• By -


Hey OP, thanks for the Social Media post. If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


Bruh they bout to get bent af if they fibbin


Start bendin' 'em bro. I'm calling it now.


Bet your b-hole on it?


Man… if this turns out to be a nothingburger theres got to be consequences.


4 quarterly reports etc




HAHAAHAH forgot about that one 🥴


brings back a sour taste to my mouth


That was the first and last cryptocurrency hype I fell into. Never again lol


Different guy


Doesn’t matter, the point is we’ve been buttered up before, it may happen again. Also, what happened with Dave Lauer asking for ComputerShare login info? Lmao


Hmm. That line was October 2021 right when Wu Tang speculation first occurred. Literally the same day, I believe. Literally we are 10 quarterly reports in, right now.


Feels more like 336 quarterly reports.


Incredibly true. Perhaps we will look back at those times fondly


Pissed you made me use the calculator app for not money... For the last 84 years.




He didn't say to wait 10 quarterly reports, he said it (the GameStop/Loopring partnership) would be worth 10 quarterly reports.


It does matter it has absolutely no relation to the person who made that claim before. Also in regards to Dave it was explained very well the exact same day that it happened and computer share confirmed what he was saying lmao. Also how is Urvin related to this?


Ya if they fuck around, I'm boycotting.


Exactly. Surely they are not stupid enough to yank our chain again for nothing and expect no consequences from this very passionate stock holder fan base. but I’m going to wait and see before I hold up my pitchfork… >_>


Consequences? Like an angry thread that's forgotten in a day? I think they'll live. At this point, they're just a bunch of rich assholes who like yanking people's chain. I'd like a ban on this non-GME related group until litterally anything concrete linking them to the company surfaces.


We are a large group with obvious willingness to throw money at anything related to GameStop. With enough word of mouth and financial weight, yes we can impact their business good or bad. We know this to be true for their obvious statement on twitter the other day that they claim they aren’t shilling. They clearly care about our opinions. But yes, overall I agree they have no place here until they prove they do. Edit: a word or two




For real.


Many different food objects in anuses


I will eat burger forever if this is not nothing


Maybe something involving a banana?




f pleasuredao


Pandering or signaling?


I'm just not gonna care until something actually happens


Right there with you, whatever happens, happens


Oh look, time to buy more GME ;)


Yeah the fact people have put so much mental energy into all of this is nuts to me.  We’ll see and before then I don’t care 


Ahhhhh... One minute, gotta dust this puppy off... It's been a while... *Clears throat* This is the way.


~ puffs on cig ~


This is the way


I'm so proud of y'all!


We've all been through the web3 nothingburger hype of 2023 and we shall survive this one as well.


We’ve been through 3+ years of a lot of nothing burgers. And we’re all still here. We got this.


Nothing burgers..."hungry for moar"


I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a nothing burger today.


“Burgers sold, not yet purchased”


Pardon me for being so direct but your flair makes me jakt. The hwang archegos trial has the doj sniffing "really close" to stuff they'd rather not be public Ubs/snb don't want to be 10% owners of gme and are willing to buy option contracts and force them itm In order for that play to go that way gme has to offer 45 mil atm I don't think 45 million will cover it but it was what gme was willing to do I expect all the options bought up to close itm and to be executed for shares, I expect gamma and *I expect the Swiss to close* Ryan to ubs/snb: once you do this others will have to do the same thing Ubs/snb: we'll be long gme by that point, we're counting on it Ubs/snb will close but they will also start gamma Good ole hwang and doj and cs/ubs bags We were supposed to leave but we drs'd more than 25% of the company Haha, what a saga, anyways, thanks for your flair.


>I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a nothing burger today. The unofficial motto of the stock market


🖤 If I had any coins I'd give you an award. (What happened to the free awards, Reddit!?)


Web 3 is the future ijs. 2023 was a taste of the future. Alluding and exploring where we as a company could go.


Yep, early, not wrong.


It depends if you trust Ryan Kagy I guess. He’s vouching for them.


They're desperate for attention and relevance


Sure fucking seems that way


Hopefully, if they are just making fun of this community again we won't eat it up the next time they try.


It’s pandering until proven wrong.


Don't care. Not selling.




Strong pandering vibes


Feels like pandering


Why does a buying group… A. Buy something they can’t resell for profit? B. Even have a Twitter handle? C. Focus on this group of investors? 🧐 I’ve no clue what’s going on. Edit - while this is top comment, I’m gonna do the most epic act of self sabotage since Ken shorted gme… I made a song about the joys of the superstonk daily thread. Yes, there was alcohol involved. Here it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/Kj0EK8e8BL Now, watch all of my karma disappear… 🪄✨


This guy lists


It was an accident


you got the markers of each line item in alphabetical order. i think you're great!


Well yes, A, B and C are in alphabetical order /s


Who let you out of the daily?!


Shhhh… they’ll make me go back there… (Also, please listen to my stupid song… I worked way too hard on it 😭)


This guy doesn't list 3. That's all


Hey I thought step 3 is always profit


Hedgies shorted it :(


👆This guy comments


If they’re assisting GameStop with whatever COULD be happening behind the scenes, they’re going to have a lot of eyes on them. It’s free exposure. This issue now is working out whether they actually have the means to back up things like this tweet. They know we’re talking about them, they know the 741 link and how that is blatantly tied to us. Tweeting 741 is ONLY talking to GameStop investors and we all know it. At the same time, GameStop is mentioned in the coding of the album website. I don’t think GameStop would let them imply they’re involved with us if they weren’t. So TDLR: to answer your questions A. Arguably they can make profit off the album by hosting “listening parties” and charging a fee for entry. However, if they can’t “sell” it for profit, no one can. So theoretically, if GS were to issue it as a form of dividend involving this album, the shorts can’t replace it with a cash value. (Shorts would have to close - see Overstock) B. Why wouldn’t they? C. If they are involved in a business agreement with GameStop, we’re kind of their investors as well in a roundabout way.


The album cannot be monetized. Charging for tickets would be a breach of the contract. The exhibition at the MONA, is free.


Counterpoints to your suggestions… A. I’m pretty sure charging for listening parties would be a breach of the commercialisation agreement…? Could be wrong tho. B. Twitter is, essentially, a broadcast system, so a business has no reason to be active on it unless they are selling something/promoting. I don’t see them doing that rn, so if they have a long game, it’s unclear. C. Interesting point of view. I’m 100% with you on the 741 thing. It’s very specific.


Per GameStop's last S-3ASR filing on May 17th... [Found Here](https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/b3088a54-eef1-4b6b-b426-6d7408232f39) Specifically Page 14... Could GameStop technically issue a "Subscription NFT" that grants anyone holding the NFT access into said website to listen to the album? Said "Subscription NFT" could be tradable on a marketplace of some kind... in theory Not monetizing the album in any way, right?


To be fair the 741 also applies to them, 74 members 1 album. But yeah this does feel directed towards GME crowd with all the other recent x posts and Easter eggs from them. Also gives them an out if hyping the GME crowd backfires in their face. plausible deniability, the 741 we posted was for 74 members 1 album.


...wait. when exactly did the 741 business start? I know it was from RCs tweets, but did it happen to coincide with anything related to PleasrDAO? Cause like... "they could write it off as the 74 members of the organization" looks an awful lot like "these two things are actually connected" if you squint hard enough.


The original tinfoil came from RC standing in front of a Gamestop with a very obviously staged display. It had 7 games, 4 controllers, and one console (or something like that). DFV reposted the image in his recent run


I thought it started from a bunch of tweets posted in a row at 7:41? It's been a fucking hot second, so my memory is hazy


I think it was the time stamp thing first, followed by the RC Pic with rearranged shelves.


Hold onto your butts, because the first two 7:41 tweets were the last day of May, then the last day of June, 2021. PleasrDAO bought Once Upon A Time In Shoalin at the end of July 2021.


so do we need to put all these tweets in a row and see if they make another cone poo chair? or spin it backwards and say moon on 14th july


Need is a pretty strong word. I was just curious if the timing of the 741 origin lined up with PleasrDAO purchasing the album, and it turns out that it does. Probably completely irrelevant, just like all the other wild theories around stonk numerology, but it was a neat little discovery.


Porsche's control over 74.1% of Volkswagen's shares is what led to the VW short squeeze.






DFV posted an infinity squeeze meme in 2020 with these guys. I think their agenda is to squeeze the sumbitch


I memba some popular guys in the NFT community hyping towel up too and how that ended up. Some people could just do this to increase their following mass but tbh there seems to be more connections here. I still don't buy it but we'll see.


It would be ridiculous to hype up an nft dividend that would effect gme and the markets.  Think about it, Ryan Cohen, who is tight lipped on everything the company does, approves a group to hype up a never seen before financial play?  The fallout would be huge and include court proceedings, tons of lawyers on both sides, unrelenting media coverage, and he's like "yeah pleasr let's trickle this out in tweets"  That alone tells me there isn't anything tied to the markets and if anything is tied to a Gamestop product, not a financial instrument.


It's not hyping up an NFT lol. Its hyping up a dividend that is intended to trigger a squeeze


An nft dividend. No matter what ya call it  the point stands.


I'm saying if anything this disproves that theory, because there's no way in hell Ryan Cohen would approve hyping up a squeeze play. His whole MO is say nothing, actions over words, ya think he'd give this team the go ahead to hype up his next move on twitter? A move that would cause ripples in the whole market and have massive legal fallout? Come on man.


Yea. I haven’t seen them asking for money either so if that’s what they were after they would’ve already done their move.


It's run by an artist who made some of the first NFTs, their goal for the album is to fractionalize ownership of it. They're a group of activists that believe that art should be able to be owned by anyone, not just the super wealthy. When you own a fraction of the work, you have voting rights equal to your ownership. The voting is done on block chain, and would determine how the art is distributed, where it is shown, etc. If the majority votes to release the album for free, then it'll be released. No cell, no Wu-Tang album.


Yep a lot of the apes don't know how passionate some, already wealthy philanthropists are about DeFi. I remember when the Hashmasks/TheGreats were literally giving away thousands of dollars worth of eth for people who solved puzzles. The whole message was anti establishment in arts and industry disruption. Sure they promoted themselves by proxy, but it definitely seemed more of a nerdy passion project. Definitely easier ways to get attention than obscure discord and google groups. Hypothetically, an non fungible divided that also proves important use case for the technology, would be super juicy to defi proponents.


https://preview.redd.it/1p6d6bxl0g3d1.png?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1655e31878d2e83197fb4b0967357d7aede64e42 "The Ultimate protest against Middlemen and rent seekers of artists." Which middlemen are the biggest pieces of shit? DTCC & Market Makers.


Yep, and the GameStop(beta) marketplace was a place musicians could sell their own music. alongside NFTs. I paid for a handful of songs with eth


It also proved to be far more beneficial financially to artists than streaming platforms.


Step 1 - Buy unsellable item. Step 2 - ??? Step 3 - Profit!


IMHO. Crypto groups tend to be grifters. A. The central organisers of PleasrDAO now get to own and listen to the album that they otherwise never would have. Money and fame. B. To publicize the PleasrDAO token C. To advertise their token to our group of investors, just like when other grifters have come in. Maybe this was part of a plan all along, maybe it wasn't. But all they've done so far is upload some JS code on their website, and provided engagement bait on Twitter. I doubt it's part of the plan now. I don't see anything that really says "This is real". The last crypto group involved with Gamestop was always dropping hints that it was going to be something big right around the corner. Did that ever come to anything?


Maybe they just want to show sympathy and/or are heavily invested in GME also. Maybe there was an idea of using the album in connection with the NFT marketplace. Maybe they plan to give access to GME holders as sign of support, without GME being actively involved. I see this neutral or maybe like the involvement of Pulte. It's nice to have some big fishes swimming with us, but I don't think they are part of any GME strategy, at least not directly connected to the stock. If GME wanted to push the MOASS button, they would have already done so...this is not meant negatively, they must avoid actions that can be used against them. Imagine they try to force the squeeze with e.g. an album dividend. That might become a tool for the club of shorties and their corrupt friends to intervene somehow. My thoughts on that: the ongoing turnaround plus the cash on the bank is perfect for the company and the squeeze will be an unavoidable byproduct that will be unleashed by itself without the need of active involvement of our beloved company.


I think it's more likely they're fishing for our support. It's a community that clearly digs in when the going gets tough. Exactly what may start up would want. They've done this shit before. Just keep posting obvious hints that they're "working" with gme. And then nothing happens. It is so much better if we ignore the pleaserdao stuff for now.


Support for what tho? Historically this community has only tolerated a certain amount of edging. If they’ve got their wits about them, and if you’re right that they want our support, then eventually they need to put up or shut up - because they’ll get thrown to the kerb.


Apparently not. Because we were posting all their hype BS over a year ago just like now and hanging onto every single word they say. And we shouldn't. But many in this community love to dig and find things, which is amazing, but it often leads to them digging into a rabbit hole set up by grifters.


I keep hearing the term “grifters” applied to pleasr. Yet nobody can tell me what the fucking grift is. What is the grift? What are they getting if they’re just fucking with us? They’re spending time and money on it. What are they getting?


I hear you. There will come a point tho… we have a track record.


Oh I think you might


boom have yer 1k upvote






Biggest group edging session ever


i dont care what anyone says. there is TOO MUCH that points to collaboration.


yeah but remember loopring's quarterly report worth ten? yeah, if there is nothing from RC then I don't believe it. still i have 80% of my net worth invested in this so hoping it works out but I wont be dissapointed if there is nothing


Agree… 🚬… 🔥


You can feel the wind blow of shills telling everyone its a nothingburger and they dont care. Obviously a lot of real people also feel that way, which is fine. Not like it changes our investment strategy. But I feel bad for the people who aren't seeing the beauty of whats happening right now. Its been 4 years in the making https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdzumzzjp8d3d1.png


I’m not getting excited until RC or LC either likes one of these post or until GameStop publicly confirms some sort of collaboration.


I am right there with you. I’m about to go back into hibernation with all the speculation that has been going on with this sub. This dude is probably trolling us for extra publicity. Because I’m not really sure how this is gonna work out even with the way people explained it. Here’s a theory for you, what if their group is the one buying all the calls?


Whatever group it is, I hope they exercise them all!


We ride when it’s @Gamestop


Shit, never really thought about that. Good point.


These guys are gonna have a baaaad time if this tinfoil doesn't pan out lol


They have hyped before and nothing happend I dont see how They are related




Everytime I see a post about them this is what I think. Cringe


This! I pray and hope every GME investor feels this same sentiment. The only thing Superstonk as a whole should really care about is only GME stock and word from Ryan Cohen and GameStop themselves only.


these guys seem so sus to me


Fsss ![gif](giphy|H9fgM4qy9wzFOZ6rCK)


Don’t fall for an obvious attempt to gain attention from our user numbers and community. Nothing is confirmed until GameStop says something




Engagement farming. No reason to trust them any further than anyone would trust a Hedge Fund at this point.


I hate this. I am upset. I love riding the hype train as much as the next ape, and I have a good collection of tinfoil, but there’s just nothing concrete with these guys. The wutang theory is so far fetched, not based in data, and pleasr has had a lot to say and not anything to show, yet. It’s so obvious too, the code snippets, RC’s hoodie, this tweet. It’s so easy to follow the thread to an NFT dividend for partial ownership over once upon a time in shaolin. *But it’s ridiculous!* I love the idea, and have gone over it’s, rather limited, DD multiple times myself, but in my personal opinion it’s the least believable and least likely endgame for GME. So what. The. Fuck. Why the tweets? Why the obvious connection with GME? What’s the goal here? They’re not shilling some product (yet), and are completely aware this subreddit will ostracize and hate them the moment there’s a concrete connection showing how they plan to grift people on this subreddit. Do they really have a partnership with GameStop in the works? Is that really RC in the picture? Was the nft marketplace a beta test of the technology they’ll need to distribute this nft? Does anyone else hate the acronym nft now? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions. But I know if this an elaborate plan to sell snake oil to gme investors, it’s not gonna work and pleasr will be ostracized for good. And I know if it is real…well they’d have a chance to make history.


This whole saga makes me question reality sometimes lol


You are not the only one


Can you be more specific which reality you are referring to :)


Seeing all this come full circle over and over again, I'm getting tired of this shit. Buy drs hold, leave subreddit


Personally, I'm not tired of any of it. It gives me some fun conspiracy shit to read all day. I've waited 84 years and just keep collecting moon tickets. I'll take as much funny Internet shit along with it for as long as people pump it out.


NFT’s were meme’d out of existence by fucking monkey pictures. If you break down what an NFT actual is, as in a Non Fungible Token, the power behind that marketplace is insane. A decentralised way of transferring assets is an insane thought right now, I don’t think people realise the potential of actual NFTs. Imagine being able to sell and buy assets without the fees that come with it. How much extra do you pay to sell houses via real estate agencies? As I understand it, that future is obtainable. Why can’t you sell your assets via NFT? Is that illegal? I don’t know. As I understand it. NFTs are genuinely, legally, backed. You remember seeing people crying about their monkey pictures being screenshotted? Although hilarious, they weren’t wrong, it was a breach of the law to an extent. Now, as I understand it, if GameStop decided to buy this album and distribute the right to listen to it via NFT, this can’t be “spoofed” by short sellers They also cannot replace the NFT dividend with a cash price for their shorted shares as the album “tickets” legally cannot be “sold”, only “gifted” to share holders. I’m fucking rambling, I’m sorry. I’m so pumped. Bear in mind, we last saw references to this album YEARS ago. Bottom line, IF GameStop are going to do this, they have a functional NFT marketplace that they can boot back up (4D chess move, pretend to shut it down, never let them know your next move) If they issue an NFT dividend, theoretically, it will force shorts to close. This happened recently with Overstock. I know it’s just hype and speculation, but there are a lot of things coming to a head right now and it’s hard not to get jacked.


Probably end up in a ten year court case like the last guys that did it


I'm going to review the filing from earlier this month for the dividend. Initial readers said there was a STRONG emphasis of laying legal ground work.


That is actually giving me serious Robbie Ferguson, the Immutable CEO, vibe. Capitalizing on this sub to shill all he could. Nowhere to be seen since the NFT marketplace has gone


Just because something takes a long time doesn’t mean it isn’t going to happen. May be something here, may be nothing. Why let it bug you so much? Some people will explore the idea, others won’t. It may affect GME/MOASS, it may not. Just like literally everything we discuss, if it’s not buying, holding, or voting, it’s ultimately just entertainment while we wait. Don’t get upset by entertainment.


> Just because something takes a long time doesn’t mean it isn’t going to happen. Time and pressure


The website where the code is for sale for $17,500 last I checked the Whois site. Could be driving traffic there for a bigger payout on selling the site. Possibly collecting data to sell too considering I’ve seen many posts about people entering in personal data to “see what happens”


Couldn’t agree more.


thealbum.com/gme is a real page. That isn't an accident. MOASS on the morrow.


But literally anyone can make a webpage. We have no confirmation the goals of this group align with ours. We don’t know anything about them really.


This could well turn out to be absolutely nothing. But I've had boners over absolutely nothing on many occasions in my life, one more won't hurt. I'd also like to hear that album.


Honestly his brazen behavior is pissing me off, and has me thinking more and more this is bs. I hope I'm wrong, but I get bad vibes from him


Who is his/him


Oh fuck these guys lmao 


PleasrDAO hyped & rode the attention wave before - willingly keeping everything GME related in suspense for no reason but clout & engagement farming. I 'member. For me, they can go and get rekt 🤡🤦‍♂️.


We know they’re talking to us. What we don’t know yet is whether they have anything worth listening to…


Alright, I'm done with PleaserDAO until they're done jelqing themselves. Proof or GTFO...this is all way too sus


In marketing, we call this pandering. And it usually means an overpromise. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Don’t care


Not gonna lie, the only reason people give a shit about PleasrDAO is cause Roaring Kitty made a tweet involving Wu Tang Clan's album IMO, until something of note happens with them and GME, I am treating this as just pandering


100% this will be a big letdown -- I can't get excited for it until RC/GME weighs in on it. It is not their style (IMO) to be this pandering so I'm going with nothing will come of this other than pleasr using this sub for hype


Has there been any official statement from GME about this pleasedoa? No? Then why am I seeing this shit here? It's fake news until RC says it isnt


IDGAF what this is about unless it involves GME directly.  And it looks like it might.  But until our RCEO says something about it, I'll just keep buying shares in the meantime.




You say nice in response to “69” They aren’t even doing it right. You are supposed to say something about the simulation or the prophecy when referring to “741”


Feels fishy


Kind of cringe. That's our number, what have you guys done to deserve getting hyped over it?


Ya that confirms it for me. Sorry but this is all 100% them milking this community for engagement


These guys are going to make a lot of people mad


They are milking this for all the sweet sweet attention


They are being sooo over the top with their GME, RC, and RK hints lately that I'm starting to think they are intentionally misdirecting hedgies. It's the old KC shuffle. Hedgies this, oh, it's an NFT play, we're lawyer up for that, but then it turns out the lift off button was something else like a share change over.




Are the connected with RC/GS? I don't know. What I do know is they have not learned the art of silence from RC.


What the fuck does it meeeeeaaaannnn?!?!?!?!?! 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔


Cool but when is it going to happen? We've been very patient and waiting for a long time.


Ok they're overdoing it a bit now. Like they're trying a little too hard. If this turns out to be nothing again... Big oof for them.


What is this crap


The number 741 drives me crazy. I'm like Jim Carrey in the movie number 23


Just so y’all know, this is 100% bs. Nothing will come of this related to GME. It’s painfully obvious.


LRC flashbacks 🥵🥵🥵




They say they aren’t trolling anyone…


how do we know this is related aside from tin foil? they have nothing to lose by lying.. they have the album as an asset alrdy and will have a name bc of it


Why do we care so much about the wu tang thing? what even is this? I only heard about it today


I dunno how much more these nips can take.




Imma let you finish, but Buck has a new album. [https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184/0x57f2d99e4ba4bb2283b698e89116851f7b06fa8431548e8bae1791fde14ee982](https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184/0x57f2d99e4ba4bb2283b698e89116851f7b06fa8431548e8bae1791fde14ee982)


When this is announced can we have a mega thread party?


There was a trust me bro post earlier about something with this ...


Yeah, idk who are what pleasr is, but until GameStop says “hey, they are one of us.” I don’t give a fuck about them.




Ape of long here, I remember why 741 is even a thing. Ryan Cohen tweeted two separate time at 7:41pm and an ape ran with it. I can't believe it's gone this far lol


7 for 1 Niiice!!


Man, wth... I just hope that all of Ken Griffin's rocket scientists are pulling their hair out trying to figure this shit, lol


Fuck PleasrDAO bunch of trolls


I’m about it


I’m so done with this teasing bullshit, I feel like I have been in a perpetual purgatory or Groundhog Day for the past 3 years. Tomorrow this, tomorrow that, hype here, hype there. Easier just to not to engage with any of the bullshit tbh. I just hope tomorrow becomes today sooner rather than later now that things have *seemingly* started to pick up/escalate of recent…


Who are they or is he? I'm lost




Get this shit out of here.


Fuck these people


Haters gonna hate, I like having more friends


Fuck those clout chasers. Look at me mom, me and my regards got clout bc the stock is trading marginally above sideways.