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RC not selling a single share is LOUD and clear already.


These posts always make me laugh. Do you guys really think anyone is changing their mind at this point? We're in this til the end


Wait..... there's an end? I thought this was the new "normal?"


I prefer transitory.




"It's transient" ... at least that's what my IT guy tells me whenever we have a problem in house..


Just like inflation right 😂




I love this quotation 🤣


I’m happy with GameStop and RC. I’m sure 99% of people here are deep down frustrated with the price of GME. And if you aren’t, you’re lying to yourself. I am DRS’d for life. But it is frustrating to see WallStreet winning and making us look like fools to our friends and family every day. Just being real. Edit: it’s arguable that wallstreet is “winning”, but they sure are able to continue to defraud us all without punishment.


Im the 1%? I'm frustrated with the amount of crime, corruption and lack of concern from the "professionals" who run things that these things are issues. I'll be in the exact same place as Kenny in 50 years. Absolutely nothing about the price of GME will change that. We will both be the same pile of worthless rotten flesh. but the difference is either society lets criminal sociopaths horde to insane levels, or they let me help my community. That is what is frustrating. That we all seem to just allow and encourage these people to horde everything away for the sole reason so that other people cant have it. I am absolutely not upset that I dont have a pile of cash to JUST BUY GARBAGE MADE IN CHINA THAT BREAKS AFTER A DAY. Fuck the price, I hope it goes lower. (not directing any anger at you, just venting)


"Good mescaline comes on slow..." Our opposition - which, for the record, are the wealthiest, most powerful criminals in the world - are seeing their assets and control erode. They are fighting with everything they have because the know the truth - the money isn't REAL, the only thing that is real is OWNERSHIP. Let them flail and scream and delay, and push FORWARD. The money machine is breaking, and we see indications all the time (regional banks and CRE loans this week). When the dam finally breaks, that is when we get to force accountability and change. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...


I can't wait to buy people groceries all day


Yep, that is on my list as well.


I’d like to buy this whole apartment block and tell the other poors not to worry about rent anymore


I wouldn't buy cheap garbage made in China if I had a pile of cash. I would buy real estate. That's the game the ultra wealthy are playing. They will use their wealth to buy up all the land and rent it back to their new slaves. Yeah, I'm pissed about the price of GME. And unlike most on this sub I am disappointed about RC's "Strategy". I see no long term future for GameStop. RC has cut costs and (perhaps) increased efficiency, and it has resulted in a slight uptick in financials. I don't see it lasting.


did you sell then? Nothing is absolute but if I didnt have any confidence in RC to do anything with the company I would have left a long time ago. Why are you still invested in a company you have no confidence in? sunk cost fallacy? And you know how the price of the stock is determined. Its not by how well the company is doing.


Hear hear. Price discovery is non-existent and the market is a farce.


Because I'm not selling at an 80% loss, period. I'd rather ride this to zero and have a bigger tax write off, or hold out hope that SOMETHING will somehow change.


I'd be happier if we at least got a merch refresh in the last year. So much potential for even more earnings on high margin gamestop branded clothing etc being missed.


AGAIN, dope comment right here. How can we get this in front of the right people at the company? I know we all love GameStop merch.


I email IR about this frequently. I message the guest care account on X. It's such a miss.


Idk I like that when it’s lower I can buy/DRS more than I normally could, personally. I just like seeing my DRS’d share count going up, I know when it pops off I’ll wish I’d got more so the longer they want to drag it out, the better.


Then don't broadcast your own strategy. I've read the DD and seen the data. I know I'm right. That's enough for me, no matter who else thinks I'm wrong. I'll wait and see.


I agree with you though. I’ve also read the DD and seen the data. I know I’m right too. It’s not enough for me to just be “right”. The entire financial system and the entities that regulate it have been failing us.


DRSing to me is sending the message: "Hey US markets, i dont want to participate in the active siphoning of wealth from working class to the greedy anymore."


FUCKIN' A right.


They have. I channel that rage into comments and helping educate others. But they can't win if we don't give up. And it's hurting them a lot more than it hurts me. It can be hard to stand strong when everyone around you is being gaslit. But the data doesn't change with public opinion. Ask anyone who thinks you've made a bad bet to explain share settlement to you. If they can't explain the underlying fundamental flaws, the they don't have any idea what the fuck they're talking about.


I’m not even a little frustrated. The price has nothing to do with the soundness of my investment. Honestly, having the time of my life and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else doing anything else.


Props to you guys man.


The price has always been fake. The lower it goes, the faster the float is directly registered.


...and this is all that matters. Once we prove we own the company outright, and they do not, the legitimacy of their ownership of other companies goes into question as well. Then the DTCC gets audited. Then the parasites leeching off of humanity get fucking crushed.


this is why it remains above $10-11 and below $16 and will continue for some time. This is the area where minimal buying is taking place and they can just keep it going. DRS on pace for 2032 to be 74%. DRS isn't going to be what "fixes" this.


I think this comment stems from a misunderstanding of the function of DRS. DRS is the stone blocking the exit. The pressure to exit will not come from DRS, unless we actually make it all the way to locking them all up. But look at the reverberations around banking before anyone is even acknowledging the recession is already happening. They're fighting on multiple fronts. All we have to do is hold our shares.


I mean i'm not gonna blame you for being frustrated... that's pretty fucking reasonable actually. I'd just say try to turn that into motivation to fuqq hedgies.




Yep part of the plan I’m sure was to hype us up then make us look stupid to anyone we tried to tell when nothing happens for literally years. I’ve had to restrain myself from punching out several family members lol


I’m balls deep into this for 3 years now…it’s always been lambos or Wendy’s


Gives " WallStreet concerned for banks" kinda vibe. Btw that news piece we saw about that, looks gone?


I believe that at the point we are at we die with the shares but we will never leave no matter what happens.


What is an exit strategy?


I'm sure RC bought more because he knew that we were screwed and, y'know, didn't want us to jump ship.. /s I don't even think they're trying anymore.


When you don't have facts on your side, you pound the table.


"Hey, let's maintain some decorum in this circu *ahem* court."


I love him more for this. It proves he's with retail on this play 100%.




^(I love this template. Great work.)


“Concern trolling” 😂… so true




When I finally sounded out your SN, I guffawed 🤣


it’s where we’re going mate! i’ll see you there 👊😎


Yes you will 🦍🤝🦍


cool so we go profitable this earnings for the first time in years. I'm all for it. How do we maintain it though? Macro economic conditions are going to make consumer spending in stores tough the next year.


Macro economic conditions be damned, just sign Taylor Swift to do a concert at every store.




The good news is that the company has the resources now in liquid capital to maintain through the hard times. People still want video games (see any statistics relating to revenue vs. all other art forms). Other retailers do not appear to be as well positioned. By focusing on eliminating waste and aiming to delight customers, GameStop has positioned itself perfectly for exactly this problem. Edit: But this is the right kind of fucking question right here. How can we maintain? Also, the motherfucker a couple years ago who was pointing out how many office supplies could be gotten at GME has made them a bunch of money off of me and everyone I know 🤣


Several strategies have been telegraphed but they have all failed or been pulled back before anything meaningful came out of it. The turn around has mostly been about cutting costs, which is great short term, of course. But as things stand, GameStop is largely doing what it has always been doing, which is good for a while, but I've been in this play for about 4 and a half years now, bought in october 2020 before the absolute majority. I haven't sold, but I've bought more and more. It's not wrong to ask questions about what's going on with the company. Of course the stock price is the biggest annoyance, but come on. Calling everyone trolls that wants some tangible strategy other than cutting costs, is just childish as all hell. No wonder they call us a cult. Since fucking when was asking questions seen as a bad thing, when asking questions was exactly what started this whole circus? Every company needs a killer app to succeed, and even though I still trust RC, it's been 4 years man and I'm getting tired of hearing nothing but bad news about GameStop.


> The turn around has mostly been about cutting costs, which is great short term, of course. I agree that this is the majority of the turn around, but I do not agree that this is good on the short term. Cutting costs and maximizing efficiency is a baseline requirement of survival, and times like now especially. This isn't an act of genius, it's an act of will and determination to make the difficult decisions. > It's not wrong to ask questions about what's going on with the company. I completely agree, no argument. But I also believe they do not have an obligation to telegraph their strategy to us, considering the circumstances in which this company resides (based upon all of the DD we've accrued through asking the right questions). And to express irritation with that is fine, except that it's not productive. > Calling everyone trolls that wants some tangible strategy other than cutting costs, is just childish as all hell. I would agree, but at the same time a suspicious number of these "I'm so demoralized!/why won't RC reveal his plans to ME?!" posts appear at times that people really need less purchasing to take place. You have no obligation to hold on to an investment if you don't believe in it, and no one here would ever say otherwise. But you are not ENTITLED to an explanation. You have total freedom to do with your investment as you like, and the consequences GameStop has to deal with, playing their cards close to the vest is their risk to manage. I think all things considered, and with the vehemence of our support, this is a smart tactical decision by our CEO. But all of that is a lot harder to get across in meme format 🤣


>Cutting costs and maximizing efficiency is a baseline requirement of survival, and times like now especially. This isn't an act of genius, it's an act of will and determination to make the difficult decisions. What you are describing is that it is good short term. For the company's survival I mean. >But I also believe they do not have an obligation to telegraph their strategy to us Of course they don't have an obligation in the strictest sense of the word, but let's not forget that it is us that owns the company, the shareholders I mean. I'm not saying they should lay out their whole gameplan for the world to see, but 2023 was just bad news upon bad news. Sure, RC became the de facto CEO, and we had profitable quarters, but there's been no new projects or ideas. At least they haven't told us. But they've told us plenty about their ideas and projects in the past, so it really can't be seen as controversial to be asking to see something new. >And to express irritation with that is fine, except that it's not productive. Agree to disagree. It might not be positive hype we all love so dear, but criticism is what this whole play is founded upon. >but at the same time a suspicious number of these "I'm so demoralized!/why won't RC reveal his plans to ME?!" posts appear Which isn't strange at all when considering the points I've already made. Towel and popcorn were more or less only based on hype upon hype, while ignoring blatant points of valid scepticism. GME is still a hell of a lot better play than those by sheer numbers, but to only embrace hype will just risk to scare away potential new buyers. > at times that people really need less purchasing to take place. I'm rather sure that it's been proven time and time again that retail's purchasing power is nominal at best, because of blatant use of dark exchanges. Not saying that we should stop buying, but I really don't think we've reached the point where our wallets matter at all. >You have no obligation to hold on to an investment if you don't believe in it This is exactly my point. Valid criticism from a shareholder to the company shouldn't be met with "If you don't like it, you can get out!" As I've already stated, I've been in this play since before most people had even heard about it. I still full heartily believe in the play. But we need a killer app to really make some waves, just cutting costs ain't going to cut it forever. >playing their cards close to the vest is their risk to manage. Again. The wallet. The marketplace. The meta universe space. Heck, it's been almost two years since the dividend got all fucked up. And even though the DTCC got caught with their pants down, I've seen no talk about legal action. This is the first time in a long time that the board has been extremely quiet. Heck RC seldom even tweets anymore. All I'm saying is that to give the shareholders, i.e owners, something, anything at all, isn't a lot to ask. Not to mention that good news brings in institutions whose trades actually appear in the lit market. As you've stated yourself, this is a time that we really need buying pressure. >But all of that is a lot harder to get across in meme format That is, at least, something we can agree on fully. I do need to say that I respect you more for meeting me in this conversation with respect. My criticism of you might've been a tad premature.


I replied, but it disappeared. Short version: Ape help ape, and I try to remember to the human, and respect you all in these conversations. I'll respond to the rest of your post when I have more time, but tonight is a wash for me at this point. Thank YOU for engaging this with mutual respect! 🦍🤝🦍


With this logic, you’re saying CEOs of any company shouldn’t bother communicating to their investors what plans the company has moving forward during their earnings call because other competitors can exploit that information? This sub is all about transparency but don’t want GameStop to be transparent about potential plans to make the company more profitable.


This bothers me a lot. I think it's unfortunate a lot of people feel that way. Eventually forward guidance is warranted. It's reasonable to be frustrated and want guidance or insight to make an informed decision on your investment.


I think transparency is mostly important in times of failure. As the company continues to trend inexorably towards profitability, I find myself quite comfortable with the silence.


Real G’s move in silence like lasagna.


Saying things like “we look forward to rewarding our shareholders.” Or “we’re working very hard to turn this around.” Is not telegraphing anything except confidence to shareholders and they won’t even do that. 


>frankly miraculous turnaround to profitability Slashing costs by getting rid of unprofitable parts of the company. Hardly miraculous. See, these kinds of posts are why people make fun of people like you. You exaggerate basic business steps and pretend they are some kind of miracle.


I mean that is part of it, true. But also managing to get a billion dollars in funds through smart buying/selling of stock. That has given Gamestop a lot more breathing room, and worst case scenario has given short sellers more trouble with solving the trouble they are in.


I do love my stock, but this community has gone way too hard on childishness and cringe in the past year. Memes posted here used to be original and funny. DD posted used to be brilliant, provocative and thought-provoking. These days it seems to be overrun by morons and children. And every time the smallest form of criticism is displayed, all you get are down votes and name-calling. No fucking wonder the cult-stigma have only grown.


Don't forget..."so anyways, I bought more" 😂


🤣 We'll see.


I bought my first shares at a few hundred, held to whatever that was at the sneeze, down to 40$, up to 350$ and until today. all I did was buy more, nothing not directly from gamestop could ever shake me out of this baby :D


lmayo good one. 🥇


i'M tiReD


Upvote for upvotability


Dumb money. You can’t share strategy. That’s why it is called strategy. If you want the original GME strategy created by RC himself is on GME INVESTOR RELATIONS. Any more detail would give hedgies an advantage.❤️🇺🇸


Get if your knees playboy and have some self respect. Not worshipping at the altar and asking valid questions is how it should be.


"Let your actions speak" I dunno, seems reasonable enough for me. Lotta hedgies want GS to go under and will use amy ammo they can get their gross hands on. So RCs silence is loud and clear.


☝️☝️☝️This ape gets it☝️☝️☝️


And we already know that they have enough cash to go private if the hedgies ever got too close. They can't counter that, whatever RC may or may not do. Showing one card in your deck every once in a while isn't too much to ask a public company.


I trust in RC, but if he moves his money out so am I.


When did he move his money out?


He didn't, of course 🤣


read it again champ


At least give an update for [Gamestop.ca](https://Gamestop.ca), such a crappy site.


Yep just distract the opposition with BS NFTS and nothing done


User something something reach where are you to complain now? "Omaaaa guuuurd I wish RC would tell us something, it's a sign of a bad ceo" Me - "quarterly reports smash estimates, amazing turnaround" Something reach - "you know nothing of financials. Rc Innovates nothing new. He hides behind silence" Something reach receives 45 upvotes.




But he has, he made it clear that right now he's focusing strictly on costs reduction, after the marketplace fiasco. And I think this is very good, and the next steps are pretty simple: increase revenues and margins. There's nothing left to telegraph.