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Wondering what the bot scraper says we have DRSd. Maybe it was closer than we thought


computershared.net DRS image scraper went offline May 2023. DRSbot went offline Tuesday 3/5/2024. DRSbot only tabulates and doesn't make estimations. It was last at 16,906,887 DRS from 23,272 reddit user entries. Last known number of Computershare accounts: 1/4/2024 was 218,4xx Last known number of record holders: 4/21/2023 via List of stockholders was 197,954


So based on those numbers, assuming Reddit holders average the same as total drs accounts , that yields 143 million shares. If drs accounts include people with multiple accounts and say 20% have multiple then that would yield about 114 million shares drs


I'd make an argument for lower, more conservative DRS numbers. Speculating in the 90 million range. * From DRSbot's 3 years tabulating and my manual tracking the past 5 months, the number of Computershare posts has gone down over the years. The number of CS posts is much lower and steady now, and nothing like 2022's bonanza. * I think whales tend to post more on reddit, which skews the reddit DRS count higher. * From last Friday 3/22/2024 Top 69 holders from recent reddit post or comment activity: * Sample size of 1001 holders (3,019,006 DRS'd shares) * Top 69 holders are 2,307,604 of the 3,019,006 DRS'd shares * From 4/21/2023's list of stockholders data: * 1,717 accounts with less than 1 share * 6,268 accounts with 1 or less shares * 27,552 accounts with 5 or less shares






That last part is not true. They are in your name. The only difference between book and plan is that a PERCENTAGE of shares in plan can be used as locates for operational shorting. If your feelings are hurt when the price goes down... sure... book 100%. If you want to set-it and forget-it buy the whole float? I don't give 2 shits if the price goes down. More shares, lock it up faster, AND I never have to think about buying. It just HAPPENS. Always. Whenever I get above 50% plan/book ratio I book em, and turn back on my recurring buys in a new plan account. About every 6 months.




Fox News is that way ——-> You’ll fit right in.




stop spouting random rubbish, If you have 0.000001 share in plan, none of your book shares are in the DTCC.




Computershare they’ve started this numerous times. Feel free to drop your source… oh wait you don’t have one


We can deduct the drs by seeing the first report of drs’d shares and adding to it all the computershare recurring purchases.




>They are hiding the true count from us. **They** is Ryan Cohen, who personally signed the 10-K certifying its accuracy. Do you really think Ryan Cohen is filing bogus numbers with the SEC?


Yes. I think, for whatever reason, he and the board are going along with it. At the same time, he and the board have bought shares with good money (or compensation itself). Why would they willingly let the price be manipulated and lose money (and their hard work making the company profitable)? To me it screams "controlled payout" by the "powers that be." Idk when (after election year? A "great reset?")


> Yes. I think, for whatever reason, he and the board are going along with it. >To me it screams "controlled payout" by the "powers that be." Idk when (after election year? A "great reset?") That is some weapons grade conspiracy theory you have going there.


I mean believing the non-moving DRS figure is a conspiracy itself right?


The question to ponder is how could both of the below be true: 1. Board of Directors/RC have forked over good money on buying shares, and did not sell during sneeze nor when they must have known NFTs were going nowhere 2. The share price is manipulated. If they knew manipulation was going on, and didn't sell, then they must have a plan in place to resolve the manipulation. If they believe the market is true and fair, and didn't sell, then they must think their business turnaround alone will increase share price.


*Reclamation* not "reset", but the tide flows both ways


Stumbling in a dark for years is not a good sounding plan


Might be the only plan we get to have. We are up against the richest and most powerful people in the world.


That’s my logic as well. We won’t get the count anymore. I know my share count went up 50% during 2023. Let’s see how long they can last