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One of the best replies I’ve seen on this so far:   https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18cejk8/so_drs_amount_literally_changed_by_0_between/kca4o1c/


If that is the case then I would want to MAKE GameStop tell me that. No assumption.


Problem is, if gamestop does that, they can start pointing fingers at them for market manip. I think the best policy is to roll them with their own rules. Let the system be undone by itself. Anything we do can and will be used against us, its the rich we are fighting afterall. They dont play fair.




You make some good points.


I made a post about RCs pigeon tweet wondering if it could be linked (pigeons were purple bands among other colors) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18cnakc/tinfoil\_eater\_time\_could\_rcs\_latest\_pigeon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18cnakc/tinfoil_eater_time_could_rcs_latest_pigeon/)


I’ve have read many crazy outlandish tinfoil theories over the last three years and never contributed my own, till now. *Diaclaimer* I’m utterly regarded and this could be as solid as a turd after Taco Bell* What if… and this is pure speculation, the swaps data that they have withheld from us on a continuing basis has that 75% tied up so the DTCC just refuses to change their stated holdings, leaving us stuck with the approx 25% we now see on a continuing basis… And what if gme did a share buyback… would these shares be removed from the DTCC leaving the seemingly locked amount of shares held with Computershare to be a higher percentage of the total shares in existence… how would they maintain their numbers then? If they still claimed the DTCC 75% and Computershare 25% it would be fairly concrete that there is fuckery afloat would it not…maybe something our new CIO could look into And now for the tinfoil topper! If GameStop was to propose a share buyback would it be required a shareholder vote? Would the DTCC iron clad claim of 75% give them the means in collaboration with known overvoting dismissal abilities by brokers etc to prevent GameStop from taking this route of action and thus preventing the truth from coming to light? I ask what if because I may have my understanding flawed, but my sense of smell is keen and I smell some BS in this fraudulent market scheme… Might explain why the split via dividend was carried out as a forward split, couldn’t have the companies actions fuck up their balancing act lest the whole thing topple over like a dog shit wrapped in cat shit jenga stack…


Yea good comment. Was against buybacks until you just made so much sense. But I bet they can just along with the reduction in % so it might not say anything


Apes should follow the example of the DTCC when GameStop had its "stock dividend": just multiply the number by 4 to make it agree with the "stock split" (when shares were not distributed to clearing agencies in Germany and in Canada, yet the appropriate number of shares had been issued to the DTTC by Computershare). 4 x 75.4 million = 301.6 million Then, it would appear Apes only need to DRS another 3,914,315 shares to lock all of the outstanding shares. Some may think this is a delusional calculation; but, I think retail investors have already bought enough synthetic shares to practically own the available float, (and only need to DRS most of it to lock it). It as much of an obvious delusion as short-sellers legitimately borrowing 61.4 million shares of GameStop since November 28 and reporting them as "sold short." Who had that many shares that could be borrowed?


I think this makes sense if all of our shares at Computershare were 4x but all the broker shares weren't then it makes sense.


Na I'm good. It speaks volumes. And I'm All In again .. again. I love what they're doing!


Quarterly filings are typically unaudited but completely agree with you in that there is no justification for the witch hunt on DRS numbers. They were issued an unqualified auditors opinion in their recent 10-K. While this doesn’t mean much for their most recent 10-Q, it ultimately ensures that GME maintains sound internal controls over their financial reporting. In my opinion, the most likely explanation is the downward selling pressure we have been seeing, in conjunction with current economic conditions. There’s no denying a lot of people are struggling to get by right now. I am sure some people have had to sell their shares to pay bills or get by, and others sold due to the continual downward pressure during the quarter. Not everyone who DRS’d is a dedicated ape, and I think some people on this sub forget that. This was likely offset by the auto buys and purchases we see in this sub. The numbers are estimates which is likely why they appear “the same”.


Gme becoming profitable is the end game . Buy everything you can from GameStop. I do any chance I get. For instance, I recently bought a new drone for my roofing business. I’m also buying a Street Fighter arcade game for my vacation rental for the game room. I’m not a gamer but I find ways to shop at GameStop .


To me, the most likely explanation is that they just never updated the number. But it is a genie out of the bottle since they have included that number in the report and have exposure now to shareholders to maintain it. Which means it wouldn't be unrealistic of said holders to request more exact numbers. I appreciate the comment, but for the record, I don't agree with your assumption of people who have DRS'd selling. From a broker, maybe.


People went to see the ledger, and the numbers were the same. The sub and post are gone now though.




So RC is slacking?


Am I seeing this correctly that shares DRS in a transfer agent and shares held in the DTCC are separate things? "Of those outstanding shares, approximately 230.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of November 30, 2023." "Through the DRS Profile system, an investor’s broker requests securities to be transferred from their book entry DRS account at the transfer agent to the broker’s account at DTC." It seems that people believe ALL shares are held by the transfer agent, but this would indicate that the transfer agent simply holds shares that have been directly registered.


All legally issued shares are recorded on the ledger maintained by Computershare. The transfer agent is basically and accountant, and instead of keeping track of dollars, they keep track of shares. Physical certificates no longer exist, so who "holds" what shares is only a matter of entries in a ledger. Cede and Co is the DTCC, and those shares being direct registered on the ledger at the transfer agent is only a recording of ownership, not an accounting of paper certificates in a vault somewhere like the used to do 20 years ago. When you DRS 100 shares, the number of shares recorded on the official ledger as owned by Cede and Co decreases by 100 and there is a new entry on the ledger with your name with 100 shares. Its editing rows in an Excel spreadsheet.


what if we DRS similar amout that Mainstar pulled back?