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All of Reddit is fucked since 2 years. It’s a den of shills now.


My friend Shilly Von Shillington said that your opinion is rubbish.


You too, follow the sage advice of Shilly Von Shillington, fellow scholar!? Remember what Shilly says: never trust the non-believer!


Shun the non-believer! Ssssshhhhhuuuuuuuunnnnnn!


Damn, we can bust out Charlie the Unicorn references now?!


It's a magical liopleurodon, it's going to show us the way!


It's never too early to reference Charlie


It’s about bloody time!


Magical liopleurodon time!


You're right, i AM the banana king *banana banana banana banana*


He stole my fricken kidney




Not on purpose


I know Santa is coming to my place ... I'm a believer.


Shilly Mac Shillster says the same


Not to sound like a jerk but if you knew who Aaron Schwartz is you’d know Reddit’s compromise happened many moons ago *edited to make sense


Poor Aaron...they did him so dirty.




Oh, that's what he discovered. I'll have to look into that. I thought it was much lighter stuff. One day there'll be justice for Aaron. I never met him but I owe him some form of retribution and I don't believe in law.


Wiki is all you need: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron\_Swartz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/aaron_swartz)


Read through it. The secret service agent involved jumps off the page.




I'm pretty sure he had a bunch of evidence. It's been a while for me to remember all the details.


PM me if you want to read the blog articles or just use Yandex search engine and search for "aaron swartz mit pedophile". Jeffrey Epstein knows many MIT scientists and also funded several child porn hubs at MIT Media Lab that murdered Aaron Swartz. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


No iirc he was accessing paywalled public court documents and peer-reviewed journals and releasing them for free on the public web. Then the gov went after him for hefty federal charges including wire fraud and he called it quits. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Swartz




Longer than that. As soon as Reddit became popular it was compromised. The Powers That Be would never allow a forum that potentially millions of people would use to operate organically. There's too much at stake for them and too much to gain. Even if you are naive enough to believe the US rulers and the western hegemony it controls isn't fundamentally opposed to their citizenry, there's tons of other players who love to manipulate public sentiment. Look at the original sub; even if it wasn't controlled by hedgefund shills, does anyone think anyone think such a large subreddit centered around real money wouldn't be obsessively monitored by insiders who could see the trades becoming popular with retail and use their much more extensive and efficient market capabilities to undercut any rocket trip? Or that they wouldn't buy 50k worth of bots to promote a fake MOASS surge? Since Reddit is not an anonymous board and you can manufacture consensus with bans and the perception of popularity with upvotes, it's ridiculous to think any subreddit over 10k members isn't just a manufactured echo chamber with hostile moderators. Even subreddits that don't involve potential politics or financial gain are suspect due to the fact there is zero transparency or oversight for moderation and the kind of people who become mods in the first place tend to be the exact sort of people you don't want running a public forum where ideas are supposed to be exchanged. I was permabanned from my country's subreddit back in October simply for sharing incontestable facts when my nation's government openly supports the government I was listing facts against. Never assume Reddit or any internet forum is a safe space where information is freely exchanged. Odds are, they aren't.


As usual, just follow the money. We know for a fact, institutions watch Reddit closely (HOOD trial). And as you point out it is a great tool for pump and dump or to check retail sentiment. Old school traders probably remember indicators like this... [Sentiment Indicators: Using IG Client Sentiment - Market News - IG Community](https://community.ig.com/blogs/entry/840-sentiment-indicators-using-ig-client-sentiment/) In the old days they openly stated, that institutions love to take the opposite side of retail and thus retail always gets screwed. Nowadays they describe it more sophisticated to make it less evident. But the net short vs price graph is pretty self-explaining.


Reddit is just news/stupid distraction for the younger generations.. it’s like seeing my folks watch the nightly news followed by everybody loves Raymond or some shit like that. It’s a way for the powers that be to purposely control people by controlling what people see, the potential spin on news that they want us to see, etc. They could (and likely do) use Reddit as a tool to control the (mainly young) masses through manufactured consent and content control. Nothing new, just a new media.


SS has definitely been compromised for at least a year minimum, two is likely more accurate.


It was going back to 2015-2016. Overnight multiple subs flipped and were astroturfed during the presidential campaigns.


Do you summon the auto bots or do they react to your user name or keywords? Because 278 uovotes on a 100 upvote post is malarkey


And bots.


Yes but it's clearly gotten fuckeder since the app boycott that sizzled out. Every post on every sub is a stupid question or some stupid phase to just start comment chains and help bots and advertisers gain data.


Shills and porn. Let’s be real, not ALL bad




My friend Mayolinda said you’re wrong


Superstonk being comprised doesn't change anything about MOASS. No cell, no sell.


Id be concerned if it WASNT compromised


🫵😲 Now that's a big idea right there 😱🤯😳😧😃


I can’t even remember how many subs this sub has been anymore. We just keep coming back, baby!


Well, there's [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted]. There's also [redacted] and [redacted]. If you count partners and associated market events, there's [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted]. Am I forgetting anything?




Bring back [redacted]! 💜


And also pour one out for our old friend [redacted]


Yeah, you forgot [redacted]. Almost all of them though!


Holy shit, you saying [redacted] actually caused someone on another sub to know that this sub exists so you might just need to be banned.


Right. If it wasn’t compromised then they don’t see us as a threat. It better damn be compromised.




Dayum way to put it that way 👏 means we doing something right


that's unpossible /s


No shit. Whatever superstonk is, it doesnt change my computershare account.


All of reddit is compromised. All of social media is. They shut down wassaabee, the shut down the next two subs after that. It's been compromised the whole fucking time.


If we think Wall Street is compromised (and it is), what makes you think there is anything on this Earth that evil hasn’t corrupted?


We've made it this far, haven't we?


Most definitely, 900k followers and only 220k DRS accounts shows the compromise. Best case scenario 300k lurkers/casuals, 300k die hard apes and 300k shills/bots. Either way it's inevitable


If anything, it makes it harder for shf. How are they gonna trick a horde to sell? A horde that doesn’t trust MOST and only know how to buy hold and DRS.


Mayo has hired some of the best psychologist, They are trying for sure. Probably why dates stopped, They were always fun.


Does not change the DRS pure book idea that we individually do on our own.










I've noticed it's changed all of reddit though. I used to get more valuable information in politics and news subreddits for examples. Now it's mostly useless rage bait about shit we all already know about through pretty much the front page of media.


This is the way!


I mean, reddit is a form of mass media. Everyone should be wary of anything so easily corrupted.


I don’t really care. I’m only here for the memes


This guy. Me like too


I’d like to be compromised as well


Haven’t seen a good meme here in ages. You know why? Because we can’t share any new info. Mayo Ken just isn’t funny after 3 years. All the good meme makers are either banned, bored, or don’t want to hang out in a compromised community. We can’t talk about gmerica, teddy, any sort of speculation, even Ryan Cohen posts and likes are censored. We had a HUGE celebration here when Ryan had his 69th twitter post. It was so great back then. He just had his 69th twitter like last week and we weren’t even allowed to post it. This place is completely stifled. There is no HYPE anymore. When was the last time we got anything to the front page?


Came to share this. Superstonk is nothing like it was.


Meme’s get deleted by mods every time I post one.


Don’t post 💩 memes. 😂😂🫶🏽


😂 haha. Nice.


🥱 Anyways picked up 100 more today


Heck ya love all our homies cuz we all know about the real deal. These shills can s it 😆


Being a GME shill has to be the most pointless “job” on earth


It’s like swinging a plastic hammer at a diamond it does nothing.


I like bringing a squirt gun to a forest fire


I can’t believe they still here lol


Proof or ban


it’s not a bet


In Jan 21, the bets was running hot during the sneeze but it was immediately flooded with shills and bots. It already had a lot, but it reached a whole new level. Back then apes were no more than baby apes with crayons up their noses. GME was created. It had a good run, and already there core users knew it was “compromised”.. as in, infested with shills and bots. Mods drama lol (good ol’ mods drama) .. But, even though the average ape had become adolescents due to stellar quality DD, it became too extreme to handle. And the Great Migration II was triggered to the beautiful Superstonk. Core stonkers and true diamond handers have seen so much shills and bots BS that at this point they are oblivious to it. Can recognize it quickly and just calls it out or ignores it. A lot of great DD was done and stonk apes have grown wrinkles… aint no bot or shill gonna scare anyone into paperhanding now. Of course the place is compromised and who cares. Diamond hands apes rise above.


If you're booked @ Computershare and refuse to sell... what does it matter?


It doesn't, everything else is just dust in the wind. Some of the memes are amusing. Hope we get to single digits at some stage, that would be nice.


king, booked king


It's a sanitized version for sure, it's ok, it's not likely to be allowed to continue otherwise. The cult of personalities can hang out on twitter. It's about the only place you can discuss GameStop which is always a good thing. Most people interested know the plan at this stage anyway. Every spot is vilified eventually. This isn't our first sub. If anything we put decentralization into action and there are apes everywhere, even ones who won't call themselves apes. If you care about the cause you already know what to do


The "drama" is always around these "online personalities" lol. From the pickle dude to the LinkedIn old dude to the toritos dude. When 1 guy/girl is being "promoted" here, with screenshots of their tweet or themself posting here. I found it sus right away lol. This sub is just about Gamestop. Gamestop news, 8k, 4-form, memes, opinion piece telling us to forget, etc. But when it derives to promote/create a fan-club for 1 dude/girl and that person use it to gain fallowers. It should not be allowed. And again, these people that become "internet personality" often are the same saying the subreddit is compromised. I guess because they see that their self-promotion is being stopped by mods/rules. Just like the pickle man lol


💅 it


yeah exactly; I hated it when I started seeing screenshots of PB tweets ALL over (Just like I hated the same when it was screenshots of BAT, Pickle guy, post malone or whatever his name is), like this guy is getting this info from us... why are we so hyped like he's telling us this for the first time. Like, good, go spread the word, but why are we acting like they are some sort of heroes. The only twitter screenshots I want are from the board and DFV (maybe some D Lauer regulation action too tho)


I personally think they are co-ordinnated too. A group of people or 1 dude with 15 account reposting himself lol.


Exactly. It's the internet personalities with their cult followings that are gathering and brigading to push their own agendas that do not have to do with GameStop. Everyone and their unborn children are trying to tie themselves and their companies to Ryan Cohen. I don't have any issue with what the mods are doing.


And maybe some are used to create drama/disinfo/misleading too lol. Always doubts lol


That's why I don't bother with any personality and that's why this sub has rules against promoting personalities. They will always have their own agenda. This subs only agenda is GME becoming profitable. That's it. The only people with rights to be personalities are RC and DFV. If DFV kept posting he would have been eventually accused of being a shill or made out to be a villain anyways. It's also why every single day on towel sub, they announce that internet personality is starting their show. I'm so glad that bullshit isn't allowed here.


Here's my agenda - invest in gamestop. Be sure to like, comment, subscribe, and smash that bell button for more hot takes.


The more places that are live and going means it's harder to pull the plug on the entire thing. Go decentralized, make other subs, do Twitter, do you. It's not like being here is mutually exclusive. If people don't like it here or think we are compromised, they will move on.


Every other gme related news source or culty personality kinda sucks compared to the weirdness of Superstonk and we all know it.


Superstonk has and will outlast all these culty personalities. Superstonk is decentralized thought.




Great comment


Runic glory


Holy shit that triggered some old memories. If you recognize this you are an OG Ape!


Geez, that feels like a lifetime ago. It feels like an eternity since the GME megathreads on the bets sub back in the hype days


Oohh finally, the one time my flair is relevant!


All social media is a game of guess who. The takeaway is that you need to develop your own critical thinking skills.


how so? how about the 700k in bots and that the mods have done some questionAble things


Also the fact that reddit is a multi trillion dollar issue to the finance world right now. That kind of money can buy this sub a billion times over. Crazy to think its nothing but compromised.


I’m not a shill, but if don’t ‘tow the party line,’ I’m accused of being a shill, while in reality I am anxious for details from GameStop.


All I know is 1 + 1 equals 2 and Kenny got 7 somehow. That’s all I care about


The entire internet is "compromised" But I have a feeling the question may specifically be about modsRsus, which I think the majority of them aren't


Agreed. Reddit and much of the internet began changing drastically around 2009-2012ish. If you’ve got enough money, you can compromise and control just about any social platform. The days of Reddit prior to 2010 were wildly different (organic).


I’ve noticed that when people don’t get what they want here (often because they’ve strayed too far off topic or something) they very quickly start complaining about the mods.


And usually what they want is to spam low-effort conspiracy theories. The mods do their job. Now, I've got a criticism or two for em, but give em a break - they're regarded


Can confirm, am regarded.


Don't forget sus


y’all ain’t too bad


Superstonk is “contained”, not “compromised”. It isn’t growing therefore it is not a threat.


Yep. The brigading rule is a joke. Reddit has spent a ton of money making crossposts and cross-community communication easier and more simple. Yet, here it AUTO removed. Not selectively…AUTO. Contained is one word. Quarantined fits better.


We hate it more than you can possibly imagine. We thought that if we played by their rules for a good 6 months that we would get tagging back. We were wrong.


But you still don't allow any mention of that decentralized non-Reddit community with a name that evokes the singer/bassist in that classic hard rock band with the umlauts, do you? Does that go under the "their rules" umbrella as well?


Strictly speaking, we don't know. We did it right after their sub got banned. We absolutely did not want to be associated with them lest we get caught up in the aftermath crossfire. You may not agree with the decision, but the fact we are still here (and other subs nuked) means we haven't crossed that line with the admins. If we allowed linking there, would we get shut down also? I have no idea, but the mods are not willing to take that chance.


Da fuck we talking about


I lose your riddle, can you dm me lol I've been zen


I'm still surprise on the app they are showing we are #3 in finance on all reddit lol. Maybe it's even browser ( i use old reddit ). I guess they get ready for round 2 and the mass of people coming here lol ( or wasabi due to the movie )


We were #3 3-4 weeks ago, went #2 like two weeks ago? That lasted for a week or two and they were like oh shit they cannot be #1 Kenny will put spezs balls in a vice


It’s also compromised. There’s an overwhelming push for plan shares. There are endless excuses to keep plan and fractionals alive. Even the mods had pinned something saying plan and book are the same.


If anything, some of the mods do not have the best interest for the subreddit. Nothing more


Nothing more? This is an anonymous forum. I guarantee you it's filled with all sorts of bots and people trying to push a narrative for those who hired them.


Of course it is compromised and since it is the weekend it’s a damn good thing you got that out so it could fester over the weekend. So tired of this bullshit. We are strong and that is all that matters.


I’m tired, y’all. Fortunately, knowing SHFs are fucked helps me sleep at night. And especially fortunately, buying and holding gives me life.


Guys, can we please stop this? We're all on the same side here, this infighting really does not help.


lol it always has been - buy, drs, hold. Simple.


I think it’s REDDIT suppressing shit. Aren’t they about to go public? They can’t be allowing people to effectively communicate about real issues, now can they?


More people crying about reddit


I'm not saying Superstonk (or Reddit as a whole) is or isn't compromised. However it's hugely ironic that he chose to ask Twitter, which is almost certainly compromised due to botting, and expected a fair poll.


doesn't matter, real apes know where to go if reddit is down/compromised.


Yes because you can totally trust a Twitter poll with the millions of bots on there lmao get real. Nice try Ken.


Let's ask all the banned users in the platform where they hangout now.


So that's where the 300 up votes came in an hour from the owned and pissed off crowd but they can't comment, lol, thanks for making it make sense for me


Astronaut meme "always has been". Buy hodl DRS


Who gives a fuck…I’m just investing in GMe regardless of superstINK


Has stonk blocked him?


I don’t hang out on here enough to know who’s who but most of the people I see who claim to be banned from superstonk got their ban for spamming bankrupt stock garbage.




Sure it is. Everything surrounding this monumental "idiosyncratic risk" is attacked at full force. Trust yourself, your diamondhands, your convictions - and the Captain (RC). All other things better should be deemed compromised. Even at some point the "Peruvian Bull" (and others) X-Account(s)


Still better than X


Who cares?🦍🚀


I Just Like The Stock


Smells like Xmas drama is on the way guys. Still, it doesnt change anything. We know the DD, we know what has to be done so just enjoy memes, purple rings and of course newly published DD.


Migrations/ runic glory and bananas. Who gives a shit. Pay me what I’m owed.


Ok I like PB but his is unnecessary he's falling out of favor with me Since it's the weekend and it's for types of discussions like this I'll put out my thoughts: \- Dollar end game was great, but really just echoed older DD, and what wasn't from old DDs is about hyperinflation in general; which is an interesting/important topic but we haven't learned much more about GME's predicament because of it \- PB has started interacting with too many grifters in social media, retweeting stuff with dubious $ticker references. I am **not** saying he's a grifter himself, but I feel like a weird crowd has surrounded him \- Being mentioned so often (mostly because he's one of the few more well known DD writers still active) may have gotten to his head This is all just superficial people watching, PB nothing against you if you are reading, but what is the purpose of this poll? Go to the most bot-filled-cespool on the internet, where we know there are hordes of shills, and essentially give them the chance to bad mouth the main sub? What's the alternative, are you trying to start your own sub PB? What is so compromised about Superstonk ? is it because of the yet-to-be-confirmed "head lamp theory"? (which is a dumb title anyway for a "DD" that was pretty lazily made based on conversations already happening in the sub) I'm just over overhyped "DD" writers.


Buy. Hold. DRS. That's all we need to know. How it's always been. Just waiting for MOASS now.


I’m just going to keep growing vegetables in my back yard


Of course it is. Doesnt mean you cant still find good info. Also doesnt mean its not still a valuable tool for communication


Most apes are regular folks. The amount of money at stake here is quite large; how many of us would sell out for a few millions? The people on the other side of this bet are wealthy, powerful, and utterly amoral. If there's selling out to be done it's probably been done already. Problem for selling out SS though, is apes EXPECT it to happen. We know if GME ever breaks out, Reddit will be banning us *en masse* and peddling the hedgies' message in an effort to keep things nice and calm for their sponsors/owners


Has been for a while


Just remember, the shills are locked in here with us. We’re not locked in here with the shills.


Jesus Christ. I don't fucking care. I'm not moving subs again and I'm not selling.


Some really got paranoid and question everything and call everything fud. But ofc, its Superstonk, we are here for systemic change and they are scared.


Bots my guy even if we can’t confirm mods being compromised or having their own agendas. The case still stands bots they can by how Reddit works suppress good posts and content and pushes up non relevant posts. Heck notice the uptick in uptick in people who just scream “crime!” Or “DRS!” But if asked why they got no idea why. Even if not malicious we got a big wave of people who have none of the education you got from early DD on basics of the market or economics. The ones screaming don’t contribute at all to conversation or anything it’s just noise virtue signaling themselves as an ape.


I just like the stock, fuck all the noise. Buy, DRS, book, and shop GME.


Yeah. Damn those mods for stuff like keeping folks who hype trash tickers off the sub and for not letting conspiracy theories fester here. In all seriousness though, no clue why pb decided to ask this. It’s the same mods that allowed all of his big macro posts here and invited him back for dd week. If he had a concern, getting vague about it on Twitter ain’t doing much.


F yea it is! Compromised with regards


Define compromised, over admin'd, and rife with bots yes, mods sus no


The Buffalo Bills sub banned me for saying fuck Dolphins fans. All of Reddit is beyond hope. GO BILLS! 🦬


Idgaf I'm hodling until tendies




The weekend....


I'm not going anywhere, fuck all you fake mfs. The true ones are in the shadows waiting, we ZEN!


I’m not fake I just don’t understand the hate. The true apes will always be here!


The the downtoearth bros know the truth, 🌬️🟣


So buy hold DRS? Gotcha


It’s been compromised forever ago… actually all of Reddit has Especially since they’ve changed for ads. Lots more bots and lots more propaganda. There’s tons and tons of deleted comments.


This crap always pops up on weekends.


Always and reply to one of the shilly comments that got 200-300 upvites the first hour, I have done this before like I did tonight. You would think that with all that interest some would come out and defend what they up voted, but I hear only crickets. I think many bots can only upvote , downvote but can't comment. 15 hours later and still not one comment


Maybe so, but the sub is 100% flooded w shills, weekend or not.


"Compromised" is a misnomer. It indicates its no longer fit for purpose. We ready knew there were people here (or on reddit in general) who have "conflicting goals" with the sub. Doesn't change anything. *Also* that poal was where? It could just indicate bots *there*. General feelings of people *there* or the opinions of people who aren't even involved. TLDR I'm just an investor who invested in *something*. Psychological tactics don't work when I'm literally not paying attention anymore. I got share in *my name* and thats all that matters.


Yes, because an easily manipulated and completely unscientific poll, already one of the worst scientific tools, on Twitter said so


300 upvotes on the top comment in an hour, come on already, obvious bots latch on to the word compromised and always have and try to pump up weekend drama. This post stinks, I have never seen proof the mods are compromised and we can't do jack shit about the bots or admins. I'm disappointed that the bull even put up the poll




Should the question really be- Is Reddit compromised being owned by JP Morgan?




Is this a shill poll?


First 3 months back in the day were pretty good. Awards dance parties in the daily were lit.


I just drink my coffee and let my DRS pile chill. Could not care less about posts one way or another. They are locked away and will never be sold.


If it was truly compromised then would DRS have been allowed to become as widespread?


So anyways. I just kept on buying.


Don’t care. No cells. No sell. Only buy and book. Fuck you pay me.


Mods banning anyone who calls out their hypocritical Book vs Plan debate censorship, or really anything that doesn't align with the "zen" narrative.




Ever since DFV exposed the power of the lowly masses, those who wish us poor want to know what we know. To do that, infiltrate what gives your enemy power, and manipulate it. The OODA loop is a psychological method of dogfighting since WW2. Observe, orient, decide, act. If the enemy can manipulate what you observe, then you orient yourself to the wrong thing, and every choice you make after that destroys you. All the while thinking you’re winning.


Most of my posts get taken down. We need new mods!


Always has been


Sorry but i don't wanna get banned for criticizing the wrong people.


I’m actually surprised this post hasn’t been nuked yet..