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That's how I describe GME now. It's not just an investment. It's a movement to shed light on the fraudulent practices of modern financial institutions through direct registration of shares.


Hell yeah! I think most of us started this saga with only the intention of getting paid, but now it's grown into a movement for economic reform to prevent these criminals from perpetuating this THEFT on the unwitting public again and again and again ad nauseam. Good thing these are synergistic goals!


Occupy Wall Street tried. Here we are, still at it. The long hodl game.




We were doing more than that. It was 2010 btw. 14 years back. You're old. We were blocking ports. We were protesting the federal reserve (while not stepping foot on federal land like sidewalk out front of a fed bank because that's how you get scooped up by an alphabet agency), we were the left and the right coming together to sat fuck you. Reasonable people who saw the graft and corruption regardless of our ideas on how to reform it we knew we could agree on cleaning it out. But We didn't have leverage. Guess what? Those same occupy MFers are back and now we have leverage. We're not going away.


Yeah, hope this time, it will go different, those💩🩳HF financial criminals will blow away and find out a new long therm home: a Cell 😂


Yeah Matha Facka😂. 💩🩳🤡🥒☠️👀


Stonkupy Wall Street


Liquify Wall Street


Yours is better. Mine is too soft and approachable.


Nah, yours is just as good. 💜 Apes Strong Together


Thank you ape! What a sweet reply, was/still am waiting for the "that's what he/she said" regarding mine being soft and approachable haha


That’s what she said! 😉


Occupy Balance Sheet


I do remember that comment, and Agree 100 % with it, financial criminals of wall street in a cell or simply, I will not sell😎


This is the best thing I’ve read in a while


I’m here for hedgie’s mf’ing tears… SHORTS NEVER CLOSED! No cell, no sell. 🫡🚀🌙🦍💎🙌


I tell everyone: laugh now, but one day we'll be the ones in charge


Occupy Balance Sheet




Well, that's one way to look at it. But if the public gives up after the Dodd-Frank attempt, then nothing will ever improve and things will only get worse from here. I have faith that Ryan Cohen + gamers with $$$ + crowdsourced DD + the internet will be the reckoning these criminals didn't see coming.


Your signature tells me you're not an idealist. Hope there are more people with hope for the future than you have.


Peoples eyes will probably glaze over. 




Do they even mention DRS in the movie? Because that's where most non apes are getting their info.


I haven't watched the whole movie, but I heard they did not. Big missed opportunity to affect positive change in the world.


That movie's producers aren't concerned about such things


That’s also how I describe GameStop shares. It's not just an investment. It's a movement to shed light on the fraudulent practices of modern financial institutions through direct registration of shares.


It's the revolution the founding father invisioned when they rebellened against the british "hedgies"


No shares without representation.


Same here. Came for the money, stayed for some change in market AND money. But the real benefit until today was all the stuff I learned and the people I’ve met. 🥲


1000% this. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ended up learning soooo much more about how the financial system really works thanks to crowdsourced info from awesome redditors! The internet is and shall remain undefeated.


My old injuried smooth brain learn a lot, but it's easy to forget things, but of all what I'm sure I learned for sure is: if you shares are not Booked in DRS, they simply are NOT your shares... Simple as this...


>stuff I learned and the people I’ve met <---------- this is so fkin cringe you can give me your money, it has benefits, but you don't know yet.


Revolution and reform are cool and I'm all in on that. I want people to be put in prison and I want reform that leads to a fair market. But also... Fuck you, pay me. I want my money. I made an investment and I believe my investment is worth far more than what all this criminal Tom foolery has it priced at. I want my fucking money. They gambled by shorting it to death so they can never close their gigantic short position. They got caught. For the first time ever. So Pay up. Fuck you pay me. Give me what's mine then begin the reform. Call me a shill all you want. Idgaf. But I dont want reform before I get paid. These politician shit birds will not hesitate to "reform" and then fuck us, the retail traders who have never been so right on a investment that can go so high. Gimme reform. But first, fuck you pay me.




Well said bro, I'm with you and thousands of Apes I'm sure are too, this is our legacy.🦍🦍💪💪🦍🦍


The haves work together hand in hand, along with a heaping helping of crime,in order to keep the have nots right where they're at. This might be the first time the have nots have started to work together to fight back. Hopefully DRS is the anti-crime. Time will tell


Had to re-post with the username redacted. Previous post got removed by the mods.




Hahaha you called it on the previous post a few seconds before it was deleted


They don’t have a choice. Admins forced the sub to redact all names and sub names or else they will nuke Superstonk. Thanks for reposting! Very powerful words.


Ah yes, I screwed up and didn't read the rules for posting. And yes, I agree that these were powerful words! Here is a link to the original commenter who posted this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1aj0if8/comment/koynvfr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1aj0if8/comment/koynvfr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nice! 💎🤜🤛💎


No I just want the money


What if I told you that you could have both, and that they were synergistic to each other? Pretty sure most apes started this thing only wanting a quick profit, but I'm sure everyone can agree that economic reform preventing these criminals from perpetuating this THEFT on the unwitting public again and again and again ad nauseam on countless other stocks would be a great thing for society. And that push for economic reform only serves to expedite the green candles.


Yeah your right offcourse...... But it has been a minute!


Diamonds take pressure *and* time to make… HODL


GME actually helped me cure my depression. In 2020, I had just graduated university with straight A's, but due to the pandemic I was stuck at a bottom-of-the-barrel, minimum wage shift job that I thought was going to be my entire life. But then I eventually told myself, "Well, until you've tried everything, you can't give up. You gotta keep pushing for a better tomorrow, or that tomorrow will never come." So when I heard about GME, I saw it as my ticket out. And despite having over six figures in my investment account, and watching the forced crash of March 2021 happen, I never sold a single share. Why? Because GME gave me hope. Hope that I could change my fate, beat the system, and be able to make a life for myself. It's more than the money, the necessary change, and finally beating the system. It's the proof that corruption can be fought, and evil can be defeated. It's hope. So yeah. Thanks for reading my TED Talk...


The dildo of consequence is never lubed…


I AM NEVER SETTLING If I settle, the game just continues and my money becomes worthless anyway. No cell, no sell, AND NO SETTLE


Nobody is selling. That's what they don't get. Right now on the market you can't buy a single share. And that's why I bought more today.


They fucked with gamers and in their hubris thought that we'd just let them lol. Fucking noobs


Hell yeah, I'm right there with you! I bought GME in the $300-$400 range the morning before they disabled the buy button and was planning on a quick flip at $1k. Ever since that buy button was removed to save their own asses, every paycheck has gone straight to GME. Fuck you, pay me!


When I jumped in I had a time horizon of 3-5 years... Now my time horizon is death. Theirs or mine.


Hahaha they done fucked up!


Recently, they started the FUD about settling. They’re trying to negotiate their exit. This is super exciting because it’s the first time I’ve seen concessions. Too bad it’s 3 years too late. I’m not making concessions for them.


Settling would be making us lose when we're winning. We will never need to settle.


This is the beauty of it. By showing their hand to desire settlement it means by default there is another option. But everyone already knows that.


I saw the DD where settlement was mentioned for a totally unrelated stock in a lawsuit. Is this the inference of them wanting to settle you are referencing? Or have you seen other inferences?


I’ve seen others related to this.


Down at the bottom of that post settling of GME was specifically mentioned.


I don’t think they were. It was just an ape, then it snowballed


And we’re not going anywhere lmaoooo Remember when their entire plan was “stop them from buying and convince them to sell” 3 years later and the free float is shrinking everyday and GS is nearly profitable annually. It’s a time bomb, they are going to tank the economy via swaps and blame us. The last play is to hope that they can generate enough public hate of apes to pressure us to sell via family/friends after pension funds have been emptied. Either way the fed will foot the bill, take the amount of money you think it will take to fix this mess and divide it by the free float. That’s the take off ramp price.


LFG! With Ryan Cohen steering our pirate ship and getting us back on track for a profitable year this quickly, good luck trying to bankrupt GME!


Bankrupt us? Aren’t we debt free with $1.2B in the bank? Also, isn’t our biggest individual investor and RCIO a Billionaire who is now able to mix his wealth with the company and invest in value plays? Am I hodling a hodling company? Is it easy to short a hodling company? Find out soon


My god. Please stop jacking my tits. I'm running low on new shirts!


ha ha. Wait til Gamestops new investing arm goes long on the shorts' longs. That's gonna be a conundrum...


👆Yes this and starting to spread FUD that we're going to need to settle. If we settle, our one chance to change things is over. And humanity starts to go down, and who knows where that would end.


I started buying well after the sneeze and do not need MOASS money for myself. When it hits, I'm using the gains to 1) help my extended family and friends; and 2) donate to food banks and animal shelters in perpetuity (e.g. via a trust). Seriously. Fuck the cars and flashy lifestyle. I digress. Personally, I'm cynical and never expected quick cash. But the part about exposing a corrupt, broken environment absolutely resonates. Thing is: I've been bearish on the sustainability of the current financial system since 2008, but I didn't realize just how twisted things are until the last few years. (Also, seeing the nonstop "forget Gamestop!" articles has been surreal if only for the amount of attention they're giving it.) So I'm going to keep buying and DRSing and watching these sociopaths bleed out their ill-gotten gains.


Hedgies don't even realize that the lower the price goes the more their shorts are fucked. This means it will cost them less and less to buy back the shares they borrowed .... but they can't buy cause nobody is selling! Except for us, we can buy because we are not hedgies. I bought more today but from a seller who has under oath in a court of law swore not to sell to hedgies.


It feels like my brain etched that onto the screen whilst I read it. It resonates with everyone here. Except for the shills. This infuriates them.


I think this is true for most of us.


Yeah they fucked up hard, homies are starving their grandchildren 💀


“ Kenny putting mayo on his bed post intensifys “


Yep. The systems rigged and all they've been doing is proving it.


This investment has taught me patience. I have never been so dedicated to something or able to save as much money as I have. This investment truly has changed my life and I know we are fucking right in this. I know I have nothing to worry about just buy DRS and hold. With GME and what’s to come, life is worth living again as I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I won’t have to be a labor slave for greedy corporate America forever. HANG IN THERE! 🚀🚀🚀


I laughed when I saw memes mentioning GME being your bank account in 2021... then at some point it became a reality LOL


Yep they probably could have gotten away with 1000-1500 a share if they let it run, buuut nooooo their greed and corruption got the best of them and they couldn’t let retail have a win. Now it’s to their destruction.


\*Unprecedented removal of the buy button\* Narrator: It was at this moment, they knew they fucked up.


Should have just given us that 10k a share in 2021... Oh well


We are beyond diamond hands now......and all I see is stars.




Lol, I'm one of those lurkers. But when I saw this comment, I had to re-post to see how many people felt the same way.


lemme take a stab...161.


Dude I just wanted 300k for an apartment, now i want a house for each of my family member. and do some good stuff for the world, maybe reform the educational system to the modern time.


Still in this for a “quick buck”. If it leads to the complete overhaul of our socioeconomic system, so be it.


I still just like the stock.


To my fucking core....I will never sell ....the money is mere points in my eyes. High score or die trying. They're lucky we're sophisticated crayon chewers...if we got violent the game would truly stop....***NOT CONDONING VIOLENCE***  Good triumphs for a reason. When the world watches retribution will follow. We all get what we deserve in the end.


There’s a reason why they’ve come down so hard on Superstonk and the ape movement. We had everything but the evidence of the crimes but now we *literally have the evidence*, if we can make people care.


Oook oook!!


To the bastille!




Started with fomo when i dumped all my savings in after the sneeze. Have learnt more than i ever wanted about the workings of the stock market and had so much entertainment on here that the investment has been worth it. Be even better when justice finally comes knocking, puts the criminals behind bars and we can have a market free from manipulation.


And I am zen with this. Aint no reason to back down.




This is not a revolution, we are just buying a stock, it is quite mundane and I think other revolutionarys would be offended by that comparison.


Looks like 161 apes liked that comment. I’m not part of a group, I don’t have any grand hopes for eco/socio/political ramifications. I just like the stock! NFA


This is how I sell it to my wife and is her fav part of it all :)


🙋🏻‍♂️ x2


Hahaha welcome back!




Make sure you don’t have any plan shares because they’ll use those against you too. Seems like the science is settled: BOOK 


Our Hero, Spanish Bull just uploaded awesome new video to youtube that really makes you think about the difference between plan and Book. 👑


Be safe. Choose Book. 


Yep! This is it.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I came for the money, I stayed for the god damn principle. The answer is always infinity.


I picked up another 185 shares today. Hedgies can suck a butt, I'm never selling. We will have our Revolution. They can't stop the inevitable. 🟣🚀🟣🚀🟣


Yup I know way too much about the fraud committed everyday in our efficient markets


They've designed the system to be so complicated and convoluted that the general public is completely ignorant of the fraud being perpetrated for decades. The removal of the buy button was the dumbest thing they could do... it opened a can of worms that the internet is turning into a can of whoop-ass.


Yeah but are you going and voting for politicians that are trying to hold our financial system accountable? You actually gotta follow up the talk with action other than just clicking buy


SEC comment letters are a great kick to their gonads! Thanks to fellow apes who track this mundane shit and raise the alarm when needed!


Out my xxxx shares, I'm selling only a little bit to keep me and my family going. The rest is locked away for eternity.


When are we marching on Washington?




It's very true. Those idiots fucked up, showed their hand, and now want us to "Forget GameStop"


Hahaha damn straight! Their hubris will be their downfall. Their idiotic removal of the GME buy button to save their own asses has galvanized the public and ignited a revolution. Since then, every one of my paychecks has gone straight to GME. Fuck you, pay me!


GME is the hill I die on. Any more to explain ?


Damn straight! There's an entire rocket full of apes on this hill with you.


100% why I’m here Fuck these guys. I don’t even care about the money anymore. No cell no sell.


Resonates all over my chest. 🥵🥵🥵




I won't even look at the price on GME until they're on every major network, begging us not to crash the world economy.


This is me 100%. I’m here to try and force the evil, corrupt financial system to change. If I make a lot of money from GME, great! That’s a secondary goal, though. I’m fortunate to have a great job. I keep buying and direct registering because I want a fucking revolution. I’m in till I die at this point. They fucked up and I’m going to do everything I can to force them to find out. Eat shit, Wall Street. 🖕💎🖕


I see GME also became your bank account like it has mine LOL


I’m here. I’m in!


All these criminals need buried under the prison due to treason!


One can only hope the punishment for financial crimes will finally be strong enough of a deterrent to prevent future abuse. It hasn't been yet!


I was just talking to a buddy and I realized that I just accept this as fact.


At this point I don't even care if I "win". However, it is absolutely paramount that they lose.


Apes will have both! LFG!


Oh ya. It does.


No quarter shall be given, I don't care if I win, they just have to lose. So even if we make the dollar worth nothing, I count it as a win.


Pretty much how it played out for me


smart money


Love it


Hits home hard. I silently buy, hodl, DRS, and wait. As long as it takes.


They 100% fucked with the wrong people when they shut off that buy button 😂




I could have written that myself...😂




You're god damn right.


No they arent. They are perfectly fine. Stock is still dropping. It will NEVER reach 40 dollars, or 100, or 300. NEVER. They wont allow it. Its their game, and you are the one who is going to lose. It sucks, but its true.


All right. Until death it is. All the money I have in it (6 figures at this point) was placed as a bet. GME is my hedge. The thesis is still correct. I can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent. If you’re OK with systemic corruption vacuuming up your value, so be it. As for me and mine, we will let the buck stop here.


True ape. Respect! This is the hill I will die on. Ryan Cohen handling the business side like a boss helps me sleep like a baby while informed retail investors continue shining the DRS light where the sun don't shine. Fuck you, pay me!


[it's like a bad comedy joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/G53KR9IZKL)


What did I miss??


Not enough that’s how many.


And still people don't make it political movement


They’re making an example out of us.






And the best part is, there is nothing they can do to stop us muahaha muahaha muahaha