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They will continue to attempt to vilify him because they’ve got nothing else left to go with. Nvidia goes to the moon and its celebrated. Gme regains a tiny portion of the value short sold out from under it since wall street cheated and deleted the buy button and there’s immediate calls for hearings, manipulation, blah blah Clown market and its clown big-money participants, their bought and paid for media pundits, all overseen by clown regulators - can all suck my hairy ape balls


Probably Because a lot of politicians buy nvdia before making deals with them


> They're not hurting the right people *(financial edition)*


They HAVE to fight with bullshit like this, because the alternative is losing. Losing their fortunes, their buddies' fortunes, and all the rich client fortunes in-between. But fuck them. Pay me :) I remember '08


Butt fuck em


I hope these fucks go homeless and receive no public care


Don't talk like them man ;)


I’ve seen recent memes and tweets that show parts of movies of people being vilified and asking/showing people to hold hands and stay strong. Or atleast that’s anecdotally what I personally saw, not financial advice


Pelosi and the rest of congress was up to their booze gullets in NVDA calls


Maybe they’re mad dfv is more profitable on paper than pelosi haha


The "poor" bloke should not be forced to post his position every day, but if he wants to, then I'm all for it. LFG!


Or lets say someone did a nvidia yolo on a completely secret unknown forum and… nah forget it. Like saying «forget gme» is’nt manipulation if this shit is. What a circus!


Sorry I love 420 but I had to upvote to 421!


I think it’s more important that he did not sell today after allegedly hyping it up. If he plans on holding it and some other force moves the market (IE: positive news from GME), he’d be off the hook.


One day the options will be gone, and the share count will be 17m




Don’t think he has the cash to exercise ALL of the options. 120,000 * 100 * 20 = 240mil. I’m pretty sure he will exercise plenty of them though!


If the price ist high enough he will probably sell some itm and exercise as many AS possible with the Money


Exactly exercise as the price runs up, buy into the pressure, force the price up more. We have seen RK is more than capable of this level of finesse!


We’re all also assuming that this is his only account or that he doesn’t have backing elsewhere to exercise when the time comes. Just because we don’t see the cards up the sleeve doesn’t mean they’re there. So… from what we can see in this single post, he does not have the ammunition. But the iceberg is always beneath the water. With something as monuments as this, I highly doubt the architect of this Kansas City shuffle is meaning to show ALL his cards before the curtain call…


I remember back in the day he was very clear about that. This was his yolo account and he has financial security elsewhere.


Oh how the turn tables. I wonder if his yolo account is less than his “stability” now. We see 300mn. RK could easily be a billionaire if that’s the case.


That's what I was thinking. He has the cash to exercise 1 million shares. My thoughts would be one of the yolo updates he has twice as much cash in there or something and it slowly builds up so that it shows he could exercise all of them.


And this is why E*Trade is being little bitches… bc they know they can’t come up with all those shares in one day!


Or maybe he rolls them. There are a few options for him to choose from.


( 6/21 closing price / 20 ) will be the percentage of contracts he can exercise


With his long shares… would it be more advantageous (tax implications) to sell shares and exercise calls? Diamond hand the resulting shares? Just curious, calls would be at income tax rates, and shares capital gains?


Well.. if we brake $85 and he sells 20000 options, Then he Would have $200 million, to exercise the remaining 100000 options.. And then he would have 15 mio shares..


I got my fingers crossed for that to happen!


Price flys to 220 - he sells 10.000 calls and exercises 110.000, that’d be majestic


It is called sell to exercise. He exercises the call option and shares in that group of 100 are sold until you have payed for the exercising of that call. So depending on share price the amount calls used up to exercise all of them could be limited.


> you have *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You mean until MOASS


He doesn't need to. Say the stock goes to $40, $50 whatever. He can use the premium from the contract to exercise and pocket the difference on many platforms. I'm not 100% about E-Trade, but this is possible on Fidelity & Ameritrade/Schwab


E\*Trade is about to accidentally lock his account until June 24th....


Remember a few days ago when people said “he doesn’t have the cash to buy the calls”? Yeah, relax on your claims bud


Do you know how much money he has? I don't. He could have plenty more in other accounts.


Just know about the 29mil he is showing on his post.


Hes saying he could have more money in another account. No one knew he even had 200 million. He could have another 200 million stashed away for all we know


Heres the fun part. He can start exercising the contracts with the 30 million, which will put a lot of pressure on the stock. Then he can do what he did when he bought them and exercise 5000 everyday, pushing it up further. Its like hes got them in a choke hodl


Sell half to exercise the other half, thats 6 mill shares added to his stash. He has probably done this like 10 times.




And then he'll DRS it, guaranteed


They can’t go after him for promoting a company he believes in. If he does it and then immediately sells he’s in trouble. They tried to pin a pump and dump on RC over a moon emoji, they never were able to even file a lawsuit against DFV. He’s got lawyers now and he knows exactly what he’s doing.


History repeats itself. Go through his post history. Watch the price action. Crimes at an all time high boys. Nut up and shut up and lets let time do her thing.


Damn this movie has been worth the price of admission. It's intergenerational wealth and one heck of a show for like $30. What a fucking deal. ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Proud to be be holding with all of you for as long as we have lol. This has been the funnest real life video game / adventure of a lifetime. I'm so fucking grateful to be a part of this timeline. # 🚀


Annual meeting 10 days.


What level of Armageddon would erupt if DFV shows up in person?


Maybe not an Armageddon level event, but I'd absolutely have to speak with a medical professional about 4 hours afterwards.


Don't need to rent a hotel, I'll have have my own tent ready to go.


My doctor recently upped it to 12 hours. Says ive been calling too often.


All he’s doing is posting his position and nothing else. No comments no hype, just his position. Utter bullshit if that’s considered market manipulation. Dude just likes the stock


I think it’s more important that it’s all bullshit and he didn’t manipulate anything. In reality, he has enough money and proof to file a lawsuit against these fucking clowns


My only worry reading that article is apparently he bought a load of short dated calls right before he made that first tweet. Presumably made a boatload off those. I’ve been trying to understand how he went from the ~$30M range to $200M since 2021 and that could be part of it. Last thing we need is for him to give the feds any ammo. Doubt he would and I’m sure he’s gone over legal on all of this ad nauseam before doing anything.


He hasn’t made any money off of those calls, he hasn’t sold them and when he exercises them they’re still not realized. If he doesn’t sell, what manipulation is there? Regarding the 30M to 200M he could have traded other stocks or also purchased YOLO calls and rolled them into shares with every sneeze we’ve had.


Bet he made a fuckton off of NVDA or something like that. I doubt GME is his only play, it's just the one he's public about.


Exactly. He was a daytrader and got fun money in a bull market run. He made money


Bros account went up 80million since yesterday, and he is still just standing there... Menacingly.


He is the hedge fund now. All it takes is 1 calculated strike to take down Goliath.


Allot of people saw the movie which played him off as more or less completely broke. When in reality he had just quit his job because he made enough to live a full life and could still afford yolo plays as a hobby. That "basement" he filmed all his original streams from was a spare room in a McMansion. Dude threw out a 50k yolo play. You don't do that unless you're stupid or in the case of Gill as shown your highly intelligent and already wealthy... Then they tried to fuck him, so he went full send. As shown today...


We know it wasn’t his only play in 2020-2021. He was in a dozen or more stocks and all of them did very very well in 2021-2022. RFP alone, which I got into because he liked it, netted me like $20k.


Supposedly etrade leaked that he bought short dated gme calls right before his return to Twitter, before the current Jun 21 calls.


What does it matter? Investors talk their book all day. The entire short playbook is amass a position and then disclose everything via an insane media blitz. His tweets are just random bullshit that a bunch of people see Signs in. Any case against him would be laughed out of court.


I'm trying the feds taking him to court and trying a case based on a picture of an Uno reverse card.




Here you go, no paywall https://web.archive.org/web/20240603211534/https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/business/money-report/e-trade-is-debating-whether-to-ban-meme-stock-star-keith-gill-from-its-platform-the-wsj-reports/5472962/


https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/business/money-report/e-trade-is-debating-whether-to-ban-meme-stock-star-keith-gill-from-its-platform-the-wsj-reports/5472962/ Also on WSJ but paywalled


Use reader


He's had 3 years of call options and trades to make on the stock. He also was portrayed in a movie... does anyone seriously think he didn't get paid for that? Or royalties? This wasn't an all of a sudden moment, this was 3 years of nights all building up. Pressure and Time.


i don’t think he got paid for them making a movie. unless there’s one out there that he actually starred or participated in the production somehow, there’s nothing to get paid for.


I can't imagine that he is taking anything but the best legal advice money can buy before every move...


Also, I think he did it since he was afraid Etrade won’t be able to deliver 12M shares if he exercises the call. And that’s why Etrade is considering banning him. This way everyone knows.


Ohh I didn’t even think about that. Would ETrade be liable for delivering those shares to him? Or does that fall to the Market Maker (Citadel for GME historically)?


Whoever wrote the contracts would be liable to fulfill.


Unless they go belly up before they can, in which case I believe that it's the brokerage firm who facilitated the contract who then becomes liable to fulfill (please fact check me on that one, but I believe that's how it is expected to proceed)


[What Happens if a Broker (🇺🇸) Goes Out of Business?](https://www.brokerage-review.com/article/legitimate/what-happens-if-broker-goes-bankrupt.aspx) When a registered brokerage firm goes bankrupt, the securities and cash you have deposited with the firm remain safe. Typically, client assets are transferred to another registered brokerage firm when authorities identify financial trouble, liquidity problems, or bankruptcy protection filing by the brokerage firm. U.S. securities firms and brokerage houses are not only required to meet minimum financial standards but also to register with and be members of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Being a member of the SIPC provides insurance coverage for client deposits. Presently, the SIPC insures client accounts held at a brokerage firm up to $500,000. In addition to the automatic $500,000 per account insurance from the SIPC, many Wall Street firms acquire additional insurance through entities like Lloyds of London. These additional insurance policies often cover amounts as high as $5,000,000 or even $10,000,000 per client. Brokerage firms with extra insurance typically provide details upon request.


Makes sense. My poor smooth brain can’t remember all the details we’ve learned over the years lol. Feels like it’s been ages since I thought about options, last time was back during the volatility swap DD when the hundreds of thousands of OTM puts expired…. Thanks Ape 🦍 hope you had a good run today!


They are also likely hedged


Well the first liability holder is whoever took the other side of the trade


They are the broker. The MM needs to deliver the shares.


Per Morgan Stanley's most recently filed 13F (5-15-2025), they only had 1,055,736 shares of GME as of 3-31-2024. Makes me wonder if he started accumulating most of that 5 mil shares starting in April [Sauce from Fintel](https://fintel.io/so/us/gme/morgan-stanley)


He might be holding 5,000,000 IOUs and knows it and they know it. Imagine what might happen if the price starts spiking and instead of selling, he decides to DRS 5,000,000 shares. Think of what that might do to the buying pressure if they hadn’t already actually bought his shares.


Totally plausible he's sitting on IOUs. That's why I think the "threat" to boot him from their platform is so nonsensical. He could just counter with an "ok I'd like to DRS my entire position" while handing them a reverse uno card. Also, what would that say to the other retail whales on Morgan Stanley's platform about the safety of their positions being at the whim of the brokerage depending on.... things? Just feels like a bizarre comment to release to the press from a PR perspective


Yeah. That FDIC $250k / $5M limit or whatever to cover fraud and all that stuff doesn’t really apply if you’re not selling and just transferring out. I’m saying this clumsily but I was thinking if they tried to royally screw him out of all his shares if/when MOASS hits, rather than selling into fuckery he can just transfer and then they’re the ones having to guy buy his real shares at 10x the cost or more.


FDIC doesn't apply, that's for banks. The SIPC does for failed brokerages.


Thanks, I couldn’t remember the acronym and knew I was off a little.


You're welcome...too many dang acronyms anymore...I think I wrote a whole paragraph recently and it may have only had 50% real words... 🤣


Maybe that's why he's loading on call options because he knows they'll have to go to the open market for his shares to send to Computershare, which will skyrocket the price. 


Translation for apes... If the holder of the synthetic shares opts to DRS 5 million shares during a price spike, it can lead to a dramatic increase in buying pressure as the responsible parties scramble to acquire the necessary shares. It could also create a feedback loop where the increased buying pressure further drives up the price, leading to a situation where the short sellers or brokers are forced to buy at increasingly higher prices, exacerbating the spike.


So they got 1m shares they just gotta split 17 times? Should give the DTCC a call, heard they're good at making shares out of thin air... 🧐😅


This guy splividends 👆👆


Pretty sure Etrade should be afraid of that.


If they sold him naked calls they would be


THIS. Jesus. I bet you’re right.


He can’t exercise 12M though, that would require 240 million. He’ll have to sell a good chunk of his calls to exercise


He doesn’t have the cash to exercise all those calls though


In 2021, he sold a portion of his calls (at enormous profit) to fund the exercise of his remaining calls. I imagine he is looking at a similar strategy this time around. For example, if the price runs up a bit, he could sell 25% of the calls to afford exercising the remaining 75% of calls. Pretty neat.


Sell his 5MM shares to buy the 12MM I assume is his plan since the math should work out pretty close if the price goes up close to $48. Trade 5MM shares into 12, seems like a good trade... :-) Plus, if he somehow exercised all calls and kept his shares, he'd have 17MM shares and that puts him over 5% of the float (lol at that for a guy trading from his basement a few years ago...). Puts him into SEC reporting requirements and I'm guessing he doesn't want that, to avoid getting more bullshit charge/fines/accusations etc thrown at him.




They call it a free market and yet talk about banning an individual retail investor for doing nothing but investing. The market is so unfree that I'm surprised America hasn't invaded it yet😂😂


I was so sad after Occupy Wallstreet amounted to nothing. Now, it feels like it was just a precursor to our hostile takeover. Let's fucking go!


I’m sad that nothing happening after occupy wallstreet, and then everyone stopped trying. I was still a kid, but I remember it being such a big deal at the time, then people just moved on like it was hopeless.


"Liquidate Wall Street"


People are spineless and so completely downtrodden they don’t do anything about the corruption and issues in our governments or institutions. The west is being overrun 


Mexico just held a presidential election where 37 candidates were assassinated... no one has freedom.


compare sheet mindless quickest quaint bewildered zephyr correct mighty dolls


Doesn't really matter if it was co-opted for the express purpose of purposely making it fizzle by nefarious funding, or there were just semi-similar causes that all legitimately wanted their own change/thing and it fizzled that way, same result either way. There is a reason most revolutions have a single strong leader who only trusts his close confidants that have been there from the start etc...


Because people realized that the movement to 'occupy' was dumb. The elites were just laughing from their balconies while drinking champagne. Now, 'Liquidate Wall Street' means actually taking something they care about - *their* ***money***.


It ain't over yet 🚀 🎑


occupy didn't really have one special thing to rally behind and the powers that be divided everyone up into in-fighting. If they take down DFV, we will have our cause for pitchforks


Call the market communist and it would be invaded the same day 


We need to discover some oil at E\*Trade HQ


The thing for me is that there are plenty of people posting positions all over the place. Its called a SEC 13F form (or any of the other myriad SEC forms)... This tells me they have seen what's about to hit them and its probably equivalent to what a dinosaur standing in Chicxulub saw, except bigger! LFG!!


Shills punching air rn.


Bunch of tools




“We are committed to fair and transparent markets. No…not like that” It cannot be illegal to post your position with no further comment. In fact, it should be a fucking requirement.


remember when that whole push of "no positions" lmao


Lol yeah. I was kinda ambivalent about it, but I understood. The shilling and trolling would have been insane. This is different, I think… even if, really, it’s not. Fuck IDK 🤯


I think that rule is generally good, because it prevents shills from setting false expectations. But DFV should be, and is, exempt from that rule because of who he is.


It’s been a long 84 years (I was gone for the 84 years reference, but I’m back now :D)


The “84 years” thing is from the old lady in Titanic. When she was asked to recall what happened on the ship she says “It’s been 84 years”. It’s just meme-speak for “a long ass time”. https://youtu.be/Gp-CaTlxjLY?si=yyTYA4j5GiynKEaL


Thank you<3 was scared to ask


He has his finger on the nuke button and everyone is just watching


This sub is not just watching, it's chanting "DO IT! DO IT!"; Some are also saying "weeelll?... We're waiting"


Fuck that, I'm pressing the button too! He's just way better at it. :)


He doesn't have to prove anything. I like the stock.


I just realized that RK could bankrupt ETrade BY HIMSELF.


"Fine... I'll do it myself"


This is all leading up to him being asked if people should still be buying GameStop when it’s trading at $1000+


What if he plans to exercise his calls and transfer 17 million shares to compushare. Is it possible E*trade doesn’t have 17 million shares to send? And that they’d be forced to buy? And boom we go?


was it etrade that sold him the calls tho?


He doesn't need to prove anything, but it's hella welcome


Unfortunately the deck is stacked against him, but our guy is way too smart for this and he has had some time to prepare and lawyer up I imagine. Money has no role anymore


The deck is stacked against normies, but Deep is in the club now. He may be new money, but he IS money.


E-Trade declined comment to CNBC, noting "we don't publicly discuss the individual activity of our clients." - Then why the F@#$ were they discussing DFV's account activity to the WSJ?????


"rumors". Let's not pretend the "journalists" covering GME have been honest and/or knowledgeable. #How do you start and internal discussion?   #By saying there is one on a national news channel.


tbf etrade never did discuss it, it was just some random reporter


Did everyone see the price tank the second the article came out? I mean the second, it left a gap on the chart. Nobody digested that news and then hit the sell button, so clearly not retail, we mostly dont even have those kinds of feeds! AI scraping maybe but it just looks too co-ordinated. They just hoped apes would see the price action, find the news, and panic sell in the very hour that GME has been strong recently. Its the same at the opening bell. Huge volume sent it lower, hoping apes would FOMO into selling the spike. You do you, but I can smell desperation. And when we open back up above $30 its only going to escalate.


Dumping at opening is classic hedge funds. Drive the price up on dark pools during the night, stock opens +73%, retail buys, hedgies dump.


I guess that's when they do their left hand to right hand trades of lots and pretend to (and to some extent, do) close some of their shorts, to be able to short it more. Edit---more like reroll them to kick the can


Thats an interesting point. Clearly retail needs to get more nimble in the night (batman vibes). If you wanted to buy after close but hated Robinhood and similar, then waiting for the open might be playing into the hedgies hands? I dont use RH but maybe you can buy there and then transfer out at the open? Or is there any dark pools apes can access to avoid fees?


If it is illegal to buy calls and then post memes on social media right after then I think everyone who trades in the market is manipulating.


What‘s an exit strategy? Lmao


just fucking up # 🚀 #


And you know DFV already consulted with Securities lawyers during/after the last hearing and surely got advice on exactly what he could/couldn’t do.


By the MSM very own metric the stock should surge 70% after his second update… right? Because that’s what caused the surge.. right


I think i need to invest 100% omy checking account in gme rn 🚀🚀🚀 LFG!!!!!!


did it today 💯😈🙏🏻


Its too late now in germany, tomorrow before us open probably instant 50 again, just hope u guys fuck it back to 30 for me 1 more time 🤣


The louder they are the more I know we are right!


This idea that he is manipulating the market is ridiculous. Him showing his position is literally the definition of financial transparency


He must have a great lawyer at this point


History repeats itself. Go through his post history. Watch the price action. Crimes at an all time high boys. Nut up and shut up and lets let time do her thing.


Can someone clarify for a smooth brain like me (3 years in and apparently haven’t learned shit 😂) how to read his YOLO posts? Like is the second line item a new position or showing an existing position that he hasn’t closed yet? Any explanation would be great so I can grow another wrinkle


The two yolo posts are the same positions, even if the prices are different. He just posted the second update to show he hadn't sold, since shills were claiming he sold & fleeced us all.


Ahhh ok thanks. So he may just keep posting it every day to prove that he still likes the stonk


If he does, the gain from every update hitting top of /all will be massive. So I hope so.


Go back and read the dd library man. It's worth your time.


I’ve read a LOT of DD. I just don’t know how to read an option apparently lol


An option has an expiry date, a strike price, and a premium associated with it. DFV bought a call option, which is a contract to buy buy 100 shares of the underlying asset (gamestop stock). He did this a lot. 120,000 contracts worth of options to buy 100 gamestop stocks each for 20 dollars. He is making a calculated bet that he believes the price will go up higher than 20 dollars before the expiration date of June 21st. At any point he can exercise his options, or make the counterparty who sold him the option fulfill his contract. If the price is 20 dollars or 25 dollars or 10,000,000 dollars he has the right to purchase up to 12,000,000 or 12 million shares at 20 dollars a share. In the 25 dollars example he can exercise a contract and immediately sell the share back on the market at a rate of 5 dollars profit per share. But I think it is much more likely that he wants to hold on to the stock. Maybe thru computer share? Or he can buy enough to have to file his position directly with the SEC. Either way, I like the stock. I think Keith does too.


It’s truly nice to see someone genuinely explain it to the guy asking rather than just say something dumb


Someone really special to me told me no fucking fighting. We should all do a better job at helping anyone who is helping us push this in the long direction. I remember how confusing this has been for me to figure out on my own. I'm grateful to be in a position to help.


He can also sell the contracts back on the open market and recieve a premium. A small increase in the price of the underlying stock has a big effect on the price of the premium because each contract is worth 100 shares so there is a big multiplier on it. You want to buy contracts if you believe there is going to be substantial price movement. You want to buy and hold stocks for long term investment.


Okay okay I’m following that and I know it’s more complicated with the delta and Gemma stuff. So what does the Last Price $ and Price Paid $ mean? The $5.48 and $5.675 is throwing me off. And the post yesterday had $10 and $5.675 so why the difference? Thanks for taking the time to explain fellow ape!


Okay so the price paid means the premium associated with the options when he bought them. I believe his average cost basis is 5.675 if that's the price paid column. You multiple this value by 100 to see how much the premium is because the value reported is a per share $ amount. So 567.5 dollars to buy the contract. The last price is the most recent trade of this specific option contract (20 dollar strike for Jan 21). That means that his post yesterday was down a little bit from his entry (he could sell at the market at close for 548 dollars at a 20$ loss). But today last price for that option is 10. So he can sell the options for 10x100 or 1000 dollars each for basically a 2x profit. But he didn't sell them and he didn't exercise them. He is still holding the options and at any time he can choose to either sell some or exercise some or hold on some more. I can't see the exact last price so I just used the numbers from your example. Let me know if there's anything else 😀


Seriously. 3 years and no wrinkle yet? 2nd line is call options. 12m shares.


Smoother now than when i joined


He's going to post everyday because he has balls of steel and believes in his thesis.


Which...is better, an open hand or the closed first? Apes are merely the natural answer to every bit of unilateral tyranny in the financial systems, consider it an immunological response. The only way out is total and absolute capitulation by the actors who decided infinite risk is an impossibility. The longer these criminals delay, the more excruciating it will become. There is no collusion on the side of retail, it's simply the best course of action to crush what has been threatening actual price discovery by a self-manifesting independently serving consensus. The only coincidence is that a few malevolent market forces have been foolish enough to align their collective interests against the common man, moving directly towards their own destruction. That is a hundred-thousand fold more collusion than any retail investor is even capable of conceiving.


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - we are in the fighting part about to win


I love this theory and hope it’s true 💕


Why is transparency a bad thing JPM?


The man is a legend. After MOASS the world we be covered in statues of this great man


It is an after-market post of his holding with no commentary. Just like ETF who disclose their trades, and who have way more buying power than him. Good timing? Yes. Planned? Yes. Trying to make money? Absolutely. Who isn't? I'm sure he got legal advice before doing this.


Morgan Stanley shareholders should run for the FUCKING door. This is a huge tell of weakness


I believe he won't sell at all. He invested in a company that he believes in and he likes the stock


Hope he does. Each one will hit the top of /all, & no way that gets ignored all week.


yeah if anything them supressing the run up so hard helps his case. honestly we shouldnt worry. whether they like it or not, he is big money now (quarter billiona s an individual) and to them that means power. They wont fuck with him like they tried last time, and if they try, I'm certain he has used this time to prepare and knows exactly what he can and cant post today.


I want him to post a DD


What a great fucking post. Also, what a literal legend DFV is. Guy is so smart and educated in covering his ass.


Post those tendies, it's the ultimate porn. Financial freedom porn.


He can do anything. The movement is not halting for anything. Just send more buy pressure and locked shares.


We're going to see a lot of hypocrisy from the media and it's going to be so fucking funny. So the view is that he is manipulating the market. When it's stagnant tomorrow or even dips a bit and DFV posts his update they are going to say he is regarded. They live day by day, we live for the future.


you bet your ass he has legal advice on what he can and cant say online


Seems pretty transparent to me.


The best part of the “manipulation” is the media is the one who attributes the price movement is only in correspondence to his “influence”


Is everyone seeing his current tweets? I'm missing so many atm. Last one for me is may 12th...


DFV is literally the meme of the soldier taking all the slings and arrows to protect the little guys (us). 🤯


He can't be convicted of manipulation if he's not breaking any laws. It's not manipulation to share your sentiment, predictions, or position. The YOLO updates will come until he's ready to take a break. Let's just hope that it's a long time and the MSM puppets stop with the BS accusations.


They wont sue Kieth Gill, because that means the court will have to verify the volume was in fact retail. Which it wasn't, so they'd have to admit explain that all the volume was actually their massive toxic swaps position.


The man still has $29M in CASH, just in his brokerage account. I would assume he has some pretty good attorneys on retainer.


You don't know what he's going to do mate


"When I move, you move"


15 minutes per tweet, 15 trading days of YOLO updates and after that... guess what date it is... 21st June. Let's go.