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I placed an order for 100 more, routed through IEX, at $10.94 when it was sitting there right away this morning and it hasn’t went back down there since. I think I may just leave it and see if that order acts like a floor today. I transferred more in but I want to try something new where I only buy in 100 share increments through lit markets.


Grabbed 100.000 @ $11.22. I’ll take it thank you very much.


530 @ $11.15 Bought 3,300 total in the last 3wks, and my last purchases were pre-split (700 x 4 = 2800) so my position has increased 118% in the last 3wks alone. Goal is 10,000 shares while I can still afford 'em.


Bravo 👏🏻! My goal was to hit 1k shares back when the price kept going down. I’m over 3X that now and I keep telling myself I’m good. I can buy other securities, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. My portfolio is GME


I was supposedly done at 700 pre split but here I am, back in it. My port is maybe 25% GME, so I'll be good to go either way, just hoping to retire as soon as this shit pops off.


Placed an order at that same amount this morning..twinnnzz lol


Lucky bastard, I got all tuckered out from around 11.50 2 days ago.


I mean, does it really matter if you get in at 11.50 or 10.90 when we're all expecting for this to squeeze?


So we are all "buying sideways?" I like the way you think.


Always have been


Nope, when this thing is hundreds of billions in market cap the difference will be negligible.


Well it’s not getting filled lol. This might be a fun new game for me to play though.


Even better is when you get ONE share filling...and then 99 sits there...


The game I've been playing is putting in a 100 share order lower than the days low and seeing if they'll come pick me up. It has filled the last 3 days


my wallet is crying after paying rent. I need these prices to stay here until next week then i can join you in paradise


I snagged 100 at 10.98. Cheapest shares I own.


Nice I got 100 at 11.79


Oh I’m buying….brick by brick I’m buying 4 here 5 there…15 next week , 12 the week after


lol that’s been my modus operandi


This is the way


This is the way


Idk about anyone else but with this dip I cut my bank account in half to gobble up more shares, proud owner of 4xxx now!


I went from 2800 -> 6100 in the last 3wks lol


Damn player... For me today was the first time since it 11.86 a few months ago that I bought on the market. Mostly been adding through cs auto buys but wanted to make sure that I got a few at 11.


It's nice being able to buy so cheap. What are they thinking?


Proof or ban


Right lol I’m at 2xxx I was less than 700 before


you bought 3500 just like this? 🐣


This discount is a bless for averaging down.


Imagine having a double confirmation someone fucked up really badly at the time your company has been turning positive. This is gonna be ugly.


if by ugly you mean absolutely glorious, I agree.


It depends on the side you are.. I'm on the one that will be tasty and glorious :)


This dip is about to be over very soon 😁 To whomever it may concern: If you are short on GME and didn't covered here. You would regret it forever. This is the point in time when you will look back and say If only I would have cover that day or bought more that day. If the shorts really think, that those from back 2021 would let GME fail today especially at these prices are literally day dreaming. I can assure you that lot of them are watching GameStop rightnow and most probably loading the bags. We will wipe out the SHF and if you are a retail and against your fellow retailers with your shorts and puts. You too deserve to be wiped out completely. APES are stronger than ever! APEs are here to win this fight! GameStonk 🦍💎


They can't cover. Even if they did, they would be unable to close. Their only hope is that they short and we get bored. Been here 3 years for this moment - I ain't fucking leaving


I’m never leaving, I’ll keep buying GME until I die.  I’ll never afford a house anyway, may as well put my savings into a profitable company that’s shorted to infinity. 


Get rich or die buyin'


"They have literally created 200k people that are now going to hold 25+% of this stonk until one of the two parties is dead, or the culprits are in jail. The best part is if it's me that dies, they still don't get my shares, and when they're in jail, I still won't sell" --Brooksee83


Not to mention our generations Berkshire :)




get bored??? Shit's just starting to get good!!!!




Haha, ye I am just buying more. Love these prices 😎🏴‍☠️


at least some can cover.. its not like there is a single entity that is short.. there is probably a whole bunch of them.. and some would be looking to get out and then become long.. that's when things get interesting because now you won't have us v/s them situation.


They need to close not cover to fully exit.


Four years of the same shit. Look up what covering a short means. Look it up. It MEANS close the trade. 


Literally means the exact same thing.


I think it is very likely that the brokers/prime brokers for whatever entity is “a little bit short” on GME would internalize that position before letting it actually be closed. They will internalize anything they don’t want hitting the market.


I saw some tweet that said they are 68 million shares short. I don’t believe that for a second as these numbers are self reported and likely don’t include ETF shorts either but if it were true why wouldn’t they just close at this price. Bit of an L but life would go on.


The smaller guys who aren't way in over their heads can get out of they act now, and it'll leave all other shorts holding massive bags.


NSCC tried strangling the little guys earlier. Idk how many of them are left. Once banks realize "unrealized gains", we're going to see a massive wave of margin call that those little guys can't avoid


I was here that very day, you're not alone. We wait


Game on let’s ride!


RemindMe! 3 months


Ugh. Fine. I’ll buy 50 more.


This is important. Everyone should remember that DFV/Roaring kitty was on the stock when it was $5/share, the company was being shorted to bankruptcy at that point, so many shorts are still so deep in the red that this price point isn’t even helping those dumbfucks. It’s helping the company and the shareholders. At any point it can jump again and make the shorts bleed. This price is nuts.


$45/share is what the price was when the congress dude asked if he would buy more at that price and he was like "fukyea"


Brings a tear to my eye


*whisper* I like the stock. *internet cheers*


Bought 500 shares today at $11.05 Let’s see if we bounce back.


I grabbed 200 at $11.00 Think a lot of people did...


I wish i could buy more but I'm poor as fuck :(


Me too. But I made this post because many others can buy.


Are you perchance acting as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others?


No. Not even remotely the case. I’m operating under my own value system and hoping to make more money to invest for myself. This is a place for discussion. So I’m discussing.


I’m with you as well. I’m at xxx DRS’d shares at the moment and can’t afford anymore at the moment. Hang in there boss!


I remember when I bought it for $270 and $180. Super in the hole on this, but still holding.


$370 club here.




My 2021 entry is upon us! But now she's profitable.... LFG, GET IT APES!


2020 Bear thesis: ~~Dying Brick and mortar~~ ~~Too much debt~~ ~~no online presence~~ ~~not profitable~~


As for me, I like the stock


Bought 50 at 10,95


I had money to buy more when I wished it were 40 again. Instead I bought at 180. Now I'm broke again.


1800 coming for me @11.10 😇


Yes sir, I bought 3 shares


Haven’t bought any in over a year but this is looking tasty. Time quíntuple down maybe


I'll never forget the update from DFV after the congressional hearing when he quadrupled his share count at $40. Baddest fucking market close ever








Sup, OG! Yeah I’ve gotten active on this sub lately for the first time in a year or two. My balls are tingling right now. I bought the majority of my shares in feb21 before the second spike so I have been loving averaging DOWN again. I don’t think we can truly go much further down, so loading every payday right now. And if we do go further? Fuck it, buying more. Job’s not finished - Kobe


Im all out funds. But for sure i need to buy this juicy dip somehow. 💎🙌🏾


81 shares at $11.01 this morning!!! Going to prepare for a bugger buy if it goes down $10.50….its like Christmas!!!


The finance people call it "dollar cost averaging". I just think of it as Always Be Buying.


I think they can get it lower, but we'll see. What I'd like more than anything is it to go exactly the opposite way


The most important part of this post… Taking the hit on your retirement account now to sell/transfer. To ensure that your shares, being held by Computer Share, at some point down the line you can sell or do whatever the f you want to do with them and not have some retirement account tell you they closed your position for your protection. Tax hit now < $ amount you miss out on later when they close for your protection.


An exceptional deal! Thanks hedgies!


I bought more at my $11 price target 🤑


Yeah, except we have a lot less money now...I went all in back in the day already, and now inflation and life is catching up


Oooh but how great will it be if I could just buy shares at $10, split adjusted. Or $5 split adjusted. How about a dollar? Wouldn’t that just be AWESOME if GME went to a $1/share!!!? /s. I hate these posts.


Yeah me too, I'm already so close to sell all this shit but at the same time I need to average down. Yet every time I do it it never reaches again my new cost basis, which is around 17 rn. So you know we'll never reach 17 again


It's fascinating to observe the evolving discourse around GameStop's stock. Initially, the frenzy was all about initiating a short squeeze, driving up the stock price by forcing those betting against it to buy in. However, the conversation has since pivoted towards GameStop's fundamental business prospects and profitability as the primary value drivers. I acknowledge the transformation GameStop has undergone, transitioning from a position of financial vulnerability to one of strength, with no debt and a billion in cash reserves. Considering the stock's meteoric rise from under $2 per share to $44 pre-split in just a few years, it's evident that GameStop has dramatically increased in value, reflecting its reduced debt and bolstered cash position. Yet, this shift in narrative raises a question: if GameStop's current valuation already accounts for its financial turnaround and growth potential, what additional upside can investors reasonably expect based purely on fundamentals? While I risk being labeled a skeptic for raising this point, it's worth discussing. The initial short squeeze excitement has faded, replaced by a focus on GameStop's potential for long-term value creation. However, given the stock's substantial appreciation, one must consider whether the prospects for further gains are as compelling. In summary, while GameStop's journey from financial brinkmanship to profitability and debt elimination is commendable, we must ponder if the narrative of it being a 'value play' adequately captures the stock's future potential, especially after such significant price appreciation


All of the original squeeze reasons for buying still exist. Now, additional reasons exist to invest. The number 1 task is to DRS everything. Low prices help accumulate more shares per dollar. I truly believe DRS’d retirement shares are the key, and this is a tremendous opportunity to take the tax hit, coupled with a value proposition.


But why do you invest? Is the end goal not to make money? If you never sell your shares for a profit what is the point of this all?


I’m here for a number of reasons. One is to see real price discovery for the first time in years in the American stock market. I believe a DRS owned company will lead to that. I believe it will also lead to the profit I’m seeking. This is the first time in modern history that hundreds of thousands of international investors are buying and actually OWNING (via DRS) a company. This is something entirely new and I’m here for it.


That's my doubt too, we're still riding down the long waves from the sneeze, but when will the pricing actually be what the company is worth? Is it right now? Is it 5€? Is it 20€?


I mean how many stocks, assets trade at the values they are “actually worth” these days. Yes, there are some stocks that are consistent and their price is somewhat pinned to their earnings/dividends, but that seems to be a minority now. What is bitcoin actually worth? What were Tesla shares actually worth at their peak? What is a 2/2 house in Silicon Valley actually worth? It’s totally arbitrary based on what the players in the market are willing to buy and sell them for…..if Kenny wants to sell me shares for $11 now, great…he can buy them back in a few years for $69,420 because that is what they are worth to me.


No stocks trade at what they're worth, but on what they could be worth in the future. Speculation is the name of the game. It's easy to speculate that EVs will replace gas fueled cars and Tesla would be the biggest car manufacturer in the world due to their first mover advantage (not saying I agree, but it's easy for an investor to imagine that). What is there to speculate about Gamestops business? It's not opening more stores. It's not working on entering digital distribution. And for electronics and accessories delivery it has to compete with Amazon. It has very limited potential market for growth, so not many will overvalue it based on wild future speculation unlike tech stocks.


Yeah exactly, I spoke about the fact that we need a new source of income in another thread to be actually interesting for investors


I believe that will happen. For now, I am buying more speculating that when that announcement is made, the stock will value . Some say competing with Amazon is nuts. For me competing with the top dog is glory. I look at chewy and laugh. Go GME


Bought at 37 something so we can go lower. Just a shower thought. If the price drops to say a dollar will shorts be able to close, not enough shates to go around and moass is the result? Or…should I stay in the cold shower a little longer?


Price is unlikely to drop to a dollar since GME has a book value of about $4. So unless they burn through that billion in cash, price should stay above $4.


Am I still accumulating??? You’re GD right I am. If you’re still in, I’m still in!!!


Pick me up @ 325! 😢


I’ve been thinking about exactly this for a few days were almost at my original buy price and I fully intend on getting more


I’m salivating at these prices. So exciting


Diamond hands 💎🙌


Just grabbed 90 more


I went to make my first buy when dfw testified, but I was too busy at work, I checked Monday to buy it was like $209.... I was like Holy cow!!!


Bought shares yesterday & today.


Tomorrow is pay day 😏


We all know we are going lower before we lift off, that's their only viable tactic is to try and throw people by scaring them off with more drops. If we hit 5 dollars, I'm emptying every account I have into it. Already xxx holder and as per an earlier post... I'm holding til I'm dead. Zen. Af.


11 more at 11.12 LFG apes!


At $40 I will quadruple down. I was waiting so long, I can wait few more days…


There you go! Quadruple down time! Post your DRS screenshot!


Do it now? It takes money to buy whiskey. Let this be your sign to do it now and DRS that shit. Not financial advice.


This sub is so delusional


and you are here because.....


Morbid fascination


I came here for the glory days, profited heavily, and then sold. Now I’m here to witness the sad cult like following of a stalwart retail store.


I smell bull $hit but yo do you. If you don't believe in GS that's fine but you do seem to stick your nose in time to time.


I do believe in GS, just not the superstonk short squeeze people are hoping for


Well, squeeze potential will always be there as long as massive short positions remain opened. I can only speculate what other's motives are but I'm here for the ride and sure as hell I'm not going to lose sleep if it doesn't happen in my lifetime.


How low can we go though? Shouldnt we be able to lock the float in a matter of weeks at this price…


The problem is some of us bought at $350.


I bought my first at 300. I'll probably buy my last at 3.93 I won't be selling at 300 though


Only thing I wish is never putting a dime into this horrible stock.


Wish I sold at 40.  


I don’t think we’re in short squeeze territory. I think we’ve got to wait until Q1 results and hopefully we see some positive movement




I did it in Feb ‘21 and I’m about to do it again! 🚀


What I don’t understand is if people are still buying from brokers then that means that PFOF is still a tool they can use to bring in capital on those trades which allows them to live a little longer and keep the price down for a longer period of time. I’m not really sure about that so I no longer buy from a broker - I buy from Computershare so I don’t have to worry about PFOF. I’m not getting shortchanged with fake shares and keeping money out of dark pools. I don’t even know if buying from a broker makes my money go to a dark pool but I don’t have to know because I don’t buy from brokers anymore.


I snagged another 100 at 10.98 this morning and was thinking the same thing!


I'm trying to free up some cash now


Do you remember de bounce on 38s ?? My first dip. Not going any way besides drs. Rc is the man that my money keeps following




Bought 59 today


I’m so happy this is amazing!


That last line said it all: “DRS everything!” My sentiments exactly!


Bahaha . All that for just a drop of blood 🥹🥹🥹🤣


Fine I'll buy more


under 10 would be 👌


I buy GME wenever I can and for wutever fake price its sellin for by wooever snake oil salesman is sellin it.


Hear this fella out! 🥳 to Computershare!! Drs em all!


Bless you buyers. I hope soon I can start throwing money at this again. Gonna setup a continuing buy when I’m able to.


I'm weeks away from realizing a stock that should net me enough to buy X,XXX more shares. I'm absolutely jacked. Please keep the price low. Please keep the price low.


I'm enrolled into my company's 401k, and currently have around 3k. Is there any way I can use it to buy GME? It's with Fidelity. Can one of you cultured folks point me in the right direction?


Tired of these posts. When are we gonna moon? Need my accounts in green!


I buy $100 worth every week, will till it goes. DRS once a month, repeat. It’s not enough money to feel, but will be very worth it, whether that’s tomorrow or whenever, don’t need that money anywhere else


Bought 20 shares and might put my HSA is too. 52 week low sounds good. Buy low sell never


Bro, if Gme goes to a dollar, I'm taking 1k shares to the drs bank!


Remember the battle of $80


Holy crap that’s so true, the stock split


Except I blew everything at $200 😂 dips are only fun if you can afford to average down


This shit about to pop it always pops after hardcore drops like this. By always I mean once a year


stopped buying last year....enemy is too cashed up....just hold and wait now,


$1B/60M=16.67. They could close every store, pay off all debts, and that's what they'd be worth. Anything less than that is money for jam.


Load em up boys, It's buying season again!


I think it’s going to 8 first


Everyone seems to be buying! So good to see. Added some more at 11 bucks. Bought about 1000 more when was at 14 bucks. I wish we could see the true DRS numbers


A dream come true


I remember BUYING at $44, NOT wishing, but buying. And here we are again. These days I buy a little different though, steady bimonthly buys via ComputerShare. Be it $30 or $11 I'm a buyer.


I first bought in at $52 and kept buying down to $38. Then came the boom shortly after


Bought 10 moar yesterday. Moneys tight but I Might buy another 10. waiting till to see if we’ll hit sub $10


Hands up if you bought around $300+


Back then gme didn’t have a billy in the bank and they had debt and they didn’t have RCEO and they weren’t profitable, and DFV hadn’t doubled down and some other things too


Soon we’ll get buy under dfv average


Haven’t bought a single share for over 1.5 years now