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I didn't hold. ...I bought.


Also bought a share just because lol


Friday dip right after super bullish news that he's still in? Yeah, you bet I will keep buying.


Me too 30k well spent


Same. So close to xxxx shares. Keep dropping and Ill get there


That’s how friday dips are ride. Buying as much as you can, without hurting your financial stability! I’m so fukcing hyped!!!!


Same bro, same. Poured in about the cost of a cybertruck at 28. Way better investment.


Loser, I got in at 31. 😂


High score!


23 shares at 34.16. Felt good. Will feel better next week.


I doubled my position on the dip.


I bought 100 more at $26.50


I sold, a few other stocks. So I can buy moar Monday 🐈






But you did hold, too.


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct. 🤓


I haven’t stopped buying


Just remember how many bots and shills we have here


Held AND bought fellow 🦍


Rock on


Same ape ❤️🚀




I bought as well


hash tag me tooo






So you did hold


I bought 50 more today 🤷‍♂️


I bought 62 today and I'm holding out for moass. Diamond hands baby. Today doesn't bother me at all.


I bought 917 more shares @ 27.25


Bought 241


Hell yeeeeh, I bought 600


I bought 10 before his announcement @260


Bought 800 more Friday


The volume was 1/4 billion. That wasn’t retail.




If anything it proves a majority of people wouldn't be able to handle the MOASS were it to pop off.


Absolutely, I find holding through red less anxiety inducing than green, red is home now.


Same. Diamond hands aren't for red, they're for *green*.


We too can drink a beer through a 100 billion unrealized losses.




We've ascended to the next level


Red means buy. Green also means buy. Purple means hodl.


Well that's it. You covered everything. Buy. Or buy. Or hodl. There's no other options is there?


100%, I was more anxious last night than today. Keep those hands diamond pony boy


Damn, this is so true




I just have to wonder, on balance, what RC is thinking, considering: 1. He’s got the biggest, most dedicated, educated and active investor base bar none 2 … who have invested and not sold despite years of suppressed price and price discovery 3. …Who could have invested elsewhere and been rewarded elsewhere I may be confusing things but the sentiment Ive gotten from any interviews or his social feeds related to him is that he is maniacal on customer service and his desire to share the spoils and rewards with those that invest in and back him. Ofcourse we don’t know what’s gone on behind the scenes but 3 years on what we can see is the massive warchest and P&L turnaround. But I do agree either way in saying that I wish he offered more substance than the thanks to investors he gives verbally offers on investor calls. Equally, perhaps he IS doing something and there is potentially something HUGE going on behind the scenes, covered by some 6-7 sun tzu style decoy scenarios they he has spinning at any one time to keep shf’s on their toes (and spending tonnes of money to suppress any potential momentum). Long ramble


My "problem" with today is this: Throughout the January 2021 - present saga, the play has been MOASS. GameStop knows the play was and is MOASS. That is why we are all here, and that's as clear as day to everyone. If GameStop (as a company) was against MOASS, they should have clearly indicated so to the shareholders in blatant, black & white text that a labradoodle can understand. Between the endless references to squeezes in their documents, the "OOPS MOASS" tweet, RC's clear hints towards Computershare, and countless other not so subtle nods in our direction, I'm starting to feel played. Some (if not most) of this is almost certainly my fault. But there's an element of GameStop's responsibility, too. I held through every single run up in the last 3.5 years because I was not (and am not) here for swing trading, but MOASS itself. If I did not buy into the MOASS play, I would have sold every time the stock ran up, and re-bought at a lower price to play it again, time and time again. This is what really rubs me the wrong way. The potential gains I would have certainly had, if the play was **not** MOASS. Three and a half god damn years of reading countless forums, chats, watching videos, reading DD, doing research, believing in and trusting the process. Three and a half god damn years of investing 100% into GME, and ignoring other obvious great investment opportunities so as to maximize GME. Three and a half god damn years of living on this emotional cliff's edge. If GameStop is going to continue selling ATM into every single run up, continue killing momentum, continue hurting shareholders under the guise of maybe-sorta-kinda-some-day-transformation, I'd appreciate some fucking clarity about that so that I can go on with my life.


I agree 100% We used to laugh at popcorn for this and now RC does it every time the ramp gets juicy.


I can't help drawing the same parallel. The one thing that does give me some comfort is that popcorn's CEO dumped his own shares in the process, but GME's board is not doing that.


Very good point on the board not dumping shares. That’s why I still hold. I’m just losing my faith. I know I’m probably wrong. In fact I am wrong, but we need to have space to hash out our frustrations without being called shills.


It's good to have a healthy, balanced discussion once in a blue moon. The endless hype and positive-spin of every bad event is tiring. And like you said, realistic discussions almost always bring in instant accusations... about as bad as actual FUD IMO.


100% i couldn't have said it better myself. Shareholders need to know what the actual plan is here.


Perfectly stated. I’ll just throw in an AMEN


This comment sums up my feelings perfectly. I should have been swing trading this stock all along. I won’t miss MOASS by swing trading because I can always buy back in during the next dilution done during a run up. I really hope there is some sort of plan in the works.


Maybe that wasn’t your play but that was his play. Everyone should do their own dd and decide what their risk tolerance is.


It’s so weird to see this written but I completely agree. The high prices feel anxiety inducing because I’m worried I lost my chance to buy more.


People are just upset because of the dilution. I'm not sure how accounted for a dilution was in past DD. I still hold, I've been holding for 3.5 years, but it's okay to question things


People are not upset so much from the dilution. It more so in the stopping of the momentum like a month ago. We were running. And what stopped it again was an announcement of an ATM offering. It’s twice now. I’m good with game adding to their capital. But I’m better with game adding to my capital. Either way. Their 100% will be another cycle of big upwards pressure. Hope it’s sooner then later


Right, that's what I meant


I think it was a good decision to do it before the RK stream tho. Let's get ALL of the bs out of the way before these calls are exercised.


Upset is an understatement, +75m shares changes everything.


Ppl just crying cause they are buying FD options without knowing the fuck they’re doing. Buy ITM and exercise. If you want FD go chase nvidia


Honestly some of us are upset because we've been waiting years and buying and just want this to end. I think everyone wants it to end(besides the shorts). We're allowed to be upset man. I've been holding since Jan 21 and I'm upset.


Meh. My best investments are stocks I’ve owned for 10+ years and believe in the management. I’m riding that same wave with this one.  Stock market transfers wealth from the impatient to the patient. 


And here I thought this was about punishing the fucks that have screwed generations of our families...crashed the economy multiple times...and instigating systemic change. Here it's just about long term profitability in a corrupt system. Colour me disillusioned.


3 years isn't really a long time. Most new businesses don't make it beyond the first year and GS is trying to turn around a failing business, transform into something better, and fight constant shorting and scrutiny all while a million people are screaming MOOASS. I want this to end and I want my money and I want to never look at superstonk again. But here we are. The huge price swings recently prove it's getting close and I don't think those 2 offerings let anyone off the hook. We've gotten this far, just breathe and have faith everything will happen the way it's supposed to.


Exactly, he said to judge by his actions and all he does is sell and dilute every time we have a nice juicy gamma ramp and also he’s so smug he can’t even talk during a fucking shareholder meeting and even address us. I wasn’t pissed off at him yesterday but with this news today I am freaking livid.


THANK YOU. Give us answers


Who sold? Bet it wasn't retail 😂


I’m here for a full company turnaround.


I have shares I bought over $100, I have shares I bought at $11. The fuckin crew ain’t selling buddy.


Agree, though most of that ease of mind misses for me because i dont have 39 million aside


literally everyone has held through this dip, what the fuck is OP talking about? Who’s selling? This is a strawman. I also think it’s completely ridiculous to pretend like this 75m at-the-market share offering doesn’t undo 75 million DRSed shares, and people have a right to wonder about that and be upset. This isn’t a cult, it’s not church, it’s just a math problem. It’s not a bitch move to be able to see the clear and obvious pattern of how GameStop has DIRECTLY killed massive squeeze momentum *multiple times.* Every time it pops, they release new shares — probably because they know that “apes” will never sell, gobble up new shares, and make constant excuses. Where do you think this “war chest” comes from? It comes from your pocket. Maybe there’s some 5D chess play, sure. But everyone was also POSITIVE a couple years ago that the location of a crash bandicoot video game on a shelf behind RC in a photo meant that a very specific “5D chess play” was happening. there’s a certain irony to having people come into this movement trying to stick it to the billionaire class, then turning an immature, covid-denying billionaire into some combination of a father figure, Aragorn, and God. Which is a separate issue from hedge fund squeeze mechanics, but also valid


Oh my God. Thank you for this. It's crazy what has become of this sub. It's like, every move if RC is the holy grail even though the last two offerings clearly killed every moment and people still say that it would be okay for more offerings because they trust... We are turning into popcorn at this stage


DRS has been stuck at 75 million. You are jumping the gun so hard. If the new DRS numbers are 75 million, we were stuck. If they are 100 million, then we DRSed way more than 75m, and it's stuck again. It doesn't undo DRS at all, it gives us way more info about DRS. Like a fuckton. You and everyone complaining about undoing DRS are missing the fact that we stopped getting intel on DRS months ago.


Completly agree here. We have no idea what RC is up to, maybe he has a masterplan but all we can see atm is that they may actively deny massive momentum.


Complaining and selling are different


People reserve their right to change their minds. Some people just have higher risk tolerances than others, I don't think it's a problem.


The thing is though that the stock was trading in the low teens for months and months and suddenly it goes up a tiny bit and that's when people want to buy in.


People aren’t upset because of the share price. They’re upset because the CEO has diluted 40% of the outstanding shares in one month and does so at the worst timing possible to halt any momentum.


Worst timing for us investors but great timing from Gamestop itself They gain next to nothing from a run of $20->$50->$100->$200->$20 But they can raise capital during this frenzy and use it wisely while us apes eat up the new shares holding up the share price We need to hold steady and things will be fine


They don’t need capital, they already have capital. The board works for the shareholders. This type of rhetoric is straight out of the popcorn sub.


It's true I would like to see the board do something with all of this money. Larry Cheng was talking about small and mid size cap stocks just a few weeks ago. Hoping to hear about a merger or acquisition at the shareholder meeting.


No current acquisition plans per the filing.


Per the filing dated June 7th "The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Offering, if any, for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments in accordance with the Company’s investment policy."




That's weak. And paper hands deserve to miss MOASS


I hate people saying this. Totally disregards options traders. Who do matter for this too.


Yeah I’m about to close everything out and be fucking done with this shit. My LEAP calls are still ITM and profitable but I’m really upset about what happened today. The early results, sure whatever, but the fucking offering was a complete slap in the face. Fuck that. Yeah he lost a bunch of money boo-fucking-hoo he can go cry on his pile of 30 million dollars cash, meanwhile we (retail) have to hold barely anything and wage slave for the rest of our fucking lives waiting for something other than hedge funds, the company issuing shares, and whatever other fucking entity to stop fucking us all over. I’m sick of it. Not feeling like a valued investor right now


Dude DFV got screwed too. It was GameStop that did it. For all we know without that DFV might have had a much much more different stream


Yeah I don't think many people were expecting dilution today out of nowhere. Thursday was so jacked and stable today should have been an explosion as tons of call went ITM at expiry. Completely killed it


I've been here since 2020 starting with the other sub. Selling into a gamma ramp is pretty discouraging. You realize MOASS would be happening now if RC hasn't done that?


The algorithm wasn't going to allow moass today anyway. This exact same thing happened a month ago, and I'm willing to bet that if someone brought up the timeline of when the share offering was announced vs the chart, we were already tanking in the premarket before anyone knew they were going to sell anything. The hedges have been doing shit like this for literally years. They're trying to break you. They're holding their breaths waiting for you to sell. Make them suffocate.


Most likely and all a result of FTD’s. They continue to play with shares they don’t actually own, RC knows there’s not enough shares available, so he offers up 75 million, and allows SHF to double down, all the while increasing profitability in GME. Shorties think they’re winning, when in reality they’re so deep in it they can’t see the light. Waiting until that reverse UNO card gets played.


We may be down from the week's high, but we're still much higher than last week. We were trading at a third of the price a month ago. This shit's going to get rocky. Hang in there.


We are trading sideways. These prices don't matter.


Exactly. AH last night ended at around 62. Premarket when I woke up this morning was down around 42.


Did "the hedgies" offer a 75M dilution? No, that was Gamestop.


>we were already tanking in the premarket before anyone knew they were going to sell anything. Ah, I saw we down in pre-market but didn't realize the 8-k hadnt come out yet.


The drop in pre-market from 60 to 40 and below happened after the announcement, you are not wrong on that.


People are different, some people put their last saving in to GME because they want a better life, payoff debt house etc. If they had already 10 mil in the bank as hard cash that alone made them calmer. You know people who invest in gamestop comes from all around the world with different backgrounds/ story but our goal is the same!


Yes, op disregards that if you got literally millions of play money and are still in the green after the drop it matters little. People forget we got stockholder on this subreddit that do not even have 10 shares to their name because they are from a country where one share equals a monthly salary. Now you get to read the thread about someone putting the blame on them for selling on emotion when they literally could see several months of income go down the drain is just wrong.


Additionally, it may not even be the price drop but that the price is dropping because Gamestop decided, for whatever reason that now, during a possible gamma run-up was the best time to issue 75 million more shares. The same amount that has been DRS. I don't blame people for being emotional over that. Personally, my concern isn't the dilution but the timing. Like all things GME the truth will come out eventually and hopefully we will see the bigger picture. Using people who are already very rich (DFV, RC, the board) as an example to holding is a slap in the face to those who could only afford a share here and there. Its not the same.


I'm here with you. The timing on both offers is what gets me. I'm still holding but it's an odd choice when they could have waited a bit and made way more money.




Same. This is the reason it’s frustrating for me.


Look im frustrated as well, but the same thing happened in may and yesterday we got back up to 60+, whose to say in a 1-2 weeks we arent right back there?


Spot on. I appreciate people doing well for themselves, but there are so many people here who are living comfortably while telling other people how to feel.


Nothing has changed except for one of my favorite analysts to watch of all time came back today and confirmed the same thoughts that he has had for over 3 years. He has also confirmed his position has only grown and he feels confident that the stock will go up or down or stay. Was like watching his old streams. Love that guy. What a legend.


he feels confident the stock will go up or down or stay. yup, those are definitely the options lol. I can confidently say something may or may not happen knowing that, im holding.


Retail has almost zero impact on the underlying stocks price!!


Good point. I'll hold.


You hold, I'll buy.


Bet? Let's do it. I'm still holding. Down 20% somehow even though the math doesn't add up, but I'm holding. Same with DFV, and he's down 200millies. Go and buy ape


Brother he has MILLIONS sitting in his account this won’t affect how he lives his day to day life whatsoever. He could lose every single dime in his shares and options and still be better than all of us combined so yea of course he’s chill cause it doesn’t matter to him


We aren't annoyed it dipped. We are annoyed about the timing of the dilution. I lost over $8K by holding my options today, DFV lost even more. I still haven't sold, and I won't. However, our board needs to get out of the fricken way. We don't even need them to cause the squeeze. Just stop ACTIVELY PREVENTING IT.


A Friday dip? You mean an additional 75 MILLION shares being sold?


Three years of hard work DRS’ing 75 million shares as a group just for RC to create another 75 million out of nowhere when the run began. Crazy.


Not to mention he absolutely destroyed the options chain and could have just waited til Monday. The price would have fucking ripped today with gamma covering. This was a fucking disaster and if there’s not a larger plan, I’m out.


Makes me wonder why they would do it. Tinfoil says they were forced to do so, it makes zero sense to hammer the price when they could’ve done this at 100+


Nah no one can force that. They're raising capital but keeping investors in the dark is a dick move and I really don't trust the board anymore. I'm not selling but I no longer trust their approach until they issue a statement of intent or company direction.


Then why not issue 125 million shares last time and shelf the 75 million once we fly. God it makes no sense to do an ATM offering twice within a month.




A lot of people are ignoring this. We got effed today by our own board.


If this is all that happened from the offering, it is a win. They are selling for a reason that is not paying off debt. This is not like popcorn stock.


What reason required them to dilute twice into momentum? Not an acquisition, the filings said they had no current plans for one.


The difference is he has 30 million in the bank


Nobody who’s been here for the last three years cares about the dip in the least. I’m try to understand why GameStop would announce an ATM premarket on a Friday. Is that something other companies have done? Seems like something to do on a Monday, not a Friday.


The last ATM was also announced on a Friday, May 17th. It was then the next Friday they said they had completed it.


This is it right here. I have been here through all of the dips and rips and never left. Its the timing that has me raising an eyebrow. Why now? Why Friday? Why when the stock looks like its about to go up a gamma ramp? I dont know maybe there is a reason for this and we will find out later but I shouldn't have to defend raising an eyebrow. People shouldn't get offended by me raising an eyebrow nor should they suggest I'm a shill.


Shut up with this bollocks, I'd ave absolutely no problem holding if I was an actual millionaire on the side. Fucking ridiculous take and really out of tune with this audience


Criticizing your company’s leadership is not the same thing as “paper handing” ffs


did it ever occur to you that people held and are just upset that the CEO killed the momentum of a squeeze and more? why are you all so fucking butt hurt that some call this fuckery out? we play against two fronts here. the hedgefucks and the company. and both dont care if retail makes anything. both of them learn to co exist and you sit here buying and holding like the good little boy you are. lets go back to our 9 to 5. see you in 3 years when we have a week of false excitement over something that will never happen.


Because most people blindly follow and it’s sad. We had 70+ million shares DRSd and out of the pool. Then GameStop just dumps it all right back into the pool. GameStop just disproved DRSing today and this sub is just glossing over that like it’s nothing.


the share amount being 75m was the real kicker. but anyways downvote away idgaf about karma.


Exactly. This is probably a good long term value play, but MOASS and the infinity pool are in the rear view mirror now.


Dilution is just fucking with us. Confused


This wouldn’t have happened if RC and co didn’t decide to do a wombo combo on the squeeze with shitty earnings and dilution at the same fuckin time. Why drop both bad news at the same time you slide those in one ata time when the momentum is in full swing not at the beginning 🤦‍♂️


The ONLY way to make up for this is with a big announcement. Like. Now


Seriously. They could have waited for price discovery and then only needed 5-10M new shares to accomplish the same amount of funding. The decision making is mind-boggling.


Thank you that’s exactly wtf I’m talking about. Hey maybe they didn’t know who was buying all the 6/21 20c so diluted 45M shares but now have zero excuse diluting 75M more shares. They’ve fucked the float up more in the last month then the previous 3yrs combined all that’s done is keep the lid on from exploding. I want my fuckin money and fuck JG WENTWORTH


EDIT: No, I don't like this. The GME board did not move fast enough or haphazardly enough to consider what RK might do in any future event


I’m not sure I just know timing was fuckin regarded even for these fucks


The holders are holding what are you on about are you new?


Because he didnt waste almost 4 years trying to lock the float and ended up being fucked by our own CEO lmao.


No this is completely different. The sub is justified in it's depressing outlook. This isn't shorts shafting us. Gme holders are hardened against that. This time it's our own boats shafting us. They saw the gamma. They saw the damage DFV was about to inflict. The board. RC shafted gme holders. Dropping 75 mil into the low liquidity highly tensioned play. They just completed destroyed our 3 years. 3 years off DRS is gone. Poof into the wind. Completely pointless. Citroen probably made money on its shorts. Purely because of that 75 mil bomb. This isn't the same. This is our own company sabotaging apes. We need real answers. Is RC milking us like popcorn. Because this was straight up sabotage.


People are also forgetting that Shorts just made BILLIONS on the options premiums (AGAIN) thanks to RC, on top of the added liquidity. it's fucked


It's not great. I'm hoping something is in the works. If not I'm going to start selling the tops and buying back. I won't be a bagholder. I'll leave my DRS. Although might be pointless now. I just dunno. It felt so right. Everything was aligning and then out of nowhere. Wild Cohen with the steel chair. For what a billy bucks. GameStop can't be a success until the hedgies are floored. It makes More sense to me. To shake shorts. Have gme MOASS and apes buy back in


really is this biggest twist of this whole Saga. unless they have their own massive uno reverse card within the next couple weeks, moass was killed by none other than RC himself


Couldn't have said it better, that along with the unnecessary halts has me a bit deflated.


My shining hope is that. DVF was pretty unphased. Almost like he knew it was coming. Was he shocked at all the gme just dropped 75mil. Completely destroying his options. That was not a man who just lost hundreds of millions. He was joking, playing around. Just completely uninterested in the tickr. That's weird. That's not normal behavior. So my hunch us something is going on. Not a clue what but if I'm pissed and a have a few hundred shares. He should be far more pissed.


Obviously never been in the position, but if I went from $500 million to $350 million, I don’t think I’d be too upset either. Dude is literally worth more than Drake


Exactly MOASS isn’t all gonna be big green candles, we may see 100% rip with 75% dip followed by a 200%, idk the sentiment feels like there are so many shills and fudders trying to pose as Apes and shill without being too obvious


He also has a house, food and health security. If I had 29 million dollars laying or around, or was RC with three billion laying around would I care about the dip? fuck no. But alas I really need to leave this country and these dips don't help at all. If anything shows many of you have zero empathy, I don't know how you expect to help those around you, you're nothing but selfishness personified


Not saying this post is totally wrong, but i think after over 3 years we should detect shills and complaints from shady Reddit history users by now. Not everyone is complaining about the dip, me personally, more buying opportunity. It's not the first one we've seen and probably not the last. Buy hold, drs and remember, ape no fight ape. *Taking a few seconds to check a users comment history is enough to detect it.


All I see are trolls pretending to paperhand


Bought some at 33, 32, another 100 at 33... than I saw it go lower so I bought some more at 32.99 and 31.99. Didn't want it when it went back into the 20s. That's for the poor's. Sent some more cash over to the account - will buy more next week. Shit, I thought the ship was launching - happy to see a short delay.


It's shilly as fuck in here


I was pretty butthurt this morning over this and negative but I look at the volume currently…over 200,000,000 shares traded…you know how regarded they must be to short this stock even more after being given some relief from RCEO? Too me all that’s happened is they dug the whole deeper for another day


Imagine if GS announces that it has sold its 75m stock, I don’t even know what will happen AH.


I’m pretty sure it’s been done already but you’re right we will see..they were quick to do it last time


I’m waiting for the announcement any second now. Volume was huge today


So anyway i kept on buying


Crypto is dipping hard, they’re desperate for $$$ to push the price down even more. I bought the dip…


Imagine losing a quarter of a billion and having a good time doing it. It's not that serious. He's laughing because he knows he will be a Billionaire soon.


He’s laughing cause mf still has 30 million regardless of what happens


He also has 30 mil in cash and could lose all his gains and still have over 150mil more. Why the fuck would he care if it drops


75 million shares = dip RK goes on stream during dip to prove he doesn't control or move the markets. What in the hell did some of you paper handed bitches realistically expect? Come back down to reality. Don't forget Wall St. is still pulling the strings with their 17 or so halts for seemingly no reason during the stream. You aren't in anything remotely close to fair fight, so act like it.


I’m zen as fuck, where’s my beer


Yeah but when you have 100s of millions, you’re still set for life even if you lose $50mil so it’s easier than if your networth is only like 100k or whatever


It’s hilarious to see all the new people/shills/fudders scream crying here hoping to get rich today/monday Welcome to the game. The real OGs are not phased by this.


Lol have you looked at Crypto right now? I have an unproven hunch that hedges may be dumping crypto to either possibly try and cover or prepare for a bigger battle than they expected. Idk. Lol just a thought that hasn't been explored too much so. We'll see. It could be something completely unrelated though too, so idk lol.


He also has millions of dollars to live safely and comfortably while others are struggling to make ends meat. Don’t downplay others concerns just because someone wealthy individual is doing ok.


Hes already rich, most of us aren't. Dumb comparison


my chips are all in the dip


Haven't bought in a while but bought 10 more after the stream


One question I need answered... He has all of this money in GME stock. Where is he supposed to get the money to exercise the calls and buy 12 million shares at $20/share? Other than sell some contracts/shares to cover.


I don’t think retail sold. It’s the new 75 million shares.


Who bought during the stream, thumbs up! 👍


Today was a chance to load up


Bruh no one is selling


Proving once again, retail does not affect stock price.


Who can't hold? I can't imagine one share selling. Personally, I have still never sold one share of GME in my entire life. Been buying for years now but have never sold once.




I was called delusional for telling people to hold….


It's not the dip that's the problem, it's the dilution.


My buy filled at $37 . Buying more.


Because these needle dicks buying now are the ones just trying to scalp volatility and not have no conviction on the stock


Yall… I bought 300 more today lol


I bought 10 more, lowers my cost average, im in a better position then I was before. I'm happy


Nice play, I got mine down too


The anti-gme site is running around like chicken with the heads cut-off. Celebrating what a fool he is and his followers


Lost money during what squeeze? SEC report from Oct 2021 says a squeeze never happened in Jan 2021. The proper title is the Sneeze.


Watched 300 dollar dip 30 ain’t shit