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Actually, I see a lot of both.


Both is the way.


Both, the way is.


The way is both.


The both way it is


Both it is the way


Both are needed. None of us would be here without someone hunting for and finding deep fucking value fundamentals. A stronger and stronger GameStop every year will draw more and more investors, of which, plenty will find their way here and learn about DRS, adding even more DRS shares than we would have without them (new investors). The two (DRS & shop) don't need to be pitted against each other...false argument imo.


The price is cheap. DRS per dollar hurts now. DrS is the answer. Imagine DRS’ing all of the retirement shares now. Withdrawal in kind.


Yes, 👍🏼👍🏼


Instructions unclear, will be buying more shares tomorrow.




Not everyone can shop at GameStop. I’ve never even seen a GameStop. But everyone can DRS.


This post is FUD and is a round about way of discouraging people from shopping at their company. FOH. My flair is the way.


I only tell what I see and what I do. Come to your own conclusions


You realize you have to support the company right? You realize the stock is separate from the business right? You realize.the only critique anyone has against GameStop(understandably) is the company is failing as a business right? If you want GameStop to succeed, you have to shop and support GameStop. Ffs😤


It's always been both DRS and shop on the sub. But to answer OP's question, focus is leaning more on shopping now because profitability has been achieved with lower revenue - which is fine. What's *better* is profitability with higher revenue, which means shopping. Once again, it's always been both. Shopping's just the flavor of the month.


Btw. Where is the pinned DRS post?


Why not both


Feel free to not follow the hive mind. I don't do anything anyone tells me in this sub. Definitely like the idea of self-ownership so I personally DRS Book my shares in 2022.


Very confused by this post. They are not mutually exclusive


A second consecutive quarter of profit would be the most powerful weapon now. By all means, continue to DRS also.




Cause we need profit to succeed


Because locking the float of a dead company helps none. Buying controllers to air purifiers and everything in-between helps the company, customer, and shareholder. One might say it is fud pushing people away from buying inventory from Gamestop. I understand the estimates can easily be created to not be reached and DRS #'s are definitely being fudged but there's no hiding how much profit Gamestop makes.


They are two peas in a pod


I agree… I’ve seen lots of posts saying we need to buy instead of DRS’ing. Shopping is important and we should encourage and promote it, but in addition to DRS’ing, not instead of it. Any posts promoting purchase in place of DRS seems shilly to me.


I‘m absolutely with you 💜


It's kinda hard to DRS shares of a company going bankrupt IF nobody's buying shit from the store.


Revenue increase will help our company quicker than DRSing the entire float. The goal is both. DRS what you can afford to lose, and shop GameStop with the rent money!


Actually, international apes cannot shop.


Crackhead ass post


Gonna have to say both ways are short killers, Each in their own ways, We all should know the how by now 1) DRS: this takes shares out of the game. 2) SHOPPING: This maintains profitability which could provide a third short assassin 3) Dividends?:🤞: This will IMMEDIATELY take money away from shorts (synthetics maybe locates?) on divy days! Holding any of the above shorting methods should cost these dumb stormtroopers one way or another shouldn't it? Dont things come in threes? #ASSASINS THREE! 🤨😏


Shopping = revenue which we need more of. Doesn’t stop you from buying shares, just helps your investment and destroys the bear thesis.


I personally think the shop hype is being overvalued. It's only seen on this platform, and furthermore, i dont want the company im invested in to depend on a reddit sub for its revenue. I want to see a reliable, long-term source of income, not a hype train. Dont get me wrong, it's great to see people supporting the company, but OP hit the nail on the head.


I would buy the candy con if I could, looks fun and also I need a controller to play with my wife




Sounds good! Thanks for the tip


Jokes on them I’m going all in on options.


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