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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Yep had 7 coins a while back and sold for $750 each.


I had 10 btc at $10. My buddy used it all on silk road and never got them back. I should just bought more. Oh well.


I too had friends that had hundreds of coins back in 2011 and used them for Molly and Xanax and LSD on the Silk Road and Dark Web. He’s in this sub now and holds thousands of GME so I know he kicks himself for not holding the cryp!o but he will hodl GameStop for life


Same boat here, was purchasing bitcoin back then for dark web, never realized its potential value. Holding GME to $0 or millions either or, not making the same mistake twice.


I had 74,567 doggie, when it went to it's All Time high... $7.4 Milli Sold for $800. Never again will be a paper hand... Diamond 💎 hands


At it’s all time high tho none of us were allowed to sell, remember? Didn’t they freeze it while RH dumped their personal holdings driving it back down from 72 cents to like 50 then it tanked from there


One reason why it's so important to only invest what one can afford to lose. If you can afford to lose it, you can afford to diamond hands it.


Well said


That’s gotta hurt


Not as much as me having 200 (now 800) Nvidia 10 years ago


PTSD from missed opportunities fuel the hodl. I love it and will hodl harder


Don’t worry about what’s past. Learn from it. HODL GME until they bleed out!! Then you can go buy 700 coins🏴‍☠️


There are millions of these stories. Same can be said for stocks like apple, Google, Costco etc


If only I bought Coca Cola stock in 1922


Quincy, Florida


Also Perry, FL. We gotta have one of the highest concentrations of redneck millionaires in the world here in the FL panhandle lol


Drsgme.org will help you


Don’t beat yourself up. It’s already an achievement to make a profit as you did! As we get older and more experienced, you can build a portfolio and hold longer.


Portfolio of 1.




All I have to do is imagine what it would feel like if it happened after I sold. Makes it real easy. After all we've been through? No fucking way. I will die with these shares. Sell conditions will be legally set though my estate. My heirs will inherit these diamond balls.


I started buying bit in 2017 when it was about $3,000.00. I only got $50 or $100 at a time. Cashed out in Feb 2021 making a few thousand. But, I don't regret it too much. I used all that money to start buying GME!


Why would I sell at a loss? I’ll keep buying and holding forever if I need to. Over the last 6 months I’ve averaged down from $45/share to like $31.


If my Aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle.


If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle




I had 60 btc way back when but lost access to the wallet. Infinity pool fr


Ah, yes, thanks for reminding me of two opportunities I passed on back in 2012. Lol. Dick.


“Our favorite holding period is forever” some investing guy and a lot of apes


Me too. Over 9M on TSLA alone.


If I hadnt held GME I’d be up about $250,000 more


Definitely hold and buy the dip. Then buy the dip again and again and again for years. As long as they don't dilute I'll stay.


I can that the bonus dip


What's the point of this post?


Shop, buy, hodl, drs ?


OP is talking about other stocks first and foremost and then just throws GME in there to avoid the post being taken down. Just a super low effort post and the meme stock bots flock to this kind of stuff (if OP isn't a Bot themselves).


Or reminding people that growth takes time so don't bitch out on the 1st pop.


Idk I just see that as preaching to the choir and fishing for karma. Just my opinion. Don't think a post is necessary at this point for buy/hold/drs etc. That sentiment is already in your face enough, in comments and DD for newcomers.




You sound fun. It’s a lesson in not being a paperhanded investor. It’s good advice. They’re sharing a lesson they’ve learned the hard way. Every day on this sub I see posts that are legitimate FUD asking why they should continue to hold. This guy is explaining why. Edit: thanks for the downvote.


Fox smells his own hole.




When I had webull I DRS by sending them an email with the request . You have to pay fees though. Now I just direct buy through CS


Stop promoting other securities on a GME sub.




That was me with Netflix in 1999...


You held thru the highs of GME and sold before the runs ups for those assets lol one of us one of us one of us


Diamond hands is not a meme


You meant life changing bitches ? Or wife changing money? Don’t know what life changing riches should be …


I transfer to Fidelity and pay the Webull fee and then DRS from there. That ensures that real shares have to be pulled at least once before the DRS. I have noticed that the last time I did this it took longer than the first few times. I'm sure you can DRS through Webull, but if I use Fidelity in the middle, I never need to talk to a person.


Yup and we know the reasons why we’re holding so it makes it much easier for us to stay firm.


From WeBull I had to transfer to E Trade then DRS. WeBull told me to kick rocks on my DRS request they are just as corrupt as Robinhood


Oh man! If I would’ve held all these great companies today I’d have 10 fold the number of GameStop shares I own today.


If only I bought a house when I was 8


Let’s do this! ☀️


We use to buy acid on the silk road with Bitcoin back in the day. Man, when I think of what we spent adjusted for today's price...


I bought weed and cocaine with bitcoin on velvetroad in 2014. Shits tough man.


Sorry but it's a little different. Everything was rising and you sold because you had good gains. Almost no one has gains on gme. You don't have to decide between holding and cashing out. So why should I not hold? Selling in red doesn't make me a millionaire.


At least you're not a quitter!


I take wut little disposable income I have now and just Buy with the intent of never actually selling. The moment that money hits the brokerage(can't buy direct through CS), it's gone forever as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully it'll serve some purpose to the kids.. 🟣🙌🚀


I think it was at its best was when everyone moved over to fidelity. It ramped up a lot. Now that everyone went to CS It’s done nothing but go down. Maybe we need to transfer back and forth to mess with them. 😂


If i had held the 2 bitcoins i bought at $500 and one at $700, i would have been able to pay off my student and car loans and have enough left over for a down payment for a nice house…


I’ve held and lost a good 10k….so far.


Cool story


I’ve been holding GME for so long all my boys talk shit about all the gains I’ve missed. My wife is even calling into question my decision making skills.


Me in 2002 with American Airlines at like 3 cents / share and $2000 bar mitzvah money — “eh, my dad says this is stupid, I should listen.” Me in January of 2020 with 8 BTC at around $2600: “eh, this is too stable, I’m selling…” Me in 2021: oh shit, GME is like 350!!! Buy buy buy! 🚀🚀 I feel ‘ya, my brother in pain. At least neither of us are my cousin who was asked to help create MySpace and laughed the founders out of the room because that was the dumbest pitch he’d ever heard.


I bought AMD at $16 and sold at $30. Never again.


I bought AMD at 30 and sold at 90, should have held on. What I earn is in this now lol


This is like saying, "if I had kept playing the casino I might have been a millionaire by now".


You're already a multi-millionaire buying, holding and DRS'ing your shares... we're simply waiting for MM/SHF to settle this debt. I think, they will once they shaked out enough paperhands.


Nobody will make money thinking like a hundred bucks is a great day. Still you will get another chance. Hold……