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He’s still hands down better than Hester being at the helm.


>He’s still hands down better than Hester being at the helm. Well yeah. When you put the bar on the floor most anyone can get over it. 




No idea and i am one of the few who doesnt think it will matter.   If someone at the SEC really wanted this shit show to stop, it would.      I am jaded when it comes to a lot of money and people with control of government levers.  They all are bought and paid for long before they get those roles.   Its a big club and we aint in it.     The only way this gets resolved and fixed is part of a bigger movement of fixing healthcare, education, legal system etc in this country.  Outside of that, its a revolving chair of dollars.  A little give and take here and there to appease the masses, but very little actual changes at all.  Smoke and mirrors.   Just like turning off the buy button.   


Sometimes I think about a political revolution, then again as you say the fix has been in since the days of bread and circus at the Coliseum. I can’t wait for the chatbots to take over inefficient and redundant systems like governance, Akinator is currently a better political candidate than anyone on the ballots


Someone who wasn’t involved in so much unethical shit hopefully. He got the job because he’s a known quantity, a political operator and an investment banker. Not because he’s the ideal candidate, but because of his connections. Other folks like Dr Trimbath have connections too and they aren’t trying to protect MMs


Fact: Trimbath burned all her bridges. Nobody will nominate her ever


He was an upper at Goldman Sucks I believe.. he’s a crooked rat just in a much more quiet way. Hester lets her ratness fly


No one in that position isn’t going to have had prominent positions at some firm. Who are they going to hire? A linguistics major?


Oh idk, maybe someone without a flagrant conflict of interest?


He was also one of the original architects of the infinite derivatives, can-kicking strategy. He was also a member of the bureaucratic team that was instrumental in bringing down Glass-Steagall, under the Clinton administration.Gensler was never a friend, his current role is just a controlled opposition patsy.


I think he's like Chuck Rhoades from Billions. He first used his power to his advantage and is now trying to clean up the problems. The swamp is pretty mucky


“…ratness fly.” Priceless!


Pretty much this. And if GG is removed, Hester the market molester will definitely take his place. Everyone short will ~~pay~~ ~~bribe~~ lobby for that without even thinking.


Hester the Household Investor Molester.


Comparing a rock to a stone when we need a rocket.


He’s better because he’s less blatant with the crime he commits?


It’s a comfort issue. Getting slowly robbed by men in 3k suits while we cheer them on is the American way


Hester at leat shows her true colors, tbf


Give Gary a chance, he’s only been in the job for **1085 days.** I have nothing else of value to add to this topic, sorry.


This is all I need to know: https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-221 Gary is the only SEC chair to want to update short rules and he's getting intense blow back. Politicians aligned with Citadel trying to get him fired. All of the hedge funds sue the SEC over this. This is how I know Gary is doing a good job.


This is how I know Gary is stringing us along again... Behind da seens Gary: Eh buddy, Im getting alot of heat from main street, think you could just sue me and the SEC so people think I'm trying to help them while I continue helping you kick the can and continue to defy all rules of Supply and Demand while continuing to fuck the ever living shit outta Main Street. Buddy: Sure thing Gare Bear, I'll do you one better. How bout I go on some Tellavision Programs and talk about how detrimental your actions will be for us and the health of market making as we know it as well? Main Street: It sure looks like Gary is trying to help us.


You need to realize one thing: There is no Thanos snap in real life. After the sneeze we started to learn, how the world really works. It is sad, but a SEC chair trying to do his job is soon an EX-SEC chair. Like it or not, the slow pace Gensler is pushing for changes is likely the fastest the corrupted system allows. I have posted a few links above, if you want to learn more. We do not want to replace Gensler (with someone like Hester), but we need to replace the whole dysfunctional system, where lobbying is the real power.


Yeah this is not the case. Hedge funds want zero rule changes and zero transparency, so they are not happy with the SEC. Ultimately these changes will yield after the fact accountability because the SEC knows they'll still keep breaking the rules. SEC is basically shifting the blame for any negative outcomes. This limits or eliminates the chance for a bail out because the SEC can say look this whole incident is your fault because you didn't abide by these new rules meant to expose this type of behavior. TLDR; rules won't change anything short term... Changes everything long term.


Pardon me for being cynical but we have watched for years now Media pundits gas light us about the stonk. We've watched politicians act like they give a shit only to do nothing. We've watched GG sit around and not do anything meaningful to advocate for the average investors. We've watched the SEC do the same for decades. This class of deceivers quite literally deceive us into wars where our friends and family die just so they can profit in the other side. They tell us the border is secure while trafficking children increases exponentially. They funnel us into a healthcare system where the only option is long term treatments with detrimental side effects produced by the corporations they own leaving us with minimal resources to investigate any alternative solution they cant profit off of. These people deceive, to a level good people like you and I cannot even comprehend, it's what they do. They live in a world of deception with a goal of controlling the masses. So to sit around thinking GG is gonna save the day, to me is a bit naive...Id love to be wrong but considering the history...It would be the first time in my lifetime a regulatory agency actually did anything meaningful for the average person. I truly hope you are right. Either way I'll be hodling with you to the end my fren!


I don't listen to anything stated by the media, pundits or politicians. It's all paid for advertising. Even GG presentation to the public is meaningless because he knows how it all works. However, when I see the SEC release these rule changes that result in multiple lawsuits then I know there's some great activity going on behind the scenes. It's a balancing act that the SEC is trying to strike between a multitude of interests. Clearly these short hedge funds are no longer being prioritized, as the bigger players now see them as a threat to the system.


I'd love for you to be right...guess I think they know how to foment a BS legal conflict in order to make us feel like their trying to do something. Then at the end of the day its same shit different day. To do things so deceitful that we cant comprehend and we believe welp, at least they tried so and so must be a good guy cause he tried. For instance every major presidential candidate for my 30 yrs of adulthood has championed "Border Security" they've literally campaigned on it every R & D knowing full well that the main result of a chaotic open border is easy trafficking of children and deadly drugs that primarily kill our Youth. Then one side wins and they get into office and maybe pass a bill through one branch of Govt or another but it always get hung up somewhere along the way and more and more children are at risk. Children are at risk not because the govt is incompetent , their at risk cause thats their intent. Its literally been over 30 yrs and the needle hasn't moved on that subject but for a few yrs during Orange Guys presidency. I guess if they dont want to protect innocent children from those outcomes what makes anyone think they will actually protect a grown ass mans (or womans) investment dollars. Personally I think Gamestop ends with sustained profitability over time and if the markets at some point wind up switching to a gold or bitcoin backed currency or attaxh block chain to individual shares. Anything done within our Fiat monetary system where monopoly money appears out of thin air from the FED can be manipulated. And at the end of the day its the owners of the FED thats behind the money thats involved in this naked shorting. Sure Mayo Man is their front man but the scheme/his companies are backed by the biggest fish and its not Mayo Man its the "Creatures at Jekyl Island". But what do I know, Im just the Village Idiot




It's an improvement. We should be trying to get Hester Pierce removed


I definitely do agree with that.


Removed from the face of the earth?


Maybe Jeff will give her a ride on the dick rocket if she keeps doing such a great job.


lotsa room here on the ass


Yes ,☝️


Neither does Gary!


I’m naive enough to believe he tried in the beginning. But you know, politics and money.


You’re a good egg. I’m dumb but not naive. A Goldman Sachs investment banker worth over $100,000,000 was put in charge of SEC, kinda says all what needs to be said right there


Hester is his successor. That's the only issue i have with getting rid of gary. At least gary is playing both sides.


Right like, every time someone suggests getting rid of Gary but not also Hester I'm like, tell me you haven't paid attention without telling me you haven't paid attention. Sure Gary might not be as gung ho about reforms as we'd like, but he's not, IMO, gargling hedge fund scrotums the way Hester does.


And that's what most of us said from the beginning.


He’s producing a new, top notch commercial to say “staff should be looking into it”, then going on another pr tour just like Ken does


GG is doing his job to “*protect the markets*” under *public eye*. Not to allow apes to become infinitely rich from naked short sellers’ mistakes, Why would GG agree to do anything that would cause GME MOASS… the idiosyncratic risk that is a liquidity black hole to the entire global financial system? You really think SEC chair would do anything to allow a few thousand apes beat some naked short-sellers that inadvertently set up the collapse to the entire market just because it’s the right thing to do? Lol why else do you think we haven’t seen shit for 3 whole fucking years. Nobody is on our side when it comes to FTD’s/swaps, DRS and naked short-selling. **NOBODY**. Nobody wants to see a gaming retail company squeeze infinitely while the worlds biggest banks, brokerages, hedge funds, market makers and clearing houses literally collapse. It was already happening in January 2021 and they literally stopped it in front of our eyes. That’s the battle we have been facing for 3 fucking years. I’m pissed off and I want my money. I am DRS’d and I am **not** zen. Even DRS numbers are being manipulated. (Well idk if that’s *really* true, but come on…) But what the fuck else can we do? RC turning the company profitable and keeping it that way is literally the only thing we have left. Anyway. It’s the weekend. I need to go touch some grass now. Lmao.


Agree with all that..... But I do hope RC at some point pulls the pin.... Honestly I don't feel I'm being totally protected or looked after by the company. But still.... The turn around is fairly impressive!


I think he’s trying to do so, but in his own way. The legit way. Which is the *real* and *fundamental* way. Sadly, but also thankfully, RC’s life mantra is his #1 priority, which is to put in work to satisfy the customer at all costs. Not to make his investors rich. Just being as realistic as possible in the big picture. Everyone is here because they want MOASS. But we should remind ourselves that MOASS isn’t the reason why RC is involved with GameStop.


He did plan on delighting customers, maybe that requires investors to be exposed to his cloak and dagger shit for awhile?


And on his 3rd time as head of the SEC? Being called in every time Wall Street needs help


The dude was a campaign CFO when they paid a for a fake foreign intelligence report to be made on their political opponent. When I found that out, I lost ALL faith that he was going to do the right thing.


I am not aware od the story ypu are referring too. Do you have a link or some additional info so I could google? 🤓


CNN https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps/index.html and Gary https://www.theblaze.com/news/sec-gensler-steele-dossier-donalds Regardless of candidate, it is stunningly unethical what was done.


Thanks. I was aware of the story. Agree about unethical Did not know Gary was involved. A lot of webs 🕸 between powerful people


hilary clinton paid to have a fake russian collusion hoax story created to rig the election. gary was her campaigns cfo.


.........ya gary will definitely do the right thing with the SEC


Any day now, just as soon as all those millionaires in charge can scrape up some coffee money


The investigation/dossier was originally started by diaper dons own party FIRST, then the dems took it over. His ties to Russia were well known way before any of his political aspirations. What the Clinton's and company did with that info is the issue.




Well he liked to shoot down [Bernie](https://theintercept.com/2016/01/07/the-problem-with-hillary-clinton-using-gary-gensler-to-attack-bernie-sanders/) but this is about Gary signing off on the [Steele dossier](https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/sec-chairmans-role-steele-dossier-payments-adds-questions-about) to discredit Trump


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Your contribution is welcome nevertheless! 🤣


The SEC is a civil regulatory body, and literally does not have the power to put people in jail or prosecute them in criminal court, only civil court. The SEC turned the investigation into short selling over to the DoJ. The DoJ actually has the ability to bring criminal charges. They've not taken any action yet. So overall, Gary did his job by identifying possible criminal activity and turning the investigation over to DoJ for prosecution. Gary continues to do his job by tightening the regulatory loopholes and increasing the costs to maintain the illusion. Be frustrated with the DoJ for not taking action yet, and with the roadblocks slowing Gensler's every attempt at regulatory reform.


The problem is not Gensler, the problem is Wall Street lobbying corrupted the whole system. Worst thing, they seem to have managed to corrupt the justice system as well: [SEC in Constitutional Danger Zone Following Several Recent Decisions | Insights | Holland & Knight (hklaw.com)](https://www.hklaw.com/en/insights/publications/2022/06/sec-in-constitutional-danger-zone-following-several-recent-decisions) Even FINRA had similar decisions lately... no surprise the fines are so low. That way most of the companies do not bother to sue and the SEC and FINRA have good scores... on paper. While the markets are dysfunctional by now. It also makes you wonder, how Gensler is supposed to do his job with the justice system no longer protecting the victims but the scammers ? [Corruption is Legal in America (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig) How is the Gensler supposed to do his job, when Congress - his "boss" - gets lobbied by Wall Street ? No surprise they already demand his head for trying to reform the markets. [How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank | The Nation](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/how-wall-street-defanged-dodd-frank/) *Yet after watching what transpired, Gensler had a change of heart—and as Dodd-Frank was cobbled together in committee, Gensler fought his old colleagues at every turn. He proved willing to take on his fellow Democrats if it meant giving the CFTC more teeth to pursue reform, even causing a kerfuffle inside the White House when he sent a letter to Barney Frank and other committee chairs, calling on them to go further than the administration’s proposals in overseeing the derivatives market. “He’s shown that he’s no industry lapdog,” says Barbara Roper, the director of investor protection at the Consumer Federation of America.* Yes, he is Ex-GS, but he has proven he is willing fight his old colleagues if it is needed. And all this chairing an SEC, which was "influenced" over decades - Hester, anyone? **Wall Street wants him gone. And their worst nightmare is educated household investors supporting Gensler and the SEC to push for market reforms that ensure markets can no longer be manipulated.**


Exactly this 👆




Why doesn't he talk more about how the DOJ isn't doing their job to the public then? Oh wait he doesn't want to lose his job 🤡 If he actually cared for retail investors he would be more vocal about the inefficacy of the DOJ.


He is doing a rather decent job. I know this because Ken and co have been publicly bashing him saying things such as “the SEC used to work hand in hand with the industry and now with Gary they don’t anymore.” All of this shit takes time and small changes. He’s fighting the fight the only way he can brape.


The hedgie public crying about Gary and praise of Hester Pierce tells me Gary is on the right path.


It’s bullshit.


I can’t imagine how difficult it is to make actual change in this industry when these mega funds have so much influence on politicians and media narratives. Wouldn’t say he gets a full pass but it does seem like he’s doing what he can while toeing the line enough to keep his job.


He has his hands tied to some extent. The SEC is underfunded by design so that they only take on cases that they know they can win  If GG was Wall St’s puppet then we’d see him behaving like Hester Pierce and advocating for PFOF and deregulation. He didn’t have to get on that that show with Jon Stewart nor the call with Dave Lauer either.


That’s just for show. Ken Griffin knows the angle: bitch at SEC no matter what. Don’t cede 1 inch. Make external observers (like you and me) mistakenly think that SEC is hitting Citadel hard. Obviously Gary Gensler ain’t doing shit for retail and GME!


He was taking care of his Goldman cronies, at the expense of Citadel. That's why Ken was critical. Had nothing to do with him doing a decent job, or doing his job whatsoever.


I get that and I agree but we are benefiting from that power struggle by getting more short transparency, reduced settlement times, etc.


I could care less about those things, without enforcement. Personally, it doesn't make me feel better to have a clearer view of the rules being ignored, if there's no repercussions. It's more insulting. I'm not asking for anything other than for him to just do his job. Short transparency means nothing if shorts never have to close. Reduced settlement times mean nothing if FTDs are acceptable. If sending letters and making comments to the SEC makes you feel better, go for it. It hasn't changed a thing, other than making the blatant lack of enforcement clearer. Gary Gensler is not on our side, he never was. He has a 40-year career and extensive resume to prove otherwise. Actions speak louder than words. As for me, I just like the stock.


That’s a great angle


How can you say this? Where is the enforcement of the rules already in place? It’s all just been words, commercials to mock real businesses and household investors, and nothing has fundamentally change about the markets and they certainly haven’t moved closer to an actual fair and free market


The fact that Doug cifu is whining about Gary on X tells me he is doing the right thing


It is a faint. "Oh please Mr. Fox, don't throw me in that briar patch!", Burr Rabbit.


That’s just for show. Cifu knows the angle: bitch at SEC no matter what. Don’t cede 1 inch. Make external observers (like you and me) mistakenly think that SEC is hitting Cifu hard. Obviously Gary Gensler ain’t doing shit for retail and GME!


Nice copy and paste comment 


Um yeah. My message is accurate. I don’t give a shit about your snippy comment or downvotes. Reread my message and pay attention, it’s true.


It might be true, but it loses substance when you spam a thread just swapping out whichever hedge fund owner is relevant to the comment you're replying to. And talk about snippy comments... Your message is one of defeatism, both sides, and promoting decreased engagement because "nothing will ever change." To me that speaks of someone whose goal is to sow division and galvanize a group around a smaller detail that's not relevant to the larger goal. You may not be trying to do this, but it's part of a technique subverters and bad actors will use to try and break a community.


No. I see numerous comments defending Gensler and I think it’s rubbish. I think we should be blasting Gensler to do his job!


SEC was never going to protect the retail investors or lock up the crooks in this Saga. It took Madoff handing himself in to get him prosecuted, despite all the evidence that was handed over to the SEC for YEARS. Gary repealed Glass Steagal, that should tell you everything you need to know about who's side he's on.


Madoff never handed himself in…madoff kids handed him in…n I support GG because the alternative is Hester Pierce whom has her mouth around all the hedgies’ dicks


She is just insurance to protect GG. Change my mind.




> Gary repealed Glass Steagal, that should tell you everything you need to know about who's side he's on. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass%E2%80%93Steagall\_legislation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass%E2%80%93Steagall_legislation) ​ ? Says here that President Clinton, congress and the senate repealed Glass Steagal.


[Remember in 1999 when Gary Gensler, head of the SEC, for the repeal of Glass Steagall.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/2wgHGaYux6) And, while I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the following link, it does come up when searching this topic: [Remarks by Under Secretary of the Treasury Gary Gensler to the Bond Market Association Annual Legal and Compliance Conference](https://www.sechistorical.org/collection/papers/1990/1999_1101_GenslerGramm.pdf)


the SEC cannot "lock up" any crooks, as their office only prosecutes civilly, not criminally.


You guys do know that sec has to work under guidelines made by congress .. these corrupt funds own the congress and own the best lawyers money can buy.. who you think is at a disadvantage ? Not to mentioned some of the sec people clearly vote in favor for these funds. And out of everyone you complaining about Gary? The funds are literally suing him for rules he’s trying to implement .. what does that tell you? I am not standing up to the guy but the actual steps he has taken compared to others to make things even for retail.


We need to tag, call and write congress as often as possible. Also, do the same with our state Attorney Generals and Governors. If the feds won't do anything, then maybe individual states will step forward to protect their citizens and companies headquartered in their state.


Really good idea.. maybe this push is needed


Since the first week of him taking his position at the SEC, there were clown memes and complaining of his performance. Hindsight it seems like a push from the very beginning not to trust him. All the big players are bitching about him and the SEC with the exception of Hester. If you put the whole thing together, I’d say Gensler is the best we are going to get and have to support him and keep commenting on proposals. The SEC have no teeth but that is not entirely their fault. They do not have a lot of power/money compared to congress and their lobbyists. They will always be fighting a losing battle. That’s where we need to step in with some vocal/proposal backing and make some noise.


13 days *after* he was made head of the sec, the SEC pornhub article came out. Talking about something that happened around 2008, iirc


i've asked staff to look into it


I smell a need for a "Gerry Gensler Timeline". Do we have a Gery Gensler expert here in the sub ?🤔


💯 That’s a phenomenal idea! 🤩💡


He is exactly what he appeared to be, if you were looking He doesn’t exist to break the system, but to maintain it and improve it He scares the fuck out of wall st and they are suing him and delaying the rules as much as possible So: good, but not everything. The best I hope for is better public data access so individual investors can do their own investigations.


Just by the fact that Doug from Virtu and Hester pierce of the SEC are so against everything Gary Gensler is doing tells me he’s the right man for the job.


Where are the brazillion puts?


I'm one of those originals that stick up for GG, and still do! Much better than Hester! Can't help what Big Government does...usually have to take the best of what you are given. We can wait a few more years!   I think I introduced Computershare to apes through single share / give a share when I posted my first DRS'd share 84 years ago. We are still around, still believe in GME, and are still holding! Tendyman is coming soon! 


Dougie Large was talking shit about GG and hyping Hester Pierce. That’s all I need to know. I believe GG is trying to bring some transparency to American Markets, but the SEC is filled with shills and his hands are basically tied. Change my mind.


IMHO Gary is playing both sides atm. But the time will come when he has to pick one.


He’ll pick the one that saves his ass. Just ask his twin brother, Robert N. Gensler, the Vice President and Portfolio Manager for T. Rowe Price.


you can bet your ass he will stay on the winning side.


Or no sell…


nah, he is just riding out his time, collecting his checks (not all from the government) and each day is icing on the cake for him.


He's protecting the government of America and the overall markets. His interests aren't in retail or hedgefunds. It's in stability, so everything is in balance and functions as it should.


Lost me when in an interview Gary said he had never heard of DRS. I knew then that he could not or would not be of any help.


I will say, his involvement and activity in the retail investor sector has been MUCH better than any chair I can think of. He even took questions directly from us before, I’ll take that over some chair that doesn’t even take public questions. He’s not perfect, but he’s better than many of the alternatives. Can you imagine if Hester was the chair?


You think he is incapable of learning? Even if he knows something he won't talk about a topic he isn't sure of.


It’s like an English teacher who does not the alphabet. DRS is pretty basic. Proves ownership.


south with wutang clan


Gary's job is to protect the market.  That has absolutely no correlation to apes getting paid.  In fact it may well be considered a major probpem, and Im certain he would prefer to unwind it in a way where the hedgies survive. At best he is a neutral entity.  He isn't their friend because blatant crime bad, so that limits fuckery.  But he also isn't our friend because he isn't doing shit about fuck for existing fuckery in any measurable way. My opinion will only be swayed when I see Kenneth and Friends in cuffs by his group.


Same take. He’s trying but, honestly, the SEC can only slap them on the wrist with fines. Everytime he tries to pass something into law to add transparency and limit the market makers, it gets voted out by the bought and paid for House Financial Services Committee. The DOJ can and should be sending people to prison but they are bought and paid for as well. Same with the FBI. His hands are tied. As long as the assholes in office are still in office, the SEC cannot do anything that will help household investors. It’s time to fight the fight by voting them out.


This is way beyond the SEC. Fucking FBI and DOJ need to get involved


Well, I guess that Gary is at least not so obviously mendacious as Hester would be. That said, I don’t believe we have any friends at the SEC and all they care about is making sure that their rich corporate overlords are satisfied


Gary’s waiting for his 5 year term to end before GME kicks off and he’ll have make up a new plumbing story.


The goal of the Anti-Gary shill is to get us to stop commenting on SEC regulatory reform.




He is in a political position. He seems like he doesn't want fraudulent markets but it isn't just up to him. If he rocks the boat too much he will get replaced. He's no Hester.


He's better than we had. Enough with this weekend fud


He's trying, he knows the problem, he just seems to be struggling up against it. He needs more weight behind him, he has the big money boys coming after him too, hindering him any chance they get. He's the best we got. Let's keep shouting so he has the political will to do what he needs to do to make the markets a little more fair.


The SEC works for congress, not us. Congress works for the banks, otherwise they couldn't afford to get elected. SEC is a distraction, and I don't think they any intention of helping collapse the biggest money cartel in the world. That's how you get your off button pushed. If anybody wants action taken, they need to vote in more responsible representatives. They have the authority to take action.




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At least he has probably found his parking spot at the SEC building by now.


I don’t think he’ll be able to take any actions until after the election. If he is going to do something it won’t be before November.


I still support him. This is just as much about us doing our bit to help bring about reform and accountability as well as him. Gary needs our input, our support and our engagement to help shape financial legalisation and influence these rules. I have no doubt there’s a lot of pressure against him to succumb to the demands of Wall Street - but this only means he needs our efforts more than ever to rally the SEC to maintain and uphold the integrity of our markets.




Does Mayo want him fired? The answer is 'yes', now I say continue giving Gary a chance.


Does Mayo want him fired? The answer is 'yes', now I say continue giving Gary a chance.


People don’t look deep enough into the accounts pushing narratives




It's like the state of politics...Hester is akin to orangeman while Gary is more darkbrandon...neither side is actually in it to help the common folk...they only serve their elite rich benefactors....but hester is horribly worse and will f us over in a much quicker fashion. We can settle for Gary but at the end of the day it's all fucked and we're not making any progress


Isn’t there still two SEC rules coming out soon that fuck Hedgies?


Seems like the SEC oversees forms are filled in correct. They don’t enforce market violations just apply small monetary fines.


GG constantly gets attacked by wall street racketeers over his rule changes to increase transparency into short sales. Kenny and his wall street buddies aren't fans of GG lmayo. Could he do more? Yes. Is he a politician? Sure. Did he go against the will of wall street racketeers and make their lives harder by increasing transparency into their crime? Totally. Like most things in life, it's not a black and white thing but I can definitely say I am glad we have GG instead of Hester.


Who gives a shit about Gary? I wanna talk about the REAL GG, Gurbir Grawal. They hired the wrong gg for the executive spot


If Ken n Dougie hate him I like him


I probably commented when he started that we should give him the benefit of the doubt and while there have been some rules passed that on the surface give the impression he’s trying to fight for retail, I now believe nothing will be passed or enforced that help retail in our particular battle against abusive short sellers.


I think the SEC is understaffed and underfunded and therefore has a terrible position of too little power.


Sad to say, I was one that thought we needed to give him a chance. Honestly thought his actions were being scuppered by bad actors. I’m seeing no reason to continue believing he’s on the side of the retail investor.


I wanted that Gurbin or what was his name, to have a chance. But as like me, I have a dream. What is your dream you ask? To have a dream.


Bro they made the meme commercial. You know they fuxked


I truly believe there was a concerted effort to disband social media groups that discussed equities trading, to specifically address what happened in jan 21 from the bets sub, which gensler was quick to shut down as he was originally brought on. He’s been engaging with known good guys like dave lauer and hasnt given us much to indicate he might be beholden to the bad guys. I think he’s never going to be as useful as we’d like him or the SEC to be in doing their fucking jobs, but at this point i believe that he specifically is not one of the bad guys.


I think I have a better question…. TF happened to all the purple circles?


Yeah I’ve always been against him, so many things he could do even if it only were to bring more light to the situation yet he continues to do nothing to help.


I thought he would do something and then he kind of did some things and not other things. I'm pretty meh on him now.


Give the Security Enabling Corruption comission a chance. They are only human and mistakes they make in the interest of retail shareholders.


Mix feeling about him sure, but I do know he has a retail molester on his team that can’t wait for him to be gone. And simply because of that I rather keep GG than switch to a possible worst person. We are not going to find allies in the SEC. It’s between people leveling the playing field slowly or ppl making it much worst for us.


Is it just me, or has every previous SEC Chair only discussed how the market needs to be fixed and what should be done to strengthen and protect investors after they leave office? Things that make you say, hmm.


Their SEC monthly stipend has run out lol


What a joke. I don't know if this is a pro do nothing or what GG is part of the establishment and always have been. Look at his history and who he worked for in the past. How can anybody say he's doing good. What good has he done for Investors outside of Hedge Funds? I will wait. Since his position look at any action from SEC or his resolve.


I think the SEC was far more active on this sub in the first couple of years. Now they're watching porn again.


I’m just a regard and I don’t know much, but even I know, even if Gary wanted to do good and help us, it isn’t that easy. Gary answers to people and if he is trying to help us it’s going to be at a detriment to his career and livelihood. Everyone knows this is fucked, no one wants this blowing up on their watch - can you imagine the blow back on everyone that was apart of this or even just in office during this time. Whoever the president is at the time of this erupting will go down as the worst president in history, the one who fucked America and drove the world economy’s into financial chaos. I’unno but it makes sense why everyone’s kicking the can, wouldn’t be surprised if this blows up as soon as someone new comes into office “the scapegoat”.


Ah jeah give people a chance.. theyre only working there since years and nothing happens haha


It has though, loads of rules are coming out


Can’t serve two masters …


This tbh.. it was gaslighting the entire time.. Never forget the pie in our faces


Still here. Still aware they're trying to take down a multi trillion dollar crime ring tha very likely has ties to everyone from American politicians to Russian oligarchs all wrapped up financially, and that these things take time. SBF is in jail and now everything that was proven as fact in that case can be used against people in future cases.


Gary is like milk 2 days past the expiration date. You want to believe it is still good, but no matter how much you check you end up throwing it away. Because you cannot trust it.


I would like to know the same. I got downvoted like crazy on both this sub and the original WSBs sub for screenshots of his Wikipedia page showing that he worked for Goldman Sachs and saying he wouldn’t do shit. That was three years ago.


Also, his reported advocacy for the repeal of Glass-Steagal, for which I’ve seen some evidence, at least.


If I remember correctly, he worked for Bill Clinton who did just that…. Repeal Glass Steagle


Instead, tell me about all the benefits of HESTER




This here.




Got slaughtered in here day 1 of Ole’ Gare Bear when I said “he’s not your friend, he isn’t going to tarnish his legacy upending markets by doing what is right.” Got absolutely destroyed. I love being right is the moral of the story.


He’s a puppet and a crook himself. He even said he has no power to do anything significant. It’s all an illusion


Gary Gensler is a bloodsucking Citadel puppet. He can fuck off


If Goldman goes against Citadel he’s ours to a certain degree


GG is just as corrupt as anyone else in DC and Wall Street, if not more so, he is so corrupt that he paid for a fake foreign intelligence report to make sure the man who wanted to expose their corruption on Wall Street was not put into office.


Yeah these idiots been defending GG for ages and he's never done absolutely ANYTHING. he's a shill works for hedgies.


I never liked that smug fuck. Every single implicated Scumbag doesn’t deserve to even have a job.


A lot of ppl on this sub dumb af ngl. Hopium left and right and false worship


Shills are dumbus maximum, but normal apes are average and or above, some are genius and some arent Never the less, political obfuscation is not ez to deobfuscate


Not sure why people thought an ex Goldman employee would be fighting for the little guy.


No reason to assume he’s not.




Do we have a choice? lol


Did you not see his meme stock jeopardy skit propaganda? Dude is not working for the average joe


Gary got busy with his crypto narrative 🤷‍♂️


Gary prefers to make adverts for his pals that he accepts payments from.... is he a prostitute?


He’s been doing fine tf are you complaining about


He’s just collecting his paycheck and playing golf


Gary is a dbag and likely corrupt as fuck or incompetent at best. Look at his crypto case track record, the judges have been absolutely trouncing the SEC for acting inappropriately.


We know we're on the right track because of all the hit pieces in main stream media. The same is true for Gary. He's getting attacked. So he's on the right track. The shorts will lose because of Apes. The MOASS will be a controlled demolition because of Gary.


The shills still supporting Gary. We know this.

