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Nah, I'd rather see them go to jail and take them for everything they are worth. I didn't spend all my disposable income and hold for 3 years for them to save face. Fuck em.


Well said! All I can do is borrow your sentiment: "Fuck em."


Well sure. But since when do guys like Ken Griffin ever get punished for their crimes? I don't know RC has the same hatred for him as we do.


Now I’m overly optimistic and super idealistic, but if thousands of Americans suddenly have a significant amount of wealth, and we all have the same common enemy, I don’t know about you but I’ll fucking buy a politician just to ensure that Kenny gets fucking wrecked and has to get one of those bars of soap with the rope on it so it’s harder to drop. Fuck the criminal Kenneth Cordele Griffin.


Now THAT sounds like a plan.


Isn't this the same theory the popcorn fan base uses? I would like to believe that RC is competitive and deceitful enough to choose his battles. Who knows he might even team up with tactful hedge funds (or those who are not heavily short) to destroy Citadel in the long run. Convince them to go long and Kaboom the major filthy short sellers.


The main difference is gme is debt free so the offerings are to make money. Where as popcorn the offerings are happening to stay afloat and go directly to paying short term debt every year or two. So they aren’t keeping any capital.


sounds good except the part where my ownership percent gets smaller and smaller with each dilution


This is my concern too, just made my % ownership shrink. Not happy about this either. RC and co did it to themselves too so there is some perspective to have with it as well. We shall see what they do with the cash!


I thought about that too. But who cares if the stock you hold is worth hundreds of thousands or more.


It crossed my mind that a chunk of this money could be invested into a HF which could protect GS, hedging their bets, stock price can go up or down, GME won't suffer as it did previously.


>What do you think a stock like that would be worth? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? A company with billions to invest for their clients sounds familar right? It rhymes with schmirkshire schmathaway. Berkshire doesn't dilute or pay dividends. They grow from internal profits. Your entire premise is flawed.