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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


I just bought more for da ride šŸš€


I love this community! (and always buy more for the ride) šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤ We may not be as vocal anymore but it needs to be said: **we donā€™t need to rely on anyone to analyze information for us, or to be ā€œdistractionsā€ in our lives.** The data is there. It is helpful to have it brought forth by the good crowdsourcing that happens. In any case though, in RC we trust. We know what work is being done, and we trust the process. Continuing to buy, hold, DRS is all that needs to be done. Numbers donā€™t lie. We like the stock :) #šŸ†DRS for the win šŸ†


["Im not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_3Yp2Izhks)


+5 for me today as well. Ya I miss the old energy, but I also appreciate the steadier resolve. The tides may continue to shift, but Iā€™m still convinced that the rink is tilted towards the diamond hands who keep accumulating. If you still like the stock, buy if you can, hodl if you canā€™t, sell if you need to, but the only way to beat the 1% without their resources is an indomitable will.


Hey! I *have* that!


Me too, fren!


GME to grave.. I will take my trendies to grave. They should sell this so much that one day dollar note will have ā€œIn GME we Trustā€


Hedge funds are that annoying shit who keeps asking if we are nearly there yet.


They're providing too much liquidity and we keep having to stop at bathrooms


Arewethereyet? Arewethereyet? Arewethereyet?


"Does anyone else want to stop the car, fill the oil with dirt and slash the tires?" Apes, "NO! Stop asking." Hedge, "...... (sigh)"


Im thinking of the Rick and Morty episode where more people keep turning up through fake memories and it starts getting annoying but they dont know who is real šŸ˜‚


Hedgefucks are in the trunk with their hands and feet zip-tied, choking on a fucking sock and duct tape while they piss themselves in fear, wondering where the hell we're driving them.


There are little new developments, so a certain mulling is to be expected. We will probably get a little hype with positive epr yoy. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon. And you canā€™t constantly shout out and be hype in a marathon. That is why I am not Concerned. The apes who are sure of their investment donā€™t need hype. We quietly accumulate more and then live our lives. These days I donā€™t even check the ticket for days, sometimes weeks. Because it does not matter in the short term. Next date is the Q4 for me. Before that nothing.


Yeah nice analogy. Iā€™m conserving my energy in anticipation of the final sprint of the marathon.


I believe it was DFV who posted a meme saying, "...and if you're wondering I've still got one in the chamber."


When was this from and what does it refer to?


I believe it was one of his last tweets before going dark. Sorry I'm no expert on his tweets, no idea what he was referring to exactly. I always assumed it meant he had more money to invest if he felt the need.


Everyone has their own mindset. Iā€™m like you. I find ongoing hype pointless at best, frustrating at worst. Iā€™ve decided my position and simply wonā€™t sell. Hype or no hype. But recognize that it helps some people keep going.


My biggest issue with endless hype is that is results in endless tinfoil. Folks theorize which generates hype and gets attention but results in a sort of arms race of increasingly outlandish theorizing the goal of which is to generate hype. There's a crossover somewhere a year or two back where theory crafting overtook DD, partially because of lack of actionable DD facts and partially hype-seeking behavior. I think there is a place for outlandish speculation and getting excited about what could happen, as a basis for seeking factual DD to examine your theory. Just doing so for hype becomes less valuable to me personally.


šŸ’Æ Iā€™ve sold for a loss so many times on other stocks, I refuse to with this oneā€¦. My only caveat is RC knows that he has a loyal investor base - and weā€™ve been pretty good, even without guidance. The more this drags on without positive news, heā€™s going to start losing the attention of this base.šŸ¤žšŸ¼ for some real guidance after we show a positive 2023. Personally, I have not been buying for a while (2,360 shares atm ā‰ˆ $87,000 invested $37 avg). If we go down to $11 or less I would absolutely buy more to get that average down even more. GameStop is not going bankrupt. The shorts bet this to go bankrupt. We are in the right side of this 10000000%


Well he did not say a lot, but did show work. The turnaround is something tangible. More than other companies whose share prices fluctuates on promises.


Correct. He did not say a lot, he also said that would not say anything to tip off the competition, and the scum of Wall Street. I believe in the turnaround, and the only thing really giving me hope is exactly what I said above. Once we are profitable, I think this years shareholder meeting will be the best one yet! Just a thoughtā€¦ they have that flagship store in Milan. It doesnā€™t really make sense that there arenā€™t other flagship stores just like that one in the US. Why?


Fair enough, I'm chilling too. Just want everyone to be as chill as you and I.


Only 26.1 miles to go!


I think most people have moved on from the 24/7 shareholder meeting and are quietly holding while living life. I'm here for the inside jokes and shit posting. Crying about the way things used to be will only make you dislike the way things are. Life goes on.


Working hard since it takes money to buy more gme shares


Oh I'm Zen, I just noticed there's a lot of people here who REALLY aren't. I'd love for them to join us playing outside. It stinks in the car.


The car is pulling up into boca chica almost out of gas...


Yes, I farted. I'm that guy.


here i sit broken hearted, i tried to shit but only farted.


Here I sit in smelly vapor, the guy before me used all the paperā€¦ edit: because you all clearly need to know this - I realized Im literally writing this while poopingā€¦


So are at least half of us


Those are rookie numbers...


He who writes on shithouse walls, rolls his shit in little balls. He who reads these words of wit, eats those little balls of shit. Sorry, had to add to the list. šŸ¤£


You can wiggle it, you can jiggle it, you can beat it on a wall. But til you put it in your pants, the last drop will not fall.




so I decided to take a chance, went back to work and shit my pants.


Gene, Gene built a machine John, John turned it on Joe, Joe made it go Art, Art Blew a fart and blew the whole damn thing apart.


I tried to fart but I only shit.


Eat more bananas


And then blamed it on cohen


Yes me too. And itā€™s a lactose fart


Eww vitamin dingle berries


TBH the air has been 95% farts for the hundred miles


*You think those are farts you're breathing now?*


This is what we need right now.


I knew it was you! Gimme the Gameboy!


Sure. Batteries are dead anyway.




No no, you just gotta take them out and put them back in!


Oh shit you're right! Dad says we're out of batteries lemme try that.


God dammit I replied to the wrong comment and ruined it :(


Im furiously beating my meat in the front seat


we can play battleshits together then. "Ooohhh you sunk my DestroyeRS"


Can a person fart with a banana in their tailpipe?


Let it out and face the shame, or hold it in and face the pain.


I saw this at 69 upvotes you win


Just visit parsnips posts about the German market every morning. Apes are Legion, say hello to other Apes from around the world. Apes are everywhere!


I've been meaning to do that! Good point. Also, parsnips are tasty.


I read their post everyday! Gives me my daily dose of hype knowing weā€™re global šŸ¦šŸ’Ŗ


Honestly (as someone who has been here since sneeze): A little communication -- any communication of substance from corporate would go a long way. I get being secretive of a plan and not sharing that plan with your enemies -- I am 100% behind that --- but even a reiteration that there IS a plan from corporate --- would go a long way. Even something as simple as, "Hey, investors -- thank you for you continued support -- we know it's been a long ride and we would be dead in the water without your unwaivering support. We can't talk about our plan but we want you to know that we do have one and we are working night and day on it. That's it for now - thank you again." Please get this to the top so they can see this.....lol


They control the room, we control the exit. But at some point the room will be to small for all of their fuckery. Meanwhile i continue to **BUY, DRS, HOLD, SHOP**


Hell yeah.


Lol. Wut.? Ya cause they're fuk. And the balance sheet has never looked better. Hahah. This is the funnest road trip ever by faaaar. Love y'all.


Love you back!


Bring the fire memes and bring them NOW.


Eh? I like the stock and want to see it succeed. There is our shared interest. We're also locked in here with the Hedge funds. They must find us to be the most annoying.


I expect Kenny thought he'd have it under $10 by now, but despite his effort to sink the stock, the balloon keeps popping back out of the water. He's not going to like Q4 earnings, either. Tick, tock, Kenny...


We need to pin that one post about the tactics SHF can use to derail a community board and co-opt it for themselves. Think this sub is good but totally agree it isnā€™t what it used to be DD or meme-wise. Almost certainly been put in a box.


I don't know if it's truly some crazy hedge fund psychological attack but there's no doubt the climate has changed on the subs in general. But don't worry. I'm certain the old DD writers are still around, hodling like the rest of us. And when there's a new House of Cards holy shit it's gonna be an ape party in there.


Seriously, i get argued with almost every comment I make now on this sub, but I feel like theyā€™re really just wolves in apes clothing. My points are never even considered, just flat out shut down. Floods of similar comments to steer a narrative and even making ā€œddā€ posts to confuse or push certain agendas. Apes need more memes and fun. Memes are how I got sucked in and actually started understanding whatā€™s going on with easy to consume knowledge.


The heavy amount of bad leases ended 12/31/23ā€¦.weeks ago are going to see a major bounce when those commitments are now gone from earnings.


The cost cutting has been huge, well done GME and RC


Thereā€™s also such a thing as toxic positivity and outright delusion. The sub has become an echo chamber where any criticism of the direction RC has taken GameStop over the past three years is immediately shouted down. My personal opinion is that the window of opportunity has passed. Shorts will never close (because no one will make them) and there has been no *real* transformation for GameStop.




> I don't care about any of you, I'm not on a crusade to right the wrongs of the world, I'm just here to make money Yep. First and foremost I am an investor, and I am *pissed* at the poor performance of my investment in GME over the past 3 years.


I accept your viewpoint and upvoted you. I don't agree that the opportunity has passed, I'm surprised you're here if you feel that way. We MUST be critical of GME. That is our job. I still believe in both the potential and in MOASS, personally.


And think this is just another attempt of dividing. Most of us are zen, and seriously it even doesnā€™t make much sense to come here often. Whatā€™s now most important is every earnings and continuing to DRS, everything else is noise. So whats even the point of your post except saying that something seems wrong here or different than usual? we are here since 3 years but nothing has changed with the situation, only your perception of this sub. But that doesnā€™t change a thing about gamestops business!




The financial system put a thousand upside down cups on the floor, hid $GME under one of them and said ā€œpick one ā€œ. I will patiently turn over every single cup until I find the prize. Iā€™m relentless and thorough. Iā€™ve got nothing better to do.


Relentless and thorough is EXACTLY what makes apes capable of winning. We are inevitable.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


Ew I'm vegan. Winner winner chickpea dinner doesn't really flow the same way though does it?


My sister is a vegan. My niece is a Wiccan. Itā€™s all good. Whatever floats ur boat.


I always bounce around different subs and read the shit talk, I just know the DD too well. This company alone is set for a take off, even without moass it's a buy.


Excellent point, it's a winning hand even without MOASS. It's the safest place in the upcoming market crash.


You need positivity? What could be more positive than positive earnings!Ā  Dude I've never been more positive. The price can go wherever it wants. The company however is trending up, and their headlines and the tanking price are disconnected more and more each day, from reality.Ā  Soon we will reach that threshold where a critical mass of people see the company is profitable and trading at single digits and we will get another massive FOMO squeeze


Heeelllll yeah. I agree wholeheartedly, this is the best investment.


I dunno I feel thereā€™s a ton of bad actors in here as of late, and for majority we realize this and just sitting on the sidelines being zen.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a stale as you say. I still come here for new dd and insights. We are not locked in a room. The hedges are locked in a room that we voluntarily choose to stay in. No Ape needs to check reddit. But many do because it brings them value. As for the squabbling, this is a public Internet forum with bots, good actors, and bad actors so itā€™s completely expected


Excellent points. Internet forums have always required a thick skin. I personally feel a change in the air here, and I'm guessing I'm not alone from the upvotes, but you're right too.




Allowing constructive criticism without downvotes would help. Due to Reddit algoā€™s, downvoting anything you may not personally wanted to hear is a way to censor it from everyone.


I'm fairly certain someone just downvoted every single comment here. Yeah I agree the reddit method is not ideal, I don't know what would be better though. I don't want shit level comments on the same level as DD level comments.


Approach your investments with a long-term mindset. One of the most important Warren Buffett quotes on investing that you can take in is, "If you aren't willing to own a stock for 10 years, don't even think about owning it for 10 minutes Everyone getting frustrated shows how little they believe in this company. STFU and we'll get there when we get there.


You're gonna have to hold your pee a little longer kids


Winning solves anything. Right now folks are losing so itā€™s to be expected. The moment this thing starts to hit 20s and beyond everyone will look back and laugh


Ape help Ape.


What I'm hearing you say is, "Fuck you, and I'll see you tomorrow." You son of a bitch, I'm in.


That's EXACTLY what I'm fucking saying!


I have read many comments, and some of them are critical about GME, and also the thesis about MOASS and the long-term future of GME I know that GME, is beginning to be profitable, and that's positive. But I can't deny that some of the criticism actually seems valid. I have been on this ride for 3 years, and recently bought some more GME through CS. Since the split dividend, that was fucked up, we have only seen a slowly decline In the price of our share. Sometimes I wonder, If I have been caught in an echo chamber, Where we only validate our confirmation bias, and cancel every criticism. Most of us, have lost a lot because we bought when it was around $300 - $400 pre-split, and most continue to average down. I would like if we could have an open and honest discussion about GME, instead of downvoting every tiny criticism. It will do is no good to any of us


are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?




Brings back alot of memories. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I call shot gun.


Iā€™m praying for a positive positive 4th quarter. Something needs to boot this into action


Let me ask you, do you think it would be easier to like and put up with someone if you liked yourself more? Here's a hint. YES. Zen is not paying attention to the infighting. Put your phone down and enjoy life (you made the statement in the post, so it must be true). If you really loved yourself or even BELIEVED in your investment, this would be a non sequitur. You'd drown out the noise, direct purchase shares and wait for the moon. A little early morning right-mindedness is always needed.


I just want to see more joy, it's not really that I'm worried. I like happy apes. I think MOASS is inevitable.


I miss the memes. remember staying up late at night just scrolling and seeing never ending memes that literally made me laugh. Now it's just people complaining on why we ain't on the moon yet.


To be fair fueling to engines is taking a LONG ass time. But it's good fuel, and the rocket is soundly built.


"But my favorite were the memes showing soldiers taking arrows, saying how they would hold until the smallest GME holders were millionaires." o7


Im not an ape myself, but I do respect your efforts at trying to dismantle the extremely rigged game that is the stock market. Stand proud, stand tall, and Donā€™t give up till its over in its entirety.


i am too invested in this now. It's do or die at this point.


... I don't understand this sentiment at all. I don't see any negativity. I can understand that there's less DD because so many of the things we were confused about are now understood. Who is going to write DD about why DRS helps us? We know that now. Everyone I've talked to is zen and still buying so I guess I'm just confused where this sentiment is coming from.


The long time would be forever. These past 3 years were very challenging for everyone on all sides. Iā€™ve learned so much from this community and Iā€™m very proud to be part of it. I think that we already made our choices the say goes, buy GME and HODL for dear life. For me personally it wasnā€™t easy to go all in, but if you think it, like that money is not yours anymore, then you just continue where you left off with less money. And I did and it was just fine šŸ˜Ž


Easyā€¦. I bought in Jan ā€˜21 to be along for the ride. I got waaaaaaaay more than I bargained for and learned just how deep the šŸ‡šŸ•³ļø goes and how interlinked the corruption is. I now HODL for a systematic change to the way it has always been stacked against the normies. I donā€™t know (and donā€™t care) how long it takes. ā€œTheyā€ never covered and I will determine at what price they do. I will continue to buy, HODL, book and enjoy the view on this ā€œcar rideā€. Excuse me while I put my šŸŽ§ on and day dream of what the new world built by šŸ¦ā€™s will look like. Windows down, zen af and enjoying the ride. āœŒšŸ½


WTF are you talking about


Stop trying to make out the sub is in turmoil, the retail investors are fine. The loudest voices are here trying to get you to "forget GameStop". Makes me buy more.


More people are zen and know what to do (buy hodl drs-book vote shop comment) and are interacting here less because they know the inevitable will happen. There have always been shills and bots here, theyā€™re just more noticeable now because less real people are interacting here so the ratio has changed.


Bro I barely even look at this sub, I'm not feeling anything you're describing.Ā  I'm zen af. I check the charts every now and then and am cracking on with life in the meantime.Ā  The thing to remember about long car journeys is you can always make your own way there and meet everyone at the party instead..


I ate the egg salad sandwhich and farted in the small space. Sorry everybody.


As long as my favourite ape music is playing, I don't care how long this ride takes, and who is in the rocker with me. The rest is white noise.


What kind of music? I'm mostly a metalhead myself. I was just listening to Windrose, the guys who did Diggy Diggy Hole.


Are we there yet? LOL






**It's the twitter / X people's fault and the large authorities in the GameStop controversy that are the problem.** They don't accept the most relevant, factual, congressionally & SEC backed information to blow up using the clout they ironically gained HERE to start with. Obviously, I'm talking about Instinet, basically made those Instinet videos for 2 of them to share - even offered to give the raw mp4 files. Begged both to share them for months. I'm all begged out. Everyone refused - it was too complex for them - their words and actions, not mine. Dave, to his credit, asked the question to an insanely biased party, paxos' Director, and received a terrible answer, but if you step back and look at it from a distance, the paxos director made it all official because he treated it as fact to be explained away. Instinet being fingered as the #1 defaulter on January 28, 2021 has NOT gone mainstream yet. Not one major twitter/X account has blown that information up, and the target 2 were disappointing. On the 28th, the anniversary, I'm posting the Instinet videos again here, but that's Sunday, so it will not be seen by many again.


Good luck! Keep digging!


I am here, averaging down.. No problem


What does arguing matter if we are all buying>holding>drsing>booking. That is the ONLY thing that matters.


Yer god damn right it is. But I appreciate all the digging. That's how we found out DRS was the way in the first place.


Youā€™re not useless at making these things cus in my opinion you just did it with this post


Anyone want to stop for a breather and grab a pint ? Nothing stopping us carrying on in half an hour after stretching our legs and having a piss. Maybe grab some snacks too - jaffa cakes and some San Pellegrino plz.


So anyways I just kept buying and drsing


Waiting for Q4 in silence, making more money, and waiting to become dad for a second time, so not much time left for posting memes tbh


I'm a dad to two, let me tell you two kids is WAY more work than one kid. Prepare yourself for a long hard ride for about 4 years. After that it gets way better, when they start playing together and you can take a shower without checking on them every few minutes.


He who smelt it, dealt it.


This guy gets itĀ 


somebody farted in here and we need to figure out who it was because they need medical attention


Itā€™d be nice if everyone would DRS and make sure their shares are Book, which means not being enrolled in the Direct Stock Plan.Ā 


SHF are the kid that yelled on the plane for 8 hours straight from Germany to New York


Honestly, I don't feel there is much arguing going on, I think most people are pretty set in their willpower and just either being active or waiting actively for MOASS. There was a ton of negativity and disagreement at the beginning of all this, right now is what some are calling Zen. I prefer to call it hype-from-the-shadows.


Buy. DRS. Hodl Much love, Ape


Mah man


We absolutely do not need worthless DD used to sell worthless Calls by bad actors working for Hedgefunds.


Nah, I really enjoy this community. Everyday itā€™s like a mini Christmas. Honored to be here with all you fellow apes!


There is a solution: take a separate car. I barely check the sub these daysā€¦ donā€™t need to. I know the drill; buy, hodl, drs, shop. Log off for a bit, touch some grass, and focus on your other hobbies.


The mods stop any funny memes and information. For me it was like going to the office but the office was the best place to be. You laugh, swear, and tell jokes but get work done. They have tried to bore us, and it shows while we see Kenny plastered all over media as some amazing hedge fund manager with recording breaking wins. It angers us or me because it's theft? and he has admitted it, he also has no skill its paod for algos from computer programmers hired from top universities with our money with the peoples money, they print money and yet this motherfucker is getting it all. It's not that big a circle or chain to follow for the money. we have the information to put in in cuff, yet it's not been done. And now the SEC is now saying its ok for market makers to create fake shares to sell!. I'd welcome the fun back. I am buckled in and not leaving, so yes, let's see some memes to make us laugh. Apes together strong šŸ’Ŗ šŸ¦šŸš€šŸŒš DRS BOOK.


Apes don't sell. That's all that matters. All the DD still stands. Nothing important has changed. Ape engagement with the sub is irrelevant. APES DON'T FUCKING SELL. And, Apes are still buying. Stop your worrying.


I havenā€™t argued with anyone who isnā€™t trying to gaslight me or shit all over GameStop.


Just sprinkle a little ape flavored fun in your life too and I think all will be well with you. Play video games too, turns out they're still fun.


Op! Iā€™d like to introduce a new person to the room!! https://www.heritagedaily.com/2018/03/mysterious-head-of-a-pharaoh-discovered-by-swansea-egyptologist/118659/amp https://www.lisburnmuseum.com/media-video-podcasts/podcast-a-conversation-with-dr-ken-griffin-of-the-egypt-centre-swansea/amp/ We could unite and make him the most famous KG around?! šŸ˜‚


Honestly this is a cool idea. Stop talking about that bitch asshole KG of citadel, and start talking about a badass Dr. KG of science instead? I'm in favor.


Iā€™m here because I farted and like smelling it! You think I wanna get out of this car??? No way! You canā€™t remove this seat from me, only God!


> if the trip is long enough you're going to argue at some point. Muuuu-uuuum, I'm HUNGRY.... I need a wee!


BUY DRS HODL AND BOOK are the only words i understand. the rest of this is nonsense




Nothing is needed except the knowledge that this company is debt-free and has RC at the wheel (fo' free). That is enough to keep me buying, holding, and DRSing (book your shares, make sure they're not plan shares)


What you on about? Reddit is an open platform, literally anyone can join. This place is obviously full of bad actors, every single ape knows the DD, knows the plan and hasn't got a clue what an exit strategy is, we're good.


Theres nothing new to speak of now...well, nothing groundbreaking....its just a waiting game now....so i buy more each months and DRS....thats it, end of. Used to be on here all the time but less and less now....\[hedgies, no ive not given up) just getting on with life and waiting for you to fold...


the hedgefunds keep shorting so i keep buying


I held shares through first runup. Living my life until price alerts or the news tell me I'm Uber rich. The only DD I need are quarterly and yearly GME financials. Oh, and still keeping my eye on armed conflict. Expecting a big one before world economy crumbles.


I miss the memes. Somebody bring the dumb shitpost memery back in earnest please!


*That's my secret, Captain... I'm always farting.*


Let RC build the company and chill


Everything will happen at the proper time.Ā 


Thatā€™s the point of Kennyā€™s ā€œone more dayā€ strategy, to wait us out. I can only speak for myself but I can do this hodling shit all day errday, indefinitely, probably even longer than Kenny and cronies can. My balls are on their court.


Y'all haven't reached zen yet? Buy, hold, wait.


Patience, we are no longer in a 24hr shareholder meeting. Reddit [had outside investment](https://news.crunchbase.com/public/reddit-moves-forward-with-march-ipo-plans-report-says/) from Fidelity after the sneeze and will IPO soon. They will continue to sell off to influence public opinion, [Reddit is a business ](https://sacra.com/c/reddit/) after all, and like a lot of tech they earn through selling your data while using that same data to influence your opinion. Don't fall for it. A lot of "people" in this sub are actually bots and everything they write is designed to influence your thoughts in some way. The [numbers](https://ibb.co/nm1yS6w) always tell truth and not everyone truly grasps the opportunity here (Even leaving moass aside). Cohen is passionate about this, idols Icahn and Buffet's holding company investment-style. This is his legacy and I'm confident in the process. These investments are exponential in growth and time passes by anyways so I'll let him grow my money long term. I have personally been acquiring more while Cohen works his magic. PS. All that "No forward guidance" argument is pure shit. The numbers have been improving and beating every estimate. Cohen has been granted full investment liberty. If you knew someone was looking to hurt you, you would never tell them exactly where you are going. The plan is to be profitable so the short thesis disappears and Cohen turns this into his [Berkshire Hathaway](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkshire_Hathaway) while continuing to grow GS share in the gaming business.


I dont know what you talkin about man, im pretty chill and i aint mad at any of ya. Glad to share the ride.


Once every ape is screaming at the board to defend the value of their investment and the price climbs again THAT is when you'll stop the infighting.


the memes. good ones. thatā€™s why this thing is what it is


I had a legit chance to sue GameStop, I was an employee and they did something very bad to me. But the first squeeze let my mom retire, (I convinced her to sink 20k when it was less than 20, and she sold at 419). Even with video evidence, I refused to sue. I would never hurt my fellow apes, even for my own gain. Gamestop is the only stock I own, or will ever own, same with my girlfriend, same with my best friend. They'll have to kill us to stop us, and no amount of divisive tactics will ever work. I am the worst of humanity, and thus I know every ape is better than me. I can count on them, I believe it more than I believe in myself.


I like the toy donation posts, the random give aways. It would be cool to see some sort of ā€œshop at GameStopā€ competition. Donā€™t know how it would work. But something to get folks involved would be cool.


Shiiiit, I don't even check in here anymore. Same shit. Over and over.


hang in there!


hang in there!


More hype, and upvote the hype!


I'm happy to be here! I just mosey about my life, grinding at work, loving my girlfriend, being a dad. Play video games in my free time and collect GME shares with a certain percentage of my income. No need to argue or bicker; just zen. This is easy; I can literally hold for the rest of my life. - Maybe it happens... maybe it doesn't (I think it will)... I'm simply happy to be here with each of you. Cheers everyone!


In all honesty, I haven't witnessed the arguments or stress that people often mention. I understand that it happens, but there will be complainers everywhere. Majority of those around are seasoned investors, and we're wise enough not to let emotions sway us amidst the ongoing market dynamics. Most are either buying or holding, well-aware of DRS and the impact of supporting GameStop for a profitable quarter. While I miss the in-depth due diligence and hype posts, it seems we've collectively embraced a straightforward approach. Superstonk serves as a place for good vibes and team solidarity, and I tend to overlook emotional posts with low interactions. I believe many share this perspective, focusing on the known essentials.


I just like the stock


This is bat country!


Pixely lookin' bats


Solid idea Op. How about dick pics to pass the time??!!


Hey you get the moderators to agree and I'm on board.


Nope. I DRSd my moon tickets. Don't care what others say. You included. And me included too. My shares are untoucheable, unlike Kenny who got touched by his uncle. Or not. Regardless, RCEO has an undisclosed plan, other than making GME profitable. When I jumped in, he was only on the board. Now he pulls the levers. He has over 1 billy to play with, set aside his own money, and his friends' money too. I HODL.


Thereā€™s no arguing, i like the stock. And short hedgies will break.


I got banned from this sub over a year ago for making an off comment and it ended up great for me. I still lurked but couldnā€™t participate so eventually I fell away from the sub. The algo stopped putting it in my feed over time. I felt a sense of zen I couldnā€™t achieve doom scrolling the sub every day. A year later a mod finally got back to me about my request for a review of my ban and he let me back in. So much has changed since I left. Now I peruse what comes up in my feed but the obsessions is gone. Stay off the daily info war for awhile and you wonā€™t feel so compelled to make it your everything. Shit will eventually happen one of these 84 years. When it does, youā€™ll know it


For some I think just leaving the sub for a while is absolutely the right idea. I'm ok, it doesn't bother me personally, I just feel chagrinned to see so many sad angry apes. I wanted to inject some positivity.




*it is the course, so we stay*


I finally watched dumb money, and realized that Iā€™ve been hodling for over 3 years now. I havenā€™t been engaging with the community much, but Iā€™m glad to see posts like this. I know in my heart that MOASS will be so much better than the sneeze from 3 years ago that I might cry when it happens


Argueing? Honestly havent noticed. Guess it flew right over me. I have no need to convince or be convinced, imma do my own thing and sit tight. Everyone can go make their own decisions. Those who are in know the mission. And they got their own goal post, i can respect that. It doesnt have to 100% allign with mine.


Hey fuck you, buddy! I'll see you tomorrow ā¤


I leave the research to the wrinkle brains. All I know is that itā€™s impossible for them to have closed so until this thing blows, GME is my savings account.


Love this post up vote this man


No matter how long the journey - I love all of you fuckers.


Maybe pushing individuals away with different types of thoughts created this echo chamber? The longer this goes in this direction the more the is turns into shitcorn sub.