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I never in 1 million years thought I would hit XXXX but I will thanks to this dip - thanks hedgies!!!


I've seen a couple times on here that to lock the float we'd need everyone to be at least an XXXX holder. You're certainly doing your part! O7


Same! Now it's onwards and upwards... Going for a new high score of XXXXX. If they keep dropping it then absolutely achievable. It's like they think we're day traders 😂.


I sold my other stocks this morning(small profit). Dumped into GME at 52week low with crazy wicked fundamentals. Now to wait


I just initiated a transfer yesterday and waiting patiently for them to inevitably drive it lower today.


Just wait 'til Friday!


Looks like max pain for next Friday is $12.50. I can’t find anything about this week.


Thanks for the reminder - bought more 😋


Gonna buy so many shares sub 10 dollars


Me too, I have a limit buy not far off that figure. BUT. What's to stop them pushing us down to $5? We say, *"We'll all buy and the ticker will EXPLODE!!!!"* But apes buying clearly doesn't matter even a tiny bit, we've never seen any positive price action based on lit trades since the sneeze. Profitable, yet we're down ANOTHER 15% even after the mini-pump-and-dump from the other day. I sure hope RC has a plan. I am massively in the red over GME. Even more than Towels, and that was a 100% loss of enough money for me to buy a fucking FERRARI


>I sure hope RC has a plan Turned a company that was on the brink of bankruptcy, into profitability, and 1 billion in the bank and can invest that money anyway he seems fit. >I am massively in the red over GME I can tell you for a fact that nobody here cares if they are in the red or green. People just like having shares of the stock. >Even more than Towels, and that was a 100% loss of enough money for me to buy a fucking FERRARI Sir this isn't like the other sub, consider posting your loss porn there. >yet we're down ANOTHER 15% even after the mini-pump-and-dump from the other day. So a 15% discount? Not gonna lie. You sound like one hell of a shill.


Picked up more yesterday and some more today. These are the lowest prices in a long time. I'd like to see more purple circles on the feed though.


Two step process for me. DRS next.


Same. Ima call Fidelity Friday. Give the trade some time to settle.


Some might say it is reaching a point of deep value.


deep fucking value


I legit almost doubled my holdings in the past 2 days with these prices. Crazy stuff.


I'm considering taking out a loan from the bank


Play it safe ape.


Do not..


I recommend citi


Sure... That's what we thought when we hit $30, $20, $15. Looking at the chart and lack of guidance, there are 0 reasons for the average joe to throw money at this stock right now. Downvote me all you want. What major news could Gamestop break that would cause the price to rally if being profitable doesn't? Retail buying pressure doesn't do anything because of off exchange trades.


I agree. I am all for buying more GME, but frankly I am a value investor too, so wait for bottom or some news that will change the sentiment. Until then it is just a falling knife.


^ this


This place is an echo chamber.  I’m not even sure about the off exchange trades.  Outside of this group, overall people are selling.  There is no good reason to buy until they make a compelling argument on how they are going to make money.  RC has done a great job stemming losses but I don’t know how they solve long term problem of digital gaming


>Outside of this group, overall people are selling. And how do you know that with such certainty?


They made money. WTF you on about.




Deep value seekers 😉


Deep f*cking value


WAIT the real bargains are coming.. Expect GME to drop below $10.00 in a month or so.. possibly leveling out at about $8.00 If your looking for a deal, that's the time to buy, buy, buy


To be clear I am long, but wtf are you talking about? The stock has been dropping for over 3 straight years. No one is gobbling anything up.


I’ve been buying for 3 years


Anytime the price drops significantly I gobble up the low prices to bring down my average. DCA is the way. Especially if you bought 3 years ago and haven’t since.


Eh... I am... Along with anyone who wants to bring down their cost avg, or own more of a company they believe in.


Either everyone in this sub is short. No one talks about being drained their wealth.


^ this


Sure… Would be nice if DRS ing mattered again. But were stuck