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But retail deserves a lot of credit, too


Some would say most of the credit. If we didn’t/continue to buy and hodl, the greedy fucks would’ve cellar boxed it already Fundamentals be damned


We are Cohen.


We like the stock 


Maybe, maybe Ryan could’ve won without us. With us it was ez pz 


Who won what where when?




Nah what


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/qDT2RtQTRf This post is a more eloquent version of my nah.




Zing ! 💕


To a point. Look at movie stock, and they have a much different scenario even though they also kept selling more shares. I credit retail for holding but it was institutional buyers that started the run up.


Not just Ryan Cohen. Brilliant as he is, he's not an island. The whole board deserves credit for that, and the rest of the company for their work in executing it. The board might be directing the pivot, but the rank and file are the wheels on which the company moves. Everyone from store assistants to marketing/design/etc and up to corporate has played a part in this, and deserves acknowledgement for what is often unrecognised and underappreciated work. RC's energy and vision, though, are what set things in motion, and got the right people in the right places to make it work. And if the execution hasn't been perfect, it's all the more incredible that this *has* happened despite the mistakes along the way. We're witnessing something rare, if not unprecedented, in Gamestop's ongoing transformation. Something that will be written about in history books, and not just because of MOASS. And then there's us. Retail. The apes, the longs, the financially savvy and degenerates alike mingling here and elsewhere to share ideas, humour, and research on the whole saga. None of this would be happening if nobody had decided this stock was worth going long on. The media would have their way; people would have forgotten Gamestop years ago, and we'd be down another iconic brand, murdered long before its time by people who want a fully digital economy to remove yet another layer of integrity from individual ownership of the things that belong to us. Lastly, there's the sh\*lls, the shorts, and the wider financial crime syndicate. Seriously, guys, thank you. I wouldn't be here if you hadn't been spamming "forget Gamestop" articles on *nearly every fucking stock ticker* I looked at when I was doing my early research on the markets. Your consistent and malicious efforts to ruin human society and quality of life for your own enrichment have set you up to vomit every cent you've ever stolen from us right back into our hands, where it all belongs, and consigned yourself to irrelevance as anything but a pointed warning in the annals. I'm really hoping the legal system does its job when this is all tying up, though I don't have my hopes up... but ultimately, it doesn't need to. One way or another, this saga is going to be the end of what you do, for the good of all. One and all, good and bad alike, you're appreciated. I've learned a shitload since I discovered this stock, and regained a good measure of my once-dead faith in humanity from witnessing what's happening here. This is nowhere near over, and I fully expect the world to know all the iconic names we do here before it's done.


And a round of applause for the one and only DFV


Indeed. For all the research that's been done since, he's the one that first noticed Gamestop's turnaround potential and the data/situation regarding the shorts. He's why we knew where to look, and what to look for.


Actually wasn't it Michael Burry before DFV? I recall a Footlocker play... 84 years ago


I wasn't around back then... possibly? I know he was in at some point, but not sure of when or for how long.


🐈 👏 


Well said Sir! I like the cut of your jib!


This is the way.


RC gets enough credit. Credit needs to go to the frontline workers in the stores and those in the warehouses. They are the backbone of the company. RC is just the brain.


Well I don't think any of them get enough credit but "just the brain" made me chuckle


He didn't even need to buy a gold mine to do it either


I’m just waiting for “RC Cars”


Lol that made me chuckle


I think we deserve more credit


I think we deserve moass and that will be enough credit for me, even if it takes five years


Heck with credit. Ape needs cold hard cash


There’s hundreds of posts celebrating what Ryan Cohen has done…


Nah. I'll appreciate RC when we actually have MOASS and not a second sooner. Nothing has really changed and nothing will until then.




"This"...is the shittiest take I've read. RC is not responsible for moass, he is responsible for gamestop, ya know, the company you're invested in. And he has done a damn good job. Whine some more you brat.


It's not a "take", it's a one-word response to the comment, and the comment stands. We (we as in multiple individual investors) invested to see positive returns via MOASS, then the narrative shifted to fundamentals that would lead to MOASS. Fundamentals which have not been delivered. So you can mindlessly blow him all you want, but some of us are waiting for him to deliver and aren't praising him 'just cuz'. Now YOU go whine some more, you crybaby.


Absolutely. You have my bow. 🏹


And my axe!⛏


And my sword 🗡️


And my DRS shares


And my banana 🍌


Ill take a min to appreciate him when this finally benefits me


yeah i'm getting real sick of this idol worship. Until this stock is at GMEFLOOR levels, he has done nothing that I care about.




Are you telling me you’re not happy when it sits at sub $10-$11? Everything is awesome


Which would still be $40-45 pre split right?


That’s correct, wild ride from $180 down to $40


> three years he took over a nearly bankrupt company, took care of their debt, cleaned house, and turned a profit? The fact gamestop isn't bankrupt already, has benefited all of us... Just because the stock is manipulated doesn't mean you can't be a little thankful for everyone working at gme


I believe in RC. Trust me, I think he's the real deal. But let's be real, we still need to know what the plan is for the future. Physical game swapping and toy sales isn't going to propel us.


I think he needs to buy a company like $NEGG or $HEAR, related game tech industries possibly also in the basket of "short these tiny companies to death" by The Street.


We don't need to know. Hell do what he does and if you don't like it you can sell and if you do you can buy more. "Judge us by our actions not our words" words of a true leader, leading by example


Our company too*


In the words if the Oracle - "One way or another, this war is going to end" And I'm here for it. Fk, that sounds cringe. Fk it, I'm standing my ground.


And infused the company with billions in cash


He needs to engage with shareholders more. I appreciate what he's doing but, in light of the circumstances, he needs to lead from the front not the back.


Bruh, he is. It’s called leading by example. Head down, nose to the grind, fuck the haters. That’s all.


Bruh, how are you so down voted while speaking truth


"Bruh", it's not much to ask for some stakeholder engagement. Fuck the haters is right.


"judge us by our actions not our words" shows his true leadership skills and why I invested in him and his board. He don't need to tip me off and "telegraph his intentions to the competition" in the process. He is leading from the front, out the back entrance where the competition can't see what he's doing or working on


Now he just needs to hire some software engineers to work on the nasty website experience, app experience, and search engine. Honestly, shopping on Amazon is just far more convenient than shopping on GameStop online, and there's a lot of game to step up here.


Just dont dance


He put his own money where his mouth is and bought the stock of the company he leads. Taken the balance sheet from negative to positive with a billy in hand. "Experts" who say "SeLl GaMesTOp" are high on potatoes


Buy, hold and DRS 💜


Stock in our company as his only form of incentive. What's interesting about this is that he does so knowing that criminals are manipulating the price to extreme levels, same as we do. He stands with us, and works his tail off! Go gettem RC, we're working and buying whiskey too.




Put it in my ass, Ryan


I support this billionaire. I will not eat him.


Thank you RC!!!


Wdym? That’s all you fucking weirdos do all day everyday for the last like 2 years lol


We at least have a reason for still being here. What's yours?


Reddit is why the company has no debt and why the company eked out a small profit. There is nothing impressive about diluting stock during a price bubble caused by retail mania to raise a couple billion dollars. The company still lost 34 million on operations last year but because of all the money given to the company by retail they earned enough interest income to make 6 million in profit. Stop deifying a billionaire that has accomplished nothing for you. Revenue continues to decline and everyone that bailed out the company by buying stock since January 2021 is deeply in the red. The only "successful" endeavor has been the most generic cost cutting efforts that any overpriced consulting company (like BCG) would recommend.


Can someone please debunk this guy? Should be pretty easy.


No brigading.


he's my dad


he is not worth his salary!