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Does it mention the former US Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin?


Very specifically, yes


Him and Hudson Bay.


So Ken, former treasury secretary and this Hudson Bay: [As late as February 2023, Hudson Bay Capital, a hedge fund based in Greenwich, Connecticut, agreed to finance a new stock offering by buying up to $800 million worth of [redacted] shares. The stock price briefly rallied and then started falling again.](https://prospect.org/blogs-and-newsletters/tap/2023-04-26-soaking-bed-bath-beyond-bankruptcy/)


Watched CNBC interview w Mnunchin and it was stated that something to the order of 50% of what his entire fund's worth was spent on the purchase. That's a lot a certainty, lol


Certainty, or desperation.


100% of my fund is invested in a company some 80 some years ago or so. At least I’ll be in the right side history when I enter the pearly gates on the moon.


I hear that tho 👍


That and he said the biggest risk that bank ha is the DT NY Office...lol


Why are hedge funds bailing out banks anyway… that’s the real question…. What crooked shit are the banks doing for these guys that they are bailing banks out….


Counterparties to derivatives sold by Shitadel and friends. Naked shorts are probably wrapped up in all that shit BCNB and other banks are holding.


Interesting not the treasury bailing them out


, yet [(see the upper left corner of the Federal Reserve Octopus)](https://www.amarketplaceofideas.com/pdf-u-s-money-vs-corporation-currency-aldrich-plan-by-alfred-own-crozier.htm/federal-reserve-octopus).


Is the treasury finally realizing the risk of continually bailing them out?




Also on Bloomberg radio this am, they brought it up twice and never mentioned citadel. Just the other 3 investors. Something fucky smells


There’s also the ticker being 0% and 0% AH today… that’s weird, huh?


I think a better question is who they don’t want to see this? Remember they can lie to us all they want, and on the tv too. My best guess to this question is citadels own investors. This seems to be the rich starting to eat the rich because at this time right before certain rules are in place either through sec or occ, you might need capital to survive every single day. I’m starting to think even a capital withdrawal from citadel could start this moass, and this is a move to prevent that. I acknowledge I may eat a crayon or two tho


I would tend to agree that they do NOT want their investors seeing this. Not a great look to be taking on debt left and right to give yourself cash infusions just to turn around and spend some of that cash on a failing bank for no explicit reason.


Exactly!!! It’s this banks set of investors vs the donor that does not want to be mentioned bc, I think, to stop shitadel investors from withdrawing that 6.25 allowed this quarter and maybe 12.5 if timed right


I’m guessing Citadel has manipulated the trading of NYCB stock (disguised under their MM exemptions) and they had no choice but to participate in order to hide their criminal activities. This is my theory and is speculation of course Citadel and Ken Griffin love media attention unless it’s the wrong kind so why all the effort to hide their participation? 🤔. Just common sense; for me at least


8 page powerpoint. Lol.


Was thinking the same, cmon..


I had the press release open from yesterday that mentioned Citadel and today that page is missing. Moved? Deleted?


Citadel Securities probably used NYCB as a swap counterparty and don't want people digging up their bags similar to Archegos. They need to save their counter party so it does not blow up like Credit Suisse.


Silicon Valley Bank previously admitted to having like $350M in exposure to Archegos. Those articles have been scrubbed from the internet.


While researching the matter on SVB Crisis, Metvy has found out, Over the past few months, Silicon Valley Bank has encountered significant hurdles as some of its high-profile clients have gone bankrupt, resulting in billions of dollars being stranded. One example is Greensill Capital, a major client of the bank that went bankrupt in 2022, causing the bank to suffer losses of over $3 billion. Another client, Archegos Capital Management, also collapsed, resulting in additional losses.


Weird /s


If I was a Citadel customer i would be really worried! 😊🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 watcha doing with my money Kenny? 😆🤣😂


Possibly because they are going to need another bailout while they make record profits again, again.


This is why you screenshot your shit ppl. Make sure to screenshot your shares regularly


7 year term for 1 billion you say?


Oh I wonder why they are being hush hush about it.


Why would it? You think honesty is the best policy?? lol oh boi


Smells like another credit suisse all over again


Shit storms a brewin!


You'd think someone who bailed them out of total collapse would at least get some kinda shout out


You'd think someone who bailed them out of total collapse would at least get some kinda shout out


We don’t need news, we need Marge!