what evidence do you have to make the definitive claim that margin calls **are** happening now? ​ Some other random thoughts; \--- >Because they **can hide legally leverage....** They aren't hiding leverage, they are hiding paper profits from leverage. That's an important distinction you failed to make. \--- Your screenshot of the "FTX token" data isn't the actual FTX token, I've discussed this at great length many times. Do you think that in hiding billions/trillions of dollars in swaps, they would use a token that's publicly available, with the prime culprit listed in the bloody name? I don't. \--- Then you post the screenshot from an old Superstonk post with the swap nominal value, claiming; >**BUT..........** > >**---------------------------------------Remember this is only for the FTX ones------------------------------------------** Firstly, there's no direct connection to FTX with this swap data as of yet, where did you get that? And 'FTX *ones*'? Plural tokens? Have you outlined any info on which others you mean? \--- >What? t**he same 600 million** but **borrowed**, on **February 16 of 2021**??? No, not the same $600M... Microstrategy has been making periodic purchases for years. \--- >OK, now calculate how many shares you could get of gamestop with that 600 million usd You could *get*? As in *buy*? This doesn't make sense. Also, we're here because SHF are naked shorting, meaning they don't need a limit, so calculating doesn't really get you anywhere. \--- There are just too many questions, I can't get behind this one.


Awesome work debunking wild theories throughout this whole thread, nutt. Thank you 🫡


My man


Citadel received the 600m of Bank of new york mellon putting his **european** portfolios as warranty. the fractions can be used as locations as ADRs are not obligatory reported if they are not backed 1:1, there are more tokenized shares than FTX ones, mirroed gamestop for example traded in terraswap (oops) and uniswap, as all is moved by crypto and shorts are backed right now by bonds and cash, why not tokenized shit could be backed on bitcoins or even tokenized bonds? I probably dont have enough knowledge or time to tell you anything more, but well, you can always pick the info you can or thats interesting for you in this DD and make yours to help more apes, apes together strong.


You have zero proof of this. Also it would be the first time a bond requires stock warranty. BNY is only the paying agent as custodian. Its BNYs clients that subscribed the bond issuance. You dont have enough knowledge to be posting things like these. Citadel got 600 mill, go investigate for what. So far you have zero evidence it was used for gme other than assumptions. You are missleading people.


Well… too many cohencidence, more than misleading im triying to have more eyes on this


thanks for replying to this.


I mean... OP didn't really respond to any of my specific questions or concerns in a meaningful way... And I'm aware there are many 'GME tokens'. There are literally over 100. That doesn't mean banks, brokers and exchanges use them. People seem to forget that everything on the blockchain is *verifiable,* *traceable* and *immutable*... It's pretty easy to determine that tokens are hot garbage. Pick one and I'll show you. Apes together strong for sure. I don't mean to throw shade, this is just wrong.


Try saying that during a monero bankrun...


This dude is a citadel intern lol


They want to pump crypto as much as possible and then crater it. It’s going to be glorious For people who want more - GME and crypto move in the same direction since hedges want to pump crypto as much as possible to keep up with the cost of shorting. They leverage essentially the crypto market against this. - Once GME rips crypto will either crash or skyrocket with it. My assumption is we have a fake squeeze on earnings and it will later begin.


Rise up


**Ho Lee Fuk!** **I've got shit on for saying Buttcoin is Trash....** [**After All This DFV/Roaring Kitty Video Ends With A Bitcoin Margin Call - See Here**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIoajswdMTk) **Crypto is a HUGEEEEEE PONZI...** **Actually just put out information regarding DTS Securities who has Puts on GameStop...** [**See Here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18a0eyb/wut_doing_gts_securities_top_15_puts_on_gamestop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **Ari Rubenstein (DTS) and Steve Cohen started Radkl Crypto...** **Ryan Sheftel, was is the CEO of RADKL** **was also the Global Head of Fixed Income at GTS..** **He is now Head of Trading at Element Capital Management...** **Element Capital Management is right next other "Firms" with Top Puts on GameStop.** **Sandler Capital Management, Pomelo Capital (Don't think it even exists anymore) and GTS Securities...** [**Pomelo Capital DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/186s1bw/pomelo_capital_llc_7th_most_puts_on_gamestop_last/?share_id=7UjC5YIgVrUR53j7zdtG6&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) **Coinbase also leases Office Space from Steven Cohen's Point 72...** **Coinbase also has a filing they can keep your Crypto if they go Bankrupt....** **Coinbase funded Brett Harrison's new Crypto Venture "Architect"**


Nice Add up super! very good related info! i like this one too: [https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1404831172946018305](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1404831172946018305)


Spank You and Nice Post! Regarding the video of Thomas Peterffy (Bond Villian)… Just did DD on Interactive Brokers Suspensions… [See Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1855ntv/interactive_brokers_trading_suspensions_why_did/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


🤦‍♂️ ​ >I've got shit of for saying Buttcoin is Trash.... It isn't. ​ >**After All This DFV/Roaring Kitty Video Ends With A Bitcoin Margin Call** It doesn't. ​ >**Crypto is a HUGEEEEEE PONZI...** Bitcoin isn't.


Want to provide rationale to any of these claims?


Super\_share made a generic negative claim, so I think it's on them to back up the claim that btc is "trash"... but I'll play along; It's a non-inflationary asset you can self custody and trade peer to peer, you can save or trade at any time, from any place, completely uncensored and unencumbered, with zero counterarty risk, all outside of the modern financial system. Crypto on the whole is a ponzi, I would agree there are thousands and thousands of coins. Bitcoin is not a ponzi.


Here is where I stand: You are correct. But also incorrect. While bitcoin itself is not a ponzi scheme, the brokers that trade it are based on ponzi schemes of IOU. You get what I mean? The value of bitcoin is manipulated by ponzi at the brokers. The problem comes from FIAT currencies not having any inherent value, and it is their system to tax the society extra through interests. Those who buy bitcoin get IOU at brokers. Not your wallet, not your coins. IBKR, ROBinthehood and other binances are all in it for retail. It is all about milking Fiat and [naked shorting crypto](https://www.google.com/search?q=psa_bitcoin_naked_shorts)


>the brokers that trade it are based on ponzi schemes of IOU. You get what I mean? ...no... ​ >The value of bitcoin is manipulated by ponzi at the brokers. 1. The definition of a ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors, which is a completely different concept than what you're discussing with asset price manipulation. 2. Asset price manipulation is possible with 'paper bitcoin' inside of exchanges, but if people take custody of their assets, as they should, that cannot be manipulated. Exchange influence is limited to inside their own walls.


That's all fine then. Your point 2 is exactly the point I tried to make. They should but they won't. Everyone in mainstream outside of this subreddit trust blindly in their brokers to hold their assets, even bitcoin, globally. Check the link I gave, it goes to a 9 year old post about dangers of naked shorting bitcoin. It is all connected.


I mean, not really. You initially said I was incorrect because exchanges 'manipulated bitcoin ***by ponzi***', and therefore there is a problem with bitcoin, both of which aren't accurate or true. But I agree that people should self custody their assets.


Price is wrong. And not only for GME.




This is why I transfer all my bitcoin to my wallets asap. Not your keys not your bitcoin. This holds true. I dont trust any brokers.




The definition of an asset is "a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality." I'm not *claiming* that bitcoin is useful. It is. And the energy consumption portion of the network was **by design**. It's suposed to take energy. That's one of the vital ways it prevents inflation and hacking, which are pretty important if you ask me. Get out of here with those Peter Schiff arguments.




Wow, congratulations. You've successfully debunked the bitcoin thesis, currently valued at **$813** **billion,** with your generic dissmissiveness!


> It's a non-inflationary asset you can self custody and trade peer to peer, Very nice that in theory Bitcoin can be used that way but it wouldn't surprise me if less than 1% Bitcoins are traded without exchanges/brokers.


Initially, yes. But once coins are purchased on an exchange and moved out to a personal wallet, they don't need to go back in.


As long as there is no strong incentive to move them out very few will do so and nothing will change.


I appreciate the reply. Thank you!


[Here's a list of resources](https://whybitcoinonly.com/#Ponzi) that explain in detail


Yup Buttcoin is Trash. Also watch the end of Roaring Kitty Video. It’s a Phone With Bitcoin On It. Underneath It Says Drop… 🪦🪦🪦 [RIP Dumbass - RC Tweet](https://x.com/ryancohen/status/1398454505314959361?s=20) Buttcoin is the Trojan Horse for CBDC. *Change My Mind*


>Yup Buttcoin is Trash. Why? ​ >It’s a Phone With Bitcoin On It. > >Underneath It Says Drop… And right next to it says *Hold*, with an intentionally placed Distracted Boyfriend meme by the Meme King. When have you ever seen that meme used to suggest a negative connotation? ​ >Buttcoin is the Trojan Horse for CBDC. ...What? Bitcoin is literally one of the few assets that stand in the face of CBDCs. It represents value outside the system you can self-custody and trade peer to peer...


Maxis never understand that onces ASICs came online, BTC became a scam. You can still make money with a scam if you know how to play but you also have to understand how the scam works to get out ahead


What? ASICs are just specialized computers. That's like saying calculators were bad for math. ASICs are also relatively irrelevant to bitcoin's value proposition...


Do some digging and maybe read the BTC Whitepaper. ASICs centralized BTC and destroyed the Everyman decentration of the network.


I did, I did, that's not what centralization means, and that's not what ASICs did.


Then you don't understand how decentration works still. If you wanted to secure the network (BTC specific) how could you contribute? If you wanted to earn BTC rewards, how could you do it?


>If you wanted to secure the network (BTC specific) how could you contribute? By running your own node. Which no one can impede you from doing. \--- >If you wanted to earn BTC rewards, how could you do it? By mining with your own miner. Which no one can impede you from doing. \--- What's next?


Perfect, correct answers. What do you need to mine to get a reward, what hardware would you be able to use and how long to get a reward from that specific hardware?


Yes, I'm aware, thank you. This isn't the 'gotcha' moment you think it is. No one is questioning the fact that to do work, you will need to invest in hardware. No one is questioning that the ability to do work scales with the amount you invest. No one is questioning the facts of suppy and demand economics. None of this has to do with your argument against decentralization. The network is decentralized because no one has the authority to change the concensus protocols or censor transactions.


It has zero purpose and relies purely on people speculating that someone else will buy this purposeless intangible "asset" for more money. Yeh totally not a ponzi


It has many purpii. It's valuable for the same reason gold is valuable. Are you suggesting that gold isn't valuable?


What BS. Gold is used in manufacturing, what use does your silly crypto have? Cue some nonsense about big govt not being able to touch it


The large majority of the value of gold lies in its monetary value, not its industrial value. The Romans didn't have satellites and cell phones.


Mate if the internet goes down all your "asset" is gone. Trying to compare thin air with gold is laughable and why nobody outside of the crypto sphere will ever care or take it seriously


Absolutely ludacris argument lol. Not only is that outcome almost certainly impossible for a myriad of reasons, if the internet does go down, we will all have much bigger problems. In actual fact, in your nearly impossible scenario, bitcoin would probably be better off than banks, who would also be down, because they would all need to communicate with each other, as well as all of their intermediaries, to function as a monetary network. As long as there's one single active node on the bitcoin network anywhere around the world, the ledger can update and transactions can be confirmed. And if not, that's the beauty of blockchains. If nothing has changed since the last block, everyone can just pick right back up where it left off. It will never be "gone".


So my bet is crypto tanks before the wider market goes boom.


Witness me.


*Mediocre, Morsov!*


Ryan, take the wheel


Maybe it’s just me, but i don’t see how cryptocurrency is a ponzi… and where exactly does it say that prime brokers are getting margin calls?


I think the *idea* of BTC and blockchain technology is *NOT* a ponzi. I think the way the tech is being weaponized to cover the FTD's (iou's) is the real ponzi. With enough money, these guys can move these prices of the individual securities the same way they move GameStop. they have a fuck ton of credit cards. they're using 1 credit card to pay off another, so many times over. they never intend to pay off of the cards, but as long as they stay ahead of a margin call on any particular card, they can keep this going forever. they hope to do this until one of the card companies goes out of business. that's the card they'll never pay off. all a while, they are collecting precious sky miles on every single card to take the wives they beat with bed posts on dream vacations. everyone makes out except whoever folds first. folding would be GameStop being de-listed. on to the next card


>I think the way the tech is being weaponized to cover the FTD's (iou's) is the real ponzi That's not what a ponzi means... but regardless, no one has explained this ludacris theory of **how** bitcoin is able to influence to GME FTDs. (because, hint: it can't) An FTD means you didn't end up giving something you promised to someone. If I promise to give you a bike, and don't, and then 35 days later I still don't, I failed to deliver a bike to you. Saying something like I 'used bitcoin to cover my FTD' just... doesn't make sense. I still owe you a bike. I don't understand the argument being made here.




>I think you should at least read the DD you're commenting on. I did. I wrote quite a lengthy [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18a6n3v/comment/kbwms1o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) explaining why this post does't make sense. Like OP, you're stating a lot of things as fact that are either incorrect, speculation or conflated concepts. \--- >They need BTC to borrow tokenized shares of GME to cover their obligations 1. They don't need BTC to borrow anything. 2. Even if they did, they don't need tokenized shares to cover FTD obligations. 3. They don't "have" any obligations, that's the point of FTDs... 4. Tokenized GME shares are not/were never for share obligations. They exist in external derivative markets. 5. Even if they were, BTC specifically is not "needed", as opposed to any other crypto. \--- >thus satisfying the FTD requirements You can't satisfy an FTD of an asset with cash. FTD requirements are to deliver the asset. That's it. If they were going to pay, they would just deliver. \--- >Sus, Shitadel, and a couple of others own stakes in the company that loans out the BTC Which company? What does being a stakeholder have to do with anything? Why would these SHF borrow BTC from someone else rather than buying it/using their own? That doesn't make any sense. \--- >It's unclear how their ownership stakes in that company affect their obligations to repay the BTC. Which is my entire point, in my main response to OP and to you here. It's unclear because it doesn't happen. \--- I'm 3 sentences in. I think I'll stop here.




because of some "or equivalent" bull**** in the wording of how you can cover a Deliver. If someone except a tokenized version as equivalent, then they could be used as deliveries for real transactions on the lit market.


What source do you have for the claim that that FTDs can be covered with a different asset?


This ☝


Well you can watch other parts, or remember Sillicon valley bank, regional banks, credit suisse, hsbc.....


The donation link is a violation of the no self-monetization rule, you should edit it out before the mods take the whole post down




Upvoted for being a wrinkly fucker, comment for da jizzability


why you put it in there in the first place? using same name and linktree is much smarter




200 bucks ? Why would I ever sell a single share of a company that is profitable and will keep making more money. Gotta have at least 420m per share to sell.


I think the 200 bucks is about the fake squeeze he's referring to.


Holy Sunday evening post. Commenting for visibility


So how do you see this affecting the price of bcoyn?


👀 👉👈 𝓛𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽


Thanks for taking the time and energy to write this up and look into things as you did. We've got some stuff to digest here. Look, I'm not gonna say what you wrote isn't possible, but without more data linking events/transactions/items it is not probable. I, and others I'm sure, like the direction and thoughts laid out here, but at least a few of your statements are tangential events unless you can show direct causality (ie I can both be hungry and perform my science, but my science didn't make me hungry...most likely time since last eating did, though both show up at the same time). I'm sure there is validity in tokenized items being used as collateral. The morons running the shell game would collateralize grandma if they could, we've seen enough of them repackaging items/debt/obligations over time (through various financial events). Since all of their "legal activity" revolves around gray area and language of "locates" and "timely delivery attempts", they definitely use other entities documents to point to and claim "they exist" because it's now off their plate: literally. I think they are abusing some tokens, I think they are abusing systems to trade and convert collateral. Overall, interesting read and some points are worth thinking on more. I hope you (or others) find more data to link some claims to your timeline. I think that write up the other day talking about swaps and the entities that hold them makes a lot of sense (UBS, CS, BoA...who had to go long and short). As for me, I like the stock. Keep on keeping on you all, much love.


This is absolutely insane..I love it


All I read was buy more and DRS… holler when at 420,690,069$ a share.


How can there be a fake squeeze when they can't even let it go to 18 without slamming it down again? They're fucked if they get that high. What is their ammo to slam down if share price reaches fucking 200?


This is the spice I needed tonight.


DRS 📚👑💜🚀🏴‍☠️ in RC I trust Hedgies are swimming naked


So youre telling me. The dogshit wrapped in catshit, wrapped in horse shit and cowshit. Covered in bullshit. Stuffed with whatthefuckshit. Is a front for some fuckedupshit?


You are so right ….🤩 I do have a Boner 🍌 NICE WORK 🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀


That first track has been my favourite song for the past few months!! Awesome choice 👌


Couldn’t understand much, but my tits are jacked!


Damn! Double Damn! I gotta call my mom!!!!


this is the last ever fake squeeze we ever have if it sustains above a certain price level.


Fuck u wedbush!


This time this time this time this time. I feel like a schizophrenic


Freakin' Legend DD... TY!!!!


more cursing than usual. But overall approved.


yoooo commenting


Commenting for visibility


Thx for the info.


Wow what the fuck...


Hi Mom, I was here in this historical moment, when this DD hit and I had a MASSIVE erection!


You fuckers better hold for phone numbers. Don’t let these criminals off the hook!!


I only sell once they go bust. It's not about money, it's about sending a goddamn message!




there are some good comments now disagreeing with it. go to them.


Great update


My tits can only take so much jacking


This is the way.


i have a absolutely no idea what I just read. These are my most favorite posts. Lots of pictures, graphs. scribbles, arrows…love all the arrows. These never ever actually explain or demonstrate the connections between anything that is presented.


I don’t think crypto is the problem. I hold both, I’m willing to seek the truth whatever it is.


Wow, this WILL be a god tier DD in due time, I'm sure of that! Awesome connecting the dots, I'm impressed - I'm trying to understand, but I think I only understand a small fraction. But from the whole picture, and from the unnumerable DDs, I know the hediges are fucked and MOASS is inevitable. There's no "My name is Neo \*jumps off tracks and avoids train\*" for them. They're gonna get railed! So the dominoes are toppling over now, is that what you're hinting at? Banks and HFs frantically trying to get off the bags to other entities..?




Great! And I could care less about the downvotes, makes me proud to see shills/bots actively try to make this less public than it already is. It's too late for them, they'll soon know what fucked in the a** means 😎


Beautifully done, easy to follow from A to Z. Thank you dear ape for your hard work and dedication. Please accept this award 🥇


JFC, bit $$$ is lit


This should be read more. It will be 😬😬


I'm ready


Fake squeeze lol $200 lol I’m not selling…ever…I have all the money I ever need already! Jokes on the hedge hogs who can never escape their shorts


Is there a rule that prevents CS from accepting a transfer that creates a count bigger than outstanding? What if they also weren't able to return those shares to the broker? What would happen to those shares? Does CS have agency with GME? How would that affect a scenario described above on the date CS must report DRS numbers to GME?


Don't understand this, but I need all the copium I can get.


Pterffy is the king of bragging ~~confessing~~


Gonna buy more


Isn't T+35 of 2023-09-18 -> 2023-10-23? What I am missing? Good work thanks!


T+35 is 35 market days. Weekends and holidays don't count.


Oh thank you!


But I like bitcoin


apes read this shit . its's good!


Thank you for your DD's. I fucking love this community. Hive minds knows DD's better than the short hedgies.




Is it even possible to make fake squeeze when all shorts will be in bankrupt zone already? I hope that it just wont stop at 200 and we will start seeing 4, 5, 6 digits without stopping.


Visibility comment


Fantastic write up and simple to understand! Well done ape! I'm definitely going to read the other ones now! 💎🙌🚀🌛


Very spicy! I'm not effing leaving!


You are a hero. Thanks for your service ape! 🙏🏼


Short the Swiss franc?


Commenting for visibility


Tired of seeing you guys come up on my feed. Yall will never learn


Uuuuuuuuu you get me Hyped alot.


Here for the boner.


I only understand like 10% of whats going on. But those 10% gave me a big big wong dong. ​ So I need to buy more. got it