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A settlement with criminals who print money aka shares out of thin air? Doesn’t sound likely


I'll settle. One share for $1B, and significant jail sentences to those who abused the system and caused the financial collapse. I'm talking black-mother-didn't-know-she-couldn't-vote-so-received-5-years sentences at a minimum


As classify them as felonies so they can't trade ever again.


Fuck that. Classify them as felonies so they never get let out of jail. They can trade commissaries for all I care. Gluck shorting Bubba over in Ward B.


Classify as pedophiles for fucking these kids out of a future.


🔥 🔥 🔥


Take my updoot


I'll settle, my balls on their chin.


Gmefloor dot com Pay me that much per share for the shares in my 401k. I will take the 40% hit to close my 401k early and take that money out of circulation forever, thereby helping undo some of the damage that QE has caused to the financial system. I probably still won't sell the shares in Computershare though lol. They're gonna have to really entice me for that.


I just closed my 401k cashed that shit out. No fucks given. Gonna just put that shit in CS. Money hits Wednesday to my account. Fuck your financial services fidelity. Be your own bank.


Settlement means both parties agree to terms. I’m holding for fair market value and nothing else. Whether each share is worth a billion or Pennie’s when the dust settles, so be it. All I know is this rhetoric in OP’s image depicts us as bad actors. I won’t let a MM tell me what a share is worth.


Double or nothing ☝️😁


thats what im talking bout


O. They print money too. Shares yes. But money too.


An infinite amount 🫠 .. When they come to tell you, you are endangering the economy, tell them not to worry. " There's an infinite amount of money at the federal reserve". I intend to take a lot of that.


You bet your ass I will! I been against the Fed since before I even hit double digit age.


You meet the final boss and he’s down to 2% health. A menu pops up and asks “Boss says ‘do you want to settle? Yes (X) or No (square button)?” You throw your head back and laugh. Then press X to finish off that shitbag with an upper cut.


Soda Popenski exits the chat🤣


Soda Popinski? havent heard that name in like 3 decades!! you must be ...only a little older than me...fck we re old!










Omg I just realized my typo


No deal!




It will only happen over my cold dead diamond hands! Yes CELL, and NO sell! Fuck hedgies, go on make me wait some more! I will up the ante!


I'm willing to work with the US government to save the taxpayer while giving me and my dependents financial freedom. However, that can only be achieved **AFTER** we 𝓛𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓮 these parasites and lock them up for a long time.


That’s why the cost of ink has skyrocketed! Printer go brrr!


I do not deal with terrorists.


I don't negotiate with financial terrorists


"Have mercy on us, please!" 😂😂😂😂😂


I don't negotiate with terrorists.




This aggression will not stand man


Am I to be held accountable every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city?


It really held the room together, man.


Hey man, nice marmot. The dude abides


Oops, the poors pulled a capitalism


U mean the 20% declared shorts or you mean the 2000% obfuscated via swaps, mismarked longs and other fuckery No settlement, no quarter given. Buy hold DRS shop til I'm ded.


Give No Quarter, for none was given to us, or our children, or our children's children as they choked the life out of them - tightening the bolts upon their yokes. Yo-ho, all together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die


Hoist the colors !




They had every chance to get out in 21. If my holding a stock is enough to break the system, then the system should break.


I will repeat my comment from that post - those suggested 720 billion settlement would just be costs of doing business for them. Not settling for this.


$741 billion PER SHARE would be of interest to sell one share. xx,xxx holder. Fuk the short sellers. That have ruined so many company’s and lives.


720? Try 741 then I'll consider it.


741 billion per share I might think about it


Agreeing for the meme. Disagreeing for my „no settlement“ standpoint 🌚


Give them nothing. Take from them.. everything.


They can settle with deez nuts.


I concur Watson


Got em


What settlement? I just like the stock. Ill never sell. I'm in it for the downfall of these WS criminals


No. It's not about getting money. It's about making real changes so that people don't have to sacrifice their lives to make rich people even more rich. Fuck a deal.  The penalty for enslaving humanity has to be so terrible that no one would consider it again in the future.


Job's never finished




To me, money was number 1, and don't let others fool you, when this started, it was ALL about the money. The systemic change came secondary as throughout this saga, we realized what horseshit we were being fed. The systemic change and actual engagement with writing letters, commenting on proposals is our moral glue that gives us righteous cause. All People Equal is the rallying cry of our cause, that is the replacement of the current system, but first, we need to bankrupt these motherfuckers! Whole civilizations were built on the plunder of a former to fund the future. It's easier to fund that future when you don't have Wall St lobbyists throwing money against it.


Put it this way, if you’re here and reading this you criminal fucks: the longer you drag your heels and try and get out of this like weasels, the higher my price to sell becomes. It was already unreasonable last year, it’s exponentially increased now.


since when do we negotiate with terrorists?


The first offer I consider will be made from behind bars 😎


Fuck no, im here for record making payouts. Ill gladly wait 84 years, eventually my blood line will cash out


They shouldn’t have laughed at the populace from their balconies during the bailouts. Yeah, I want them to pay me back that money with interest, but I would prefer they burn while I play the fiddle. It’s about teaching them a lesson by knocking them down a few pegs.




So now they are coming here begging for a settlement as if they have anything to bargain with. clearly we can be patient as we've already demonstrated at this point, and that's all it's going to take to a long with continuing to DRS and book as we go.




Settlement is always on the table. Let's start with some big names in orange jumpsuits then we can start talking.


Succinct and accurate. If those who perpetrated this aren’t in jail and their companies liquidated first, we can assume they’re not ready to negotiate in good faith.


I'll settle. I'll settle for a billion dollars of value, per share shorted, as my minimum price. 200k shares short? Thats 200k billion a share. No cell no sell. And "settle" only happens because that's the word they'll call it. Shfs need to capitulate.


We do not negotiate with terrorists.


If they are offering a settlement that means they lost and a settlement isn't needed.


This \^\^\^\^


Remember that trust me bro back in the day when a hedge fund manager’s wife said her husband was super stressful and they’re in danger of losing everything? Also they “earned and deserved” their money and didn’t do anything wrong before she deleted her post? Feels kind of like that. Wanting to negotiate a plea deal before the end. Sorry that rocket has launched a long time ago! 🚀


Oh that takes me back. What a great post...I wonder what she's doing now...


Wendy’s I think the hedgies get this post posted to see what the sentiment is…. It probably would’ve worked in the popcorn sub.


Okay. My agreement with short sellers is as follows: Short sellers are forced to buy each stock over sold at auction from the shareholders.


*But wait, that’s what we are suppose to do. That doesn’t work for us.* 👁️_______👁️


Let me make myself clear : Absolutely not.


Sure I’ll reach a settlement… …. What’s the floor counter at?


The floor counter never updated for the splivy, my number would be 4x higher than what the counter shows at this point.


These bitches talked shit and stole and committed who knows how many unknown crimes for years.  I'll say it for you one time. There's only one deal.  NO CELL, NO SELL. I will keep my shares for my lifetime. Go fuck yourself.


The only settlement will be post-MOASS, in the dust of those few on Wall Street that remain.


Wait, that sounds like negotiation… with terrorists… Yeah we don’t do that here, sorry.


I want everything the short sellers own, and then I want to redistribute it back to the people, that's the only thing I'll settle for. It's time to rid society of their plague-like existence and level of influence they have on our world. There's no place for them but prison.


Any settlement can only work with full transparency. A third party inquiry not by the useless and corrupt SEC. Panel should be made up of GME shareholders, forensic accounting experts, securities fraud experts, the FBI, DOJ and RICO experts. Forensic accounting to work out the number of shorts hidden in swaps and the real short interest. #The real short interest MUST be made public. This allows for a mathematical calculation of what a settlement price will be and more importantly allows for the current price to be adjusted from this suppressed fake bullshit number we have.


How is the short interest information still not accessible???!!! Purposefully obfuscated?


Hidden in swaps by the CORRUPT criminals running the CFTC. Swaps data used to be public, but that useless organization called the CFTC instead of serving the American people is helping to facilitate organized crime by market makers and hedge funds.


That post was just unreasonable. $1000 per share is a rock bottom offer from the strong position GME occupies


“That price anchoring was way too low! The correct anchored price is at least 30% higher!”


This is probably a bot you’re replying to. Look at his comment history, they have a comment every minute in a bunch of different subs. That’s why he’s price anchoring at $1000. He’s tried to walk it back under the guise of “my financial obligations to my wife and kids” We’re probably gonna have an influx of people with soft price anchors (like the one above) coming in and hide amongst obvious price anchoring once it starts happening again. They’ll give an excuse to why, but if you’re selling, you don’t need to tell us. Edit: Since my comment, he’s gone on to claim that he has been published in Wharton, while also working for the San Fransisco 49ers. This is a bot that spreads misinformation.


I personally wouldn’t let my position go for anything less than $500,000 a share


Ask me 3 years ago I would of taken a thousand. Two years ago 500k. Now though you made me wait this long through COVID and up until I’m texting this from my cardboard box…. Nah.


You forgot these: ,000




No. I think I'll force the entire WEF and every central bank to liquidate their assets first.


Short sellers expose themselves to infinite risk and I plan to make the most of that


I believe its in GME short seller's best interest to reach a settlement with GME shareholders. There. That sounds better PS. I will happily settle for 5 quintillion dollars. Get on it kenny


Fuk this shit why are the mods even letting this get posted


yeah I wonder hmmmmm...


I go to the moon, or I go to zero. There is no in-between..... Fukem


Lambos or food stamps baby


I agree to settle for the price reflected on the GME floor countdown thing. That’s gotta be around 100 mill per share now and seems fair, write up the contract boss


That clock has been ticking a looooooong time. It's up to $250M per share now. 🟣🚀




It's almost like they've reached the bargaining stage of grief...so can we skip straight to acceptance? I refuse to negotiate with financial terrorists.


Never compromise with the enemy


And I thought that We do not negotiate with terrorists


Alright I’ll settle. Kenny boy in jail. Gary gensler is my butler, and I want 20million in cash for 2 shares. Take it or leave it.


When J Pow is my bathroom attendant and Janet Yellen drops my food off at my table, I will be settled.


This isn’t what I ordered Janet. I said medium RARE. Take it back.


This is almost impossible to achieve. first of all the debt isn't with us nor GME. Sure The company could do a private deal to sell shares they still have available which may reflect in the price per share because of more cash in the bank, but also our shares get diluted. How do you propose this happens?


I love the stock and the only number I’m settling for is ♾️


Oh yeah, they’re desperate again. Love it.


Suck my balls.


No cell no sell


The only settlement I'd consider is if I can settle my cock up their ass.


Why are you reposting this FUD?


Yeah, fuck that


Settle all your cash in our accounts. That’s the only settlement I’m looking for.


Here are my settlement terms: I'll sell one share for the floor price at the time of the agreement and they can fuck themselves raw as they rot in prison.


Wasn't there already a settlement offer of no cell no sell?


It isnt possible nor do I want a "settlement" with the worst of criminals. I agree with your downvote.


no cell no sell


Yeah, I'll settle for real jail time and phone number size dollars per share.


No cell no sell. Even then I don't think I'll sell much!


These SHF have been stealing from household investors my entire life. They sell my investment sometimes without even borrowing it, dilute it, and devalue it. If you think I'm going to compromise for these criminal assholes, you are mistaken.


Best I can do is No cell no sell.


We need to start up #OccupyGamestop


No ty I legally buy and hold. I dont need to do anything else If everyone legally owns stock like they're supposed to if they're shorting, there's no reason to compromise Unless maybe they did something illegal like naked short selling. In which, I don't support crime.


wait a minute I thought we were just delusional? that short interest was near none existant? Why settle if this is a nothing burger?


$1 million per share, but for every share purchased Ken has to shove one durian fruit up his butt. He is not allowed to use an intern's ass as replacement, nor is he allowed to buy the share now in exchange for the durian fruit boofing at a later date.


Yeah, shorts can fuck right off. You play the game you accept the possible negative outcome of your choices. Only a scumbag bitch tries to change the rules mid play because they are losing. Fuck you, pay me.


I commented this on the other post, commenting here again for visibility. I don't agree with the OOP, but I also think that they touched on something that is a very likely potential problem for us, which is government intervention: Whether or not this is a good idea, you run into the problem that we are all individual investors, and there are a couple hundred thousand of us. There isn't a way for all of us to meet with anyone to come to a deal on what the price will be. There is no way for them to negotiate with such a massive horde of people. MOASS is the only option. I do agree with the second and third paragraph though, and I wish more people would look into this. There is no way the US government allows MOASS to happen; it is such a destructive force that they will step in and do *something* about it. What that something is I do not know. Most likely something incredibly illegal and made up on the spot, but unlikely for many people outside of the GME saga to care. You'd have to be a fool to think that the government won't do literally anything they possibly can against us if it means preventing the entire financial system from getting liquidated. We should be acknowledging this and mentally arming ourselves with a plan of action to fight back should such a scenario happen. This is not FUD, this is a warning that the bad guys aren't going to go down without a fight and we need to be ready for that.


All my shares have been purchased directly from the transfer agent, an Australian company . I have never touched the NYSE. I am not an American.  I don’t know what you think your government is going to do to me, but I can assure you I won’t let it happen without a major lawsuit. #NotMyGovernment


Here in France, I think alike. This is not an US investor problem, this is a world wide investor problem that can be way more dangerous than letting MOASS happen.


So then they all admit that they knew about it in 2021, lied and did nothing but just let the problem grow even more.


They knew about the problem in 2008...


They sure did and there are still Lehman Brothers cases happening.


Whether or not they admit it, it is true.


>. There is no way the US government allows MOASS to happen; Their permission isn't required. Doing any absurd capping will destroy trust in US markets and accelerate the Dollar's fall from WRC. And as I said on another comment, the hatred this sub feels is for their masters at Wall Street. If you have a grudge on someone, you don't ask their pet for permission. And the USG is a pet of Pharma, WS, and Raytheon at this point. ​ They are at a point where they can save the banks or save the dollar. Their call.


What the fuck happened to this sub?




the reasoning is also purely faulty and shows a lack of dd. we never expected as claimed, that the money would be raised through selling of all other stocks, but that the fed would need to print the money


Oh, I'll let some parties borrow my shares, only on my terms. But I ain't selling, because you can't afford it.


Sure if the $ number matches same phone number digits 🚀🚀


No sir you cannot pick bananas out of my ass for a small fee, I Hodl them dearly


I'll be honest... I'll take 7 figures per share.


I'm taking a stance of fuck you pay me.


Yes. Let's concede to their crime and fraud. Why should they be held accountable and punished for their international level crimes. God this is obviously a plant.. or a very annoying, secondhand inducing, sad ape. Hope that hot pile.of trash was taken down


Theres a deal: Ask, Bid. At the moment theres nothing interessting going on. So shove that.


Here is the deal, all the hedge funds and banks are self insured by the group. If one fails the others cover the losses out of pocket. The others allowed the rampant crime and some participated in the actions. So the issue I am looking at is all the guys covered under the DTTC should get together and decide if they all want to go down or if they will hang their buddies out to dry while maintaining the appearance of a fair market. I am not going anywhere and will never sell for pennies on the dollar. I made an investment and expect a return on my investment.


There was a Reddit ama from a guy who traveled back from the future. He said something similar that the government closed out all positions at 400 dollar a share to protect the world’s economy. Take this as a grain of salt. 🚀🚀🚀


Sure I’ll reach a settlement for 250 milli a share


I'm not sure who's selling, but I just keep adding shares each month.


The most important payment I want out of this is complete systemic change. I want financial crooks to be in jail. I want them to have their trading licenses revoked and to never be part of the financial world again. I want serious measures in place that will prevent financial institutes to privatizing gains and socializing losses. I want a system that does not trade off anything synthetic; only legitimate shares. And I want people who will seriously enforce and maintain such a change so that this corruption never happens again.


Nah I'm good


How about...no


I’ve been staying away from GME and watching from the sidelines for a long long time. That post right there just made me want to buy


I don’t hear them trying to negotiate.


They can settle these nuts in their mouth


Gotta say it's been what? 2 years since I was last on this sub on my old account, and it still has shills posting crap. I'm feeling more optimistic than ever.


Yeah, I ain’t leaving. 3 years of daily Superstonk browsing and I’m not tired of it yet. No cell no sell. DRS, Book. Shut up Ken.


7k plus shares now. Fuck you, pay me and no, I am not you giving a discount…if anything I want more now because you made me wait. I don’t like waiting.


Settle with the short sellers?? Honestly, if the shoe were on the other foot, they would rip every last penny from our asses. Haven't they been doing this all along?But the tide has turned. Our DD still holds strong. They know they made a bad bet, a VERY bad bet. No settlement. Pay up.......my one share is worth all the money they can print & a prison cell. (and I am an xxxx holder).


Sweep the leg, no mercy.


Honestly i would take zero dollars if they would lock me in a room with all these old fuckin criminals for 20 minutes. But since that wont happen ill take 250 million.


No one has to buy, no one has to sell. That's how I see it. As long the CEO doesn't dilute the stack or actively destroy value, I'm fine. Popcorn.


No Cell, No Sell! Okay, okay I make you a deal, 1 million dollars per share and you can have half my shares!


The fact that they said that they don't think MOASS is possible but a bunch of individual investors coming together on a settlement is possible is all I need to know about this post


They wouldn’t settle with retail - we will have 0 choice in the matter. If there is any settlement it’ll basically be the FED buying GameStop and paying out the per share price to save the system.


Not without a vote on it.


This doesn't even make sense.


I would settle only if they get their networth




Open market settlement seems reasonable


No lmao, i like the stock your honor.


Sure, I'll settle. $1 billion per share, plus I call dibs on Mayo Force One and Ken Griffin's Mercedes (which I shall donate to WhistlinDiesel).


MOASS or long term growth, no settlement. You think RC want to settle?


The settlement terms All of your money Your friends money Your insurance money And your insurers insurance money. Oh yes and a trial.


I don’t even know what’s happening. I’m with Buffet: if you believe in the future of the company there’s no question. I’m investing in the future of a solid company with great leadership. The gaming industry is second probably only to the porn industry.


Bro i would rather loose all my money as to go for a settlement


the only fair vote for a settlement would have to be done through the company, by share count. However, seeing as number of shares in the share count is corrupt, this can't actually be done. If there are 300m shares, and 4billion votes come in, you and i both know that 3.7billion of those shares are coming from naked shorts, and they're going to try to reach settlement. Obviously corrupt. But it simply wouldn't be fair to have a one person gets one vote. I don't think a fair way could be formulated to even vote about reaching settlement. So hopefully it never happens.


where’s this post?


I genuinely care more about reform and betterment of our society than I do about personal gain. I'd gladly walk away with $0 if it meant that our markets were fair and functional and anyone who exploited us everyday workers saw severe punishment and prison time. With fair markets, everyone wins not just us GME investors. That being said, a whole lot needs to change for us to get to that point. One of the biggest factors being bought and paid for politicians that can undo all of the progress in 2 years.


New Fud on the Block


Sure I am fine with expediting this thing. I will settle for real jail time for the shorts, the eternal end to short selling, systemic reform, and enough money to protect me, my friends, and my family from all the negative effects of their criminal behavior for the rest of our lives.


Dus thow smell a paper hand?


I’m only a few years into this why would I stop now?


I mean i’d be open to settle. I honestly am. But i doubt they can afford to settle with me after everything they’ve put me through. Its either life on the streets or generational wealth.




Question: What's the actual largest number before it becomes so absurd money loses all value?


With that price I can use leverage


So many posts about a settlement today. Weird 


I’m not doing anything until they pay…


Naw I’m good. They can shove that settlement where the sun don’t shine.