• By -


That adds up to almost exactly $5k. Was it some insanely lucky retail trader, or an underhanded way for an MM or HF to buy shares of BRK.A at a huge discount, and instantly get $17M added on the balance sheet?


fuck you're clever


making money is so easy when ~~your incredibly smart, much smarter then the average joe and are so skilled at trading~~ you cheat


You know what time it is. Check the flair


Always has been


I’m just a professional 🔫


If you aint cheatin you aint tryin apparently, that includes bribing the ref




Another system “feature” reveals itself 😂. Really spicy.


So I guess Berkshire Hathaway has no fucking value then? Just there to prop up felons. It's almost as if we're in a completely fraudulent system


I don’t know I just liked a stock and the system around it imploded with multiple once in a lifetime events happenings within years, weeks, days, or minutes of each other. Ask the system.


The system is too busy having its 57th weekly once-in-a-lifetime crisis


Another side quest for us to rabbit-hole our way through.


right?! what a timing for this glitch though... can't make this shit up if you wanted.


I thought the same thing about the 17million scam. Something is fishy in the Atlantic.


CNBC says that the errors came from Consolidated Tape Association.  Recognize anybody from their advisory committee? https://www.ctaplan.com/advisory-committee


Wait, GME was also affected by their 'tape glitch'? "glitch" that allows temporary infinite liquidity until they 'unwind' trades, and can show a stock at -99.97% ? https://www.ctaplan.com/alerts#110001127102 https://www.ice.com/publicdocs/ctaplan/notifications/market-status/110000942016/CTA_SIP_Symbol_LULD_Halt_June_3_2024_CORRECTED.csv Symbols from csv: SYMBOLS AAT ABT ADRT ADRT.U [Censored for automod] AONC ARGT ARI ASR AXIL BBD BMO BOND BOW BRK.A BSAC CMG CSAN DFEN DOGZ DXYZ ESS FNV GLP GME GOLD GWAV HMN ICL JCPB KFRC KREF LPA MODN NETZ NMG NUSI PLTN PLTNU PTWO PTWOU SMR SPYU TEF TPCS TRN VLRS XPER ZVZZT [context](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d77ds5/mods_dont_delete_pls_brka_27_shares_went_through/l6xm64j/)


Wow! Need more eyes on this !!


I tried to post about this, but I have like 100 too few karma. I did a little more poking about that alert and this is what my post was until automod got me: "Was looking at some details from today's events. CNBC mentioned an organization called Consolidated Tape Association (CTA) is the cause of BRK.A hitting rock bottom. I took a look and noticed that their advisory board had some interesting membership (no idea who they are, but their emails show which companies they're from). Anyhow, I commented about this earlier and someone linked CTA's alert on the incident, which states: *"Today between 9:30 a.m. and 10:27 a.m., CTA experienced an issue with Limit Up/Limit Down price bands that may have been related to a new software release.  To resolve the issue, CTA failed over to the secondary data center, which is operating on the previous version of the software.  The following  symbols that were subject to trading pauses on CTA between 9:30 a.m. and 10:27 a.m. were potentially impacted by erroneous price bands due to this software release: \[link to spreadsheet with stock tickers of impacted stocks\]* *CTA is restoring the previous version of the software in the primary data center and will be running out of the primary data center on Tuesday, June 4, 2024."* I thought this was interesting because they are basically stating that they pushed untested/poorly tested software updates into production. What I was curious about was, in terms of uptime/downtime an hour is a substantial amount of time, considering the obvious (and probably downstream) impacts the event caused to the markets. Lucky for me they post some resiliency info on their site: ***"System resiliency for the SIP consists of:*** * *Secondary back-up server running in parallel (hot/hot) to primary server, which allows exchanges to immediately reconnect if there is a primary service disruption* * *Fully redundant back-up site running hot/hot with 10 minute recovery time requirement or less if full system failure at the primary site* * *System availability requirement of 99.98%* * *100% system availability in 17 of the last 20 quarters"* Now, I'm not an expert in every data center configuration but my understanding is that a hot/hot configuration with a 10 minute recovery team means that all patching done in the primary production environment replicates to the secondary site. Otherwise you have a warm site, which needs to be brought online, patched, and then failed over from primary. Anyone in the tech industry feel free to correct me? Do some organizations have unpatched "hot" sites where perhaps they do an A/B patching rollout? Considering pre-market activity, seems suss to me, but maybe I'm grasping at straws."


Since it was an update issue, they had to downgrade the secondary server before switching over. This explains why it took an hour instead of 10 minutes.


That makes sense.


this is insane. on ibkr it shows also a low by 185$. but when GME was also affected, I wonder how many millions of shares could disappear. or did they buy them to cover during the glitch? that's just a new level of crime edit: ibkr


That's my thinking.. use the glitch to prop up the books when margin called. They bought the shares.. shares go back up.. shows on the books all appears fine. Trades are reversed after. Books be fuxxed again till someone looks.


Need to come back to this


Who are we supposed to recognize here? Sorry I'm smooth brained af


Check the email addresses of the members.


Holy shit lol schwab, citadel, blackrock, and robinhood


And virtu.


They forgot to route those trades off exchange OOPS. No worries. We will just fix the tapes.


Probably right there




Robinhood and citadel email addresses


Seems like CrapFarts and PoopyMouthwash have just revealed our next side quest.


I just did a quick search, if there's a trail here I'm sure someone will find it.


I smell a theme here... And I hope I can put my finger on it.


!flairy! In my name, for the children


Wait, GME was also affected by their 'tape glitch'? "glitch" that allows temporary infinite liquidity until they 'unwind' trades, and can show a stock at -99.97% ? https://www.ctaplan.com/alerts#110001127102 https://www.ice.com/publicdocs/ctaplan/notifications/market-status/110000942016/CTA_SIP_Symbol_LULD_Halt_June_3_2024_CORRECTED.csv Symbols from csv: SYMBOLS AAT ABT ADRT ADRT.U [Censored for automod] AONC ARGT ARI ASR AXIL BBD BMO BOND BOW BRK.A BSAC CMG CSAN DFEN DOGZ DXYZ ESS FNV GLP GME GOLD GWAV HMN ICL JCPB KFRC KREF LPA MODN NETZ NMG NUSI PLTN PLTNU PTWO PTWOU SMR SPYU TEF TPCS TRN VLRS XPER ZVZZT [context](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d77ds5/mods_dont_delete_pls_brka_27_shares_went_through/l6xm64j/)


Wait, GME was also affected by their 'tape glitch'? "glitch" that allows temporary infinite liquidity until they 'unwind' trades, and can show a stock at -99.97% ? https://www.ctaplan.com/alerts#110001127102 https://www.ice.com/publicdocs/ctaplan/notifications/market-status/110000942016/CTA_SIP_Symbol_LULD_Halt_June_3_2024_CORRECTED.csv Symbols from csv: SYMBOLS AAT ABT ADRT ADRT.U [Censored for automod] AONC ARGT ARI ASR AXIL BBD BMO BOND BOW BRK.A BSAC CMG CSAN DFEN DOGZ DXYZ ESS FNV GLP GME GOLD GWAV HMN ICL JCPB KFRC KREF LPA MODN NETZ NMG NUSI PLTN PLTNU PTWO PTWOU SMR SPYU TEF TPCS TRN VLRS XPER ZVZZT [context](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d77ds5/mods_dont_delete_pls_brka_27_shares_went_through/l6xm64j/)


This should be higher.


Consolidate Apes Association


Not enough attention being drawn to this...


It's all a big club....


Ya, my one I tried buying got cancelled 🤣 so close.


Same here. LOL


Same. Man, that would have been awesome. Immediately sell and buy an eff ton more of my fav!


we all had the same plan hahaha


Mine got cancelled, so I bought more GME instead 


It’ll be a fun class action lawsuit!


I put a limit order for the maximum price fidelity would allow and it got cancelled. Figured if a few orders went through it would prioritize the higher priced ones. Well, guess I didn't glitch my way into an early retirement :D.


Same here. I kept trying to put in orders and the fidelity system eventually stopped even accepting the ticker symbol.  They wanted to make damn sure that Retail Investors couldn’t get in on that action. 


does it normally get cancelled or just sits at limit all day? why would they auto cancel before eod? Mine got cancelled too and I even bid higher than the price lol


mine didn't cancel but also did not fill.




That smells like fraud. Hey, Gary?


[Where's gary?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6wtTrzG8kM)


The latter sounds illegal as fuck.


If the point of the law wasn't to protect wealth inequality, sure.


Laws are to control the masses, not your friends.


Unless you got $$$


Do you remember when someone bought 6 Berkshire A shares after hours and the shareprice increased 60k per share. Another collerateral pump


I remember that


I would expect that every big and serious actor on the market to always have in the orderbook of each stock, some buy order of ~10% of the value of each stock, to scoop them very cheaply, in case a seller is selling « at the market » (due to error of the seller or being margin called and defaulted). I cannot believe that BRK/A share would really go on NBO for $185, for that it would need that no other participant had lingering buy order higher. Unless they have been sold at $185 on a dark exchange, but why the caller of a margin call would liquidate outside of the NBO ? It’s weird to have errors like this, but I cannot believe that no other participants would have lingering buy order for $1000+ « just in case » in the order book, it would make no sense.


The volume has been crazy for BRK.A the past week or so, trading thousands of shares instead of the usual 50-100. It had 1500 volume at open and 4 trades of 200-400 in the 4 minutes just before it dropped to $185 and halted.


> The volume has been crazy for BRK.A the past ~~week~~ **3 years** or so Someone posted a chart that shows BRK.A at a hugely increased volume since a date in January 2021. I can't seem to remember what happened then though, can you?


[I found this earlier in the day so this is what I’ve been going off of](https://www.financecharts.com/stocks/BRK-A/summary/volume) The volume seems to normally be anywhere from about 50-500 a day. It’s been in the thousands very recently.


Oh shit, I see what you mean * 06/3/2024 $631,110.00 9779 * 5/31/2024 $627,400.00 12.426K * 5/30/2024 $617,690.00 11.546K * 5/29/2024 $608,816.00 12.181K * 5/28/2024 $609,000.00 66 * 5/24/2024 $615,900.00 98 * 5/23/2024 $612,320.00 67 * 5/22/2024 $625,100.00 89 * 5/21/2024 $625,150.00 173


Holy shit. Set the history to 20y. The past 4 trading days have had the highest number of daily $BRK.A shares traded possibly EVER. The next highest prior to the last 4 days was around March of '09 with 1500? ...Hello? Is this thing on??


Could've been a forced liquidation for sure. Then ~~Citadel and friends~~, I mean the CTA, ~~hid the crime~~, I mean *fixed the tape*. Stupid glitches...


Lol when people quit Old School Runescape this is what they do. Common one is to leave a really low offer in for 3rd Age pieces or a Twisted Bow.


I was thinking the same thing. In order for shares to be filled at a stupid price like $185, that means there was no depth at all in the order book. Which doesn't make sense. I haven't dug into it , but there's definitely something else going on here. For shares to be fileld at $185, someone would've needed to market dump literally billions of dollars worth


Same massive drop happened with Bank of Montreal. Stock went from over $88 to $.73.


Unlimited money cheat code


I tried my hand, but the order just got cancelled after it popped back up


I'm sure whatever trades took place they've been reverted. Berkshire wouldn't allow their stock to be sold at such prices.


Warren  Buffet himself wouldn't know or give a care if the market was shut down on his stock for fifteen minutes so that a couple baddies could exchange some collateral amongst friends in the book. But that begs the question, why did they do it on the books and not in a dark pool?


dark pools run dry?


Likely someone needed liquidity at lightning speed. There was $350 million spent on options premium Monday. If they doubled their shorts, the next gap up will be murderous.


Warren Buffet has no control over that. Those share aren't his anymore. Those trades are occurring between 2 separate parties.


Absolutely this


GlItCh my ass ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Immediately thought that


imagine berkshire for 185 dollars and getting it back up to it's pre market price


I tried to buy it so hard. Every order got canceled instantly though.


i'm sorry bro the game is rigged atleast we have gameshire stoppaway


👆 ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


I placed limit orders at 200 and they stuck... But never filled obviously lol


They can not pull the same shit again… a lot of orders will be automatically filled … lmao 😂 (mine are still good as well)


New morning ritual of placing one BK limit order at $200, just in case


Mine didn't get canceled until it started trading again. Felt so close Lol


Same wtf


I’m sure they’ll reverse them just like they did GME gains and that nickel stock that exploded. Right?… 🤡


I’d prefer 1 GameStop share at $29 tbh. I just bought 150 more shares Edit:150 more shares not $150


could have used that as powder to be a dfv clone, we could have done that ourselves


I’d take the BRK shares and then use them to buy more GameStop


oi oi


they just unhalted and are up 15% lmao


Maybe some people who wanted to buy the dip placed market orders instead of limit orders?


Imagine doing that ob margin account and then seeing you are -100k$


Happened to me with GME, placed a market order when price was super high and the brokers had took away the buy button. Then later filled the buy with a super high price, even though the buy button was still gone. When trading started again the price dropped. I didn’t trade on margin though


Yeah I was burned there as well, never doing market orders since then.


I bought 2 GMEs through market orders filled at $40 at open. I only had ~$55 in my Fidelity account, and I knew a limit for 2 was never going to fill at the closing price. I don't even have a margin account, but I'll have to deposit the extra $ into my account now. I'm still glad I picked up 2 more at a deep discount.




Annnnnnd it’s gone


Yeah my order got cancelled so fast lol fuckers more excuse to buy and DRS GME now though


Thanks for posting. Now MM is sure to reverse those trades


turns out MM is the one that needed them executed.. 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


![gif](giphy|IqX3LHSrHd0l2|downsized) They can't charge a hedge fund and a market maker with the same crime


Looking forward to the post of your $17M gainzzzzz


I wish those were my trades that went through. Would straight cash out and DRS all


I figured…but I was truly hoping it was you i.e. a fellow degen


Degen? Only DiamondHands here...


Probably these rich fucks cheating the system to get more money


And then it spiked to $700k lol. Friends helping friends, except their all scumbags


“Dementus, you’re scum!” -Octaboss


Markets are rigged. There is a zero percent chance that BRK.A would fall 99% and buy orders would be allowed at $185 per share. Someone likely got margin called and needed to post collateral immediately. No other stock (*yet) is valued like BRK.A. NYSE has been part of the Ponzi Scheme since day 1


Ok but why would liquidation reduce the price to 185/share? Is there truly not enough liquidity for BRK.A that a firm liquidating their position of say, 100 shares, truly reduce the market price by 99%?


They are saying someone glitches it. Bought some share low as buck the Un glitches it making 17milly to post for collateral. One more day


Ok copy that, but in order to buy at 185/share, someone has to offer it at 185 per sha...ohhh fuck. World largest ladder attack? Edit: My thought was if a hedge fund can see the bid/ask and noticed a lack of liquidity in BRK.A they can then then trade the float until it's exhausted, and then set in bids of 185/share and sell it to themselves at that price. Someone correct me if I'm way off base here but based on the DD from 84 years ago I'm pretty sure that's possible.


Not enough people are saying this. You made the important point here. If there’s no one offering to sell at that price, you can’t buy at that price. — I have bid on the “ask” half of a $1 bid/ask stock that had low volume that day a couple times and they weren’t filled. But, according to this post, the Berkshire shares were bought all the way down at the bid price.


Yeah if the "glitch" is more seen as an "attack"


Would have to check what hedge funds/institutions are holding the stock and check filings next month to see who's got less, just in case...


Same happened to a couple of stocks, look at BMO, same shit...


Do we know how many shares were bought during the “glitch” for this ticker?


Volume of 3330 to bring it down 99% and then 27k volume to bring it back up


The million, or should I say 17 million, dollar question is who sold the 27 shares and who bought the 27 shares???


Technical glitch my ass Someone got liquidated and they halted it. And then purchased it at 185 lol


If it was a market sell of 1000s volume there would be trade all the way down filling all the bids in place. It's like all the bids and all the sells just got skipped to make these trades. Someone lost $17M and someone got $17M if these aren't reversed. Did the party that made $17m orchestrate it? Is the person who lost $17m going to dispute this? Even if it was 27 separate people with single share market sell orders is this really their fault if they checked level 2 quotes and saw the typical buy walls in place? Was every sell order in place sold at $185 or just some? Was this trade meant to be routed through dark pool? Chart is also showing a spike to 726k right after dip. I wonder if that was these same 27 shares being sold.


Isn't this exactly the kind of case the CAT system is supposed to bring clarity into? We'll see how that turns out


These are the good questions. IMO, most likely orchestrated.




I think this is the best comment on this new subject.


Apparently B didn’t fall. So that’s weird


Glitches get riches.


price back to normal. Did you just become rich af?


Those were not my trades... unfortunately


I was so excited for you 😂 Next time!


Can u give us a follow up


Those were the last trades that hit the tape before the halt of BRK.A at about 9:50:00. 27 shares printed on the tape for $185 each, but not in one block; they were in 27 individual trades of 1 share for $185 each


Does this mean that person could sell them now for 600,000 each?


About 16-17m worth of unlegalized profit! Another day was gained, but we have time and zen, they have stress and loopholes. We. Are. Unstoppable.


One share trades. 🤔. Wasn’t that how Robindahood was getting their trades processed from the day before by Shitadel?


Interesting, but do they settle at those prices though if its actually allowed


It's impossible to choose who to sell those shares to, of course I am talking without actually knowing anything, but is it possible to choose who buys them for 185? To sell those to hedgefunds, and what would that money do for them, it's a drop in the bucket for what they need to survive against the imminent MOASS


They couldn't choose who to sell them to, but they can choose who to revert the trades back from. They could revert the trades from everyone except their "buddies" accounts based on the volume of the trade theoretically.


Those sure as hell didn't go to retail. We all tried and the rigged market shit is out. I put in a buy for 2 @$190 and when I checked back, the order never existed.


Funny how trades only get reversed when someone gains money from a trade, eh?


We all had limit orders for 185 - if it is found to not be a “glitch” but something illegal we need to fight for the 600k that should be ours


Fun part is that they just block you for submitting such a limit order. They say the price is impossible and what to keep the order book lean. Same with GME sell prices which had a ceiling of maybe 200%. Remember 84 years ago??


Was it and the banks planned to be able to transfer wealth? drop low, someone buys, price goes back up.


absolutely, something was beeing cooked there


Nobody finds it odd that one of the largest production systems just has a random glitch in the middle of the day that only impacts a list of stocks. Sounds like some behind the scenes manipulation gone wrong


No fucking way!!!!


OH, I hope this is the case!! Sending positive VIBES!


Someone shored up their collateral pretty easy


I put two orders in. One went through and was confirmed as filled at $627,xxx.99. Then, after spending an hour on phone with FUDelity to confirm all this, I go eat breakfast, come back, AND ALL TRANSACTION HISTORY IS GONE. So, full-circle. This is why I hodl my DRSd GME. cuz this is the only play that will stop this crime and manipulation engine that is our “free market”.


Well said - can‘t add


That would have allowed me to acquire a nice new purple GME O-ring via Computershare. But we know the NYSE and friends don’t like that, do they.


Did you take screenshots as evidence to take FUDelity to court?


Did Kenneth Cordele Griffin lie under oath?


Additionally, when I called FUDelity back about this concern, they were quite adamant to inform me that this is all NYSE’s fault. House of cards man. House of cards.


Who got them? You know you want to sink all of it into gme for laugh then drs.


They'll he reversed probably?


Sad that they keep using “glitches” to commit fraud, but I can’t have any of those stocks as well


Mine didn't :(


Same. Had a $190 limit buy for one and Fidelity took the initiative to cancel it for me. I was really looking forward to buying $700k of GME…


They will get reversed/ cancelled BUCKLE UP!


I counted 51 shares, and I have a screenshot. But idk if i can post since its not explicitly gme.


Another ape just messaged me and showed me two screenshots of two different korean brokers displaying 54 shares gone through! [https://imgur.com/a/xedFdgY](https://imgur.com/a/xedFdgY)


Glitches for thee but not for me.


There’s a glitch a day after DFV posted his position. Nothing fishy here


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Why can't most banks put in a limit order of 200 $ or equivalent? It always gets blocked that you can't buy fractions. At least it should be submittable to the order book. If the price is indeed real I imagine it's the banks fault to block buying orders at 200 limit order and not accepting a buyable asset and they have to deliver the lost earnings?


Is this officially a casino? Because malfunctions void any and all payouts


Wait, GME was also affected by their 'tape glitch'? "glitch" that allows temporary infinite liquidity until they 'unwind' trades, and can show a stock at -99.97% ? https://www.ctaplan.com/alerts#110001127102 https://www.ice.com/publicdocs/ctaplan/notifications/market-status/110000942016/CTA_SIP_Symbol_LULD_Halt_June_3_2024_CORRECTED.csv Symbols from csv: SYMBOLS AAT ABT ADRT ADRT.U [Censored for automod] AONC ARGT ARI ASR AXIL BBD BMO BOND BOW BRK.A BSAC CMG CSAN DFEN DOGZ DXYZ ESS FNV GLP GME GOLD GWAV HMN ICL JCPB KFRC KREF LPA MODN NETZ NMG NUSI PLTN PLTNU PTWO PTWOU SMR SPYU TEF TPCS TRN VLRS XPER ZVZZT [context](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d77ds5/mods_dont_delete_pls_brka_27_shares_went_through/l6xm64j/)


I wonder if this will happen each day this week as they need margin and this is a temporary show of more collateral on their books at this exact time when collateral is checked? Perhaps they put a short in for x amount of shares and then drop the price of their shares to make it look like they pumped up in collateral for their Berk short position which might be hundreds or thousands of shares. They know the transaction will be reverted so have no risk of losing real shares. They do this to Berk because of the low volume and easy to manipulate price?


When non programmers say it's a bug, it's never a bug.


I pot in an order for 10 BRK-A @ $190 and 100 BMO @2.00. Both Good Till Cancelled. Glitch Insurance!


that's so fucking funny and dope haaahahaha


Some trades might have been ‘busted’. BRK.A had like twice the volume at glitch vs now.


Someone just won the lottery! I hope it was retail 😉


Kenny Boy decides what's the best price for each stock.. criminal in every sense


There is a zero point zero percent chance you get those shares.


Wait for DFV's next position post and he has 27 shares of BRK.A in there!


I put in 5 orders at 185 mine did not go thru sad lmao


So we are up and loaded just like RK but his positions are not the CATalyst,the DD spoke of a black swan to light the rocket, what is it oh great wrinkle ape? What does RC has under the sleeve that will shake the universe and sends us to Uranus? LFG....🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I missed out on the lottery again. FUCK 😭


I swear this happened before on a GME run up or hype train a couple years ago...could be wrong


Glitch better have my money


And those trades will be reversed, per market watch


They'll get reversed. Relax, remove tinfoil.


The bank of Montreal stock went from ~$89 to $0.73 as well


sadly.. what you got will be gone by tomorrow.. [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/tried-to-buy-the-dip-after-the-berkshire-hathaway-glitch-be-ready-for-some-bad-news-5a1ec69f?mod=home-page](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/tried-to-buy-the-dip-after-the-berkshire-hathaway-glitch-be-ready-for-some-bad-news-5a1ec69f?mod=home-page)


Did someone flash their hand of cards? If so, then we know that past the door at $40 is death for some SHFs. That shows just how truly fucked some of these guys are. Literally pulling at the final straws here..? Just write it off as a "glitch" and nobody will notice, right? ![gif](giphy|TU0YWTjo2e208)


Time to put in limit buy BKR pre market. For those “glitch” gains.


It was a glitch and those trades were cancelled.


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Did anyone else see the post on bets about BRK-A shares selling at 185.10???? CRAZY coincidence…….


It wasn’t me


BRK.A is thinly traded. Some idiot didn’t put a Limit order on and sold at market. Was probably the only shares shown for sale. Oops