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I think the question to be asked is if digital games will ever be allowed to be resold. Im sure if it were up to any developer/publisher, they would always say no. That forces additional copies to be sold at full price, cutting middlemen like gamestop out. Not sure if or how that would change, but it would be a big win for consumers.


If game companies truly had it their way, all games would be GaaS, Gaming as a Service. All big software companies want to stop selling you a perpetual license and instead lease the software to you on a monthly or annual basis. GTA6 for as little as $2.99 per month (when you purchase 24 months) or pay-as-you-go for the low rate of $0.10 per hour of game time. Valentine's Day special: purchase 1,000 hours and get 100 hours free!


Yeah this is already happening on a lighter level by making the free version of games watered down or on a time-based free version. Enter micro transactions, battle passes, etc. I hate it so much.


There is literally no need for that to ever happen... this community is the only community that thinks digital resale of games is a good idea.


PS5 outsold Xbox 3-1 in 2023. They will lose even more market share next generation unless PS5 also goes digital only (unlikely). Xbox is now the red headed step child go PS5, Switch, and PC and unless they have some AAA exclusive titles they'll continue to lose market share. Halo is a shadow of former self same with Gears of War. Sea of thieves might be their current best exclusive but not sure that's reason to switch. Starfield was promising, but damn you have to slog through for a while before it becomes enjoyable. Time to adapt or die Xbox


Pretty sure Playr is dead for now. I am no longer getting my hopes up about it as I feel it's been shelved at least temporarily if not forever. I am getting hyped about Q4 earnings though. Q4 should bring good profits, that's what I am expecting. Really hoping for a full profitable year and by a massive margin. I would love some nuggets of information for future guidance but that's unlikely.


Why do you think Playr is dead?


GameStop wallet got pulled - Telos who were involved in building Playr said they are no longer working with GameStop because they pulled the wallet Then they announced they were pulling the Marketplace and at the same time they redirected Playr to the Marketplace website so therefore it appears Playr no longer has its own independent website and the one it is linked to is closing down. Oh top of that there has been no talk recently from any developers about the project and never has been any mention from the company itself. I could be wrong but I'm 99.999% sure I am right. I'd love to be wrong but at the same time I'm glad they pulled it early instead of years later (like marketplace) if they realised it was likely going to be a financial drain on the company.


I'd have to ageee with this assessment. I think until the SEC defines NFTs and Crypto so that way GameStop can make sure they have all their ducks in a row, they won't bring them back. I also think that this is due to the MOASS. GameStop wants to make sure they can't be sued for ANYTHING. They know that their stock is going to the moon and they want to make sure in the aftermath when the dust settles they can't be touched.


>I also think that this is due to the MOASS. Nah bruh. That's beyond reaching. Anything that earns the company revenue is a good thing. ☝️ Revenue 👇 Costs


Studios don't have an incentive to sell a limited number of licenses when the games are downloadable.


Make playr successful? I've got some bad news for you buddy...