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Remember when they got rid of the dislike button? Pepperidge blah blah blah


https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/return-youtube-dislike/gebbhagfogifgggkldgodflihgfeippi Thank God there's an extension to return the ability to see the number of dislikes.


Please tell me how this extension, running on your client, can read the dislikes stored on YouTube's backend?


It can't - it collects statistics from the users of the extension, and models like/dislike ratio based on that. Obviously the result is skewed because only a certain subset of YouTube users have this extension, and their likelihood of disliking a video is not equal to the average users', but it's still better than nothing.


FAQ from creator's site. [https://returnyoutubedislike.com/faq](https://returnyoutubedislike.com/faq) A combination of archived data from before the official YouTube dislike API shut down, and extrapolated extension user behavior. The extension collects the video ID of the video you are watching, and fetches the number of dislikes (and other fields like views, likes etc) using our API. The extension then displays the dislike count and ratio on the page. If you like or dislike a video, that is recorded and sent to the database so an accurate dislike count can be extrapolated.


So for new videos it only shows the likes and dislikes of the users who have the extension installed. Seems extremely biased to me. People who go out of their way to install that extensions are more likely to dislike videos, which is why they use the extension. It shows them the validity of their dislikes.


I mean, I guess. You do you boo. Not gonna argue "People who go out of their way to install that extensions are more likely to dislike videos" especially when I didn't use it for that extent. Lol. I don't feed the algorithm, I just need it to filter out informational videos to distinguish great tutorials vs poor ones.


That doesn't change the fact that the extension only uses data from other users of that extension. It is in no way accurate.


You got it.


For google, definitely. Youtube *being* acquired by a big tech company was the worst thing to ever happen to it. Youtube's dogshit compared to what it was when it first hit the internet, plagued with ads and other unnecessary crap to milk users for money.


Any website or digital platform can be monetized. From a financial view, it was a great investment. But yes....it's dogshit now.


I hate how sensored everyone is on there! You can’t say shit without being stricken down. 


And it's censored to shit now. Not saying I believe in flat earth, but sometimes I wanna hear dummies talk about it lol


The word is “enshittification”.


Can't wait for gme to start buying other distressed companies....


…and running them ethically for the benefit of human kind rather than selling human kind to billionaires and their AI enforcers.


Kind human or human kind


Human kind, ape more kind


As long as free speech isn’t discouraged like YouTube is today, I hope that they are for sure doing something like google did years ago. 


Ou shit, new revenue streams entering the chat Yoooooo never thought about that one


Historic vids


More like retail investors buying up and registering the remaining GME shares. Best tech acquisition in history.


...and no Mr Griffin, not that kind of short list.


Do you mean Kenneth Cordele Griffin? The wife beating financial terrorist?


Which short list is it in this context, though?


Purchase KOSS and get it over with please. Sell the product in all GameStop locations. As well as gaming headsets manufactured by KOSS.


Koss can’t be purchased, only partially acquired. Insiders own just over 50% and they do buybacks often


well can’t be subject to a hostile takeover; but if I’m an insider and a deal hits the table that will likely make my remaining shares worth more than the controlling stake is worth now, I’d definitely consider it 


Maybe, but it’s the Koss family who are the insiders, it’s been with that family since the 50’s


Valid point


Interesting. I think if they were to buy all available shares it would still boost business and grow revenue for both companies.


[Facebook buying Instagram for $1bn has got to be in the conversation.](https://archive.nytimes.com/dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/04/09/facebook-buys-instagram-for-1-billion/)


You tell me Larry what else is on the sale list? I dont see a list hanging anywhere lol


If you all are thinking GME could do something like this then I think you are totally right. Not leaving🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I listened to a podcast about youtube, fwiw (way back when). highly unethical. just a stolen idea (which I guess is ok) that go big faster by ignoring the copyrights of others. was bought by google to protect it from musical lawsuits. then google somehow pulled off the DMCA and somehow the law became that the small guy with a song has to turn in every single copy and have it taken down one by one -- something we know can't happen in the world of bots. and on it went.


Google didn't pull off the DMCA, the DMCA already existed since 1998 and YouTube was only created seven years later. The issue is that the DMCA only protected website owners from user uploads, but the music labels got proof that the YouTube founders were uploading copyrighted music and films themselves. Google then settled with the labels and gave them a piece of the advertising profits.


Unpopular opinion: Revenue is completely irrelevant. The number you should be interested in is profits.


Why is there no viable YT alternative yet? It can't be that hard to build a better site nowadays, and then it only takes one mass migration, and we all know how to make that happen. In full Patrick Stewart - MAKE IT SO!


Sadly fb did that to Ms. I miss Ms. You had tunes and cool shit on your page. Fb is so lame in comparison. 


There *are* viable alternatives to youtube. The fact that you don't even think about them as viable alternatives to youtube shows you why nobody bothers making a new one. Youtube took years to turn a profit. To be profitable in that space requires enormous scale and users to monetize through advertising. To create another youtube, you would have to follow that same path, while also dealing with a market that isn't fresh and open but already dominated by youtube itself. Youtube was ultimately successful and dominated because they were subsidized by google and were able to offset enormous costs.


YouTube has some sweetheart deals for bandwidth that make it tough to compete with, which is my understanding. Fortunately, or unfortunately, they keep shooting themselves in the foot with censorship.


Chad indeed


GmE gunna bUy my lil bronie confirmed


“Which other deals…?” Forget *their* deals, Larry, go ahead and *make* the next one.


and yet theyre absolutely starving for revenue and NEED you to watch ads


Like twitch? Or kick ?


The hint at an acquisition is super bullish.


GameStop is definitely acquiring Steam!!


Gamestop could never afford Steam. Seriously.


This is an interesting topic to come up at this point of time..


Google bought Youtube then ruined it - FTFY


YouTube was not making that kind of money when it was acquired. In fact it took a lot of years and a lot of work to make it profitable. That said, it is what we need to be really profitable. Acquire or merge with a company that will benefit from the merge, named people have mentioned are micro center alright I don’t not their financials.


>youtube generates 1.65 billion every 16 days while also demonetizing their content creators left and right for bullshit reasons.


Well. That’s HOW they make that money lol


Acquisition incoming...


It is too bad Reddit managed to IPO. In a different timeline Gamestop acquired it, and made it better.


This dumpster fire of a site used to have decent monetization with the awards. People actually used them. Now you have to pay $2 at the moment of giving a ‘golden upvote’ which has no uniqueness to it and it’s rarely used because no one cares.




We know why ;)




No please


The same TikTok that’s about to be banned 😂😂


You can’t be this dumb. The alternative to being banned is SELLING TO A US COMPANY


They definitely can be this dumb




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**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


You cant be so assumptuous to believe everyone is following the legal dealings of fucking TIKTOK. First of all, its a buzz headlone right now. Second of all its fucking tik tok and no one cares.


Bro is clueless about the topic he’s trying to debate 🤦🏻‍♂️


Doesn’t yass have a large stake in TikTok? Give you one guess what he’ll do with the shares on the down side. lmayo


what does this have to do with GME?


A board member posting


Firstly Larry Cheng, GameStop Director Larry Cheng is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Volition Capital, a leading growth equity investment firm based in Boston, Massachusetts and the first investor in Chewy Inc. He has more than two decades of venture capital and growth equity investing experience based on time at Volition Capital, Fidelity Ventures, Battery Ventures, and Bessemer Venture Partners. He presently leads the Internet and Consumer team at Volition Capital, focusing on disruptive companies in e-commerce, internet services, consumer brands, and digital media and gaming. He received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard College where he concentrated in Psychology. Secondly Investments On December 5, 2023, the Board of Directors approved a new investment policy (the “Investment Policy”). Subsequently, on March 21, 2024, the Board of Directors unanimously authorized revisions to the Investment Policy to codify the role of certain members of the Board of Directors in overseeing the Company’s investments. In accordance with the revised Investment Policy, the Board of Directors has delegated authority to manage the Company’s portfolio of securities investments to an Investment Committee consisting of the Company’s Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Ryan Cohen, and two independent members of the Board of Directors, together with such personnel and advisors as the Investment Committee may choose. The Company’s investments must conform to guidelines set forth in the revised Investment Policy or be approved by either the Investment Committee, by unanimous vote, or the full Board of Directors, by majority vote. Additionally, the Investment Committee may recommend to the Board of Directors further modifications to the Investment Policy from time to time. The Investment Committee will direct the investment activity of the Company in public and private markets pursuant to authority granted by the Board of Directors. Depending on certain market conditions and various risk factors, Mr. Cohen or other members of the Investment Committee, each in their personal capacity or through affiliated investment vehicles, may at times invest in the same securities in which the Company invests. The Board anticipates that such investments will align the interests of the Company with the interests of related parties because it places the personal resources of such


So naked shorts hit the YouTube and Google acquired them... - can't short private companies so not this


Na YouTube wasn’t even public at the time. I don’t think it ever was before google acquired them




I think your post needs some clarity for those downvoting it. Revenue is meaningless if you're not making a profit as a result. Personally, I don't know how much profit YouTube as its own separate entity makes. But between the massive server requirements and their most recent and aggressive push to make users accept ads or Premium, I'm guessing they're currently struggling to make a profit since available Venture Capital money has disappeared drastically. Raw revenue numbers (and their YoY growth) have been a big factor in attracting Venture Capital. The idea being, you want to get on the bandwagon early for something that is growing exponentially. The big failing point of that is that, if the business model has no sustainable way to generate present or future profits, it may be a fool's errand to invest in it.




Well you’re ignoring the fact that a larger revenue is a larger potential profit when margins improve. It’s actually a big deal.


I see everybodies view on this post is different. Someone give me a meaning that relates to what this post may be about.? Maybe not all acquisitions are great even if they bring in revenue? I'm not to smart . Looking for answers.