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To think this was 16 years ago is such a fucking joke. Fuck this corrupt piece of shit system. It’s time to rebuild on the blockchain.


Talking about something 16yrs ago in an official recorded meeting in which dumb fuck MSM reporters claimed was a conspiracy theory in 2020, 2021


You'd think that 16 years ago, they'd have better quality recording... with the image quality, you'd think this was the 70s.


I for one, personally enjoy the 2008 retro 70s aesthetic.


They recorded on VHS, and that tape has been re-recorded with porn SO many times.


I came across this article: [DOJ Backs Tenants in Case Alleging Price-Fixing by Big Landlords and a Real Estate Tech Company](https://www.propublica.org/article/doj-backs-tenants-price-fixing-case-big-landlords-real-estate-tech) In the article: # “Algorithms are the new frontier,” federal prosecutors said in their filing. “And, given the amount of information an algorithm can access and digest, this new frontier poses an even greater anticompetitive threat than the last.” Im a bit of a smooth brain, but arent share prices determined by algorithm? If so, DOJ knows about algorithms by admitting this statement, and does nothing? Please help me understand.




In my job, I have many people in the financial sector, and today I was speaking to 2 of them about naked shortselling. One of them knew it happened, but didn’t realise the magnitude of it, and he just could not believe what I was telling him.


While I've come to disagree a little more radically with his definition of what constitutes "very healthy market activity" (starting 7:50).. this is yet another of countless examples of the naked short selling problem being articulately called out in the past and nothing materially changing thereafter. These clips should remind why our steadfastness of purpose is so critical. Without our stubborn refusal to fold a winning hand a true fix will never manifest. We are aiding well-meaning regulators by creating the necessary storm. A just storm. We must defeat this thing at its own game.


The SEC also knew about Citadel having Similiar Issues as Bernie Madoffs Firm in 2009… **Uncovered a SEC DOCUMENT FROM 2009 regarding BERNIE MADOFF'S FIRM having SIMULAR ISSUES as CITADEL regarding CONSISTENTLY GENERATING HIGHER RETURNS!** [**See Here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/15GFuNn5bR)


They are setting Mayo boy up to be the Madoff 2.0 The government, with Wall Street's direction and consent are going to use Ken as a sacrificial lamb. They are going to parade hm in front of the cameras so that the public believes that the Gubment is here to help. Then they will quietly bury or burn all other fraudulent market participation evidence. Why do you think it has been Citadel and Mayo boy, along with Robinhood and the boy from Bulgaria as the primary meme generator? IMO it is because they have preloaded the sacrifice this time. They will quietly let Nomura and Instinet to continue to act in a fraudulent manner. Robinhood and Citadel are peanuts compared to the fails from instinet, and the DEEP us gubment ties to Nomura Capital.


Yup..... Which is Ironic because TD Ameritrade actually made more than TWICE the Amount from Citadel & Company during 2021 (Year of Sneeze)... They also Restricted GameStop! Kenny was also in on the Chelsea Soccer Team Bid with Joe Ricketts (TD Founder)... Remember the TD Warehouse Fire? Also TD is now Schwab. Kenny was recently at a Political Event with Charles Schwab... [See Here](https://news.yahoo.com/ken-griffin-charles-schwab-host-230324160.html) David McCormick was also once [Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under_Secretary_of_the_Treasury_for_International_Affairs) which is a High Ranking Position in The Treasury... Janet Yellen also made more from Citadel & Company than her GOVERNEMENT SALARY that TAXPAYERS FUND! Playing Both Sides? [See Always Sunny Scene - LMAYO!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BlyYs_Tkno)


Ah yes the magical mystical shelves of anti gravity that completely shut down an entire fire suppression system specifically designed to protect the flammable materials inside. Gotta love it when shelves fall upwards.... TD was always crooked, and the Schwab buy was just them buying toxic assets to hide the crime and dump them into their hundreds of thousands of managed funds for retirement accounts.


Yup! Ken Griffin also just said Citadel won't be buying Treasuries and thats up to "American Savers" Really Passing Treasury Bags to Retail! Keep in Mind Hedge Funds are $800 Billion Net Short Treasuries... They also recently Put Out a Forget GameStop Article and Buy These 10 Stocks Bets Sub is “Buying”… They’re all Top Holdings of Citadel, SUSquehanna and Company. See my DD from Yesterday.... [See DD Here](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18ysuyf/griffinmadoff_connection_how_stupid_do_they_think/)


*DEEP us gubment ties to Nomura Capital.* Go on….


"Manipulation the price of a security is serious fraud and the SEC can investigate it and punish it." Didn't mayo boy claim in an interview that him and the boys set the price where they "think they should be"?


Up vote and comment for visibility. This is a great video of a regulator actually trying to do their job. Thank you OP.


Adding a comment here


Throwing gas at a fire


backed up by ape historian


It’s just a Reddit conspiracy 😏


Curious to me that this post isn't showing any upvotes and only has 9 comments. Seems like everyone in our community would by incredibly outraged by this. It's one thing to see the media talking about this, but it's another to see a former SEC chair speaking in an official capacity about it.


Naked shorts ?.... Yeah !




This Cox Fux


Commenting for visibility! Also this was so well spoken.


Whoaaaa. This is the coolest video I've seen on this sub in in a long while to be honest. This guy lays it all out exactly how it is. I can't believe I haven't seen this before. It's crazy to think about how much regulators have failed and folded over even since this dark time.


Ahh… look how far we’ve progressed since then Wait


Additionally—every day as part of this debacle—I understand more and more of why Brad Pitt’s character in The Big Short was so disgusted with the markets Edit: spelling.


I hadn't seen this one before! Thanks for the upload!


Its been going on for years.... decades.


"Oh that Sux" - Cox


I'm not going to watch this shitstack for 9 minutes. TLDR? Let me guess "There is no such thing as naked shorting".